1、Chapter 4 The Contractor, Nominated Subcontractors, Staff and Labour,4.1 The Contractor,Definition of Contractor :the person(s) named as contractor in the Letter of Tender accepted by the Employer and the legal successors in title to this person(s).,THE TRINITY OF THE EMPLOYER, ENGINEER, CONTRACTOR,
2、contractor,employer,engineer,Contract relationship,Contract relationship,Working relationship*,The contractor gets paid for the work he performs and the employer gets the work he is paying for.,Contractors general obligations4.1,1.The contractor shall design (to the extent specified in the contract)
3、, execute and complete the works in accordance with the contract and with the engineers instructions, and shall remedy any defects in the works.,2.The contractor shall provide the Plant and Contractors documents specified in the contract, and all contractors personnel, goods, consumables and other t
4、hings and services.,3.The contractor shall be responsible for the adequacy, stability and safety of all site operations and of all methods of construction.,4.The Contractor shall submit details of the arrangements and methods which the Contractor proposes to adopt for the execution of the Works,5.If
5、 the Contractor shall design any part of the Permanent Works, the Contractor shall comply with sub-paragraph (a)(d),1.language for communication:交流语言 2.as-built document:竣工文件 3.opration and maintenance manuals: 操作和维护手册,The Contractor shall obtain (at his cost) a Performance Security for proper perfo
6、rmance, in the amount and currencies stated in the Appendix to Tender.,保函是一种第三方的经济担保,在符合支付条件下,由银行或保险公司出具。用以担保在合同下合同权利和义务的顺利完成,由合同一方提出要求另一方通过第三方的担保,向合同一方提供合同义务的履行保障。如果另一方没有按照合同的条款或要求履行合同,或有任何违约行为,或在建设期间面临清算,破产,合同一方有权根据保函的条件,向第三方提出赔偿或承担相应的合同违约责任。,Performance Security4.2,Please answer the following que
7、stions:1.When shall the Contractor deliver the Performance Security? 2.Who shall issue the Performance Security? And what form? 3.What is valid period of the Performance Security? 4.What conditions shall the Employer make a claim under the Performance Security?,1.entity:实体 2.Performance Certificate(
8、Sub-Clause11.9) 3.expiry date:到期日,期满日期,Contractor shall not subcontract the whole of the works. The Contractor shall be responsible for the acts or defaults of any Subcontractor, as if they were the acts or defaults of the Contractor. Unless otherwise stated in the Particular Conditions:承包商就分包商的违约承担
9、连带责任,Subcontractors4.4,(a) the Contractor shall not be required to obtain consent to suppliers of Materials, or to a subcontract for which the Subcontractor is named in the Contract; 承包商在选择材料供应商或向合同中指明的分包商进行分包时,不需要获得同意(b) the prior consent of the Engineer shall be obtained to other proposed Subcontr
10、actors; 对其他建议的分包商应取得工程师的同意,(c) the Contractor shall give the Engineer not less than 28 days notice of the intended date of the commencement of each Subcontractors work, and of the commencement of such work on the Site; and 承包商应该至少在28天前将每个分包商工作的拟定开工日期和该工作在现场的拟定开工日期通知工程师 (d) each subcontract shall inc
11、lude provisions which would entitle the Employer to require the subcontract to be assigned to the Employer or in the event of termination. 每个分包合同应该包括,雇主有权根据第4.5款或者如果雇主终止合同时根据第15.2款,将分包合同转让给雇主的规定。 assign: 分派,选派,分配;归于,归属;法律 把(财产,权利、利息)从一人转让给另一人;把编制 n.常用复数法律受让人,接受财产等转让的人,受托者,The Contractor shall set ou
12、t the Works in relation to original points, lines and levels of reference specified in the Contract or notified by the Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for the correct positioning of all parts of the Works, and shall rectify any error in the positions, levels, dimensions or alignment of
13、 the Works.,The Employer shall be responsible for any errors in these specified or notified items of reference, but the Contractor shall use reasonable efforts to verify their accuracy before they are used.,Setting Out4.7,Progress Reports4.21,Unless otherwise stated in the Particular Conditions, mon
14、thly progress reports shall be prepared by the Contractor and submitted to the Engineer in six copies.The first report shall cover the period up to the end of the first calendar month following the Commencement Date. Reports shall be submitted monthly thereafter, each within 7 days after the last da
15、y of the period to which it relates.除非专用条件中另有说明,承包商应编制月进度报告,一式六份提交给工程师。第一次报告所包含的期间,应从开工日期起至紧随开工日期的第一个月历的最后一天止(即应从开工日期起至当月的月底止)。此后应每月提交一次报告,在每次报告期最后一天后7日内报出。,Reporting shall continue until the Contractor has completed all work which is known to be outstanding at the completion date stated in the Taki
16、ng-Over Certificate for the Works.报告应持续至承包商完成了工程接收证书上注明的竣工日期时未完成的全部工作(全部扫尾工作)为止。,Each report shall include: (a) 设计(如有时)、承包商的文件、采购、制造、货物运达现场、施工、安装和调试的每一阶段以及各指定分包商(在第5条【指定分包商】中定义的)实施工程的这些阶段进展情况的图表与详细说明; (b) 反映制造和现场进展状况的照片;,(c) 与每项主要永久设备和材料制造有关的制造商名称、制造地点、进度百分比,以及以下各项的实际或预期日期: (i) 开始制造; (ii) 承包商的检查; (i
17、ii) 检验;以及 (iv) 运输和到达现场,(d) 在第6.10款【承包商的人员和设备的记录】中描述的详细情况; (e) 材料的质量保证文件、检验结果及合格证的副本;(f) 依据第2.5款【雇主的索赔】和第20.1款【承包商的索赔】颁发的通知清单;,(g) 安全统计,包括涉及环境和公共关系方面的任何危险事件与活动的详情;以及 (h) 实际进度与计划进度的对比,包括可能影响按照合同完工的任何事件和情况的详情,以及为消除延误而正在(或准备)采取的措施。,Definition of Nominated Subcontractor: a subcontractor who is stated in
18、the contract as being a nominated Subcontractor, or whom the Engineer instructs the Contractor to employ as a Subcontractor.,4.2 Nominated Subcontractors,The Contractor shall not be under any obligation to employ a nominated Subcontractor against whom the Contractor raises reasonable objection by ,a
19、n objection shall be deemed reasonable if it arises from any of the following matters ,unless the employer agrees to indemnify the contractor against and from the consequences of the matter. 有义务做产生于、起因于保障某人免于,Objection to Nomination 5.2,下列情况(但不限于)被认为是合理的理由: (a)有理由相信分包商没有足够的能力、资源或资金实力; (b)分包合同没有规定,指定
20、分包商应保障承包商免于承担由指定分包商的任何疏忽或货物误用导致的责任;或 (c)分包合同没有规定,指定分包商对所分包工程,应该:(i)承担分包工程范围的义务和责任,使承包商可以免除其在分包工程项下的义务和责任,以及(ii)保障承包商免于由于分包商没能按照合同实施分包工程而导致的所有义务和责任。,The Contractor shall pay to the nominated Subcontractor the amounts which the Engineer certifies to be due in accordance with the subcontract. These amo
21、unts plus other charges shall be included in the Contract Price in accordance with subparagraph (b) of Sub-Clause 13.5 Provisional Sums, except as stated in Sub-Clause 5.4 Evidence of Payments.,Payments to nominated Subcontractor 5.3,Before issuing a Payment Certificate which includes an amount paya
22、ble to a nominated Subcontractor, the Engineer may request the Contractor to supply reasonable evidence that the nominated Subcontractor has received all amounts due in accordance with previous Payment Certificates, less applicable deductions for retention or otherwise. Unless the Contractor: 1.定语从句
23、:在发出包含应付给指定分包商金额的付款证书前 2.宾语从句:证明指定分包商已收到按照此前付款证书应付的、适当的扣除保留金或其他扣除后的所有金额。,Evidence of Payments 5.4,“retention money” means the accumulated retention moneys which the Employer retains under Sub-Clause 14.3 and pays under Sub-Clause 14.9 保留金:为了确保在施工阶段,或在缺陷责任期间,由于承包商未能履行合同义务,由业主(或工程师)指定他人完成应由承包商
24、承担的工作所发生的费用。 FIDIC合同条件规定,保留金的款额为合同总价的5,从第一次付款证书开始,按期中支付工程款的10扣留,直到累计扣留达到合同总额的5止。,保留金的支付(退还)一般分两次进行。当颁发整个工程的接收证书时,将一半保留金退还给承包商;当工程的缺陷责任期满时,另一半保留金将由工程师开具证书付给承包商。如果工程的缺陷责任期满时,承包商仍有未完工作,则工程师有权在剩余工程完成之前扣发他认为与需要完成的工程费用相应的保留金余款。,思考题一,FIDIC合同条件规定,保留金是在( )时,从承包商应得款项中按投标书附件规定比例扣除的金额。 (A) 支付预付款 (B) 中期付款 (C) 竣工
25、结算 (D) 最终支付 参见Sub-Clause 14.3(c),B,思考题二,在FIDIC合同条件下,某项工程的合同保留金总额为300万元,当获得一个区段的工程接收证书时,该区段的合同价值占总工程最终估算价的30%,则应返还的保留金是( )万元。 A 36 B 60 C 45 D 18 参见Sub-Clause 14.9,D,14.9保留金的支付当已颁发工程接收证书时,工程师应确认将保留金的前一半支付给承包人。如果某分项工程或部分工程颁发了接收证书,保留金应按一定比例予以确认和支付。此比例应是该分项工程或部分工程估算的合同价值,除以估算的最终合同价格所得比例的五分之二(40%)。,分析:,分
26、两次返还,第一次时颁发工程接受证书后,将保留金的一半支付给承包商,如果只限于一个区段或一部分,则返还金额=保留金的一半*移交部分的估算价/最终合同的估算价*40% ,保修期满颁发履约证书后,剩余保留金偿还 所以:返还保留金=300/2*30%*40%=18 万元,Unless (a) and (b)then the Employer may (at his sole discretion) pay, direct to the nominated Subcontractor, part or all of such amounts previously certified (less appl
27、icable deductions) as are due to the nominated Subcontractor and for which the Contractor has failed to submit the evidence described in sub-paragraphs (a) or (b) above. The Contractor shall then repay, to the Employer, the amount which the nominated Subcontractor was directly paid by the Employer.
28、discretion:慎重,慎重;考虑周到;判断力,辨别力;自行决定的自由,指定分包商 1.概念:由业主(或工程师)指定、选定,完成某项特定工作内容并与承包商签订分包合同的分包商。 2.与一般分包商处于相同的合同地位,受承包商的监督、协调。,3.特点(与一般承包商的差异) 选择分包单位的主体不同 指定:业主方,须经总承包商确认 一般:承包商,经业主方核准认可 分包合同工作内容不同 指定:不属于承包商完成的工作范围 一般:承包商承包工作范围的一部分,工程款的支付开支项目不同 指定:从暂定金额内开支 一般:从清单中相应工作内容项内支付 业主对分包商利益的保护不同 指定:在合同条件中列有保护指定分包
29、商的条款 一般:没有保护条款 承包商对分包商违约承担责任的范围不同 指定:承包商不承担指定分包商的违约责任 一般:承包商就分包商的违约承担连带责任,1.make arrangement for 2.rates of wagesconditions of labour 3.locally recognized days of restliving quarters 4.take precautions tomedical staff first aid facilities sick bayprevention of epidemicsaccident prevention officer,4.
30、3 Staff and Labour,Exercise,1.In an entire contract, where the employer agrees to pay a certain sum in return for civil engineering work, which is to be executed by the contractor, the contractor is not entitled to any payment if he abandons the work prior to completion, and will be liable in damage
31、s for breach of contract.,在总承包合同中,雇主同意为承包商将实施的土木工程支付一笔钱,如果承包商在竣工前放弃工程,他无权得到价款并将为违约导致的损失负责。,2.Translate 4.53. Translate 4.9(1)(2)4. Translate 4.18,4.5分包合同权益的转让如果分包商的义务延伸到有关缺陷通知期限的期满日期以后,工程师在该日期前,指示承包商将此类义务的权益,转让给雇主时,承包商应照办。除非在转让中另有规定,在转让生效后,承包商对分包商实施的工作,不应再对雇主负责。,4.9质量保证 承包商应建立质量保证体系,以证实符合合同要求。该体系应符合合同的详细规定。工程师有权对体系的任何方面进行审查。 承包商应在每一设计和实施阶段开始前,向工程师提交所有程序和如何贯彻要求的文件的细节,供其参考。当任何技术性文件发给工程师时,文件本身应有经承包商本人事先批准的明显证据。,4.18环境保护承包商应采取一切适当措施,保护(现场内外)环境,限制由其施工作业引起的污染、噪音和其他后果对公众和财产造成的损害和妨害。承包商应确保因其活动产生的气体排放、地面排水及排污等,不超过规范规定的数值,也不超过适用法律规定的数值。,