1、Sales & Operations Planning,20131217,S&OP起源,美国生产与库存管理协会(APICS) 创建于1957年,作为一个管理组织,“APICS”已经从2005年1月1日起改名为“APICS运作管理协会”(APICS The Association for Operations Management)。目前,APICS已发展成为一个国际性现代管理的权威性协会和教育培训机构,有270个分会,72000余名会员分布在世界上约30个国家或地区,大约有20000家公司企业的员工中有APICS会员。 APICS有自己的出版机构,出版最新的管理书籍、培训教材和录像带。 API
2、CS词汇(APICS Dictionary): 自1963年发行第1版以来到2010年已发行至第13版 : 为了使接受培训的专业人员的业务知识水平有一个统一的标准,1973年开始,APICS实行资格考试。有三类资格证书: CPIM: Certified in Production and lnventory Management CFPIM: Certified Fellow in Production and Inventory Management CIRM: Certified in Integrated Resources Management(美国大学认可学分),APICS Dict
3、ionary,S&OP A process to develop tactical plans that provide management the ability to strategically direct its business to achieve competitive advantage on a continuous basis by integrating customer-focused marketing plans for new and existing products with the management of the supply chain. The p
4、rocess brings together all the plans for the business(sales, marketing, development, manufacturing, sourcing, and financial) into one integrated set of plans. It is performed at least once a month and is reviewed by management at an aggregate(product family) level. The process must reconcile all sup
5、ply, demand, and new-product plans at both the detail and aggregate levels and tie to the business plan. It is the definitive statement of the companys plans for the near to intermediate term, covering a horizon sufficient to plan for resources and to support the annual business planning process. Ex
6、ecuted properly, the sales and operation planning process links the strategic plans for the business with its execution and reviews performance measurements for continuous improvement. See: aggregate planning, production plan, production planning, sales plan, tactical planning.,S&OP,“The process tha
7、t enables a company to integrate its planning with the total company.”-Dick Ling,它是一个流程,,流程的活动就是进行计划的制定,,任务就是实现企业各项计划的整合和协调。,OMBOK,Introduction Strategy Supply Chain Processes Planning and Control Enterprise resources planning (ERP) Inventory Master planning Demand management and forecasting Sales a
8、nd operations planning (S&OP) Material requirements planning (MRP) Distribution requirements planning (DRP) Inventory management Inventory models Vendor-managed inventory (VMI) Collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment (CPFR) Scheduling Project Management Advanced Manufacturing and Serv
9、ice Technology Emerging Operations Technologies,S&OP地位,S&OP与MPS的区别,为什么需要引入S&OP?,应用场景,企业的经营计划通过销售与运营计划落实到各部门的运作计划,以保证计划体系的完整和企业战略目标的实现。 各业务部门的运作计划通过销售与运营计划达到统一,使所有部门协调一致、向着同一个目标努力。 通过销售与运营计划在经营管理层对需求和供应进行平衡。从而保证销售计划,生产计划,库存计划和财务计划等业务计划切实可行。,销售与运营计划销售计划、生产计划、库存计划、财务计划等,S&OP目的,A monthly process, not a
10、meeting or a computer report Business managements responsibility Purpose:t Ensure customer requirements, business objectives, operating goals, and plans are mett Set a single company game plant Make key tactical decisionst Drive multi-functional consensust Review performances Plan vs. actuals Root c
11、ause analysis of variations Action plans for improvementt Agreement, balance, and reconciliation of these aggregate (family) plans:s Financial s Production s Developments Sales s Capacity s Suppliers Backlog s Shipment s Inventoryt Ensure plans are realistict Examine alternatives, resolve conflicts
12、and develop contingency planst Create accountability for results,S&OP及相关流程,The Monthly S&OP Process,Step #1 Data Gathering,End of Month,Statistical Forecasts Sales & Marketing Inputs,Step #5 Executive S&OP Meeting,Decisions AuthorizedGame Plan,Step #4 Partnership Meeting,Recommendations &Agenda for
13、Exec Meeting3rd-pass time phased plan(consensus, alternatives, what-ifs),Step #2 Demand Planning,Management Forecast1st-pass time phased plan (with new forecast),Step #3 Supply Planning,Capacity constraints2nd-pass time phased plan(with new production plan),The S&OP Process,1. Data gathering process
14、2. Demand planning process Review performance; plan vs. actual Determine future customer needs Develop demand plan (Re)define inventory and / or backlog targets Run preliminary S equipment / people Develop production plan Run second preliminary S&OP,4. Partnership meeting Manufacturing / R&D / Sales
15、 / Financial Recommend changes Agree on issues and / or problems Propose alternative solutions Select alternatives or bring forward Prepare agenda for Step 5 meeting Run third preliminary S&OP if necessary5. Executive meeting Review decisions made Resolve disputes (select alternative) Make clear dec
16、isions Run final S&OP and hold people accountable,S&OP Sample Process Flow,实施S&OP的效益,硬性的效益 提高客户服务水平达8%-26% 提高生产效率达5%-20% 降低采购成本至4%-13% 降低库存水平至8%-30% 软性的效益 改进各部门间的沟通并提升团队协作 更好的决策流程和更有效的财务控制 最终形成一组数字,并以数量和金钱为单位 更加紧密联系的战略计划和日常的执行活动 建立持续改进的企业文化 通向未来的窗户,一、准备销售预测报告,报告由信息统计部门在每月月底或月初完成,主要内容包括: 上月实际销售情况:含各产
17、品族销售量和销售额、各区域业绩、销售达成率 产品和物料库存、生产以及未完成订单等 并提供一些销售分析数据和对预测准确性的统计分析给销售和市场人员,以便对未来需求进行预测 信息部门要将这报告提交给所有相关人员,二、需求计划制定,销售和市场人员 根据客观事实或数据,结合主观判断 用科学的方法和工具对将来的需求进行预测 输出*月-*月销售预测,包括现有所有产品,要考虑产品的生产周期对需求的影响,三、供应计划制定,供应能力评估 新产品研发计划及新产品上市评估 财务支撑能力评估 生产保障能力评估 约束项评估 供/需数据调整 供应链分析*月-*月销售预测数据 ,结合供应能力的评估结果,以决定是否有必要对现
18、有的运营计划进行调整,如果销售预测、库存水平、或者未完订单水平发生了变化,那么就应相应的调整运营计划,调整后的运营计划要通过资源计划进行校验,以确保关键资源的可用性。调整后的运营计划将提交销售与运作计划预备会议进行讨论,四、预备会议,会议议程与目的: 就供需平衡问题做出初步决定 讨论已发生或可能发生的约束问题,并形成一致的对策意见,以提交给领导层会议参考 明确不能达成一致的问题项,包含有关的背景和数据,以及为解决问题所需资源的申请,以提交给领导层会议决策 参与人员: 包括销售、市场、研发、财务、供应链相关的部门经理,五、领导层会议,会议议程与目的: 批准预备会议的建议或制定新的替代方案 授权对生产或采购水平的调整预测备料和备货计划 将生产计划与运营计划进行对比,并且进行必要的调整 就销售与运作计划预备会议没有达成一致的问题进行决策 审查并对策那些低于计划水平的关键指标 参与人员: 部门经理各一级部门总经理参加,S&OP的输入/输出,输入: 需求信息 管理目标 销售预测 市场情报 实际订单 能力信息 财务信息 新产品信息 新工艺流程 能力与约束,输出: 销售(出货)计划 主生产计划 产品与工艺开发计划 约束项对策方案 资源配置计划 财务计划 库存计划/未完订单计划,