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SMTC 3 0A1 001 扭矩失效试验规范 (110711).pdf

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1、 上海汽车版权所有 秘密文件 注意保密 Copyright SAIC Group Confidential 上汽股份有限公司技术中心企业技术标准 Enterprise Technical Standard of SAIC Motor Technical Center SMTCSMTC 3 0A1 0012011(V1)扭矩失效试验规范 Torque to failure test specification 2011-07-11 发布/Issue 2011-07-12 实施/Implementation 上汽股份技术中心技术标准化委员会 Technical Standardization Co

2、mmittee of SAIC Motor Technical Center 发 布Issue SMTC 3 0A1 001-2011 (V1) I 上海汽车版权所有 秘密文件 注意保密 Copyright SAIC Group Confidential 目 次/Contents 前言Foreword . II 1 适用范围Scope . 1 2 试验目的Objective . 1 3 试验方法Test method . 1 3.1 仪器设备Equipment . 1 3.2 试验样件Sample 1 3.3 试验准备Test preparation 1 3.4 试验步骤Test steps

3、2 3.5 数据处理Data process 2 4 试验报告Test report . 3 SMTC 3 0A1 001-2011 (V1) II 上海汽车版权所有 秘密文件 注意保密 Copyright SAIC Group Confidential 前 言 为规范汽车螺纹紧固件接头开发工程实验室的试验,基于2009年5月至2011年5月期间已实施的100项试验(单项试验样本数大于 15套),特制定本标准。 请注意本文件的某些内容可能涉及专利,上汽集团不承担识别这些专利的责任。 当中英文产生疑义时,以中文为准。 本规范由整车试验分标委提出。 本规范由SMTC技术标准化委员会批准。 本规范由

4、标准化工作组归口管理。 本规范起草部门:试验认证部。 本规范主要起草人:钱海挺,金耀军,陶俊。本规范于2011年7月11日首次发布,2011年7月12日实施。 Foreword According to the experience of the 100 tests (each test base on more than 15 sam-ples) between May,2009 to May,2011, this standard is established for the premise to spe-cify the test of the TFJD LAB. Please note

5、 that some contents in this document may relate to patent rights, which SAIC Group shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. This standard is in Chinese and English. If in doubt, the Chinese version is the Master. This standard was proposed by Vehicle test sub-comm

6、ittee. This standard was approved by the SMTC Technical Standardization Committee. This standard is under the management of Standardization working team. The drafting department of this standard is: Test and Validation Dept. The main drafters of this standard are: Qian Haiting, Jin Yaojun, Tao Jun.

7、This standard was first published on Jul, 11, 2011 and implemented on Jul.12, 2011. SMTC 3 0A1 001-2011 (V1) 1 上海汽车版权所有 秘密文件 注意保密 Copyright SAIC Group Confidential 扭矩失效试验规范 Torque to failure test standard 1 范围 本规范规定了扭矩失效试验的试验方法。 本规范适用于实验室方法确定给定接头中的螺纹紧固件在室温条件下,扭矩法安装的扭矩能力,了解给定接头的失效模式。 1 Scope This sta

8、ndard specifies the method of torque to failure test. This standard applies to determine the maximum assemble torque of the fastener in a certain joint under the room temperature, and to find out the failure mode of a certain joint. 2 试验目的 为了最大程度地使用螺栓的强度,而且在装配螺栓时能避免屈服,通过本试验可以确定出螺纹紧固件在给定接头中的最大常温装配扭矩。

9、 通过本试验还可以确定接头失效模式。 2 Objective To use the full strength of the fastener, and to avoid the yield of the fastener. The maxi-mum assemble torque of the fastener in the certain joint can be determined by this test method. It can also find out the failure mode of the joint. 3 试验方法 3 Test method 3.1 仪器设备

10、3.1 Equipment 3.1.1 夹具,用于夹持接头零件的设备; 3.1.1 Jig is an equipment, which is used to clamp the joint members. 3.1.2 拧紧设备,用于产生输入扭矩的设备; 3.1.2 Tightening equipment is used to pro-duce the input torque. 3.1.3 扭矩传感器,用于测量施加在螺栓上的输入扭矩的传感器; 3.1.3 Torque sensor is a kind of sensor, which is used to measure the tor

11、que. 3.1.4 转角传感器,用于测量螺栓旋转角度的传感器; 3.1.4 Angle sensor is a kind of sensor, which is used to measure the angle. 3.1.5 数据采集设备,用于采集扭矩和旋转角度的设备; 3.1.5 The data collector, which is used to collect the torque and the angle. 3.2 试验样件 3.2 Sample 3.2.1 样件数量为15至30套; 3.2.1 The quantity of samples should be 1530.

12、3.2.2 样件包括:各个接头零件(在缺失真实零件或由于几何尺寸不适用于本试验时,可由相同材料和功能尺寸的模拟件替代)、螺纹紧固件。要求所有零件符合设计要求。 3.2.2 The samples include: all the joint members (If there is no real joint member, the simulate part, which is made by same material and in same functional size, should be ok), thread fasteners. All components should be

13、 meet the design requirements. 3.3 试验准备 3.3 Test preparation 3.3.1 按照装配手册中各接头零件的安装位置拼装接头零件; 3.3.1 Put all the joint members together ac-cording the PAM. 3.3.2 预装螺纹紧固件,并保持其在松弛状态; 3.3.2 Pre-tightening the fastener into the joint, and keep it free. 3.3.3 设置拧紧速度、目标扭矩及其控制精度和控制方法; 3.3.3 Set the RPM and ta

14、rget torque, control accuracy, control method of the tightening equipment. 拧紧速度,要求与工厂安装时的拧紧速度一致; The RPM of the tightening equipment in lab should be as same as the tightening SMTC 3 0A1 001-2011 (V1) 2 上海汽车版权所有 秘密文件 注意保密 Copyright SAIC Group Confidential equipment in factory. 3.3.3.

15、2 目标扭矩与螺纹紧固件的尺寸和性能等级有关,要求实际扭矩能保证螺纹紧固件或接头在此扭矩下会失效。 The target torque is related to the size and PC of the fastener. It should be large enough to make the fastener or the joint to failure. 目标扭矩的控制精度要求要满足第3.3.3.2条对实际扭矩的要求。 The requirement of the control accu-racy of the target t

16、orque should meet the de-mand of the item 目标扭矩的控制方法一般为扭矩控制法。 Generally, the control method of the target torque is torque method. 3.3.4 选择扭矩传感器和转角传感器,要求传感器的测量范围能覆盖所有的测量值。 3.3.4 The torque sensor and angle sensor should be cover the all measure scope. 3.3.5 在螺栓和拧紧设备之间安装扭矩传感器,

17、连接扭矩传感器数据线,使测量数据能准确传入数据采集设备; 3.3.5 Install the torque sensor between the fastener and tightening equipment, and con-nect the sensor to the data collector, make sure that the data from the sensor will be into the data collector. 3.3.6 数据采集设备的设置 3.3.6 Setup of the data collector 标定扭矩传感器; 3.3.6

18、.1 Calibrate the torque sensor 标定转角传感器; Calibrate the angle sensor 设置记录数据的目录和文件名; Set the path and the filename to save the data. 设置数据采集的时间,保证从开始拧紧后到螺栓或接头失效的整个过程能全部被记录下来。 Set the data collecting time to make sure that the whole tightening process will

19、be recorded 设置数据采集触发条件 Set the trigger condition 3.4 试验步骤 3.4 Test steps 3.4.1 开始拧紧紧固件; 3.4.1 Start to tighten the bolt/nut. 3.4.2 同时数据采集设备根据数据采集的触发条件触发采集数据命令,开始进行数据记录; 3.4.2 At the same time, the data collector start collect the data after has been triggered. 3.4.3 继续拧紧至接头失效(失效模式包括但

20、不局限于以下失效模式:紧固件断裂、螺纹破坏、接头零件压溃、安装扭矩不再增加等),且数据采样时间终结。 3.4.3 Tightening the fastener until the joint failed(the failure mode includes but not limited to : bolt fracture, thread stripped/destroyed, joint components destroyed, installation torque no increasing), and the collector stop col-lecting data. 3.

21、4.4 保存测量得到的扭矩和转角数据。 3.4.4 Save the torque and angle data. 3.4.5 对剩余样本,重复3.4.1、3.4.2、3.4.3、3.4.4条款的操作。 3.4.5 Repeat 3.4.1,3.4.2,3.4.3,3.4.4 to the rest samples. 3.5 数据处理 3.5 Data process 3.5.1 根据扭矩和转角数据绘制扭矩-转角曲线; 3.5.1 Plot the torque-angle curves. 3.5.2 在接头零件贴合后,扭矩转角曲线上出现的第一段线性区后选取一点Y,该点的斜率为该线性区的斜率的

22、 50 %,且是第一段线性区后出现的第一点,规定该点Y作为屈服点,如图1所示,Y点为屈服点。 3.5.2 After the joint components have been clamped together, pick a point Y, which is after the linear part the angle vs. torque curve, and whose slop is 50 % of the linear parts slope, and is also the nearest one. Point Y is the yield point, see figure

23、 1. SMTC 3 0A1 001-2011 (V1) 3 上海汽车版权所有 秘密文件 注意保密 Copyright SAIC Group Confidential 图1/Figure 1 3.5.3 根据各样本曲线中屈服点对应的扭矩,计算屈服扭矩的平均值及其标准偏差; 3.5.3 Calculate the mean value and standard deviation of the yield torques in the curves. 3.5.4 得到该接头在室温条件下扭矩法装配时允许的最大输入扭矩为:屈服扭矩平均值减去三倍的标准偏差。 3.5.4 The mean value

24、minus three times standard deviation is the maximum assemble torque for the fastener in the joint. 3.5.5 首选失效模式应为螺栓断裂。 3.5.5 The prefer failure mode should be bolt fracture. 4 试验报告 4 Test report 4.1 记录试验日期、样本数、试验条件以及试验人员等信息; 4.1 Record the test date and quantity of the samples, test conditions, test

25、 engineer and so on 4.2 描述试验目的、过程和结果(以图片、表格或计算等形式详细描述),包括试验过程的照片记录、样件试验后的照片及计算结果等; 4.2 Describe the test objective and process, result, attach the relative photos and result data. 4.3 根据需要,实验室基于该试验提出相关建议。 4.3 Some recommendations if necessary. 4.4 实验室以试验报告的形式作为交付物递交给实验需求者。 4.4 The lab will deliver the test report to the person who require the test.


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