1、弃货声明致:我们系提单_项下的收货人_船名航次:_船公司单号:_件数/毛重/立方:_CNEE:_开航日:_目的港为:_货物品名:_货物报关金额为:_鉴于 _我司经营不当.公司破产_ 原因,声明放弃针对该货物或与该货物相关的一切权利,贵司可自行处理该货物,由此产生的费用和责任由我司承担。特此声明。收货人: (盖章)日期:Declare of RejectionTO who may concern aboutWe hereby certify that we are the consignee of bill of lading, the N B/L_vessel : vessel bill No
2、number of packages /gross weight/ cube Cnee_-Vessel day_ Desitination_ description of goods_Total declaration_Whereas my firm go under and declaration of bankruptcy, we will abandon the goods and the anything related, your firm can deal with it by your self. Well take resposbible and pay for the charge of it Consignee:Date: