1、北京小学通州分校 Beijing Primary School Tongzhou Branch三年级上学期单元主题和教学重点 the main topics of Grade three Class Grade English name Chinese name三年级上学期教学重点:1. 能够听说、认读、背诵本册出现的 99 个词汇。2. 能够理解八个单元的对话,正确、流利地朗读。3. 能够熟练掌握各单元的重点句型,能够在一定的情境中运用所学句子进行自然、真实地交流;会正确写出句型,能够完成各种笔头练习。4. 能够听说、认读、背写本册中语音部分的单词。5. 并能够运用元音字母的发音规则拼读单词
2、、背诵单词。本学期我们将结合劳动技能课开展英语综合实践活动,动手又动脑,每次课前我会通知要准备的手工用品,希望通过更有趣的方式让孩子们爱学英语、乐于表达和交流。各单元教学重点:单元 知识系统分析Unit 1Welcome back to school单元话题:学科与日期语音:u: put push oo: cook wood foot book look good词汇:(1)常用单词四会单词:boy girl Miss first September second third fourth pupilname fifth sixth seventh teacher card tenth eig
3、hth ninth(2)习惯用语及固定搭配:Teachers Day, make cards 序数词:one first two second three thirdfive fifth six sixth seven seventh语法、功能与话题: Its our first day of school.Is the second class Chinese?Yes, it is.When is Teachers day?Its September the tenth.Unit 2October 1st is our National Day单元话题:日期与月份语音:ir: girl bi
4、rd first third skirtor: work 词汇:(1)常用单词四会单词:month October eleventh November right twelfthDecember date today thirteenth football seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth sport run race high jump(2)习惯用语及固定搭配:in English National Day sports day run a race序数词:eleven eleventh twelve twelfth thirteen thirteenth
5、seventeen seventeenth eighteen eighteenth nineteen nineteenth 语法、功能与话题:Whats the tenth month in English?Its October.Whats the date today? Its October the thirteenth.Are you going to run a race?Yes, I am.Unit 3I was born on May 23rd 单元话题:生日与日期语音:air: air chair pair hair ear: bear wear pearare: square
6、 careere: there where 词汇:(1)常用单词四会单词:July August every born fourteenth fifteenth onJanuary February March April May June in(2)习惯用语及固定搭配:in March on March 12th every year make a cake How old?序数词:fifteen fifteenth月份及缩写:January Jan. February Feb. March Mar. April Apr.May May June Jun .July Jul. August
7、Aug.September Sept. October Oct. November Nov. December Dec.语法、功能与话题:When is your birthday?Its in March.When was grandma born?She was born on June 15th.How old is your girl?She is eight.Unit 5Its a nice autumnDay单元话题:季节与天气语音:ear: ear beard near year heareer: deer beer cheer ere: here词汇(1)常用单词四会单词:we
8、ather like sunny nice warm hot cold coolrain rainy can windy cloudy over snow snowy (2)习惯用语及固定搭配:nice day go to the park put on my coat here you are go out make a snowman a lot of go away语法、功能与话题:Whats the weather like today, Mum? Its sunny. Can we go to the park? OK.Its rainy. I can put on my new r
9、aincoat.Do you have a lot of snow in winter? Yes, we do.Unit 6I have fifty markers语音:oi: oil coin join boil noisyoy: boy toy joy词汇:单元话题:文具与计算(1)常用单词四会单词:borrow your marker fifty pencil eraser sixtyruler forty thirty blackboard seventy eighty(2)习惯用语及固定搭配:so many put them together well done shut the d
10、oor borrow your glue you are welcome collect markersfive fifty six sixty four forty eight eighty nine ninety 语法、功能与话题:May I borrow your glue, please? Certainly. Here you are.What do you collect, Guoguo? I collect rulers.Fifty plus ten is sixty. One hundred minus ten is ninety.Unit 7When is Thanksgiv
11、ing单元话题:节日复习语音:a: again pandao: oclocker: teacher summer quarter tiger winteror: doctor 词汇:(1)常用单词四会单词:holiday Christmas know Chinese ball goldgift pink star bell together bright same(2)习惯用语及固定搭配:in November Christmas tree National Day Chinese New Year a brown bear a pink skirt colorful balls 语法、功能与话题:Can you tell me some of your holidays, Sara? Sure.When is Thanksgiving? Its in November.Do you know some Chinese holidays?Yes, your National day and your New Year.