1、综合汉语练习(一)(1-6 课)一、默写声母。二、默写韵母。三、看拼音,写汉字hnmn hny bba mma e jijie ddi mimei nrn nnshn xushn tnxu yuj jxn ynhn qqin mntin knjin Bijn jntin zutin xnq xuxio zijin dubq qnwn jnli miunxi xixie bkqi hch nzu shnt uxn uji mnz xux hnz fyn zhnwnsh pnyu zzh 4、选词填空:(1) 好 大 忙 难 1.中国很( )。 2.你爸爸身体( )吗?3.汉语很( )学。 4.我
2、们Error!天学习都很( )。(2)很 太1.中国的东西( )好吃。 2.中国人( )多了。3.妈妈的工作不( )忙。 3.他的中文( )好。(3)去 回 来1.你( )哪儿?我( )家。 2.玛丽 1 月 18 日( )国,你呢?3.爸爸Error! 星期( )Error!Error! 看我。 4.Error!老师不在柳州,她( )北京了。5.老师,我不Error!Error! ,我( )Error!Error!Error!Error!一会儿。 6.下星期,我请你们( )我家Error! 儿。五、组词: eg. 汉(汉语)难( ) 喝( ) 中( ) 学( ) 国( ) 语( )朋( )
3、书( ) 请( ) 见( ) 天( ) 回( )名( ) 文( ) 字( ) 钱( ) 人( ) 星( )6、write the number 38 56 129 370 604 22007、Translate1.I have a young brother ,his name is zhangdong ,he is very busy ,he study English .2.Tomorrow Anna will go to the post office to post the letter . Mary will go to the bank to draw money.3.zhangd
4、ong will go to the classroom ,he wont go back the bedroom .4.Tomorrow is Saturday ,I will go to the park with my friend.5.My name is handong , is not hantong .6.This is my old friend ,Mike . That is my old sister ,Mary.7.Chinese characters is very difficult , but pronunciation is not too difficult.8
5、.this is my brothers German book . That is my friends magazine.9.I will go to the bookshop to buy several magazine . My sister will go to the store to buy something.10.How many students in your class ? What country are you from?(what are your nationality?)8、Answer the questions1.星期一你们有听力课吗?2.你有哥哥姐姐吗?3.明天你去不去市中心看电影?4.你们班有俄罗斯人吗?他(她)是男的还是女的?5.请问,你是喝茶还是喝咖啡?6.玛丽 1 月 18 号回国,你呢?7.你在哪学习中文?8.我的书在宿舍,我和你一起看书好吗?9.你妈妈的生日是几月几号?