1、 l :2009-06-05Te: (1971-), o, 2 =T , +v q,p V。第21卷第4期2009年8月沈 阳 大 学 学 报JOURNALOF SHENYANG UNIVERSITYVol.21,No.4Aug.2009cI|:1008-9225(2009)04-0009-04S“ LBQ 9 , l I。5.y , L Z ,yp L 。BZ, k y】(上接第3页)Composing, Features and Analysis on Economy of Hotel s ServiceQualityCHEN Xueqiong , ZHONGJianlan(College
2、of Tourism, HuaqiaoUniversity, Quanzhou362021, China)Abstract:Inhotelenterprises, whichinsist“costumerfirst” , economicanalysisofservicequality shouldbediscussedfrom theboththeperspectiveof customerandtheperspectiveofenterprise toachievetherelativebalancebetween the two, to ensure a win-win situation, and to achieve the effectiveness of economicanalysisofservicequality.Keywords:service quality of hotel;economic analysis;the perspective of customer;the perspective ofenterprise【3 I f2】12 沈 阳 大 学 学 报 第21卷