1、Y T : W , Enullmai:l lishirong2000 yahoo. com. cn X 6 h ( X ) r T 1 李世荣,陆晓娟,盛剑秋,范如英,李恕军,赵晓军北京军区总医院消化科,北京 100700nullK 1 null “ s a1 7 CD 7 UC ( X ) r T bZ E 5mg/kg, 0a2a6 , 8 % B Q Z E X b S = M i n r ,s Y 9 ) - ESR CRP b T 7 CD , 4 r , 3 z b 1 r * b7 UC , 3 r , 4 z , 2 * b14 CD UC , h y 4 U “ 5 = /
2、h M A z b i CD UC X r T K z b m 0 V CD ? b1 ? 3 V Q b X 4 CD UC M r T bnull1 o M null CD; UC; F m s | : R574. 62 D S M : A c I | : 1006- 5709(2010) 07- 0644- 04 l : 2010null06null02Comparison of the treating effects of infliximab in Crohn! s disease and ulcerative colitisLIShirong, LU X iaojuan, SHE
3、NG Jianqiu, FAN Ruying, LIShujun, ZHAO XiaojunDepartment ofGastroenterology, theM ilitaryGeneralHospital ofBeijing PLA, Beijing 100700, ChinanullAbstractnull Objective To analyze and compare the effects of infliximab (Remicade) in CD andUC patients. M ethnullods Fourteen cases ( 7 CD and 7UC) receiv
4、ed intravenous Remicade infusions on the protocolof5 mg/kg, 0, 2, 6weeks and then every 8weeks. The evaluation ofeffects based on theChineseGastroenterologicalAssociation IBD groupConsensus. Before and after the therapy, ESR and CRPwere recorded in the patientsw ith remissive and activephase ofdisea
5、ses. Results In 7 cases ofCD patients, 4 patients achieved rem ission, 3 patients improved, 2 caseswasmucosalhealing. In 7 cases ofUC patients, 3 patients achieved remission, 4 patients improved, one casewasmucosalhealing.In all the 14 patients, the patientswho had rapid disappearance of symptoms af
6、ter the therapymay get discovery ofmunullcosal lesion. TheCD patientsw ithout any complications had the best result byRem icade. Administration ofRemicadeafter intestinal resective surgery was effective at preventing recurrence of CD. Only 1 case appeared hypersensitivity.Conclusion Remicade has sim
7、ilar bettereffects on intractable CD andUC.nullKey wordsnull Crohn! s disease; U lcerative colitis; Infliximab M F G (UC) X 6 h (CD) m 9 , 4 4 U , 1M UC 25%M G , 30% 1m 1b s ? E m , 3 - 4 / , r T M 1 % 4 5 b“ - X , % y 0 ,+ Y ? y 0 nullnull(TNFnullnull) CD UC ? 3 V ? “1 o T 2b TNFnullnullL V F 3 ? 3
8、 b X (Remicade) B null 3 8 TNFnullnull f o G1 F , V r TNF % 3,V 7 V y h bv D A U , _ 3 4 V r F G UC CD4null7b 7 ,S = C 1 X UC 4 ,+ Y CD UC r 1 b | 1 s 14 h ( 7 UC 7 CD) X r T b1 Z E1. 1 h 4 4 “ 7 b b F ( 8 4 1 p ,i ( 28. 35 ( 1. 5 57 ); ( h 18 ( 2 48 ); 4 F , 3 h b7 UC ( 3 ; ( 28. 35 ( 1. 5 57 ); (
9、h 35 (2 53 ), F UCh b F - f nV 1b1. 2 4 ! 9 4 F - 1 = s _ , H _ a U aL ? a / ? a aCRPa aPPD k b ( 3Q X ) / K B Q X , _ - “ b1. 3 Z E “ 2 B Q 0 H , 3mg/kg X , ( 5 mg/kg, 0a2a6 T , , 8 B Q ,T % b1. 4 r s Y HarveynullBradshow ( CD )Sutherland (UC) 8 s 9 r T ,1 - aCRPM ,i * f b1. 5 d 9 s _ 1 - ESRCRPM b
10、P , r * , 1 2Q , “5 A z , ? b4 y E ,m 0 , 6 12 , 3 n % h ? , 1 E f / , s 2Q , E F , m (X M )b7 ,O ESR CRP A / , ( A U “ 5 = / h M z , S / Q 7 6 , CRP ( / 28. 63b3 ) ESR ( 6 7. 67, _ T Z = - 1. 014aP= 0. 310; CRP ( 6 4. 73, _ T Z =- 1. 352aP = 0. 176b5 UC F , 2 F b1 8Q , 4 X s 4Q ( ), 2 X s 2Q ( 1 )b
11、 H W 1 16 bV V 3 V A , X z ,i V T f 4 b3 B Q 0 3? , 4 7 14? A z b h y , / h Mg A z , . * b CDM ,O ESR CRP A / , ( A U “ 5 = / h Mz , S / Q 7 6 ,4 U r D b2 UC B Q 3mg/kg 0 , z A , = Q 5 mg/kg, , Az , ( S M i n 9 0 , i r T b Sutherland 3 , - , ESR ( / 4. 33; CRP ( / 12. 13b3 ) , ESR ( 6 3, _ T Z=- 0.
12、730aP = 0. 465; CRP ( / 1. 47( 1 , ? 9 CD ), _ T Z =- 1. 782aP = 0. 075b4 ( 2 CD, 1 UC) - l A V (K r 1 003 109 /L); X , “ % h z , l / b#645# h h 2010 M 7 19 7 Chin J GastroenterolHepato,l Jul 2010, Volnull19, Nonull7V 2 X - CD rTab2 Remicade! s efficacy in patientswithCD before and after treatment %
13、 h ESR CRP _ Y z - e a 7 51 87 a 3Q 4Q h 0 2 1 M 0 ah h , L Cl - E aL 10 12 3 m U . N2Q h , H L 5 1 1. 2 ( M )Sz - E a? 12 11 5. 7 3Q m ? 1 12,# 7 CD R * X (TopnulldownZ ) 13b F 7 F UC , 1 h , 4Q r * , 2 A h h ,* hM A z b 4 ( T , z 3 b1 CD UC r , (#646# h h 2010 M 7 19 7 Chin JGastroenterolHepato,l
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