1、1课程编号:164048044012044012课程名称:视听说 2视听说教学大纲 课程类别 通识教育必修课适用专业国际学院 17土木工程1、2 班开课学期 1 学分 2 总学时 64 理论学时 64与其他课程的联系:建议教材 新视野大学英语视听说教程 2 (第三版) 郑树棠编 外语教学与研究出版社主 要参考书1新视野大学英语读写教程 2 郑树棠编 外语教学与研究出版社, 2003。2 大学英语课程教学要求 (试行) 上海外语教育出版社, 2004。3 大学英语新要求词汇手册 外语教学与研究出版社, 2005。4外语教学改革:问题与对策 束定芳编 上海外语教育出版社, 2005。一、课程的性质
2、、地位和任务视听说 2课堂教学采用讲授,讨论,练习并行的方式实施教学。以各单元话题为主线,以任务为途径、动力、刺激、目标、手段、内容,培养学生在英语学习中积极主动的态度。广泛开展课堂讨论,结合各单元的话题,联系现实社会中真实的、具有挑战性的相关事情为任务,让学生在有趣味的讨论中,领会掌握各单元的知识要点,同时学生也在实践中学会如何应用相关的知识。积极引导学生开展各项课堂及课外活动,并借用英语这个有效的工具来完成,利用多渠道,让学生在知识输入的过程中,主动地进行知识输出。通过本学期的教学,应使学生达到如下目标:能听懂英语授课,能听懂日常英语谈话,能听懂语速较慢的英语听力材料,能掌握其中心大意,抓
3、住要点;能抓住主要论据和主要内容;根据所听材料进行推理与判断;辨别说话人所持的态度和语气等。能运用基本的听力技巧;能在学习过程中用英语交流,并能就某一主题进行讨论,能就日常话题用英语进行交谈,能在交谈中使用基本的会话策略;逐步培养跨文化交际意识,掌握一定量的有关欧美日常生活、社交礼仪、职业等领域的习俗和习惯表达。2二、课程章节的教学内容及学时分配学时分配序号 章节教学内容理论 实践 合计1 Unit 1Life is a learning curve 4 4 82 Unit 2Journey into the unknown 4 4 83 Unit 3Time out 4 4 84 Unit
4、4Life under the spotlight 4 4 85 Unit 5Urban pulse 4 4 86 Unit 6Climbing the ladder 4 4 87 Unit 7Time of technology: A blessing or a curse? 4 4 88 Unit 8Discovering your true identity 4 4 8合计 32 32 64我院学生入校时英语水平差别较大。因此,视听说教学应采用分类指导、因材施教的原则,以适应个性化教学的实际需要。本大纲是我院财务管理、土木工程专业本科学生在英语听说方面应达到的基本目标。主要要求包括英语语
5、言知识、应用技能、学习策略和跨文化交际等方面的内容,并以定性和定量的描述体现教学的指导思想,强调培养学生的英语听说能力,在教学过程中,一定要贯彻分类指导、因材施教的原则,以适应立体化、个性化英语教学和学习的实际需要。三、教学章节教学目的、基本内容要求、重点和难点Unit 1. Life is a learning curve1. 学习目的a. talk about learning experiences b. listen for signal words for listing c. give and respond to advice d. talk about learning/tea
6、ching methods 2.基本内容要求a. learn how to analyze the advantages and disadvantages.b. identify the signal words while listening c. learn the useful expressions for giving and responding to advice 3.重点和难点When the total number is given, Ss are quite clear how many items will be linked but in the cases whe
7、re the total number is not given first, Ss must pay close attention to signal words, especially those that indicate the end of the list such as the last, the final, lastly, and finally.3Unit 2Journey into the unknown1. 学习目的a. talk about your own traveling experiences b. understand the problem-soluti
8、on pattern c. ask for and give directions d. make a plan for a dream journey 2基本内容要求a. understand discourse patternb. learn how to present a plan to the classc. learn the useful expressions of asking and giving directions 3.重点和难点“in all honesty” is used when telling someone that what you are saying
9、is what you really think, e.g. in all honesty, more than once I skipped over some details for the sake of brevity. “miss out on” means to lose an opportunity to do or have something, e.g. he missed out on a chance to visit Hawaii.Unit 3Time out1.学习目的a. talk about leisure activities b. listen for inf
10、ormation about plans c. manage phone problems d. plan a perfect day 2.基本内容要求a. learn how to take notes by using a timeline while listeningb. learn some expressions of dealing with phone problemsc. get familiar with phone call procedures and learn to manage various telephone problems 3.重点和难点“churro”
11、means a long, curly doughnut-like cake, usually eaten for breakfast; “tapas” are delicious bar snakes made with fish, meat, vegetables, and salads.Unit 4Life under the spotlight 41.学习目的a. talk about fame and celebrities b. understand cause and effect c. make requests and offers d. debate on whether
12、we should hold on to our dreams 2.基本内容要求a. learn how to use visual representations to identify cause and effect while listening b. learn different expressions of making request and offers c. learn useful expressions in an English debate 3.重点和难点For the offer would you like me to answer the phone?, re
13、member not to answer yes, I would, because it sounds like you expect someone to do it for you. Unit 5Urban pulse 1.学习目的a. talk about city life b. understand pros and cons c. make and respond to complaints d. recommend the best city to live in 2.基本内容要求a. use different expressions of making complaints
14、 and responding to complaintsb. learn the typical evaluative language as well as other ways of identifying the speakers opinions or judgments c. make recommendations of the best city to live in and give reasons for the recommendation 3.重点和难点Pros and cons are the positive and negative opinions or jud
15、gments the speaker has about an idea ot a thong and evaluative language is the most frequently-used language device to express the speakers opinion or attitude. Unit 6Climbing the ladder1.学习目的a. talk about jobs and working experiences b. identify examples in speeches and conversations c. express lik
16、es or dislike d. come up with a money-making idea 52.基本内容要求a. pay attention to the expressions used b people talking about their likesb. learn the expressions and identify examples while listening c. learn useful expressions of expressing likes or dislike, tell the slight differences between differe
17、nt expressions, express likes or dislikes by using the right expressions. 3.重点和难点Using hyponyms is also one way of giving examples in the field of linguistics, a hyponym is a word or phrase whose semantic field is included in that of another word, for example, cat and dog are hyponyms of animal; ban
18、ana and pear are hyponyms of fruit. Unit 7Time of technology: A blessing or a curse?1.学习目的a. talk about technology around us b. listen for agreements and disagreement c. express essentially d. talk about experiences and feelings of playing computer games 2.基本内容要求a. discuss the advantages and disadva
19、ntages of each of the means of communication b. learn expressions showing agreement or disagreement b. learn expressions about essentiality 3.重点和难点“techno-“ is a prefix relating to technology, e.g.technostress: stress caused by technology; technobabble: confusing technical language. “phobe” is a suf
20、fix meaning someone who dislikes or is afraid of someone or something, e.g.xenophobe; someone who hates foreigners; hydrophobe:someone who fears water.Unit 8Discovering your true identity 1.学习目的a. talk about your family b. take notes in a T-chart c. introduce an opinion d. create a new identity in a
21、 computer game 2.基本内容要求a. draw a three-generation(more generation if possible) family tree b. take notes selectively; take accurate notes; use abbreviations while listening 6c. use different expressions to introduce their opinion 3.重点和难点Listeners often need to take notes while listening if the liste
22、ning task involves analyzing or comparing two aspects of a topic, it is highly recommendable to use a T-chart to take notes. A T-chart is useful in helping graphically organize thoughts by comparing the advantages and disadvantages, evaluation the pros and cons of a topic, listing facts and opinions
23、 of a theme, or listing any two characteristics of a topic. 四、本课程实践、实习要求与能力要求本课程教学分为基本要求和较高要求,各阶段教学要求如下:1基本要求(达到四级水平).听的能力:学生能听懂英语讲课,并能听懂题材熟悉、句子结构比较简单、基本上没有生词、语速为每分钟 130150 词的简短会话、谈话、报道和讲座,掌握其中心思想,抓住要点和有关细节,领会讲话者的观点和态度。.说的能力:能就教材内容和适当的听力材料进行问答和复述,能用英语进行一般的日常对话,能就所熟悉的话题经准备后作简短发言,表达思想比较清楚,语音、语调基本正确。2较
24、高要求:(达到六级水平).听的能力:对题材熟悉、句子结构不太复杂、基本上没有生词、语速为每分钟 150170 词的篇幅较长的会话、谈话、报道和讲座,能掌握其中心大意,抓住要点和有关细节,领会讲话者的观点和态度,并能进行分析、推理和判断。.说的能力;能就教材内容和一般的听力材料进行问答和讨论,能就一般的社会生活话题进行简短的交谈、讨论和发言,表达思想清楚,语音、语调基本正确。五、本课程的教学方式与考核方法1. 教学方式 视听说课堂教学采用讲授,讨论,练习并行的方式实施教学。以各单元话题为主线,以任务为途径、动力、刺激、目标、手段、内容,培养学生在英语学习中积极主动的态度。广泛开展课堂讨论,结合各
25、单元的话题,联系现实社会中真实的、具有挑战性的相关事情为任务,让学生在有趣味的讨论中,领会掌握各单元的知识要点,同时学生也在实践中学会如何应用相关的知识。积极引导学生开展各项课堂及课外活动,并借用英语这个有效的工具来完成,利用多渠道,让学生在知识输入的过程中,主动地进行知识输出。听录音边记笔记,带着问题去听,7以便有目标地寻找答案,集中注意力搜寻我们需要的信息。2. 考核方法a. 考核采取口试+闭卷笔试的形式,口试占期末成绩的 50%,听力笔试占期末成绩的50%。b.总评成绩由三个部分组成:期末考试成绩占 40%,半期考试成绩占 20%,平时成绩占40%。执 笔 人 何芃悦 专业负责人 教学系主任 参编人员制修订日期2017-02-16 所属专业教研室