1、 _ !9D H P S null19 1 2 0 0 3 M3 E)#石广斌1a2,吴null 凯1,杨经会1( 1nullSE !9, null 710065; v, null 710042)Knull1:YVW%s EV, | e9 TbYV9 s Ei5# nZE,i = E ET Vb1oM: E; FEM; 9 ; 9 ; = 9 mEs |: TV311 null null nullDS M : B null null nullcI|: 1003- 9805( 2003) 01- 0036- 04null null l : 2001- 11- 07null nullTe: F !
2、9null r !9?S( DL/ T5057- 1996) Snull:S ,1997null 2 null Z,null M .:, 1987null 3 nullmnullK$ M .: bv, 1992null 4 nullnull M . Z:6v, 1995nullnull null ( 25:) !9M1Bs, o !9L,/ s Y, , P8 ( 6rLhlbs, + !9 eHq , + !9 6 eHq ,|3 Yb致谢:本文承蒙计家荣教授级高工的指导, 特此表示感谢b ID: 1 null !9null r !9?S( SL 145-85) S .: , 1985nul
3、l 2 null !9null y !9?S( DL 5077- 1997) S .:S , 1998nullFeedback Analysis of Ertan Arch Dam Temperature Field and Temperature EffectYUAN Qiong( Chengdu Hydroelectric Investigation, Design and Research Institute, State Power Company, Chengdu 610072,China)Abstract:In this paper feedback analysis has be
4、en made for the distribution characteristics of the reservoir water temperature field, foundationtemperature field and dam body temperature field of Ertan Arch Dam. The analysis results are compared with the values suggested in thestandard.Keywords: high dam, arch dam; reservoir water; water temperature observation; temperature field; feedback analysis; thermal load; ErtanArch Dam39