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    1、Part III Verbal Communication,Chapter 7 Cultural Connotation in Language Chapter 8 Norms of Social Interaction,Chapter 7 Cultural Connotation in Language,Language Language and Culture Cultural Connotations Categories of Cultural Connotations,Language,What Is Language? Language is a set of symbols an

    2、d the rules for combining those symbols that are used and understood by a large community of people. Language is a set of codes and symbols, along with the rules for combining them together. Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.,Word-Meaning Relationship,The r

    3、elation between word and its meaning is arbitrary. For example, we live in a house in English, we also live in a casa in Spanish and we still live in a ban in Thai. When an old English lady hears some foreign words (meaning water) for the first time, she feels that foreign languages are odd and quit

    4、e unreasonable. She says this is just plain water, but how strange that the Chinese call it shui, the French call it de leau. Only we English give it the right name water, because it is nothing else but water.,A tool for human communication To give meaning to random experience To enable us to reason

    5、, to draw logical conclusions from the evidence of our senses, to generalize from one event to another, and to predict, create and understand.,Functions of Language:,Seven Basic Functions of Language:,Phatic(交流情感): to establish an atmosphere or maintain social contact rather than to exchange informa

    6、tion or ideas (e.g. greetings, farewells, comments on weather, etc.) Directive(下达指令): to get the hearer do sth. Informative(提供信息): to tell what the speaker believes, to give information about facts, or to reason things out Interrogative(发出疑问): to get information from others Expressive(表达感情): to reve

    7、al something about the feelings and attitudes of the speaker Evocative(唤起情绪): to create certain feelings in the hearer Performative(表述行为): to do things or perform actions,Language and Culture,No one when he uses a word has in mind exactly the same thing that another has, and the difference, however

    8、tiny, sends its tremors throughout language. K.J. Irving, 1986,If a man were to shoot his grandmother at a range of five hundred yards, I should call him a good shot, but not necessarily a good man. G.K. Chesterton (British author, 1874-1936),A metaphor of language:,Language is flesh and culture is

    9、blood.,Popularly known as the SapirWhorf hypothesis, or Whorfianism, the principle of linguistic relativity holds that the structure of a language affects the ways in which its speakers are able to conceptualize their world, i.e. their world view. The principle is often defined as having two version

    10、s / notions: The strong versionlinguistic determinism (语言决定论) : language determines thought and that linguistic categories limit and determine cognitive categories (i.e. language determines thought). The weak versionlinguistic relativism(语言相对论):linguistic categories and usage influence thought and c

    11、ertain kinds of non-linguistic behavior (because speakers of different languages perceive and experience the world differently, that is, relative to their linguistic background.),Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis (SWH),Language is both a means of communication and a channel of culture. We perceive culture thro

    12、ugh language and any change in culture is likely to lead to a change in language. Language and culture are closely related. In other words, they cannot be separated and exist alone.,Sapir and Whorf,American linguists. Benjamin Lee Whorf was a student of Sapir.,One example of the hypothesis:,If my la

    13、nguage has only one termbrother-in-lawthat is applied to my sisters husband, my husbands brother, and my husbands sisters husbands, I am led by my language to perceive all of these relatives in a similar way. Vocabulary, through what it groups together under one label and what it differentiates with

    14、 different labels, is one way in which language shapes our perception of the world.,Language and problem-solving approaches and thought patterns,linear & direct,tangential + Semi-direct,circular,circuitous,direct + circuitous,tangential: having only a slight or indirect connection with something,Ide

    15、ntifying the problem-solving approaches,A basic way is to study the cultures paragraph format. Each language and each culture has a paragraph order unique to itself, so the key to a successful learning of a particular language is in mastering its logical system. Examples of dominant thought patterns

    16、 and problem-solving approaches: American: factual-inductive (归纳的) (ascertain facts, find similarities, and formulate conclusions) Russian: axiomatic-deductive (演绎的) (move from general principle to particulars which can be easily deduced) Arab: intuitive(直觉的)-affective (情感的) (facts are secondary to

    17、emotions) Taking one step back from ones values and cherished beliefs is far from easy, but it is a major step toward successful intercultural communication.,Mastering all the rules of a language,such as phonology(语音体系), morphology(词态学), syntax(句法学) and semantics(语义学), is still not enough for effect

    18、ive communication, for language and culture cannot be separated. They are intertwined, shaping each other. Therefore, learning a foreign language means learning to see the world as the native speaker sees it.,Language-Culture Relationship,Cultural Connotations,Word Meaning,Connotations are generally

    19、 closely related to the culture they are rooted in. When we learn about another culture or communicate with people from another culture, the “culturally loaded” aspect of the words they use require our special attention.,Words that may cause misunderstanding or difficulty in understanding in intercu

    20、ltural communication: Culturally loaded words Words without counterparts in another language Confusing translation Cultural reflections in proverbs Taboos and euphemism,Culture and Word Meaning,Culturally Loaded Words,Language reflects the environment we live in, history, custom, values and so on, w

    21、hich are diverse in different cultures. So words that refer to the same object may have different associated meanings. The culturally-loaded words and expressions are good examples showing the cultural influence on the meanings of words. See “Categories of Cultural Connotations”,Animal words with co

    22、nnotations in Chinese and English:,In Rogets Thesaurus there are 120 synonyms for blackness and at least sixty of them are offensive, such as blot(污点), grim(冷酷) , devil(恶魔) and foul(污秽) . And there are some 134 synonyms for whiteness and all are favorable, expressed in such words as purity, cleanlin

    23、ess, chastity(贞洁) and innocence. A white lie is better than a black lie. The most degenerate member of a family is the “black sheep”(败类,害群之马). Ossie Davis has suggested that maybe the English language has to be reconstructed so that teachers will not be forced to teach the Negro child sixty ways to

    24、despise(鄙视) himself, and thereby perpetuate(延续) his false sense of inferiority, and the white child 134 ways to adore himself, and thereby perpetuate his false sense of superiority. -Martin Luther King, Where do we go from here,Color words with connotations in English,Words without counterparts in a

    25、nother language,Language reflects culture, and cultural diversity leads to the lack of vocabulary equivalence, concept equivalence and experience equivalence. Therefore, there are a lot of words that we fail to find the counterparts in another language. For example, the English word “hippies”, “mote

    26、l”, we cannot find exact counterpart in Chinese.,American Hippies (1960s),American Motel,Confusing translation,Cultural distinctions lead to different connotations, so some expressions are really confusing when translated. For example:“unit”“单位” “equalitarianism” “平均主义/平等主义”,“materialism” “物质主义/唯物主义

    27、”, “individualism” “个人主义/利己主义”,etc.,Proverbs,Proverbs are fruits of wisdom. Proverbs reflect a peoples geography, history, religion, morality, values, and life experiences, etc. Chinese culture has been greatly influenced by Confucian philosophy emphasizing the social relationships. In contrast, the

    28、re are more proverbs describing the preference of independence, freedom and self-fulfillment in Western cultures. Coastal people have proverbs about sailing, braving the weather, and about fishing and fish while nomadic people have sayings about the desert or pasture, about sheep and horses or camel

    29、s, and about wolves and jackals. In cultures where old age is revered, there will be proverbs about the wisdom of the elders, and in societies where womens status is low, there will be a number of demeaning sayings about woman.,Confucianism,Self-fulfillment,Freedom,Independence,Proverbs showing simi

    30、lar human experiences and observations in both English and Chinese,A new broom sweeps clean. Many hands make light work. Dont put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Kill two birds with one stone. Haste makes waste. Where there is smoke theres fire. The grass is always greener on the other sid

    31、e of the fence. Beauty is only skin deep. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Give a person a dose of his own medicine.,新官上任三把火 人多好办事 今日事,今日毕一箭双雕 欲速则不达 无风不起浪 这山望着那山高美貌是肤浅的 玉不琢不成器 以其人之道还治其人之身,Chinese proverbs without English equivalents,良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行瓜田不纳履,李下不整冠一人得道,鸡犬升天,Franks advice is like good he

    32、rbal medicine: hard to take, but ultimately beneficial. Neither adjust your shoe in a melon patch; nor your hat under a plum tree.Even the dog swaggers (昂首阔步) when its master wins favor.,English proverbs without Chinese equivalents,Absence makes the hearer grow fonder. An apple a day keeps the docto

    33、r away. Let sleeping dogs lie. You cant teach an old dog new tricks. You cant have your cake and eat it two.,越是不见越是想念一天一苹果,医生远离我 莫惹是非 年逾花甲不堪教鱼与熊掌不可兼得,It takes two to make a quarrel. (一个巴掌拍不响) The Chinese saying has roughly the same connotation as the Englishmeaning people may be at fault. But the Ch

    34、inese saying also suggests that it often takes more than one person to achieve anything significant. A miss is as good as a mile. ( 差之毫厘谬以千里) The Chinese saying is a warninga small fault or deviation, if not corrected, will end up in a major error or catastrophe, whereas the English one merely state

    35、s a fact, or a philosophic attitude that to miss ones mark even very slightly is as bad as missing it by a mile (= Although someone failed by only a small amount to do something, they were still unsuccessful). Gilding (镀金于) the lily. (锦上添花?NO! 画蛇添足!) The English saying implies spoiling something by

    36、trying to improve it when it is already good enough. It expresses an attitude of disapproval whereas the Chinese 锦上添花 means adding something to make a good thing even better or turning excellence to perfection.,Proverbs with surface similarities but some differences in one language,Taboos and Euphem

    37、ism,Taboo (禁忌) refers to some words or actions that are avoided by a particular group of people, or in certain culture for religious or social reasons. Taboo words or profanity (亵渎语言), also known as swearing, cursing, foul (下流的) speech, and cussing, is a show of disrespect, a desecration (亵渎) or deb

    38、asement (降低) of someone or something, or the act of expressing intense emotions. Profanity can take the form of words, expressions, gestures, or other social behaviors that are socially constructed or interpreted as insulting, rude, vulgar, obscene (淫秽的), obnoxious (可憎的), foul, desecrating or other

    39、forms. Modern research has found no taboo is presently known to be universal. Euphemism(委婉语)means the act of substituting a mild, indirect, or vague term for one considered harsh(令人不快的), blunt(生硬的), or offensive.,Common taboos,Restrictions or ritual regulation of killing and hunting; Sex and sexual

    40、relationships (primarily incest(乱伦), pedophilia(恋童癖), necrophilia(恋尸癖), intermarriage(异族或不同宗教信仰的婚姻,近亲结婚), miscegenation(美国白人与非白人间的通婚), adultery, homosexuality, fornication(通奸), and bestiality(兽奸)); Reproduction (abortion, infanticide); The deceased and their graves; Food and dining (primarily cannib

    41、alism and dietary laws such as vegetarianism, kashrut, and halal); Some parts of the body and bodily functions (primarily menstrual cycles, but also defecation and urination) Swear words.,Swear words as taboo,Stronger and less strong swear words: Stronger and thus more unacceptable terms: “Jesus Chr

    42、ist”, “Holy Mary”, “Son of bitch”, etc. Less unacceptable ones: “Damn”, “Damn it”, “Hell”, etc. Age, sex and occupation of the people involved: Swearing by a child quick scolding from an elder Swearing by a woman indecent Swearing by a teacher highly improper Certain settings or environments where u

    43、sing swear words would be more unacceptable: Public speaking Classrooms Gatherings of people with certain social status,Changes in taboo,The rise of rationalism and science has reduced the potency of many former taboos in modern cultures. In the United States and Europe, people openly discuss and ex

    44、plore previously taboo subjects such as sexuality and abortion. For example, “to make love”, and “to have sex with” are not uncommon in todays writing, although these are still slightly “dressed up” terms. “Four-letter-words” (e.g. fuck, shit, tits(= breasts), etc.) are still considered improper. In

    45、creasing understanding has led medical disorders such as epilepsy (癫痫), birth defects, and sexually transmitted diseases to be treated more analytically and less judgmentally than in the past. Some swear words become rather common and gradually lose their shock value: some are frequently heard in yo

    46、ung peoples conversations. But for nonnative speakers, it is better to be cautious when use profanities.,Categorization of euphemisms (1),Categorization of euphemisms (2),Categorization of euphemisms (3),Categories of Cultural Connotations,3 categories based on similarities and differences between t

    47、wo languages (Chinese-English as an example):cC = cE cC cE cC = 0, cE 0 or cC 0, cE = 0 (c = connotation; C = Chinese, E = English),Chapter 8 Norms of Social Interaction,Norms Addressing Greetings Saying Goodbye Expressing Gratitude and Thanks Compliments and Responses Expressing Apology,Norms,Norms

    48、: different rules and customs that apply when people communicate with each other in the context of different social activities. Who should take the initiative to speak? How much should they speak? What should they say in particular circumstances? What should they also do in these circumstances? Effe

    49、ctive and successful communication with native speakers lies more in the way in which people speak and the way they interact with the native speakers than just a good mastery of the language.,People, from different cultural backgrounds, speak different languages in different ways.,NORMS: rules, customs, habits, etc. (the visible smaller part objective culture),DEEP CONCEPTS: world views, beliefs, value systems, ways of thinking, feelings and attitudes about things, etc. (the invisible larger part subjective culture),Addressing (Asian),

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