1、M / ) ZE宋龙喜1, 叶 锋2, 周 训1(11Sv , 100083; 21 Yy !K , 100034)K1: 在多年的地铁建设实践中, 对于地下水的处理先后使用了堵水法a明排法和降水法等多种方法b从实践经验来看, 降水法在处理地下水方面效果显著, 在地铁施工中得到了广泛的应用b降水法又包括管井降水和辐射井降水b管井降水在多年的工程实践中取得了成功的经验, 由于其施工简便, 降水效果良好, 是目前北京地铁工程降水中应用最广泛的一种方法b而辐射井降水作为一种新的降水方法在解决城市复杂地区的降水有着非常明显的优势, 并且有较好的降水效果, 因而在北京地铁工程降水中得到了越来越多的应用b
2、1oM: 地下水; 降水; 辐射井; 地铁; 管井ms |: P42616DS M : AAbstract: Groundwater treatment is a difficult problem occurring during the construction of subway. Somemethods, such as dewatering, clogging and open-pumping, areused to dealwith this problem duringthe practiceof subway construction in Beijing. The dewat
3、ering method, including pipewell point and radialwell, arewidelyused because of its marked effects. Of these dewatering methods, themethods of pipewell point and radialwellare themost effective ones.Key words: groundwater; dewatering; radial well; subway; pipewell pointl : 2005-09-15; : 2006-01-26Te
4、: C(1980- ) , 3(qB) , 2C , 3.My !V, ) z/ Bv45b/ 8a H a 5a # l 3BYbM B 7,B ML vs / /,aLa HW;= ML vsy a/5L “N u, V,A) zYa1“,e , #y()5L b 61“dsv / Y# enbyNM B“d,A iF %b“ -,M ,X 1 / ) , / ) ZEb1 5 5 “ - M / ) 1ZEb5 vBW ,V H ,|/ / ZEbYV5a ( ) 1 ,BSaB / P,V7r/ “b 5 ( ) 1b5 gB400 600mm, 20 35mb M_a uW 7 c
5、M1“ 1 p# aY f , V | a= a =3 TF Tb ( ) 1 HW !5Wb5 L :M E|L _8 b S =, L= Y4/ ,sY a . aaW . b1/ ,c 1x*rAraAr1axrax*r 1,i , S3512242152m ( 1120 6120m)b2/ . ,c 1xr2,x*r,i B, S28190 34172m ( 9100 14150m)b19 2006年第5期 工程勘察 Journal of Geotechnical Investigation 2) rT A, Vr/ h, H l ; 3)5 ( ) 1M,YV 1 11 Vr / h
6、 “; 4)1Yc ,YV Z T P c / “/c ,r c “; 5)1 6,/Nb :%R , xra*xr rTzb2 5 ? %M v u / 5, g uiB 45b % g u, L “ u YN 57B b5 vg“ , c “ =c G db 5n/3:o!)d PVCo5a80 “ u5 Or5b5 H,18 I n fa f c f b20 工程勘察 Journal of Geotechnical Investigation2 !9 2410 2610m,1 4 hb 10 60mbm3 L= rT z, ? ry b /+: 1) eSvbBB g V e60 100
7、m,M10 155 eS; 2) p b 5 y? Q r, 5=? 3 ; 3) g u, ? %?5 E 45; 4) a, ? ic u “ 5; 5) “ 5 %ZS OrTz,M E,M/-0Ly,/ -0 uW3| 9;V b VT M ZE, 5 , = , V / ! 5,“ = “ b313 连续墙堵水 -5/ r :,BZ / ,BZ TbNZE VzC b /N , :b+Y T/5a # yE,/ : ,i gbM/-0LS _v _ ZEb314 旋喷桩堵水 , W s , p/ bNZE/N1 :n, 1i“ lc ,C ( , rT Xb315 局部含水层注浆堵水
8、 V,c , “ Huld -/ bZE) c H P,“ ? B rT,? Tb PH, V ?/ Tb316 冷冻法堵水 ! -Z, 7M aM *5G d,N d = L ) ,c , ! bZE/NL, al u b “ -M/-0L) /v- 0 uWcx% Pb4 / ) ZE1/ ) ZE# 1 V2 ZE aHq/ ) rT15 1i“ vY - x F V . ,i ? h,rTA e, rT z,6 1i“ vY - x F V . ,rTA V % u 45,6 9ZEic , 1i“ v, ha i9, V . ,rTAV y,i ? , 6 1i“ la / R ,r
9、Tz) = BT ? B T,rTz) ,n 5 V A,/ ) , ZE1 ZEb7 ZE“1,1 p L= f 4aZEb r “, L= | ZEME,7 B4 BZEb Ll, 1i“ %R r P ZE 4| , 7, = f, BYb * ) %R rc 5| s %B 45b ID1 , . 9E M/-L0 HqJ. . 1997,(3): 38 41.2 , 6(.M 9/ J. (rG ! ), Vol 10, No. 6, 1998(11): 54 55.3 ,RyS, M/-L0 ZEaHqJ.My, 1997, (2): 11 14.22 工程勘察 Journal of Geotechnical Investigation& Surveying 2006年第5期