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1、婴幼儿期智力发育水平对照表婴幼儿期智力发育水平对照表婴 1 月大运动:拉着手腕可以坐起,头可竖直片刻(2 秒)精细动作:触碰手掌,他会紧握拳头适应能力:眼球会跟红球过中线(稍有移动即可)、听到声音有反应语言:自己会发出细小声音社交行为:眼睛跟踪走动的人婴 2 月大运动:拉着手腕可以坐起、头可竖直短时(5 秒)精细动作:俯卧时头可抬离床面、拨浪鼓在手中留握片刻适应能力:立刻注意大玩具语言:能发出 a、o、e 等元音社交行为:逗引时有反应婴 3 月大运动:俯卧时可抬头 45 度、抱直时头稳精细动作:两手可握在一起、拨浪鼓在手中留握 0.5 秒适应能力:眼睛跟红球可转 180 度语言:笑出声社交行为

2、:模样灵敏、见人会笑婴 4 月大运动:俯卧时可抬头 90 度、扶腋可站片刻精细动作:摇动并注视拨浪鼓适应能力:偶然注意小丸、找到声源语言:高声叫、咿呀作声社交行为:认亲人婴 5 月大运动:轻拉腕部即可坐起、独坐头身向前倾精细动作:抓住近处玩具适应能力:拿住一积木注视另一积木语言:对人及物发声社交行为:见食物兴奋婴 6 月大运动:俯卧翻身精细动作:会撕纸、把弄到桌上一积木适应能力:两手同时拿住两块积木、玩具失落会找语言:叫名字转头社交行为:自喂饼干、如会找躲猫猫(手绢挡脸)的人的脸婴 7 月大运动:独坐自如精细动作:把弄小丸(直径约 0.5 公分)、自己取一积木,再取另一块适应能力:积木换手、伸

3、手够远处玩具语言:发 da-da、ma-ma 无所指社交行为:对镜有游戏反映、能分辨出生人婴 8 月大运动:双手扶物可站立精细动作:拇指、无名指捏住小丸(直径:0.5cm);手中拿两个积木,并试图取第三块积木(正方形,边长 2cm)适应能力:持续用手追逐玩具、有意识的摇铃语言:模仿声音社交行为:懂得成人面部表情婴 9 月大运动:会爬、拉双手会走精细动作:拇指、食指捏住小丸适应能力:从杯中取出积木(正方形,边长 2cm)、积木对敲语言:会欢迎、再见(手势)社交行为:表示不要婴 10 月大运动:会拉住栏杆站起身、扶住栏杆可以走精细动作:拇指、食指动作熟练适应能力:拿掉扣住积木的杯子,并玩积木;找盒

4、内的东西语言:模仿发语声社交行为:懂得常见物及名称、会表示婴 11 月大运动:扶物、蹲下取物;独站片刻精细动作:打开包积木的纸适应能力:积木放入杯中;模仿推玩具小车语言:有意识的发一个字音社交行为:懂得“不”;模仿拍娃娃婴 12 月大运动:独自站立稳;牵一只手可以走精细动作:试把小丸投入小瓶适应能力:盖瓶盖;语言:叫妈妈、爸爸有所指;向他/她要东西知道给社交行为:穿衣知配合15 月大运动:独走自如精细动作:自发乱画、从瓶中拿到小丸(不能提示“倒出”)适应能力:翻书两次、盖上圆盒语言:会听指示指出眼耳鼻口手(5 个指出 3 个即可)、说 3-5 个字(知道意思,“爸妈”除外)社交行为:会脱袜子(

5、脱下而非拉下)18 月大运动:扔球无方向精细动作:模仿画道道适应能力:积木搭高四块、将圆形积木放入圆形空格(圆型板正面对他)语言:懂得三个投向(站三个不同方向,向他要东西)、说出 10 个字(知道意思,“爸妈”除外)社交行为:白天会控制大小便21 月大运动:会脚尖走、扶墙上楼精细动作:玻璃丝穿过扣眼适应能力:积木搭高 7-8 块、将圆形积木放入圆形空格(圆型板平面转 180)语言:回答简单问题、说 3-5 个字的句子社交行为:开口表示个人需要24 月大运动:双足跳离地面精细动作:玻璃丝穿过扣眼并拉住线适应能力:一页页翻书;将圆、方、三角放入准确放入相同形状的空格语言:说两句以上儿歌、会问:“这

6、是什么?”社交行为:会说常见物的用途27 月大运动:独自上楼、独自下楼精细动作:模仿画竖道适应能力:认识大小;型板随意放置,仍能将圆、方、三角放入准确放入相同形状的空格语言:会说 8-10 个字的句子社交行为:会脱单衣或裤子、开始有是非观念30 月大运动:独脚站 2 秒精细动作:模仿用积木搭桥、穿扣子 3-5 个适应能力:知道 1 与许多的区别、知道红色语言:看图说出物体的名称 10 个社交行为:用两个杯子来回倒水不洒33 月大运动:会立定跳远精细动作:模仿画圆适应能力:懂得“里”、“外”;积木搭高 10 块语言:说出人物性别;连续执行三个命令(擦桌、摇铃、搬凳)社交行为:会穿鞋、会解扣子36

7、 月大运动:两脚交替跳精细动作:折纸边角整齐(长方形)、模仿画十字适应能力:认识两种颜色、懂得“2”语言:懂得“冷了”、“累了”、“饿了”;看图说出物体名称 14 样社交行为:会扣扣子Milestone chart: 0 to 36 monthsChilds AgeMastered Skills (most kids can do)Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)1 month Lifts head when lying on tummy Responds to sound Star

8、es at faces Follows objects briefly with eyes Vocalizes: oohs and aahs Can see black-and-white patterns Smiles, laughs Holds head at 45-degree angle2 months Vocalizes: gurgles and coos Follows objects across field of vision Notices his hands Holds head up for short periods Smiles, laughs Holds head

9、at 45-degree angle Makes smoother movements Holds head steady Can bear weight on legs Lifts head and shoulders when lying on tummy (mini-pushup)3 months Recognizes your face and scent Holds head steady Visually tracks moving objects Squeals, gurgles, coos Blows bubbles Recognizes your voice Does min

10、i-pushup Rolls over, from tummy to back Turns toward loud sounds Can bring hands together, bats at toys4 months Smiles, laughs Can bear weight on legs Coos when you talk to him Can grasp a toy Rolls over, from tummy to back Imitates sounds: “baba,“ “dada“ Cuts first tooth May be ready for solid food

11、s5 months Distinguishes between bold colors Plays with his hands and feet Recognizes own name Turns toward new sounds Rolls over in both directions Sits momentarily without support Mouths objects Separation anxiety may begin6 months Turns toward sounds and voices Imitates sounds Rolls over in both d

12、irections Is ready for solid foods Sits without support Mouths objects Passes objects from hand to hand Lunges forward or starts crawling Jabbers or combines syllables Drags objects toward himselfChilds AgeMastered Skills (most kids can Emerging Skills (half Advanced Skills (a few do) of kids can do

13、)kids can do)7 months Sits without support Drags objects toward herself Lunges forward or starts crawling Jabbers or combines syllables Starts to experience stranger anxiety Waves goodbye Stands while holding onto something Bangs objects together Begins to understand object permanence8 months Says “

14、mama“ and “dada“ to both parents (isnt specific) Passes objects from hand to hand Stands while holding onto something Crawls Points at objects Searches for hidden objects Pulls self to standing, cruises Picks things up with thumb-finger pincer grasp Indicates wants with gestures9 months Stands while

15、 holding onto something Jabbers or combines syllables Understands object permanence Cruises while holding onto furniture Drinks from a sippy cup Eats with fingers Bangs objects together Plays patty-cake and peek-a-boo Says “mama“ and “dada“ to the correct parent10 months Waves goodbye Picks things u

16、p with pincer grasp Crawls well, with belly off the ground Says “mama“ and “dada“ to the correct parent Indicates wants with gestures Stands alone for a couple of seconds Puts objects into a container11 Says “mama“ Understands Says one months and “dada“ to the correct parent Plays patty-cake and pee

17、k-a-boo Stands alone for a couple of seconds Cruises“no“ and simple instructions Puts objects into a containerword besides “mama“ and “dada“ Stoops from standing position12 months Imitates others activities Indicates wants with gestures Takes a few steps Says one word besides “mama“ and “dada“ Walks

18、 alone Scribbles with a crayon Says two words besides “mama“ and “dada“Childs AgeMastered Skills (most kids can do)Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)13 months Uses two words skillfully (e.g., “hi“ and “bye“) Bends over and picks up an object Enjoys gazing at his

19、 reflection Holds out arm or leg to help you dress him Combines words and gestures to make needs known Rolls a ball back and forth14 months Eats with fingers Empties containers of contents Imitates others Toddles well Initiates games Points to one body part when asked Responds to instructions (e.g.,

20、 “give me Uses a spoon or fork Matches lids with appropriate containers Pushes and pulls toys while walkinga kiss“)15 months Plays with ball Uses three words regularly Walks backward Scribbles with a crayon Runs Adopts “no“ as his favorite word “Helps“ around the house Puts his fingers to his mouth

21、and says “shhh“16 months Turns the pages of a book Has temper tantrums when frustrated Becomes attached to a soft toy or other object Discovers the joy of climbing Stacks three blocks Uses spoon or fork Learns the correct way to use common objects (e.g., the telephone) Takes off one piece of clothin

22、g by himself Gets finicky about food Switches from two naps to one17 months Uses six words regularly Enjoys pretend games Likes riding toys Feeds doll Speaks more clearly Throws a ball underhand Dances to music Sorts toys by color, shape, or size Kicks ball forward18 months Will “read“ board books o

23、n his own Scribbles well Strings two words together in phrases Brushes teeth with help Stacks four blocks Throws a ball overhand Takes toys apart and puts them back together Shows signs of toilet training readinessChilds Mastered Skills Emerging Advanced Age (most kids can do)Skills (half of kids ca

24、n do)Skills (a few kids can do)19 months Uses a spoon and fork Runs Throws a ball underhand Enjoys helping around the house Understands as many as 200 words Recognizes when something is wrong (e.g., calling a dog a cat) Washes and dries own hands with help Points to picture or object when you call i

25、t by name May know when she needs to pee20 months Feeds doll Takes off own clothes Dumps an object in imitation, such as throwing garbage away Learns words at a rate of ten or more a day Can walk up stairs (but probably not down) May start exploring genitals Draws a straight line Names several body

26、parts21 months Can walk up stairs Able to set simple goals (e.g., deciding to put a toy in a certain place) Throws a ball overhand Kicks ball forward Stacks six blocks Names simple picture in a book Can walk down stairs22 months Kicks ball forward Follows two-step requests (e.g., “Get your doll and

27、bring it here“) Does simple puzzles Draws a straight line Names several body parts Puts on loose-fitting clothes Might be ready for a big bed Understands opposites (e.g., tall vs. short)23 months Names simple picture in a book Uses 50 to 70 words Opens doors Sings simple tunes Takes more of an inter

28、est in playing with other kids Talks about self (likes, dislikes) Asks “why?“24 months Names at least six body parts Half of speech is understandable Makes two- to three-word sentences Talks about self Arranges things in categories Can walk down stairs Begins to understand abstract concepts (e.g., s

29、ooner and later) Becomes attuned to gender differences Learns to jumpChilds AgeMastered Skills (most kids can do)Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)25 and 26 months Stacks six blocks Walks with smooth heel-to-toe motion Uses pronouns (e.g., I, me, you) Washes and

30、 dries own hands Speaks clearly most of the time Draws a vertical line27 and 28 months Jumps with both feet Opens doors Understands descriptions (e.g., big, soft) Draws a vertical line Starts to recognize ABCs Balances on one foot29 and 30 months Brushes teeth with help Draws a circle Balances on Pu

31、ts on a T-shirt Names one Washes and dries own hands Draws a vertical lineone foot color Names one friendChilds AgeMastered Skills (most kids can do)Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)31 and 32 months Recites own name Draws a circle Puts on a T-shirt Balances on

32、each foot for a second Recognizes ABCs Brushes teeth by herself Uses two adjectives Draws a cross Points to objects described by use33 and 34 months Names one color Names one friend Carries on a simple conversation Alternates feet going up and down stairs Uses prepositions (e.g., on, in, over) Speak

33、s clearly most of the time (75 percent can be understood) Stacks eight blocks Is toilet trained during the day Wiggles thumb Expresses a wide range of emotions Draws a stick figure35 and 36 months Describes how two objects are used Uses three to four words in a sentence Hops and skips Follows a two- or three-part command Separates fairly easily Balances on each foot for three seconds Gets dressed without help Names two actions (e.g., skipping, jumping)from parents Rides a tricycle


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