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1、1. 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?(arrive)2. 说实在的,我对物理期终考试的结果有点担心。(worry)3. 我一生中从未尝试过这么美味可口的食物。(Never)4. 他设法找到三种解这道数学题的方法。(manage)5. 她似乎已了解那件事的一切。(learn)6. 说起中国,大多数外国人想到的是万里长城。 (talk)7. 无论多忙,我每天晚上要看电视晚间新闻。(watch)8. 他希望从此以后没人再提那件事了。 (mention)9. 这取决于你的决心有多大。 (depend)10. 你从这吃饭的错误中得到什么教训?(learn)11. 三天后是我父亲的生日,我打算去预定一只大蛋糕。

2、(place v.)12. 通过与美国笔友的交流,我的英语进步很快。 (improve)13. 据报道上海迪斯尼乐园的面积将是香港迪斯尼的四倍。(report)14. 很有可能这个街区的房子在两年内拆迁。(suppose)15. 你怎么老是把雨伞遗忘在公共汽车上?(leave)16. 她看上去比实际年龄年轻许多。 (appear)17. 两三个月后他才渐渐开始习惯国外的生活。(accustom)18. 随着生活水平的提高,人们的保险意识越来越强。 (rise)19. 你可以在周末去短途旅游来放松一下自己。 (relax)20. 服了这种头痛药片,我现在感到好多了。 (take)21. 我们这一

3、代人见证了中华民族的崛起。 (witness)22. 听说有的小学生的书包重达 10 公斤。 (weigh)23. 奇怪,有人竟然在网上出售别人的个人信息。 。 (It)24. 我简直不相信自己的耳朵,因为这消息好得难以置信。 (simply)25. 他挥手向妈妈告别,眼里满含泪水。 (wave )26. 不要过分责备他,他不是故意打碎它的。 (on purpose)27. 作为学生,你有必要每年换手机吗?(necessary)28. 在新加坡的马路上从来看不到狗,这是真的吗?29. 大多数医生认为这种疾病与日常饮食有关系。 (relate)30. 使我兴奋的是,我的奖学金申请批准了。 (ap

4、prove)31. 至于这样重要的事情,必须三思而后行。 (before)32. 一回到家玲玲就迫不及待地把那消息告诉了父母。 (Hardly)33. 你是否做好了准备来面对前面的困难?(face)34. 在翻译那句句子时,我的确忽略了时态。 (neglect)35. 就是因为他开车前喝了不少酒才造成了那场严重的交通事故。 (It)36. 一定要设法说服他去除暴饮暴食的坏习惯。 (get rid of)37. 我本来不想打扰你,但发生了意外的事。 (intend)38. 时间过得真快,不知不觉已年过去了。 (pass )39. 你怎么能不考虑后果干这样的事?(without)40. 她大学毕业

5、快九个半月了,但至今未找到合适的工作。 (so far)41. 是什么使越来越多的外国人想了解中国?(desire)42. 我们日夜盼望的日子终于来到了。 (long v.)43. 像这样的书在南京路新华书店买得到。 (available)44. 当他思索某个问题时,喜欢呆呆地看着远方。 (fix)45. 我很遗憾地通知你,你的签证申请被拒绝了。 (regret)46. 长时间的晒太阳会损害人的皮肤。 (if)47. 我坚信在不久的将来中国的宇航员将登上月球。 (believe)48. 他做了一个又一个实验,终于证明了他的理论是正确的。 (prove)49. 他决心遵照医嘱,除了一日三餐不吃任

6、何东西。 (follow)50. 在篮球比赛中,他的右腿受了伤,至今未愈。 (injure)51. 从医生脸上的笑容判断,这次手术是相当成功的。(judge) 52. 荣誉属于所有为这项工程做出贡献的人。(belong) 53. 核能既能造福人类,也会给人类带来灾难。(not only) 54. 你不能太依靠别人,这完全是你自己的事。(rely) 55. 既然你是班长,你应该在班级活动中处处带头。(lead n.)56. 她不顾父母的反对,坚持要买广告里的那个产品。(ignore)57. 他急于想知道他保存了 30 年的那套邮票值多少钱。(eager)58. 无论你的志向是什么,首先你得学会如

7、何谋生。(no matter)59. 那些遇到什么困难就放弃的人必将一事无成。(accomplish)60. 这种布料摸起来很柔软,用它做成衬衫穿起来很舒服。(feel)61. 为了保护地球,我们要尽可能回收利用废塑料袋。(recycle)62. 他一直在思考如何在上课的过程中引起孩子们的好奇心。(bring about)63. 人们对这件事的意见不一致,这是很正常的。(agree)64. 虐待动物是不道德的,应该立法禁止。(forbid)65. 你怎么可以在这么正式的场合穿这么随便的衣服?(casual)66. 如果条件允许的话,他想实现周游世界的梦想。(permit)67. 那首歌对我来说

8、相当熟悉,一听到它就使我想起那个年代。(remind)68. 我真诚地希望我们俩人之间的友谊永远持续下去。(last)69. 他惊讶地发现她度过童年的那个山村已完全变了样。(surprise70. 真想不到许多父母是董事长的美国大学生业余时间经常打工。(imagine)71. 袁隆平本来可以成为亿万富翁,但他不在乎钱。(care)72. 与加拿大的一些城市相比,上海的环境还是远远不能令人满意。(compare)73. 那个地区产的苹果吃起来又脆又甜,受到消费者的欢迎。(popular)74. 在英语写作中,我们要避免那些中国学生犯的典型错误。(avoid)75. 一个人想不努力而赚很多钱的想法

9、是很荒谬的。(ridiculous)76. 警方急于了解的是他那样做的动机究竟是什么。(intention)77. 由于人口在下降,许多发达国家鼓励人们多生孩子。(decline)78. 必须采取严厉的措施来防止人们酒后驾车。(prevent)79. 每一个与会者都表示对中国未来的经济发展充满信心。(express)80. 顽皮是男孩的天性,你不必为此担心。(nature)81. 对于退休的人来说应该知足常乐。(satisfy)82. 他考试不及格的原因是他上课经常心不在焉。(reason)83. 像我奶奶这样年龄的人很难接受这种时髦的观念。(accept)84. 就是由于这个原因,两国领导人

10、的会晤推迟了。(put off)85. 如果你站在山顶上看着太阳升起,心中就会充满希望。(full of)86. 你是否相信“饭后百步走,活到九十九”这句中国老古话?(believe in)87. 你知道在上海把一个孩子抚养长大要花多少钱?(bring up)88. 整个团队只有互相配合才能准时完成这项任务。(Only)89. 是否有可能防止金融危机将来再次发生?(occur)90. 上海世博会的口号“城市让生活更美好”越来越深入人心。(known to)91. 中国人民将永远铭记钱学森以及他为祖国做出的贡献。(remember)92. 三四十年前人们天天吃蔬菜不是为了健康,而是吃不起肉。(n

11、otbut)93. 我多么希望有一天能亲眼观看俄罗斯芭蕾舞团演出的“天鹅湖”!(hope)94. 即使在像美国这样的富裕国家,有超过 40%的人租房住。(rent)95. 有所得就有所失,你要清醒地意识到这一点。(conscious)96. 问题是你能否在大多数人反对的情况下坚持自己的观点。(stick to)97. 能力来自于实践,因此我们只能通过游泳学习游泳。(therefore)98. 你既然声称要独立于父母,为什么在经济上完全依靠他们?(independent)99. 要是没有邓小平的开放政策,我们就不能过上像现在这么好的日子。(but for)100. 所谓的绿色蔬菜是指在生长的过程

12、中没有使用过化肥和杀虫剂。(mean)1. If winter has arrived, can spring be far behind?2. As a matter of fact, I am a little worried about the result of the physics final exam.3. Never in my life have I tasted such delicious food.4. He managed to find out three ways to work out the maths problem/to find out three so

13、lutions to the maths problem.5. She seems/seemed to have learned all about the matter.6. Talking of China, most foreigners will think of the Great Wall.7. No matter how busy I am / However busy I am, I will watch the evening news on TV.8. He hopes that nobody will mention it any longer from now on.9

14、. It depends on how great your determination is.10. What lesson have you learned from the mistake you made this time?11. It will be my fathers birthday in three days, and I am going to place an order for a big cake.12. My English has greatly improved by communicating with a pen friend from America.1

15、3. It is reported that the area of the Disney Park in Shanghai will be four times as big as that in Hong Kong.14. The houses of this block are supposed to be pulled down within two years.15. How are you always leaving your umbrella on the bus?16. She appears much younger than she really/actually is.

16、17. After two months/Two months later, he was getting accustomed to living abroad.18. With the rise of living standards, peoples sense of insurance is becoming stronger.19. You may/can make /go on a short trip at weekends to relax yourself.20. I have taken the medicine for headache and now I feel mu

17、ch better.21. People of our generation (have) witnessed the rise of the Chinese nation.22. It is said that some primary school pupils school bags weigh as much as ten kilograms.23. It is strange that someone should sell other peoples personal information on the Net.24. I simply dont believe my own e

18、ars, for this news is too good for me to believe.25. He waved goodbye to his mother with tears in his eyes.26. Dont blame his too much, for he didnt break it on purpose.27. Is it necessary for you to change your mobile phone every year as a student?28. Never can we see any dogs in the streets of Sin

19、gapore. Is it true?29. Most doctors think that this disease is related to our daily diet.30. To my excitement my application for a scholarship has been approved.31. As for such an important matter, you must think about it carefully/again and again before you act.32. Hardly had Lingling got home when

20、 she hurried to tell the news to her parents.33. Are you ready/Have you prepared to face the difficulties ahead (of you)?34. While translating that sentence, I did neglect the tense of it.35. It was his drinking a lot before driving that caused the serious traffic accident.36. Do try to persuade him

21、 to get rid of the bad habit of drinking a lot and eating a lot.37. I did not intend to bother/trouble you, but something unexpected has happened.38. Time flies/Time has passed so quickly and a year has passed before we know/realize it.39. How can you do such a thing without considering the outcome

22、of it?40. It is about nine and a half months since she graduated from the university, but so far she hasnt found a suitable job.41. What on earth have more and more foreigners desired to learn about China?42. The day that we are longing for has come at last.43. A book like this is available in Xinhu

23、a Bookstore on Nanjing Road.44. When/While he is thinking about a certain problem, he likes fixing his eyes to a distance.45. I regret to inform you that your application for a visa has been turned down/rejected.46. If you stay in the sun for a long time, your skin will be damaged.47. I firmly belie

24、ve that Chinese astronauts will land on the moon in the near future.48. He did one experiment after another and finally proved that his theory was correct.49. He decided to follow the doctors advice and eat nothing except/but three meals a day.50. He was injured in the right leg in a basketball matc

25、h, and has no recovered yet up to now.51. Judging from the smile on the doctors face, the operation was quite successful.52. The honor belongs to all those who have made contributions to the project.53. Nuclear energy can bring can bring not only happiness but also disasters to mankind.54. You can n

26、ot rely too much on others, and it is entirely the business of your own.55. Since you are the monitor, you should take the lead in every class activity.56. She ignored her parents objection and insisted on buying the product in the advertisement.57. He ws eager to know how much the set of stamps whi

27、ch he had kept for 30 years was worth.58. no matter what your ambition is, first of all you must learn how to make a living.59. Those who will give up when they meet difficulties will accomplish nothing.60. This kind of cloth feels soft and it is comfortable to wear a shirt made of it.61. In order t

28、o protect the earth, we should recycle as many waste plastic bags as possible.62. He has been considering how to bring about childrens curiosity in the course of classes.63. People dont agree on/about it, which is quite normal.64. It is immoral to mistreat/ill-treat animals, and laws must be made to

29、 forbid it.65. How could you wear such a casual coat on such a formal occasion?66. If condition permits / Condition permitting, he wants to realize his dream of traveling around the world.67. That song is quite familiar to me, and it reminds me of that age / period of time when I hear it.68. I since

30、rely hope that the friendship between us two will last forever.69. He was surprised to find the mountain village where/in which he spent his childhood had completely changed.70. You can never imagine many American university students whose parents are presidents often do part-time jobs in their spar

31、e time.71. Yuan Longping could have become a billionaire, but he didnt care about money.72. Compared with some cities in Canada, the environment of Shanghai is far from satisfactory.73. The apples produced in that area taste crisp and sweet, and they are popular with the consumers.74. When we write

32、something in English, we must avoid the typical mistakes male by Chinese students.75. It is ridiculous for a person to think about making a lot of money without making any efforts.76. The police are anxious to learn what his intention of doing so is.77. Because the population is declining, many deve

33、loped countries encourage people to have more children.78. Severe measures must be taken to prevent people from driving after drinking.79. Everybody present at the meeting expressed his/their confidence in Chinas future development in economy.80. It is a boys nature to be naughty and you neednt worr

34、y about it.81. Those who have retired from work should be satisfied with the present situation and then they will always feel happy.82. The reason why he failed in the exam was that he was often absent-minded in class.83. It is difficult for people of my grandmothers age to accept such smart concept

35、s.84. The meeting of the leaders of the two countries was put off / has been put off just for this reason.85. If you stand on (the) top of the mountain watching the sun rise, you will be full of hope in your heart.86. Do you believe in the old Chinese saying that you will live longer if you take a w

36、alk after meals?87. Do you know how much it costs to bring up a child in Shanghai?88. Only by cooperating with each other can the whole team finish the task on time.89. Is it possible to stop a financial crisis from occurring again in the future?90. The slogan of Shanghai EXPO “Better City, Better L

37、ife” is getting more and more known to the people.91. The Chinese people will always remember Qina Xuesen and the contributions that he has made for his country.92. Thirty or forty years ago, people ate vegetable every day not because they wanted to be healthier but because they could not afford mea

38、t.93. How I hope that one day I can watch with my own eyes “the Swan Lake” performed by the Russian Ballet.94. Even in a wealthy country like the United States, more than 40 percent of the people rent houses (to live).95. While you gain something, you will lose something else, and you should be cons

39、cious of it.96. The problem is whether you can stick to your point of view while most people are against it.97. Ability / Capability comes from practice, and therefore we can learn swimming only by swimming.98. Now that / Since you claim that you want to be independent from/of your parents, why do you economically depend entirely on them?99. But for Deng Xiaopings open-door policy, we could not live such a good life as we do now.100. The so-called green vegetables mean that while they are growing no chemical fertilizer or insecticide is used.


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