1、1.上下楼梯,有序右行。Keep right and in order when using the staircase.2.轻声慢步,文明礼貌。Speak gently, walk slowly and keep good manners.3.不冲撞疯打,不滑行拥堵Be quiet and in order.4.课间活动,讲究文明Cultivate civility when doing activities.5.上下楼梯,注意安全。Keep safe when using the staircase.6.不讲粗话不骂人,不乱丢来不乱扔。Speak politely and keep cle
2、an.7.防滑防摔防坠防挤Watch out when walking and running.8.防磕磕碰碰,防意外伤害。Keep away the collision and the unintentional injury.9.千教万教,教人求知,千学万学,学做真人。The reason for education is to seek knowledge.The reason for study is to be a true man.10.你不能改变容颜但可以展现笑容You cant change the appearance but you can show the smile.1
3、1 你不能左右天气但可以改变心情You cant control the weather but you can change your mood.12.你不能预知明天但可以把握今天You cant foresee tomorrow but you can hold today.13.兴趣是最好的老师。Interest is the best teacher.兴趣源于天赋。Interest originates from genius.兴趣在于激发培养Interest lies in stimulating and developing.14.创新热情在这里激发,创新意识在这里实现。Innov
4、ation enthusiasm is aroused here .Innovation consciousness is achieved here.或者: Here is a place for you to arouse innovation enthusiasm and achieve innovation consciousness.15.社会进步靠科学。Social progress depends on science.科学发展靠知识。Scientific development depends on knowledge.丰富知识靠努力。Rich knowledge depends on endeavor.