1、Unit 5 Text B The Paris Opera House,1 The Paris Opera House is thought to be one of the greatest pieces of architecture of its period. Located on the northern part of Avenue De LOpera in the 9e arrondisement, it was founded in 1669 by King Louis XIV. 2 The idea of the opera house was first proposed
2、in the 1858 during the Second Empire by Baron Haussmann who was granted authorization for the project by Napoleon III. 3 The cause for this new opera house actually stemmed from Napoleon III. When he was arriving to the premiere of a new singer with his wife, the royal procession was bombed by a gro
3、up of dissenters. Over eighty people were killed, prompting Napoleon III to ask for an opera house with a covered side entrance where royalty could enter discreetly. When plans finally were made for the design of the opera house, over 200 entries were informally submitted, and 171 were chosen to be
4、viewed. Charles Garnier received the commission after some deliberation. He was an unknown architect, but a stunning design and several court allies hand a hand in his success.,4 Work on this structure began in 1861 and ended fifteen years later. On January 15, 1875 marked the opening of the Palais
5、Granier (Paris Opera House). The construction of the opera house was plagued by numerous setbacks. One major problem which postponed the laying of the concrete foundation was the extremely swampy ground under which flowed a subterranean lake, requiring the water to be removed by eight months of cont
6、inual pumping. More setbacks came as a result of the disastrous Franco-Prussian War, the subsequent fall of the Second French Empire, and the Paris Commune. During this time construction continued sporadically, and it was even rumored that construction of the opera house might be abandoned. The buil
7、ding cost over forty-seven million francs, and gave its creators and workers a massive headache.,5 The House seats two thousand and has seventeen stories, taking up three acres of land. Seven of these are below the ground, and two contain pieces of the famous lake later depicted in Lloyd Webbers The
8、 Phantom of the Opera.6 The interior is filled with gold leaf and velvet. There are cherubs and nymphs everywhere. The chandelier is over six tons in weight. The ceiling itself was painted by Marc Chagall in 1964.7 The Paris Opera House is now thought to be a masterpiece because Garnier had made won
9、derful use of the difficult and cramp site. The carriage ramps, the steps, the foyers and staircases were both planned and sectioned with skill and confidence.,8 Part of the mystique of the opera house is the levels that it inhabits underground. There are chorus rooms, green rooms, ball rooms, set r
10、ooms, cellars for waste props, closets, dressing rooms, and many more kinds of rooms making up the building. The underground levels contain all sorts of gruesome objects from various operas that have been produced. Their gruesome effect sparked the idea behind Gaston Lerouxs The Phantom of the Opera
11、. The lake on the last floor was unintentionally sprung when a worker knocked against a pipe underground. It has been seen by a few select eyes alone, as normal tours only permit the top of the house to be seen.,9 The Phantom of the Opera, later turned into an Andrew Lloyd Webber musical, was a book
12、 based upon the opera house. It portrays a young singer, Christine, and the Phantom who falls in love with her, Erik. Other characters include Meg, a young dancer, and Raoul, the lover that eventually wins Christines heart. In true Parisian tradition, Lerouxs tale decrees that the Phantom is a myste
13、rious force underground, and was once a circus exhibit that went wrong. In the book, and also the show, all levels of the opera house are used, from the lowest cellar to the roof. The Phantom kills, maims and scares members of the cast, who in turn chase him down and drive him from the theater. In t
14、he original story, the Phantom commits suicide by drowning himself because he cannot win Christines love. 10 The Paris Opera House today is open for touring, and remains one of the leading spots to visit in Paris. A show in this grand house is an unforgettable event.,Part One Answer the following qu
15、estions according to the above passage.Why did Napoleon III propose the idea of opera house?What kind of setbacks was the construction of the opera house plagued by?In what way is the Paris Opera House thought to be a masterpiece?,Part Two Scan the passage again, and then match the words listed on t
16、he left below with the best of definitions on the right. Write the number of the definition you choose in the space provided.grant A. extremely attractive or impressivedissenter B. happening after sth. elseprompt C. a difficulty or problem that delays or prevents sth. deliberation D. agree to give s
17、b. what they ask for stunning E. the process of carefully considering or discussingsetback F. live in a particular placedisastrous G. very bad, harmful or unsuccessfulmassive H. a person who does not agree with others opinion depict I. extremely large or serious gruesome J. to decide, judge or order
18、 sth. officially subsequent K. make sb. decide to do sth; cause sth. to happen decree L. to injure sb. seriously inhabit M. very unpleasant and filling you with horror maim N. not done on purpose unintentional O. describe sth. in words or with a picture,D H K E A C G I O M B J F L N,Part Three Fill
19、in each blank with a proper preposition or adverb. 1. The Sydney Opera House is one of the great iconic buildings of the 20th century, an image great beauty that has become known throughout the world.2. Students should not try to be familiar their behaviour toward an instructor. 3. The scale of the
20、shells is chosen to reflect the internal height requirements, which rises the low entrance spaces, over the seating areas and up to the high stage towers. 4. Peking Opera, a synthesis of music, dance, art and acrobatics, is known as Chinas national opera and widely regarded _ the highest expression
21、of the Chinese culture.,of,in,from,as,5. There are four roles in general: the male, the female, the “painted face“, and the clown, which are further classified age and profession. 6. The operatic dialogues and monologues are recited in Beijing dialect, and some of the words are pronounced in a speci
22、al fashion, unique the opera.7. There really is a lake the building of Paris Opera House; it is an integral part of the design. 8. The Paris Opera always prided itself its innovation as is shown in the wonderful use of difficult and cramp site.,by,to,underneath,in,Part FourPut the following paragrap
23、h into English.,你知道某些美国城镇的歌剧院通常也被用来当作是社区活动的地点吗?美国最有名的歌剧院应该就是在1883年10月22日开幕的纽约大都会歌剧院了。第一出在这里登台的表演是查尔斯古诺 (Charles Gunods) 的浮士德 (Faust) ,主要描述德国巫师把他的灵魂卖给魔鬼,以交换知识、力量、青春,以及爱情的故事。你以前有没有听过这个故事呢?,Part FivePut the following paragraph into Chinese.Historically, opera houses have served a variety of functions i
24、n towns and cities across the country, hosting community dances, fairs, plays, and vaudeville shows as well as operas and other musical events. Since 1966, the Metropolitan Opera Association has made its home at the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in New York. There you can hear opera vocalis
25、ts such as Luciano Pavarotti and Cecilia Bartoli; on other nights, the Lincoln Center hosts plays, ballet, symphony orchestras, and other types of performances. Ask older relatives if they ever went to dances at their local opera house.,The End,参考译文B 巴黎歌剧院1 巴黎歌剧院被认为是同时代建筑中最伟大的杰作之一。它坐落在巴黎第九区歌剧院大道的北部,
26、是法王路易十四于1669年建造的。,参考译文B 巴黎歌剧院2 建造新歌剧院的想法最早于1858提出。在法国第二帝国期间,拿破仑三世曾授权奥斯曼男爵负责此项工程。,参考译文B 巴黎歌剧院3 建设新歌剧院的主意实际上缘于拿破仑三世。有一天他和妻子去参加一个歌坛新秀的首场公演,他刚到歌剧院,就有几个异己分子往皇家仪仗队中投炸弹。八十多人死于这场暗杀,这个悲剧促使拿破仑三世下令建造一个带有隐蔽的侧门入口的歌剧院,以便皇室人员能够秘密进入。设计歌剧院的计划一出台就有二百多个设计方案通过非正式渠道提交上来,其中171项方案被纳入审议范围。经过商定,查尔斯加尼叶被授以重任。他当时还是名不见经传的建筑师,但他
27、的设计别具一格,加上皇室中又有人相助,因此他的设计被最后选定。,参考译文B 巴黎歌剧院4 工程从1861年起开始施工,直到15年后才结束。1875年1月15日,加尼叶歌剧院(又名巴黎歌剧院)正式开放。歌剧院在建设过程中遭遇了诸多困扰。其中一大难题就是选址的地表非常松软,原来地下有一个湖泊,需要八个月连续不断的抽水才能把水抽干,这也是导致混凝土地基推迟铺设的原因。此外还有损失惨重的普法战争、以及随之而来的法国第二帝国的垮台,和巴黎公社运动带来的一系列困扰。在此期间工程建设时断时续,甚至有传言说巴黎歌剧院的建设可能将被放弃。整个工程耗费了4700多万法郎,也给创建者和建筑工人带来了很多难题。,参考
28、译文B 巴黎歌剧院5 歌剧院有2000个座位,共有17层楼,占地3英亩。其中7个楼层位于地下,底层有暗湖,后来由洛依德韦伯作曲的音乐剧剧院魅影描写的正是这条著名的湖泊。,参考译文B 巴黎歌剧院6 歌剧院内部有很多金叶和天鹅绒的装饰。天使和仙女的图案随处可见。树枝形的装饰灯重达六吨多。剧院屋顶是由著名画家马克夏加尔于1964年亲手绘制的。,参考译文B 巴黎歌剧院7 因为加尼叶巧妙利用了难以处理的狭窄空间,巴黎歌剧院被认为是一项杰作。内侧斜坡、台阶、门厅和楼梯都得到了很好的设计和分隔,体现出设计者高超的技巧和独特的匠心。,参考译文B 巴黎歌剧院8 歌剧院因为有几层处在地下,所以显得颇为神秘。那里有
29、合唱间、温室、舞厅、布景间、盛放废弃道具的地下室、储藏室、化妆室,还有构建起这座大楼的其他各种房间。地下楼层里存放着以往上演的歌剧中所用到各种可怕的道具。正是这种恐怖效果激发了卡斯顿勒胡创作歌剧魅影。如果工作人员在地下敲击水管,位于最底层楼面的暗湖湖水便会自动流淌、跳动。这种场景只有很少的人才得以见到,因为平日里只允许游客参观剧院的地面部分。,参考译文B 巴黎歌剧院9 歌剧魅影本是取材于歌剧院的一本小说,后来被安德鲁洛依德韦伯改编成了音乐剧。故事塑造了年轻歌手克里斯蒂娜和爱上了她的幽灵埃里克。其他角色还有年轻的舞蹈演员玛格丽特,以及与克里斯蒂娜相爱、并最终赢得她芳心的拉乌尔。按照真正的巴黎传说
30、,在卡斯顿勒胡的故事中,幽灵是地下的一股神秘力量,它曾经是马戏团展出的一个畸形人,后来误入歧途。在书中和音乐剧中,歌剧院的所有楼层包括从最底层的地下室一直到楼顶都用上了。幽灵杀死、残害、威吓剧团演员,演员们反过来把他找出来并将他赶出了剧院。而根据原始故事,幽灵因为得不到克里斯蒂娜的爱情而选择了自溺。,参考译文B 巴黎歌剧院10 现在巴黎歌剧院对游客开放,它是巴黎最受欢迎的景点之一。能在这座富丽堂皇的剧院中欣赏一场演出将会成为永生难忘的经历。,1. When he was arriving to the premiere of a new singer with his wife, the ro
31、yal procession was bombed by a group of dissenters. Over eighty people were killed, prompting Napoleon III to ask for an opera house with a covered side entrance where royalty could enter discreetly.,2. One major problem which postponed the laying of the concrete foundation was the extremely swampy
32、ground under which flowed a subterranean lake, requiring the water to be removed by eight months of continual pumping. More setbacks came as a result of the disastrous Franco-Prussian War, the subsequent fall of the Second French Empire, and the Paris Commune.,3. The Paris Opera House is now thought
33、 to be a masterpiece because Garnier had made wonderful use of the difficult and cramp site. The carriage ramps, the steps, the foyers and staircases were both planned and sectioned with skill and confidence.,Did you know that in some U.S. towns and cities, the opera house used to serve as a center
34、of community activity? The most famous opera house in the country, the Metropolitan Opera in New York, opened on October 22, 1883. The first performance was of Charles Gounods Faust, the fascinating tale of a German sorcerer who sells his soul to the devil in exchange for knowledge, power, youth, an
35、d love. Have you heard of this story before?,在历史上,各城镇的歌剧院通常有许多不同的功能,包括举行社区舞蹈表演、博览会、舞台剧、歌舞表演、歌剧,以及其他音乐性表演等等。从1966年开始,大都会歌剧院协会 (Metropolitan Opera Association) 把纽约的林肯表演艺术中心 (Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts) 当成协会总部。在那里你可以听到许多歌剧歌手,例如男高音路西亚衲帕华洛帝 (Luciano Pavarotti) 、女高音赛西莉雅芭托莉, (Cecilia Bartoli) 等
36、人的表演;隔天,林肯中心又会举行舞台剧、芭蕾、交响乐,以及其他种类的表演。问问那些年纪比较大的亲戚,看看他们有没有去过当地的歌剧院看过舞蹈表演。,The Paris Opera House 巴黎歌剧院,欧洲最大的歌剧院,可容纳二千多位观众,每年都会上演许多经典名著。歌剧院集合拿破仑三世之前所有的建筑式样,为折中后典型的第二帝国式建筑物。歌剧院还包括芭蕾舞学校和一座图书馆,现在是国家舞蹈表演的场地及音乐学院。,Avenue De LOpera in the 9e arrondisement 位于第九区的歌剧院大道,King Louis XIV 法王路易十四。在法国历史上,路易十四国王是在位最长久
37、的君王之一,五岁登基,统治法国长达六十二年,直到一七一五年去世为止。在他统治下,法国国运昌盛,文艺活动鼎盛,堪称法国黄金时代。出现了“路易十四时代”,被法国著名的启蒙思想家伏尔泰称为人类历史上四个崇高伟大、堪称后世典范的时代之一。圣君路易十四被人尊称为“太阳王”。,the Second Empire 法兰西第二帝国,Baron Haussmann 奥斯曼(Baron Georges-Eugne Haussmann),生于1809年,是一名土生土长的巴黎人,在被拿破仑三世这个“伯乐”发掘之前,他还仅仅是名巴黎市警察局长。1853年,拿破仑三世将奥斯曼招至身边,任命他为法兰西第二帝国塞纳省(Sei
38、ne dpartement)行政长官(prfet),负责改造并重建巴黎的重任。,Napoleon III 拿破仑三世。1848年12月,拿破仑的侄子路易拿破仑波拿巴利用当时军人和农民对拿破仑近乎迷信的崇拜心理,在总统选举中出人意料地获胜。1851年12月2日,他发动政变,在“皇帝万岁”(Vive lempereur)的呐喊声中建立起法兰西第二帝国,翌年自封为帝,史称拿破仑三世。为了巩固自己的统治地位,拿破仑三世登基后的首要政策就是发动巴黎大改造。,Charles Garnier 查尔斯加尼叶,他创造了新古典主义、文艺复兴主义和巴洛克风格。巴黎歌剧院是他的巅峰作品,代表了19世纪的建筑风格并将其
39、发扬光大。在他的歌剧院设计和其他作品中人们都可以清晰的体会到传统和创新相混合的建筑风格,看到他对细节的无限追求及对大量新兴材料的使用。巴黎歌剧院全名为加尼叶歌剧院(Opra Garnier),就是以建筑师加尼叶的姓氏命名的。,Franco-Prussian War 普法战争。1870年7月 19日1871 年 5月10日法国同普鲁士王国之间的战争。,Paris Commune 巴黎公社(La Commune de Paris)是1871年法国大革命中无产阶级建立的工人革命政府,也是世界历史上第一个无产阶级专政的政权。成立于1871年3月18日(正式成立的日期为同年的3月26日,由于历史条件的限
40、制失败于1871年5月28日,历时72天,Lloyd Webber 安德鲁洛依德韦伯(Andrew Lloyd Webber),英国著名音乐剧作曲家。韦伯经典音乐剧:猫、艾薇塔、歌剧魅影、巨星耶稣基督。,The Phantom of the Opera 歌剧魅影,是一部安德鲁洛伊韦伯(Andrew Lloyd Webber)作曲的百老汇音乐剧。1986年首演,于1988年获得七项托尼奖,是史上最成功的音乐剧之一。,Marc Chagall 马克夏加尔(18871985),现代绘画史上的伟人,游离于印象派、立体派、抽象表现主义等一切流派的牧歌作者。他的画中呈现出梦幻、象征性的手法与色彩,“超现实
41、派”一词就是为了形容他的作品而创造出来的。,Gaston Leroux 法国作家卡斯顿勒胡,音乐剧歌剧魅影是根据他的小说Le Fantom De Lopera改编而成。在二十年代,它成为无声电影和早期恐怖电影的宠儿,早期的经典黑白影片夜半歌声也是根据此书改编的。1986年,安德鲁洛伊韦伯将这个故事创作成了歌剧,1988年1月26号舞台版歌剧魅影在纽约上演,演出迅速风靡百老汇,连夺17项大奖。之后便席卷全世界,在22个国家赢得了50多个舞台剧的奖项。,Parisian 巴黎人的,stem fromto be the result of 起源于,基于,由产生的It is a fact that c
42、orrect decisions stem from correct judgment. 正确的决定源自正确的判断,这是个事实。,ask for to say that you would like sb. to give you sth. 请求,寻找Theyll very likely ask for an increase in the annual budget. 他们非常希望年度预算有所增加。,be plagued by be annoyed by sth. 被折磨,使苦恼While autumn is the best of all, it is often plagued by a
43、 sudden frost. 秋天本是一年中最好的光景,但经常突降霜冻,让人头疼。,as a result of caused or produced because of sth. 由于,因为,作为结果The valuable data emerged as a result of the investigation and studies. 经过一番调查研究终于取得了珍贵的资料。,it is / was rumored that people talk about sth., but that may not be true 谣传, 听说It was rumored that the mu
44、rderer had committed suicide before being arrested. 有传言说,凶手在被捕之前自杀了。,take up fill or use an amount of space or time 占用(土地)New industries have taken up much of our farmland, which is an amazing issue. 新工业占用了我们大量的农田,这着实让人惊诧。,be filled with become full of sth. 充满May Christmas and the New Year be filled
45、 with happiness for you. 祝愿你的圣诞和新年有幸福相伴!,make wonderful use of to use sth/sb skillfully, especially in order to get an advantage(巧妙)利用The designer made wonderful use of space and changed the balcony into a study. 设计师巧妙利用空间,将阳台改造成了书房。,make up constitute 构成Adventurism and deceit made up their foreign
46、policy in those days. 冒险和欺骗构成了他们那段时间的外交政策。,turn into become (使)变成The idea we thought was absurd enough is now turning into a real product. 以前我们觉得这个想法相当荒唐,现在却变成了真实的产品。,(be) based upon be developed from 基于,以为依据This romantic story is based on my own experience when I studied abroad. 这个浪漫的故事是以我在国外学习时的经历
47、为原型的。,fall in love with show a strong affection for sb. 爱上My brother fell in love with a pretty girl in a ball and they soon got married. 我哥哥在舞会上爱上一个漂亮的女孩,他们很快就结婚了。,go wrong experience problems or difficulties; make a mistake; to stop working correctly 发生故障,误入歧途Their marriage started to go wrong when they got into financial trouble. 在他们陷入财政危机的时候,婚姻也开始破裂。,in turn as a result of sth in a series of events 依次,轮流;反过来Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice. 理论源于实践,又反过来为实践服务。,