1、2008 M436 2 C/ MODERNDEFENCETECHNOLOGYApr. 2008Vo.l 36 No. 26/ F ; / *叶结松,朱岳超,陈治平,杨 辉(S b + a,g 230031)K 1:在光电对抗领域,高重频激光干扰是一种非常有效的干扰方式, 而如何改进现有的激光末制导武器的抗干扰性能成为一个迫切需要解决的问题b提出了抗高重频激光有源干扰的方案,该方案的核心在于根据高重频激光干扰信号的规律,形成一个反向高重频开关信号, 该信号与实际的高重频干扰信号同步b该方案经过实验室验证证明是可行的b1oM:高重频; 激光;抗干扰ms |: TN977; TP39119 DS :
2、 A cI|: 1009-086X( 2008)-02-0119-05ResearchonAgainstHighRepeatedFrequencyLaserJammingYE Jie-song, ZHU Yue-chao, CHEN Zh-i p ing, YANG Hu i( Artiuery Academ y of PLA, Anhu iH efei 230031, Ch ina)Abstract:H igh pu lse repetition frequency laser jamm ing is a very effectivem ethod in the field of op-to
3、eletron ic counterm easure. H ow ever, how to solve the counter jamm ing m easure of laser term inal guidedw eapons is very pressing. In this sub jec,t a schem e of counter high pulse repetition jamm ing of laser term -inal gu ided projectile is put forw ard. The core of the schem e of counter h igh
4、 pulse repetition frequencyjamm ing is m ak ing a inverted high pulse repetition frequency sw itch w hich is synchron izew ith high pulserepetition frequency jamm ing signals. This schem e is verified as a result of the laboratory.Keywords: h igh repetition frequency; laser; antijamm ing0 C,; u 1m b
5、; , F ? “SbLs ; ,5; F Z TTe b1. 1 ; F Z T;h; l“da ) s) sFbh F ? 1 3s F ? %b F n1 !Yo I b!Yo “ c -Z,1“|bCYo B !% L H2 1- 3b%o ( m1) BFM1|mT0 Tm (TmV|,LVo, “V UZE),KB TmT,v !VI ? pBQ !z H Yo 7 HW,Tm H YTm + 1, Tm + 2, , H Yo 7 HWbm1 %o Fig. 1 FixedwavegatesL Ho , ,o 9 L H !, BQ L= l| T/Bo , !/BQo 7 HW
6、,1 Tm+ 1 H Yo 7 HWTm H Y , Tm + 1 H Y %Tm+ 2 H Yo 7 HWbL Ho ! h“ o !9o !M NbyN,$ “ -v ; bI ; “S U S = 4 , !zI Z T? U|,;“S U vZ T? U|,7N H;hvI ? p l|i MY, MY-Z|,L V !o b “ -,; I Z T e, $Z MY? I M O HW -;| b CI Z Tb1. 2 ; ; | “ - Vr100 kppsP,1;I q10 20 pps,yN PMYI ? p$ , r, ; |9 rTb2 ; L Z T ; Z T m3
7、UbC“S U 1 o1106 Lm; ,yN ? o1106Lm; $ “S, 1; “S l, P );h j =b H, _$? ; ,i O q,#120# Pho z =* B , P; !| | “S|) ,V7/h MY“d bm3 UimFig. 3 Diagram ofthehighrepetition frequencylaserjamming signals Z T H,;1i;s ,1iMWxT1“b1 ,h 7 S$ 7_ , ? ; , Ph “S ? 3 y, H s b3 F ; Z I nB ; eZ Tb ! ; | 100 kpps, U;| 10 20
8、ppsbBE ,G 9 sQ_ | S,N S? | Q_ |,N| eB 0 71b ; |V 71 H V| |h“, :/ -Z|b“ LC ; r Fb F ; Z Uim m4 Ub ; | ) !,1V ,Q_ | # |h“3) Vb3. 1 ) |m4 F ; Z UimFig. 4 Diagram ofagainstthehigh repetitionfrequency laser jamming signalsB |b | q |10 000, 2| |i10 000 |b | 6M # |,s/+ f ) :( 1)6 |6, 5, 4, 32| H, 2| sY* 0,
9、 1, 2,4 |b5 0, 1, 2 42|W* 10 000M b f V ? 3b( 2)6 |10|H, H2| i10 000| b2 f V ? 3,92 f ? 3b s 6 |B| bm5 | fbYVs, VV+ f s /? p:| -3 M H, V 1| | ,Nf c1, c6c7b -2| H, V KB| | ,N f c2, c3c4b -2|M3|H, V KB| | ,N f c5b#121#= , ,: F ; / C/ 2008 M36 2 1 B,mc312 M H,9 |zC2|W,N H VB 3 f bm5 | f Fig. 5 Differen
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