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1、35Unit 2 HeroesCommunication WorkshopSpeaking: DiscussionWriting: A StoryWarm-up1 Modern Heroes3 Sports Stars2 History Makers4 SuperheroLanguage focusPastSimple and Past ContinuousSkills focusFunction:Expressing opinionsStrategies: Getting pre-pared for listeningExpansionCulture CornerSpace HeroesBu

2、lletin BoardHeroes andHeroinesLanguage PowerPresent Perfectand Past SimpleStrategies:Working out meaningMod_2 2003.8.25 10:40 AM Page 3536Key Points of TeachingMod_2 2003.8.25 10:40 AM Page 36Heroes37Unit objectivesDraw students attention to the unit objectives at thetop of this page. Point out that

3、 the objectives includereading, speaking, listening and writing. Ask studentsto think about which of these skills is their strongestand which is their weakest and to decide which objec-tive is most important for them at this stage.Resource usedCassette.BackgroundYao Ming is a popular Chinese basketb

4、all player.Mother Teresa was a nun from Skopje in FYROM whodevoted all her life to helping the poor and sick inCalcutta.Hamlet is the sensitive and indecisive hero ofShakespeares play.Let students look at the pictures and ask them whetherthey know these people and, if so, let them give their opin-io

5、ns of them.Exercise 1 Look at the three examples of heroes and heroines andelicit the qualities of each. Ask students which one they would vote for as theirfavourite hero or heroine. Students then work in pairs, writing down the names ofdifferent kinds of heroes and heroines. Students feedback the n

6、ames of heroes and heroines tothe class. Write some of the names on the board. Students then look at the Key Words and classify theminto positive and negative.Key Words brave, calm, cruel, dangerous, generous, honest,humorous, kind, pleasant, smart, violentAnswerspositive brave calm generous honest

7、humorouskind pleasant smartnegative cruel dangerous violent Elicit more positive and negative adjectives to describecharacter, e.g. the opposite of brave (cowardly), generous(mean), smart (stupid), kind (cruel). Have students use some of the positive words todescribe the heroes and heroines whose na

8、mes are onthe board. Then ask students to use some of the negativewords to describe villains or anti-heroes in books or reallife.Exercise 2 Each student writes down three sentences about filmheroes, heroines and villains. In groups, students read out their sentences and therest of the group agrees o

9、r disagrees with the statements.Exercise 3 Students look at the pairs of adjectives and listen to thecassette to see who the film characters are.Answers1b 2c 3a Replay the cassette, pausing it so that students can jus-tify their answers, e.g. Nemo is brave because he neverruns away from danger.Tapes

10、cript1 Nemo is the main character in the movie Finding Nemo.Hes a little fish who is often frightened but he never runsaway from danger. He also often finds himself in funny situ-ations that make people laugh.2 Bridget Jones is the main character of the book and movie,Bridget Jones Diary. She is a r

11、eally nice person but isalways doing funny things that cause her a lot of troubleand give people a lot of joy.3 Doctor Octopus is Spidermans enemy in the movieSpiderman II. Hes a very smart man but his inventionmakes him kill many people.OptionsPractice WritingIn groups, students write a character d

12、escription of a well-known film or television actor without saying who he/sheis.Students then exchange their description with anothergroup and try to guess who is being described.Practice SpeakingStudents discuss the idea of the “unsung” hero or heroinewho is an ordinary person who regularly does he

13、roicthings but will never become famous, e.g. policemen, firefighters, mountain rescue teams.Warm-upMod_2 2003.8.25 10:40 AM Page 3738Objectives To practise reading in order to understand the mainidea of each paragraph and guess the meaning of newwords from the context. To use time linkers, especial

14、ly adverbs and conjunc-tions. To revise the use of Past Simple and Past Continuous. To talk about recent events (last night, this morning).Resources usedGrammar Summary 3; Local /national newspaper cut-tings of Yang Liweis stories and the report of Chinesenational scheme of space exploration. Possib

15、le problems The distinction between Past Simple and PastContinuous is generally not a problem but studentsmay overuse the Past Continuous to talk about pasthabits, e.g. “I was playing football every day last sum-mer.” Students may have forgotten the past forms of someirregular verbs.BackgroundThe te

16、xt is based on a newspaper article. It is a piece offactual information which details events surroundingChinas first manned flight into space. The first part ofthe article outlines the situation in the run-up to thelaunch. The middle section provides information aboutthe 21-hour space flight as well

17、 as the astronauts activ-ities on board the spaceship. Finally, the article finisheswith a description of the successful landing and thesafe return of the astronaut to a heros welcome. Routes through the material If you are short of time, set some of the exercises forhomework. If you have time, stud

18、ents can work in groups. Eachgroup writes a text and two or three questions about it,similar to the ones in Exercise 10. The groups can thenexchange texts and answer the accompanying ques-tions. If you have two periods for this lesson, a suitable nat-ural break is after Exercise 7.Language Power: pa

19、ges 66-67. Mini-Grammar 5, 6ReadingBefore you startExercise 1Ask students about Yang Liwei. Where and when did theyfirst hear this name? Ask students to imagine what it mustbe like to be Chinas first astronaut in space. Would theyenjoy the fame and status of being a celebrity or hero orwould they pr

20、efer a return to living the life of an ordinaryperson?Exercise 2Ask students about Chinas first manned space flight. Didthey follow the historic event on TV? How did the suc-cessful launch and landing make them feel? Perhaps, theyfelt proud to be Chinese or were relieved for Yang Liweisfamily. Encou

21、rage students to share and discuss theiranswers and opinions in class.Read to learnExercise 3Answers1 lifted off 2 lifting off 3 separated from 4 soaring5 circled 6 circling 7 let out 8 shaking 9 landedExercise 4Answersa 5 b 6 c 4 d 2 e 1 f 3Exercise 5 Read through the questions with the class so th

22、at stu-dents know what information to look out when readingthe text. Students then read the text and answer the questions.Answers1 He felt the effects of high gravity and the feeling of soaringinto the sky. After the spaceship landed, he felt happy to beback on earth.2 He showed the flags of China a

23、nd the United Nations.3 The spaceship completed two circles.4 The helicopters were flying to where he would land.5 He smiled and waved to the crowds waiting for him.VocabularyExercise 6 Students complete the matching by drawing lines tolink the two columns of words.Answerscollect information complet

24、e a task let out a parachuteexpress wishes explore space feel gravity Students work in groups to add more nouns to eachverb. Then each group reports their work. Other expres-1 Modern Heroes LANGUAGE FOCUSMod_2 2003.8.25 10:40 AM Page 38Heroes39sions are: collect money/coins/stamp/garbage/peoplecompl

25、ete exercise/work; express opinion/idea/feeling;explore nature/ways/possibilitiesLanguage Power: the Word Corner on page 67 gives further practice in words that go together.Exercise 7 Students work individually, thinking about the cues. Students read the sentences, decide which words touse, and then

26、 complete the sentences.Answers1 exploring space 2 collect information3 completed, tasks 4 feel gravity5 let out, parachute 6 express wishesGrammarPAST SIMPLE AND PAST CONTINUOUSExercise 8 Students look at the sentence and work out the differ-ences (Past Continuous, Past Simple). Students look back

27、at the text and find other sentenceswith the same structure (Past Continuous + . when . +Past Simple). The second sentence of the second para-graph has the same structure.Exercise 9 Students work in small groups studying the four sen-tences and discussing the meaning of when.Answers1 a 2 a 3 b 4 a G

28、ive students an example of another pair of sentences:“I was just beginning to get worried when he phoned.”“Everyone left the party when I arrived.”Students work in small groups making similar pairs of sen-tences. Students can refer to Grammar Summary 3 for furtherhelp. Have them read the Grammar Sum

29、mary for home-work and bring any queries to the next lesson.Exercise 10 Students work in pairs reading the texts and asking andanswering the questions.Answers1a She was drying her hair. 1b She called an ambulance.2a She was baking/cooking/making a cake. 2b He was climbing into a truck.2c She took th

30、e boy out of the truck. In groups, students write one or two similar short textswith accompanying questions. The groups then exchangepapers and answer the questions.Language in UseExercise 11 Students prepare the questions for the interview inpairs. They may need to go back to the text and get morei

31、nformation. They may also use other information whichthey can collect from newspapers and the Internet. Students roleplay an interview between Yang Liwei anda reporter with the reporter asking what happened, whatYang Liwei did and how he felt.OptionsExtensionStudents prepare and then make a speech o

32、f an officialwho presented Yang Liwei with his heroic deeds.Mod_2 2003.8.25 10:40 AM Page 39Objectives To practise listening for gist and for specific informa-tion. To express opinions and to agree or disagree withother peoples opinions. To practise sentence stress.Resources usedCassette, library/re

33、ference sources on history makers.Possible problems Students may panic when listening to the tape thefirst time and try to understand every word. Emphasisethat this is not necessary to complete the exercise suc-cessfully and remind them that they often listen for gistin Chinese. Some students may fi

34、nd it difficult to hear the stress-es in a sentence or a word. Regular exercises and eartraining will help and will also raise awareness ofstressed words in sentences in Chinese.BackgroundThomas Edison (born 1847) was one of the mostfamous inventors of modern times. During his lifetime,Edison acquir

35、ed 1093 patents for his inventions whichincluded the light bulb, the phonograph and the mov-ing picture camera. He also made improvements to thetelephone. This was a remarkable achievement forsomeone who had, at the age of 12, lost almost all hishearing. However, Edison did not let his disability st

36、ophim from achieving success as an inventor, a manufac-turer and a businessman.Dr Sun Yat-sen (born 1866) holds a special place in thehistory of modern China. He is recognised by theChinese people everywhere as the “Father of the 1911Xinhai Revolution”. Originally, a physician by training,Sun entere

37、d politics when he saw China beingdestroyed by weak rulers and Japanese invaders. In1911, Sun successfully led a revolution which over-threw the Qing Dynasty. Shortly afterwards, he foundedthe Republic of China and tried making China into astrong and unified country.Routes through the material If yo

38、u are short of time, set some exercises for home-work and omit Exercise 8. If you have time, students can do more researchabout famous history makers and give short talks aboutone of them. If you have two periods for this lesson, a suitable nat-ural break is after Exercise 5.Language Power: pages 68

39、69.ListeningBefore you startExercise 1 Before students start this exercise, ask them to look atthe title of this lesson (History Makers) and of the previouslesson (Modern Heroes) and discuss what the differencesand similarities are between heroes and history makers. Students then look at the picture

40、s and see if they canname the people and match them to the captions.Answers1D 2A 3C 4B Ask students to say what they know about any of thesepeople and what they think of them.Listen to learnExercise 2 Play the cassette for students to listen first, before ask-ing them to look at the Function File. S

41、ee how much stu-dents can remember from this first time listening. Students listen again and complete the Function File.Answers1 think 2 dont agree 3 In my opinion 4 youre right5 agree 6 personallyTapescriptStudent 1: Well, I think Mother Teresa is important, becauseshe spent her whole life working

42、with poor and sick people.Student 2: Im sorry, but I dont agree. In my opinion, Dr SunYat-sen is very important. He led the 1911 revolution andfounded the first republic of China.Student 3: Yes, youre right, but I think Thomas Edison isimportant, too. He created so many machines and inven-tions that

43、 we still use today.Student 4: Yes, I agree with you, but I think Martin LutherKing is also quite important, because he fought againstracism and his actions changed American society. In small groups, students discuss the people in the pho-tos to decide which one they would nominate as “the per-son w

44、e most admire”. Encourage students to use theexpressions in the Function File as they give their opinionsand agree or disagree with each other.402 History Makers SKILLS FOCUSMod_2 2003.8.25 10:40 AM Page 40Exercise 3Key Words experience, racism, equal, influence, organise, strug-gle, victory, protes

45、t, march Students look at the Key Words and see if they canguess the meaning of some of the words from their knowl-edge of other words in English. Students can use the dic-tionary to check their guesses and find out the meaning ofall the Key Words. Ask students to pronounce the Key Words. They canth

46、en check if their pronunciation was correct as they listento the tape in Exercise 4.Exercise 4 Read through the Listening Strategies with the studentsand ask them if they agree with them and if they use anyof these strategies already. Encourage students to say what sort of listening textsand tasks t

47、hey find difficult or easy and how they tacklethem. Elicit what students think they will hear in the radio pro-gramme about Martin Luther King and what they hope tofind out. Play the cassette through once without pausing it.Then, encourage students to pool what they have under-stood on the cassette.

48、Tapescript: Interviewer: Hello. In this weeks Peoples Heroes, we haveDr Sam Roberts to talk about Martin Luther King. DrRoberts, what was he like as a child, growing up inAmerica?Roberts: Well, King was born on the 15th of January 1929 inAtlanta, Georgia. He was a smart boy but he often experi-enced

49、 racism. Once he and his black teacher were on a bus,the white driver told them to give their seats to two whitepeople. King didnt want to because he believed black andwhite people should enjoy equal rights. The driver was veryangry with him and, in the end, King had to stand up.Interviewer: What did King do about racism at college?Roberts: He was influenced by Gandhis ideas about peace-ful protest. In 1965, he organised a bus protest. Black peo-ple did not take the buses. After some


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