1、 The First period一 Self-Introduction1.(prologue)Good morning, boys and girls. Welcome to No.11 middle school. This is a new school in Zhuhai and it is established for only two years. I hope everyone can love this school and live a happy life with all the teachers and classmates. Im your first Englis
2、h teacher in middle school. Im so happy that I can be your teacher. 2.Introduction of my name, hometown, graduate school and my English level (make an brief introduction of each point)3.Introduction of my experience. Including voluntary teacher of countryside; moderator; performance team; experience
3、 as student leader; internship experience( illustrate each point with a picture)二 Introduction of English Discipline1. The importance of English(International English and official language in many countries; to get to know the advanced knowledge and technology and culture; about your future work; ab
4、out your examination) 2. The method to learn English(in terms of listening, speaking, reading,writing, translating, reciting) Attach importance to speaking: A never be shy of talking; B do not afraid of losing face; C get rid of “mute EnglishD simple word and sentence(some words that you have not le
5、arn before,use Chinese to replace it) (This part should help student get rid of psychological burden;try my best to make student to open their mouth)三 Student Self-IntroductionMake a several simple sentence to introduce yourself;try your best to render everyone remember you. (introduce in English)(g
6、ive them an example) 四 The demand and discipline of my class and after my class1. pre-class: preview the lesson(words;text;grammar)2. While-class: listen carefully; note-taking; active participation;3. After-class(homework):Seriously complete the job; do some extra task; 4. Preparation: 综合笔记本(1)作业本(
7、2)错题本(1) 听写本(1)字母字帖(1)音标卡片(1)5. system of rewards and penalties(group work)1)全班分组,6 人到 7 人一组;每组按照表现和成绩选一名组长;半学期或一个学期根据情况再重新分组2)组长职责:收取作业交到课代表处;检查作业与批改作业;督促与指导本组的英语学习工作;3)小组内成员需相互学习,组长就是小组的小老师,帮助组内其他成员,共同进步4)小组从 A 组到 H 组,每组有 1 号到 8 号5)加分规则:上课被表扬加 1 分; 上课某些提问答对加 1 分;每天作业全组交齐加 2 分;作业完成情况优等的小组加 1 分;小测期中
8、期末考前 3 名加 3 分,前 5 名加 2 分,前十名加 1 分,进步幅度最大加 2 分;6)扣分规则:上课被批评 2 次扣一分;作业有一个人没交作业(包括没做完和做错作业)本组扣一分;听写低于设定分数,每人在本小组各扣一分;抄别人作业者扣一分;7)每个月评选出优秀小组;先进个人;五 本月教学计划1)主要教授音标,包括元音和辅音(共 48 个)要求学生会读音标,写音标,看到音标会写单词;学会音标后能提前背识记单词2)教授音标过程中会穿插讲授前三个 Starter主要教授字母的书写,要求书写工整美观前三单元的的重点句型,要求会背会用前三单元的单词,要求会背会默3)讲授设计前三单元的语法:包括大写字母的用法;不定冠词 a,an 的用法;定冠词 The 的用法;不定代词 this,that,it 的用法;be 的一般现在时三种形式