1、29 11 2009 M113 ACTA ECOLOGICA SINICAVo.l 29, No. 11Nov., 2009http: /www. ecologica. cn “:SEnull 863null9 “(2003AA217022); 8O S/9 “( J07YF05)l : 2008null07null31; null null : 2009null03null24*YTCorresponding author. Enullmai:l scyu sdau. edu. cn g 3r 3 Y刘兰兰1, 2,史春余1, * ,梁太波1,于海静1,刘凤娟1(1. j null: g 3
2、r 3 Ynullhttp: /www. ecologica. cn2nullTs2. 1null g 3r 3Ym1null g r 3 YFig. 1null Effects ofhum ic acid on soilm icrobial carbon 3 ?v Qr 3 ,Tr Y USb0 20cmr,) r 3 3 3?Mt B,l140d -v9F,l140dK, Ah (m1)b g) M1, ) r 3 ,l80 120d9F,140 160dh ; !s) r 3 ,l80 100dh , 120 140d9Fb !s) M1, g) r 3 ,l80 100d9F, 120
3、 160dh b V9F - (l100d -)r 3 ,7 gh - r 3 ; , 3 3? ,r 3 9h tMQbr i“B s 3 ? 3, 3 r ar M1“ 18b0 20cmr,) r 3 3 3?M t B,l120d- 1-v9F,l120d- 1K,vh (V1)b g) M1, ) r 3 , 3 9F; !s) r 3 ,l80 120d- 1h , 140 160d9Fb !s) M1, g) r 3 , 3 9FbV1null g r 3 YTable 1null Effectsofhumic acid on soilactivemicrobial(mg/kg)
4、 Treatmentl? Days after sowing( d)80 100 120 140 160 (AverageT1 18. 17 null 0. 77c 19. 64null 1. 03c 29. 90null 1. 26c 20. 84null 0. 89d 18. 70null 1. 02c 21. 45T2 20. 53 null 0. 69a 21. 74null 0. 49a 36. 84null 1. 00a 26. 04null 1. 23a 20. 68null 0. 75a 25. 17T3 15. 61 null 0. 51d 16. 28null 0. 67d
5、 27. 42null 0. 77d 23. 40null 1. 27c 19. 92null 0. 22ab 20. 53T4 19. 79 null 0. 76ab 20. 60null 0. 96b 35. 80null 1. 50ab 25. 08null 0. 79ab 20. 46null 0. 86a 24. 35null null l3 V U0. 05 sA,/null Differentsmall lettersM eans significantly differentatP = 0. 05, same as below2. 2null g 3r Y r T3 T2 T1
6、b g 4r T,7 O!s W FrbV2null g r YTable 2null Effectsof humic acid on soilacid phosphatase activity(P2O5 mg/(100gnull 2h) )l? Days after sowing( d)75 95 115 135 155 (AverageT1 1. 98 null 0. 04d 3. 92null 0. 20d 6. 46null 0. 19cd 6. 72 null 0. 23d 5. 93null 0. 18c 5. 00T2 2. 71 null 0. 13c 4. 77null 0.
7、 21c 6. 67null 0. 28c 7. 66 null 0. 17bc 6. 04null 0. 17bc 5. 57T3 3. 11 null 0. 12b 5. 04null 0. 17b 7. 09null 0. 19b 7. 85 null 0. 35b 6. 23null 0. 26b 5. 86T4 3. 69 null 0. 18a 5. 69null 0. 19a 7. 90null 0. 20a 8. 33 null 0. 29a 6. 66null 0. 19a 6. 453null) 3. 1nullg 3 3 H r 3 Y1g jBr 3 Y,X1 19 2
8、3bB , a gag,aK , V9Fr 3 ,4r a 19 21b ,9 U r 22b k, g) 1 ,g) r 3 3 , - h a 9F(l160d 3 “)b g) 1 , g V4 3 r (l75d “); H,4 - r a r b 3 3? - ,r 3 9h t BV ? - 3g 1byN, gr 3 a 1“ H,A1 g H# 3 H b3. 2null g 3 3 H r 3 Y g) 1 , P 3 r 3 - r 3 9F;7 r 3 h b g1 , g9 P 3 r 3 - r 3 9F;7 r 3 h b g r 3h , V ? VOT 3aTC
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