1、第24卷 第6期 重 庆 交 通 学 院 学 报 2005年12月Vo1.24 No.6 JOURNALOF CHONGQING JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY Dec.,2005H 9 ZE1s王肇慧 , 肖盛燮, 刘文方 iYr !y, i400074K1:| “ - !9. !9 m( )M.: Y,1996:48-50.2 H , ,u . NZE) J.r ,2003,24(4):545-548.102 重庆交通学院学报 第24卷 3 E.y F sM.: ,1980:30-33.4 C.rH s ZEM .:S ,2003:80-81.Comparison of analy
2、tical methods for slope stabilityWANG Zhao-hui, XIAO Sheng-xie, LIU Wen-fangSchool of Civil Engineering on the contrarySweden circularslice method is a bit con-servative;the simplified Bishop method can be used effectively in evaluating slope stability.Key words:slope stability;analytical method;ult
3、imate equilibrium theory;comparison( 98:) 9 L=_YSRvM,R =D/2+H/tan.m8 2)Vm8 V A,5,5r8_5:_LM,#L Kv,47mm.5 #yp 05 V 9 s, 9 TC LV d, Va 059 s. 1V9 T,K , C | 6BcV . H,YMy ,SW . ID:1 . 05 e/ D. iY,2004.2 + 3, 7. g VM#MM .:SM,2002.3 3, =, ,r.MATLAB M.:0,2002.Analyses on ground surface settlement due to extra-shallow-underground-pipejacking with curve by stochastic medium theoryGONG Shang-long, YANG Zhuan-yun, CHEN Si-tianSchool of Civil Engineering ground settlement;stochasticmedium theory103第6期 王肇慧,等:边坡稳定性计算方法的对比分析