1、21 2 2003 M6f FLIGHT DYN AM ICSVol. 21 No. 2June 2003 l : 2002-05-24; : 2003-03-04Te: b( 1964-) , 3, i ,) =, V,1V Yff !9T; l ( 1951-) , o, Z ,) =,1V Yff !9T。cI|: 1002-0853( 2003) 02-0063-04飞机重心允许范围设计准则税清才 , 王秋萍(Lt b, P -M,V7P /。N H, 4 ?S? 1 p。f,h kfV ,en - 0. 01 H, ? f。yN,ven - 0. 01e fK 。1. 3 “ d H
2、:_ :f“ dEs fh H,yb/ Ot,9F fh ,F rY,1 p / : ? :( 1) f + K( ;( 2) |“ d f ;( 3) :K1 p,fCv H, ? “ d。 !9, |b O、bt, In r Y, k 9 ,MHq( 、? w 、 H K)/,|9 T kfT 1,9 1 kfTlBt,Q? p t B, YQ L=fY,9 s V, 9 kf “d wL m2 U。m2 “ d wL+ y f /“ d / f :( 1)l D“ d。 f /“ d H, :“d D )v D, V v,“ d a L -,“ d a9v, ahl。 , :“dC#p,
3、l D“ d H,y Kv V hl,“ d 、 K1 p。( 2)tb/ H“ d。f“ d H, Ttb/, V 6 “ hl,“ d9 hl,yN“ d 、“ d “K1 p。D2 ?:f W,“ d) , ) -K。 H, lKv 90% , =10% 。1. 4 fEE : 4vY。fE P RM 7M 6% E | H,f +。B+ VvE | b M| q 。“ df ,E | b M wLKl P v0min) | qd/dvl/ :S1: d/dv 0. 032;S2: d/dv 0. 080。w fv0minT/E 1 pw (B ) w )。ff v fKlE ,yN,v
4、sfL = S1 p,f fKlE N LfE H,EA1,C f Knf “ d 。1. 5 bf HVKf 2 f H, -M,f。 f ,D2 ?en- 0. 03, L5K 2 f H K。1. 6 : ( C AP)KCAP L58 f :,V S( QKfEM。 -、MCAPY。f +1 p CAP; ? v,9 ? l, 1 a。1 p,D1?: b , |B) , C AP= 0. 28 3. 60。 CAPKS, L= 9fS4 K1 p。D3 |CAP= 0. 28T/KA ,64f 21 f HK 。9 s, CAP= 0. 16Ven - 0. 03M。yN, KCAP
5、= 0. 169 V i 。1. 7 0(Pz /n)K -M H,Pz /n9v,Kv 0 ?VB;M H,Pz /nhl,Kl 09 ?B,D 1Pz /n4 KS。$ !9, :“d |P R ,“d.1Mv,Kv 9C、 bvV 。yN, -K h= 5 km H K。1. 8 O q(khe)K1 p4 K t 3, f1 tft_。t 11 /khe,Vl qA Vv。f qB f / /1“:k2he = - mUy + IxyIymUxdv2SL2Iy1 - I2xyIxIymUyIykheY 1, -M (9vIy ,M PmUyhl,V7 Pkhehl。Kkhe/,M4K。
6、D11 p: bf khe 1. 0。1. 9 O E D1(Yhe)K O +, %T 4 vYhe ,YheK + +。D1 1 p: bf Yhe0. 19;D21 p: Yhe 0. 173;D4 1 p: Yhe0. 11。fM,Y ,7YYhe , !9?SYheK c MK。1. 10 tbfK90. 282 5bA 0. 348 0bA;K90. 290 0bA 0. 305 0bA。YVm3m41 V A,v 4 !95 S98 、 e9S , !95 V。3 结束语f S f98 !9B1T。 ? :“df,Vf 11p?,1 kf,4B !95,iN$ f 65 2 b.
7、f S !95S, Vf98 !94 I。 ID: 1 GJB185-86, P Rf(%t)f S. 2 f !9B/ 1 p M .:Z + 7,1962.3 +ff ?S P M .:t b, 1982. 4 S b +Z +f !91 p( AP970) M .: B= , 1972.Design Criteria about Determination of Variable Rangeof Allowable Center of Gravity for an AircraftS HU I Qing-cai, W AN G Qiu-ping(Instituteof Aircraft
8、Design and Research, Guizhou AviationIndustryCorporation, Anshun 561000, China)Abstract: This paper introduces the design criteria about determination of variable range ofallowable center of gravity based on demands for stability and controllability of an aircraft w ithstable aerodynamic layout. The
9、se criteria are used in the overall design for an aircraft. The re-sults show that the variable range of allow able center of gravity determined by these criteria areclosed to one estim ated by overall w eight control experiences and these design criteria are avail-able in the aircraft design.Key wo
10、rds: flying qualities; center of gravity control; overall design of aircraft(编辑:姚妙慧 )(上接第 52页 )Side Jet and Aerodynamics Compound Control SystemDesign of Air Defense MissilesCHENG Feng-zhou, W AN Zi-ming, CHEN Shi-lu, YU Ben-shui(Collegeof Astronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi an 71
11、0072, China)Abstract: The compound control system of an intercept missile by means of combining thetraditional aerodynamics control with reaction jets control is studied in this paper. At first, thephenom enon of side jet interaction with exter nal flow is analyzed, and the interaction model isprese
12、nted by the jet interaction am plification factor (K) , and then the compound control model ofjet thrust and aerodynamics is established. The com pound control system is divided into two sub-systems: the diver t thrust subsystem and the aerodynamics subsystem. The different controlm ethods are designed for each subsystem , and the perform ance of the com pound control systemand each subsystem is sim ulated and analyzed.Key words: intercept missile; side jet; com pound control system(编辑:崔立峰 )66f 21