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1、西方文明的繁荣 19世纪欧美现实主义文学 The Realistic Literature,Introduction,19th-Century Western literature can be divided clearly into two developing periods: Romantic period and Realistic period. From about 1790 to 1830 there was the Romantic period, and the basic achievement of literature is Romantic poetry. The

2、major Romantics (Wordsworth, Coleridge, Keats, Shelley, Byron and Blake) shared an interest in the individual and the imagination, as well as having a heroic notion of the function of the poet. The Realistic period (critical realism) began about 1830, and lasted till the turn of the century. And the

3、 basic achievements of literature are prose works, including novels, novelette and short stories.,The expression Realism, when applied to literature of the 19th century, implies the attempt to depict contemporary life and society. The realist tendency is not necessarily anti-romantic 批判现实主义这一术语是后人概括

4、出来的。法国的普鲁东(18091865)在艺术的社会使命中,最早作出“现实主义是批判的”论断。正式提出批判现实主义并给它下定义的是高尔基。高尔基指出:“资产阶级的浪子的现实主义,是批判的现实主义;批判的现实主义揭发了社会的恶习,描写了个人在家庭传统、宗教教条和法规压制下的生活和冒险,却不能够给人指出一条出路。”,The growth of realism is linked to the development of science (especially biology), history and the social sciences and to the growth of indust

5、rialism and commerce.现实主义产生的时代背景,我们可以概括为资本主义的确立与发展时期。 The main characteristics of critical realism are as follows:1. critical attitude 2. objectivity 3. characterization and typical background 4. a time of novels教材p270,French realism,The main achievements of romantic literature consist of poetry, wh

6、ile the novel, as the most suitable genre for registering the social upheavals brought first by the French Revolution and Napoleonic wars and then by the expansion of capitalism and the industrial revolution, became the dominant mode of expression. The literary giants of this period are mainly novel

7、ists, such as Hugo, Stendhal and Balzac. 前期法国现实主义文学以描写封建贵族与新兴资产阶级的矛盾以及资产阶级内部矛盾为主,在表现出对现实强烈的批判性和揭露性的同时,也流露出了对封建时代的依恋之情。 后期法国现实主义文学受到自然科学方面的成就影响,开始强调科学精神,表现出客观冷峻的风格,成就比较突出的是福楼拜。,Stendhal (1783 1842),Marie-Henri Beyle, better known by his pen name Stendhal, was a 19th-century French writer. Known for h

8、is acute analysis of his characters psychology, he is considered one of the earliest and foremost practitioners of realism in his two novels Le Rouge et le Noir (The Red and the Black, 1830) and La Chartreuse de Parme (The Charterhouse of Parma, 1839). 亨利贝尔,(Henri Beyle),笔名司汤达(Stendhal, 1783-1842),1

9、9世纪法国杰出的小说家、批判现实主义文学的奠基者。“在他那个多才多艺的时代无疑是心灵最复杂的人物之一”。以作家之名流芳百世,但他首先是社会与人心的观察者(自称是“人类心灵的观察家);其次又是军人、官吏、学者和外交家。他的生涯充满传奇般的激情,他的思想具有形而上学式的玄奥,他的创作则凝结着冰冷的真实。, 在他的墓碑上,铭文是他自己早已写下的: 米兰人 生活过、恋爱过、写作过。 膜拜奇马洛萨莫扎尔和莎士比亚,他的创作可分为三个时期:1 米兰时期18151821: 意大利绘画史最先提出了有关批判现实主义文学的理论主张。2 巴黎时期18211830:(高峰时期) 主要成就:文艺评论和小说 拉辛与莎士比

10、亚:被认为是批判现实主义文学的第一部理论著作。 1827年发表了第一部小说阿尔芒斯:作者通过爱情故事反映政治主题(小说的初步尝试)。 1830年长篇小说红与黑的出版,标志着作者创作的高峰。3 维塔维基亚领事时期18301841: 吕西安娄凡(红与白):揭露七月王朝的长篇小说。 巴马修道院:作者生前惟一获得成功的作品。,红与黑( Le Rouge et le Noir ),Le Rouge et le Noir , subtitled Chronique du XIXe sicle (Chronicle of the 19th century), is an historical psychol

11、ogical novel in two volumes by Stendhal, published in 1830. It is often cited as the first realist novel. The title has been translated into English variously as Scarlet and Black, Red and Black and The Red and the Black. It is set in the period from the end of September,1826 to the end of July,1831

12、, and relates a young mans attempts to rise above his plebeian birth through a combination of talent, hard work, deception and hypocrisy, only to find himself betrayed by his own passions.书名象征:复辟时期两大对立阵营,两种不同思想的斗争,突出了小说的政治意义。 副标题1830年纪事:小说的活力在于描写于连的气质,也在于描写社会理的攀升及阻碍的客观现象。,The Red and the Black is th

13、e story of Julien Sorel, the ambitious son of a carpenter in the fictional French village of Verrires, in Franche-Comt.The novel comprises two volumes, each of which contains two major stories.The first book introduces Julien Sorel, who would rather spend his time reading or daydreaming about the gl

14、ory days of Napoleons army than work in his fathers timber yard alongside his brothers. Later, he becomes the tutor for the children of the mayor of Verrires, Monsieur de Rnal. Sorel begins an affair with the wife of Monsieur de Rnal.Book II, which begins at the time just before the July Revolution,

15、 chronicles Sorels life in Paris with the family of Monsieur de la Mole. Mathilde de la Mole falls sincerely in love with Sorel, and eventually reveals she is pregnant with his child. The letter, written by Madame de Rnal at the urging of her confessor, warns him that Sorel is nothing but a cad and

16、a social climber who preys on vulnerable women. Sorel rushes to Verrires and shoots his former lover during Mass in the town church. She survives, but the final chapters of the book follow the path of his conviction and execution for the crime.,他的两腮红红的,两目低垂着。他是一个18岁到19岁间的少年,表面看来,文弱、清秀,面貌不同寻常。他的鼻子好像鹰

17、嘴,两眼又大又黑。在宁静的时候,会射出火一般的光辉,又好像熟思和探寻的样子,但是在一转瞬间,他的眼睛又流露出可怕的仇恨的表情。 第四章“父与子”,心理复线:瞬间的自卑自尊的反抗胜利的满足瞬间的自卑,于连站在最大的岩石上,双目凝视苍穹,八月的太阳燃烧着天空。岩石下面的田野,有无数的蝉子在 歌唱。当它们歌唱乏了休息的时候,于连便立刻沉入无边的寂静里。他看见在他自己的脚底上展开二十里遥远的原野,他还瞧见几个老鹰从他头顶上的绝壁间飞出, 他望着它们在天空中静悄悄地画了无数个大圆圈。于连的眼睛机械地随着鸷鹰转动,这猛禽飞翔起来,那种有力的安闲静谧的活动,在于连心里留下了深刻的印象。 他羡慕这种力量,他羡

18、慕这种孤独。这是拿破仑的命运。难道有一天,这也是自己的命运么?,1、于连形象的多元多层次结构:自尊自卑;生性敏感;雄心野心, 刚强坚毅 ,确立自我, 向往民主, 反抗妥协;善心不泯;虚伪正直。 个人奋斗是根本特征。 2、两位女性形象:两个女主人公是于连激烈矛盾的象征。德瑞娜夫人的主人公天真单纯初入世的世界,是其青春敏感的世界。玛蒂尔德则代表着一个野心和自我的世界。于连最后回到另一个“自我”,认同德瑞娜夫人,也就是否定了自己的虚荣和野心。选读p169,Balzac (1799-1850),The colossus of 19th-century French novelists, however

19、, was Balzac, whose prodigious, multivolume Human Comedy (1842-48), encompassing more than 2,000 characters drawn from every rank and walk of life and sweeping imaginatively over 40 years of French history, brilliantly delineated a major society in flux. His genius for realistic detail, together wit

20、h his emphasis on material gain as the engine of human behavior, directly links Balzac with the novelistic realism that won the day in the second half of the century.巴尔扎克,伟大的作家,雨果在他的墓前致悼词时说:“在最伟大的人物中间,巴尔扎克是第一等的一个;在最优秀的人物中间,巴尔扎克是最高的一个。”,巴尔扎克是个中等身材的人, 体格魁梧, 双肩开阔, 晚年有点肥胖。 他的颈脖健壮、 厚实, 白皙有如女性, 是他值得骄傲的地方。

21、头发又黑又粗, 粗得像马的鬃毛;那双眼睛像一对黑宝石那样闪闪发光那是驯狮者的眼睛, 这种眼睛能透过房屋的墙壁看见里面发生的一切, 能透过人的肌体, 洞察人的肺腑, 像阅读一本打开的书。 他的整个仪表显示出一个劳苦不息的西西弗斯的形象。 (勃兰兑斯: 十九世纪文学主流,人间喜剧The Human Comedy The Comdie humaine consists of 96 finished works (stories, novels or analytical essays) and 48 unfinished works (some of which exist only as titl

22、es). It does not include Balzacs 5 theatrical plays or his collection of humorous tales. The title of the series is usually considered an allusion to Dantes Divine Comedy. While Balzac sought the comprehensive scope of Dante, his title indicates the worldly, human concerns of a realist novelist. The

23、 stories are placed in a variety of settings, with characters reappearing in multiple stories.人间喜剧中包含着一部封建贵族的末没落衰亡史和一部资产阶级的罪恶发迹史。两个阶级冲突的“时代色彩”反映在全部作品中,而且对资产阶级进攻和贵族阶级衰亡的描绘是人间喜剧的“中心画面”。 1816-1848年法国社会的编年史式的历史画卷。19世纪上半期法国的“社会生活的百科全书”。,用两种办法把作品连成一个整体,一是分类整理:将作品分成三大类:风俗研究(私人生活场景、外省生活场景、巴黎生活场景、政治生活场景、军事生活

24、场景、乡村生活场景。);哲学研究;分析研究。二是人物再现法,即同一个人物出现在几部作品中,每一部作品只反映这人物发展过程中的一个阶段,许多有关作品联系起来才完成这个人物性格的发展,构成完整的形象。总共写了2400多个人物,其中大约有400多个人物是一再出现的,一些重要人物出现了20-30次。教材p282,高老头( Le Pere Goriot ),Le Pre Goriot (English: Father Goriot or Old Goriot) is an 1835 novel, included in the Scnes de la vie prive section of his n

25、ovel sequence La Comdie humaine. Set in Paris in 1819, it follows the intertwined lives of three characters: the elderly doting Goriot; a mysterious criminal-in-hiding named Vautrin; and a naive law student named Eugne de Rastignac.The novel takes place during the Bourbon Restoration, which brought

26、about profound changes in French society; the struggle of individuals to secure upper-class status is ubiquitous in the book. The city of Paris also impresses itself on the characters especially young Rastignac, who grew up in the provinces of southern France. Balzac analyzes, through Goriot and oth

27、ers, the nature of family and marriage, providing a pessimistic view of these institutions.,高老头是巴尔扎克的代表作之一。小说的背景是1819年底至1820年初的巴黎社会,情节主要由高老头和他的两个女儿的故事,以及贵族青年拉斯蒂涅的故事两条线索组成。大革命中因投机发了财的高老头把大部分的钱财分给两个女儿作为嫁妆,当他的钱财被挤干以后,便遭到女儿无情的抛弃。可怜的高老头凄凉地死在公寓的阁楼上,两个女儿和女婿连送葬也不来一下。结果还是两个穷大学生帮助张罗后事。 拉斯蒂涅是作品的中心人物,在小说中,他是一个正

28、在形成中的资产阶级青年野心家的形象。他的这一性格的形成,主要是通过高老头、鲍赛昂夫人和伏脱冷所诱导的“人生三课”来完成的。 在拉斯蒂涅的身上,作者让我们看到金钱对青年人的腐蚀。拉斯蒂涅是外省的贵族青年,他到巴黎来的目的,是想通过“读书做官”,爬上社会上层。在巴黎,他很快地就适应了资产阶级的生活方式。鲍赛昂子爵夫人的启发、伏脱冷的教育,尤其是目睹了高老头的悲惨遭遇,他懂得了金钱的重要,于是在埋葬了高老头的同时也埋葬了“年轻人的最后一滴眼泪”,他决心不择手段地挤身于上流社会。,唉!倘若我有钱,倘若我留着家私,没有把财产给她们,她 们就会来,会用她们朗亲吻来舐我的脸!我可以住在一所公馆 里,有漂亮的

29、屋子,有我的仆人,生着火;她们都要哭做一团,还 有她们的丈夫,她们的孩子。这一切我都可以到手。现在可什 么都没有。钱能买到一切,买到女儿。啊!我的钱到哪儿去了? 倘若我还有财产留下,她们会来伺候我,招呼我;我可以听到她 们,看到她们。啊z欧也纳,亲爱的孩子,我唯一的孩子,我宁可 给人家遗弃,宁可做个倒媚鬼!倒楣鬼有人爱,至少那是真正的 爱!啊,不,我要有钱,那我可以看到她们了。唉,谁知道?她们 两个的心都象石头一样。我把所有的爱在她们身上用尽了,她 们对我不能再有爱了。做父亲的应该永远有钱,应该拉紧儿女 的组绳,象对付狡猾的马一样。,Father Goriot 选读p1721,Find out

30、 those sentences that describe the torturous situation of Father Goriot before his death.2, Is Father Goriots miserable fate worthy of sympathizing?,巴尔扎克的小说高老头中的高老头是一个具有浓厚封建宗教观念的商业资产者的典型。1 高老头爱女儿是真诚的,但只懂得用金钱培养女儿对父亲的爱,用金钱维系父女之间的感情使她们成为自私自利的拜金主义者,使自己成为拜金主义的牺牲品。2 他的悲剧是一个通晓资产阶级生意经却不通晓资产阶级人生哲学的资产者的悲剧,是时代

31、的悲剧,是封建宗法制社会过渡到资本主义社会这一新旧交替时期社会现象的反映。他的父爱反衬出女儿的无情无义,他的人性反衬出社会的残忍。有力地控诉了金钱败坏道德,腐蚀社会的罪恶,揭露资本主义社会人与人之间的金钱化。特别是家庭关系金钱化的可悲景象。,大仲马(Alexandre Dumas, 1802-1870),“什么是历史,历史就是钉子,用来挂我的小说”。 他自称写了400部作品,一般统计有200余部,即小说150部,戏剧88部(正剧55部,悲剧3部,喜剧23部,通俗剧4部,喜歌剧3部)。丰厚的收入使他生活奢侈放荡挥金如土,建立“基度山城堡”,宾客盈门,每年耗资几十万,1849年全部资产抵债。184

32、8年二月革命和1860年意大利加里波第起义,他都有所举动。晚年贫困、由儿女赡养,1870年死于小仲马家中。 三个火枪手(1844) 基督山伯爵(1845) 人生的一切智慧就包含在这四个字里面:等待和希望。 小仲马茶花女,梅里美(Prosper Mrime , 1803-1870),Prosper Mrime was a French dramatist, historian, archaeologist, and short story writer. He is perhaps best known for his novella Carmen, which became the basis

33、 of Bizets opera Carmen.梅里美小说创作的一个重要特点是“少而精”,他的作品虽然不多,但都是精雕细刻之作。嘉尔曼就是作家经过十五年长期生活、知识和艺术积累精心构思的结晶。 教材p278,卡门 (戈蒂耶 )卡门身材瘦,茶褐色的线条勾勒出了吉普赛的眼晴她的头发属于阴森的黑夜她的皮肤啊,是魔鬼鞣成 女人们全都说她陋质丑貌男人们却为她如醉如痴就连堂堂托勒多大主教也拜倒在她脚边唱赞美诗 因为在她琥珀色的颈背上盘着一卷粗大的发辫一旦解开,在幽会的地方能把她娇美的身躯披满 而在她暗淡的面色中两瓣朱唇绽开胜利的笑容鲜红的辣椒,猩红的花朵它从心血中蘸取了一片朱红 她就是这模样!黝黑的皮肤战

34、胜了更加高傲的美人热辣辣的光从她眼中射出用火种重新点燃餍足的心 在她野性泼辣的陋质里有那个海的一粒盐的结晶裸体的挑战的辛辣的维纳斯就从这个海的深渊诞生,福楼拜(1821-1880 Gustave Flaubert),Gustave Flaubert was a French writer who is counted among the greatest Western novelists. He is known especially for his first published novel, Madame Bovary (1857), and for his scrupulous dev

35、otion to his art and style.,一个独身主义者,一个冷漠的悲观主义者。他憎恨人间的丑恶,逃避尘世的喧嚣,悄然隐居乡间,藏身于艺术的象牙塔中,寻寻觅觅,度过了孤独而寂寞的一生。面对那充满缺陷的世界与人生,他不惊惶、不恐惧、不哀天号地、也不指望拯救,似乎上帝并不存在,似乎一切原本就如此。他的小说在对生活做现实主义的无情解剖与批判时,并不描绘令人振奋的理想的光环,主人公几乎都是难以自救的失败者。他自己说:“我的性格本身就有缺陷,寻找的还永久是缺陷。” 他悲观,他冷漠,他也执著,勇敢地面对心灵的痛苦与焦灼,勇敢地面对没有意义的宇宙。,包法利夫人( Madame Bovary )

36、,The novel was attacked for obscenity by public prosecutors when it was first serialized in between October 1, 1856 and December 15, 1856, resulting in a trial in January 1857 that made the story notorious. After the acquittal on February 7, 1857, it became a bestseller when it was published as a bo

37、ok in April 1857, and now stands virtually unchallenged not only as a seminal work of Realism, but as one of the most influential novels ever written.1851-1856年,用五年时间创作了包法利夫人。因为它的批判性,当它于1856年10月在巴黎杂志上发表时,立即受到第二帝国政府的追究,司法部门给福楼拜加上了“亵渎宗教”、“伤风败俗”、“污蔑法兰西”的罪名,连出版人都受到传讯,只是由于舆论的压力和律师的出色辩护,方宣布无罪。仍受到政府的监视。名声大

38、噪。,The story focuses on a doctors wife, Emma Bovary, who has adulterous affairs and lives beyond her means in order to escape the banalities and emptiness of provincial life. Though the basic plot is rather simple, even archetypal, the novels true art lies in its details and hidden patterns. Flauber

39、t was notoriously a perfectionist about his writing and claimed always to be searching for le mot juste (the right word).根据一个真实的案件写成,描写的是一位小资产阶级女性因不满夫妻生活的平谈无奇而通奸,最后身败名裂,服毒自杀的故事。 主要人物:爱玛、包法利医生、乡村贵族罗道尔弗、见习医生赖昂。不以情节取胜,而以心理描写、细节描写见长。 选读p182,爱玛走上绝路的根源修道院的寄宿生活造成两方面的精神压抑:清规戒律的束缚;读骑士小说所产生的不着边际的幻想。这些注定她在开始步入

40、社会时已经不是一个人格健全的人。小说接着描写爱玛受到的六次打击。前三次:到贵族家参加舞会,看到他们的雍容华贵,回家后怅然若失;对婚姻生活的灰心失望;包法利治死人。加速了她的毁灭过程。后三次:罗道尔弗抛弃她;赖昂抛弃她;高利贷者的追逼。使她对人和社会的认识变得清醒,最后服毒。,“Novelists should thank Flaubert the way poets thank spring; it all begins again with him. There really is time before Flaubert and a time after him. Flaubert dec

41、isively established what most readers and writers think of as modern realist narration, and his influence is almost too familiar to be visible. We hardly remark of good prose that it favors the telling of brilliant detail; that it privileges a high degree of visual noticing; that it maintains an uns

42、entimental composure and knows how to withdraw, like a good valet, from superfluous commentary; that it judges good and bad neutrally; that it seeks out the truth, even at the cost of repelling us; and that the authors fingerprints on all this are paradoxically, traceable but not visible. You can fi

43、nd some of this in Defoe or Austen or Balzac, but not all of it until Flaubert.” James Wood in How Fiction Works (2008)“客观而无动于衷”的美学原则,他曾是莫泊桑文学上和精神上的导师,也是世界上许多国家的同行们公认的语言艺术大师。 李健吾先生对福楼拜推崇备志:“斯汤达深刻、巴尔扎克伟大、但是福楼拜,完美。”,English Realism,English Literature after Romantic period can be called English literat

44、ure of the Victorian Age, that is the literature written during Queen Victorias reign (18371901). The century was a period of great literary and social change, and it is useful to consider the literature of the period in relation to the social and political issues of the time, which include the Indu

45、strial Revolution, and the expansion of the British Empire. The English literature of the Victorian Age is famous for its novelists as Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy and many others.,总体特征:1最先描写劳资矛盾题材。2善于描写小人物的矛盾。3具有人道主义和改良主义的倾向。4女性文学异军突起:经受过女权主义洗礼的英国妇女开始觉醒,她们用文学来实现自身的价值。(玛丽雪莱、苏珊弗里娅、乔治艾略特、勃朗特姐妹) 宪章派诗歌

46、 1是世界文学史上第一次出现的无产阶级性质的文学,19世纪三四十年代英国宪章运动的产物。主要成就:诗歌2作品具有鲜明的政治倾向性和强烈的战斗性、广泛的群众性。3最有名的宪章派诗人:琼斯(未来之歌)和林顿(人民集会)。,蒸汽王 爱德华普米德有一个君主,残酷的君主,不是诗人梦中的君主;那残酷的君主就是蒸汽机,白种奴隶们知道得挺清楚。他有一支臂,一支铁的臂,虽然铁的臂他只有一支,那支巨臂却真会耍魔法,它把千百万工人治死。象古代阴森森的莫洛克神他祖先站在赫蒙的谷地,他腹中燃烧着熊熊烈火,他拿小孩当食品充饥。,简奥斯丁(Jane Austen,1775-1817) 英国现实主义文学的先行者。Sense

47、and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Emma威廉梅克皮斯萨克雷( William Makepeace Thackeray,1811-1863) Vanity Fair 盖斯凯尔夫人( Mrs.Gaskell,1810-1865) Mary Barton乔治艾略特( George Eliot,1819-1880) Middlemarch,Charles Dickens(1812-1870),Charles Dickens is considered to be one of the greatest English novelists of the Vic

48、torian period. Dickenss works are characterized by attacks on social evils, injustice, and hypocrisy.他的墓碑上如此写道:“他是贫穷、苦难与被压迫人民的同情者;他的去世令世界失去了一位伟大的英国作家。”,Charles Dickens was born in Landport, Hampshire. Charles Dickens worked very hard and his career as a writer of fiction started in 1833 when his sho

49、rt stories and essays appeared in periodicals. His Sketches by Boz and The Pickwick Papers were published in 1836. In the same year he married Catherine, the daughter of his friend George Hogarth. Dickenss novels first appeared in monthly installments, including Oliver Twist (1837-39), which depicts

50、 the London underworld and hard years of the foundling Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickelby (1838-39), a tale of young Nickelbys struggles to seek his fortune, and The Old Curiosity Shop (1840-41). His other important novels such as A Tale of Two Cities (1859) and Great Expectations (1860-61) published in journals. Dickens continued to write until his death on 8th June, 1870. leaving his last novel The Mystery Of Edwin Drood unfinished.,


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