1、第八章 商务访谈,Chapter 8 Interview with Business Elites,第八章 商务访谈 (Interview with Business Elites),An interview is a highly intelligence-intensive work. It requires interviewers to be equipped with multi-facet qualities.The time for an interview is usually set beforehand.An inerpreter needs to have good ch
2、ice of words, communication skills, a wide range of knowledge, and bear in mind relevant terms as many as possible.,Vocabulary Work,ally:同盟国; deadlock:僵局; alleviate:减轻,缓和; make concessions:做出妥协; arduous and time-consuming: 任务艰巨且旷日持久的;抄捷径:cut through; 就业率:employment rate; 淡季返利:off-season rebate; 六年免费
3、维修:six years of free maintenance; 社会意识更强:a stronger sense of social consciousness,Vocabulary Work,tip:建议; yield:产量,收益; split personalities:人格分裂; spiraling downward:走下坡路; tight-rope-walkers:走钢丝的人;箴言:motto; 职业发展:career advancement; “良师益友”项目:Mentoring Program; 在排名上的攀升:shot up in the rankings; 从内部基层提拔:p
4、romote from the shop floor;,Vocabulary Work,equilibrium:均衡; by and large:总的说来; intimidate:造成胁迫感; make headway:取得进展;特立独行:outlier; 评估标准:ranking criterion; 普通员工:entry-level employees; “学生大使”项目:Ambassador Program;,Sight Interpretation (1),slack off:偷懒; obsolete:淘汰; micro-processor:微处理器; day-to-day execu
5、tion:日常执行;建议:注意与计算机相关的词汇以及企业推销自己 的常用语,Sight Interpretation (2),中央电视台:CCTV; 经济落后: backward; 杰出人物: prominent figure; 探索频道: Discovery Channel; 看东方:look at the Orient;建议:这里主要是一些与电视节目和频道相关的词汇,Note-taking (1),minor:副修;take public offices:担任公职;at the international level:在国际层面;,Note-taking (2),大四:senior yea
6、r;转折点:a turning point;国际金融:international finance;北京外国语大学:Beijing Foreign Studies University;最为珍贵的个人经历:the most valuable personal experience;,Sentences in Focus (E-C),assertive:果断; feminist:女权英雄; femininity:女性温柔; Madam Secretary:国务卿; percolate:渗透(这里指构思新作品)建议:这里主要是记者提问时的口语表达,可以注 意一下英文和中文表达方式的区别。,Sente
7、nces in Focus (C-E),盛名:celebrity; 忧虑:apprehension; 行为榜样:role model; 展望未来:look forward;建议:注意这里面的翻译很多都没有采取直翻的方 式,而是根据内容适当的增减。,Text Interpreting (Passage 1),mesh:配合; arduous:艰难; dynamic:动力; deadlock:僵局; time-consuming:漫长的; tell sb. xyz:和某人说某事;,E-C Interpretation (Passage 1),.but its actually a rule oft
8、en ignored, because you have to be very particular. 将particular转换成名词“细节”; 增加名词“问题”,增词不增义;建议:此句译文可使用增词技巧和词性转换技巧,E-C Interpretation (Passage 1),.knowing the two thousand waysof getting to the goal is an important role for the negotiator.可将knowing the two thousand ways of getting to the goal与后面部分拆开,前面单
9、独译成“你要知道2000 种达到目标的方法”,后面句子增词“但是”后译成“ 这是谈判官的一个重要作用;建议:这里主要是针对长句子进行拆分翻译成若干 简单句的方法,E-C Interpretation (Passage 1),and if you guess wrong, and its the wrong idea, the wrong tone, the wrong suggestion, then in fact the negotiations cease.判断错误、想法错误、语气错误、建议错误建议:在翻译时,可运用词性转换和词序调 整技巧,使汉语表达自然,同时形成一系列 排比,显得有力
10、量。,E-C Interpretation (Passage 2),alleviate:减轻; eliminate:消除; intimidate:威胁; extinguish:消灭; equilibrium:均衡; merchandise:推销;,E-C Interpretation (Passage 2),.and theyve just learned how to do their task that much better because they know what its like, or they have a pretty good idea what its like to
11、fall.意译:胸有成竹建议:有时候在不改变句子本意的情况下,意译比 直译效果更好。,E-C Interpretation (Passage 2),I dont wanna eliminate fear of whats gonna happen if you dont move.反译:安于现状建议:“安于现状”比“如果你不改变”更加符合汉语 使用习惯,而且四字格更加简练。,E-C Interpretation (Passage 2),One of the biggest contributions that youve made to make the public aware of wha
12、ts inside a computer is theallow them to make their choice based on Intel being inside the box.which 引导的非限定从可以拆开,独立翻译;而that引 导的限定从应放在修饰语后面;allow them可省略。建议:句式结构较复杂的时候可采用词序调整、减词 和拆句的技巧,是译文更符合汉语习惯。,C-E Interpretation (Passage 1),格力:Gree; 抄捷径:cut corners; 淡季返利:off-season rebates; 事实胜于雄辩:Deeds talk loud
13、er than words;,C-E Interpretation (Passage 1),在2004年,格力取得了很好的年销售业绩,我们就从利润中拿出了7000万给零售商,实行年终返利。 汉英句式转换:“很好的”译为.were good;“年销售业绩”译文中译为主语,调到前面。 建议:注意汉英句式的差别,汉语通常单句表达较多。,C-E Interpretation (Passage 1),我们打破了人们用学历和职务来判断一名员工是不是人才的传统,我们更多地是通过在岗位上贡献多少来判断一名员工是不是人才。 词序调整:后半句翻译时放在前面; 建议:英文习惯先说结果,再说原因。而汉语常习惯先表达原
14、因,再说出结果,所以在翻译时常调整词序。,C-E Interpretation (Passage 2),指标:category; 良师益友:mentor; 中欧国际工商学院:CEIBS; 挑战和机遇:opportunities and challenges; 身居高位:be in the positions of responsibility;,C-E Interpretation (Passage 2),从软件方面来说,学生团体更加活跃,具有更强的社会意识。 词性转换:可将“社会意识”译为形容词“more socially aware” 建议:有时将汉语中的词性转换一个词性翻译成英语会使句子
15、看上去更加顺畅。,C-E Interpretation (Passage 2),我们要开始让他们更多地参与到学校的建设中来,我们的EMBA和MBA毕业生数量与素质以及足以能够在学校的发展中发挥更大的作用了。 拆句、意译和词性转换:第一个分句译为It istime to start.;“让他们更多的参与到学校的建设中 来”译为“pulling them closer to the school,更加形 象。 建议:采用拆句、意译和词性转换技巧使措辞更为具体、灵活。,Vocabulary Development (1),article: 记事; anecdote: 趣闻轶事; remunerati
16、on: 稿费,稿酬; back alley news: 小道消息; accredited journalist:特派记者; assignment: 采写任务; affair: 桃色新闻,绯闻; beat: 采写范围,抢先报道 advance: 预发消息,预写消息; attribution: 消息出处,消息来源;,Vocabulary Development (2),caption: 图片说明; big news: 头条新闻; timeliness: 时效性; full position: 醒目位置; bureau/copy chief:总编辑;刊登: carry; 采访,报道: cover;
17、专栏,栏目: column; 特约编辑: contributing editor;,Vocabulary Development (3),特写,专稿: feature; 初任记者: cub reporter; 编辑部: editorial office; 深度报道: in-depth reporting; 常驻记者: resident correspondent; 侵犯隐私(权): invasion of privacy; 隐性采访,秘密采访: convert coverage; “抢”新闻,独家新闻: scoop; 人物专访,人物特写: profile; 年度新闻人物/年度风云人物: man
18、 of the year; 深入采访,追踪新闻线索,挖新闻:dig;,口译技巧增减译法,口译要求的是忠于原意,不苛求语言和句型的对等。人们在交 流思想时使用语言的目的只是为了确切表达某些事物。因此, 译员在掌握源语内容精神后,常会灵活处理,这时经常用到增 减译法的技巧。 1、增减译法的总原则是:增词不增意,减词不减意。 2、增译法的原则是:如果原文中有其意而无其词,那么译文中就可以增加一些词句。 3、减译法的原则是:在不省去原文的思想内容的情况下省略那些可有可无或者有了反而累赘或违背译文语言习惯的词。 4、要想运用好增减译法,译员需要了解两种语言的特点。 5、增减译法常常同时综合使用换序译法、
19、转态译法及短句译法等。,Interpretation Skills Practice,men and women, old and young:男女老少(减译法)get into:溜(大街),游(公园),看(演出),吃(名菜)中国出口的产品:if you look at out export structure(增译法)政府机构改革: institutional reform of government政府职能转变: transformation of the functions of government,Supplementary Exercise 1 (E-C),skittish: 谨慎
20、; grease: 润滑; plunge: 大幅下跌; be wiped out: 血本无归; risky assets: 高风险资产; subprime loans: 次级贷款; a brokerage firm: 证券经济业务 various dire scenarios: 恶劣经济形势; larger drag of the recession: 经济衰退的拖累; a mergers-and-acquisition advisory business并购咨询业务,Supplementary Exercise 2 (C-E),追溯: trace; 正规化: formalise; 基本要求:
21、 entry level; 反工厂剥削: anti-sweatshop; 可持续发展: sustainability; 新上市的公司:newly listed company; 企业社会责任:corporate social responsibility 香港城市大学:Hong Kong City University/City U 一蹴而就:it is not going to happen overnight;,本章小结,一、英汉句子结构的特征; (汉语句子多单句较松散,习惯先表达原因后说结果,英语句子习惯用复杂句,多修饰语,习惯先说结果再说原因。) 二、重点翻译技巧; (增译法、减译法) 三、其他翻译的技巧; (词性转换、词序调整和省略不译) 四、拆分句子; (适用于结构复杂,从句较多修饰部分多的复合句),