1、担保与银行保函,4 June 2018,2,参考书目,金赛波 中国信用证和贸易融资法律:案例和资料,法律出版社,2005年出版阎之大,UCP600解读与例证,中国商务出版社苏宗祥,国际结算,中国金融出版社,4 June 2018,3,担保,担保:为了保障债权实现而采取的法律措施 目的:确保债权的实现 经济合同义务的履行由债务人或第三者提供分类:物的担保以有形财产或权益 人的担保(信用担保)-以资信,4 June 2018,4,中华人民共和国担保法,担保方式保证抵押:财产 抵押人-抵押权人 抵押物质押:动产占有 出质人-质权人 质物留置 因保管合同、运输合同、加工承揽合同发生的债权,债务人不履行
2、债务的,债权人有留置权。 定金:给付定金作为债权的担保,4 June 2018,5,中华人民共和国物权法,第一百八十条债务人或者第三人有权处分的下列财产可以抵押:(一)建筑物和其他土地附着物;(二)建设用地使用权;(三)以招标、拍卖、公开协商等方式取得的荒地等土地承包经营权;(四)生产设备、原材料、半成品、产品;(五)正在建造的建筑物、船舶、航空器;(六)交通运输工具;(七)法律、行政法规未禁止抵押的其他财产。,4 June 2018,6,中华人民共和国物权法,第二百二十三条债务人或者第三人有权处分的下列权利可以出质:(一)汇票、支票、本票;(二)债券、存款单;(三)仓单、提单;(四)可以转让
3、的基金份额、股权;(五)可以转让的注册商标专用权、专利权、著作权等知识产权中的财产权;(六)应收账款;(七)法律、行政法规规定可以出质的其他财产权利。,4 June 2018,7,担保合同的法律性质,担保合同是主合同的从合同按照担保人 1、是否可以放弃先诉抗辩权 2、是否承担第一性付款责任从属性担保合同/独立性担保合同,4 June 2018,8,先诉抗辩权,当债权人向保证人请求履行保证债务时,保证人基于先诉抗辩权,可以拒绝债权人的请求,而要求债权人先就主债务人的财产强制执行,只有在主债务人的财产被执行以后仍不够清偿债务时,保证人才应就剩余部分的债务负责。在保证人享有先诉抗辩权的情况下,保证人
4、所承担的只是补充责任,在主债务人有资产清偿其全部债务时,甚至保证人将不负责任。因此先诉抗辩权的存在,大大地减轻了保证人的责任,从而对鼓励担保、保障债权发挥了重要作用。,4 June 2018,9,从属性担保合同,以基础合同或主合同的执行为基础主债务人根据主合同所享有的抗辩权,担保人同样享有承诺的责任属于第二性付款责任-补充连带责任,4 June 2018,10,独立性担保合同,不依附基础合同或主合同,独立法律效力的文件担保人无权要求受益人提供主合同没有履行的确凿证据承诺的责任属于第一性付款责任,4 June 2018,11,国际惯例,Uniform rules for Demand Guara
5、ntees见索即付保函统一规则1992年ICC458,4 June 2018,12,4 June 2018,13,Banks letter of guarantee,A bank guarantee is a written promise issued by a bank at the request of its customer, undertaking to make payment to the beneficiary within the limits of a stated sum of money in the event of default by the principal
6、.银行保函是指银行应委托人的申请而开立的有担保性质的书面承诺文件,一旦委托人未按其与受益人签订的合同的约定偿还债务或履行约定义务时,由银行履行担保责任,Monday, June 4, 2018,14,银行保函的性质,Accessory L/G有条件保函 1、银行信用是备用的、第二性的、附属的 2、 国际上起诉追偿困难Independent L/G 1、无条件保函见索即付 2、不依附基础合同或主合同,独立法律效力的文件 3、第一性付款责任履行情况:1、直接向银行请求偿付 2、不必首先清偿主债务人,4 June 2018,15,保函的种类,P320保函的作用 一、付款类保函 作为合同价款和费用的按
7、期支付的保证 二、信用类保函 合同违约时对受害方进行补偿的工具或对违约方进行惩罚的的手段,4 June 2018,16,Types,投标保函(Tender Guarantee/Bid Bond)在以招标方式成交的工程建造和物资采购等项目中,银行应招标方的要求具的、保证投标人在招标有效期内不撤标、不改标、中标后在规定时间内签定合同或提交履约保函的书面文件。履约保函(Performance Guarantee)担保银行应工程承包方或商品供货方的申请而向业主或买方出具的、保证承包方或供货方严格履行合同义务的书面文件。,4 June 2018,17,保函的当事人,基本当事人1、申请人Applicant
8、 / Principal 履行义务避免索赔;索赔时全额偿付 保函申请书2、受益人Beneficiary :担保权益的享受者 履行义务;提出索赔;提交索偿书或文件3、担保行Guarantor :接受委托;出具保函,4 June 2018,18,保函的当事人,4、通知行转递行Advising/Transmitting Bank) 受担保行委托;负责表面真实性 5、转开行Reissuing Bank : 根据担保行请求; “应受益人要求”境外担保境内担保 担保行提供反担保 转开行由此成为担保人,4 June 2018,19,保函的当事人,6、反担保反担保人Counter-Guarantor申请人在请
9、求担保人出具担保前向担保人提供的担保 上市公司的互相担保问题 为申请人向担保人出具书面反担保的人,4 June 2018,20,P324保函的操作流程Procedures,4 June 2018,21,第二节 保函的内容和条款P325,不同的国家不同的习惯不同的法律不同的客户不同的银行不同的商业合约当事人不同种类的担保不同的责任,4 June 2018,22,Number and issuing date;The name and address of basic parties ;The type and purpose of the guarantee;The description of
10、 background of opening the guarantee and the relative reference number;The value and currency of the guarantee;The duration and expiry date of the guarantee;Obligations and rights of basic parties;The undertaking clause;Arbitration clause,Basic contents,4 June 2018,23,Demand guarantee?,ADVANCE PAYME
11、NT GUARANTEE No._We have been informed that _(hereinafter called “the Supplier”) has entered into a contract no. _for the supply of one (1) licensee built _. Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the contract, an advance payment in the sum of USD _corresponding 20% of the c
12、ontract price, is to be made against an advance payment guarantee. At the request of the Supplier, we Nordea Bank Finland Plc hereby guarantee as for our own debt to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount up to _(USD dollars _), in case the Supplier is obliged to repay the said adv
13、ance payment in accordance with the contract.It is a condition for any claim and payment to be made under this guarantee thatthe advance payment referred to above must have been received by the supplier on his account number _This guarantee shall expire on 15th April 2009 at the latest. Consequently
14、, any claim for payment under it must be received by us on or before that date and should we receive no claim from you by that date our liability will cease “ipso facto” and the present letter of guarantee will definitely become null and void.,4 June 2018,24,At the request of the Supplier, we Nordea
15、 Bank Finland Plc hereby guarantee as for our own debt to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount up to _(USD dollars _), in case the Supplier is obliged to repay the said advance payment in accordance with the contract.,4 June 2018,25,索偿有效 恶意1、文件:索偿通知书claim 商业文件,公证、检验机关的证明文件2、在有效期内,保函的索赔与理赔P339,4 June 2018,26,保函与信用证的比较p323,银行信用: 交易合同:均独立于合同之外支付依据:只承认单据不针对事实单据处理:只对表面性负责,要求不同,4 June 2018,27,保函与信用证的比较p323,使用的可能性 L/C-履约收款;L/G-违约赔偿使用范围: L/C-货物买卖; L/G-任何国际经济交往,赔款、还款、付款当事人不同: 买卖双方,