1、Amy:女主角 Jack:男 1 Tom:男 2 Judy:女 1 Maria场景 1A; Today is my birthday. There is nobody celebrating my birthday for so many years. (叹气)Will it happen again this year ? But I have made some friends in this term. Did they remember today is my birthday? How I want somebody can celebrate my birthday! 场景 2To
2、m: oh, Jack, you look so worried. What is the matter? Jack: today is Amys birthday. I am thinking about what to give Amy as a present. Judy: what not prepare a birthday party for her? Jack: it is a good idea. But it is not easy for me.Maria: Amys thing is our thing. You know, Amy s parents are alway
3、s busy working. Maybe there is nobody celebrating her birthday for many years. So let us prepare it together. Tom: it sounds wonderful. A birthday party will be a big surprise for her. Judy: we cant let her know we are preparing a birthday party for her.Jack: the birthday party will be prepared succ
4、essfully with everyoneshelp. First, I think, we need a birthday cake. Do you have any ideas? Tom: we can prepare a big birthday cake. Judy: I remember Amy doesnt like eating fruits. We had better not put fruits in the cake. What is your idea, Maria? Maria: let me think. oh, my uncle opens a cake sho
5、p. I can ask him to prepare a birthday cake for us. Jack: It couldnt be better. OK,the cakes problem is solved. And I think each of us should prepare a gift to give Amy. Tom: Be quite. I seem to hear the sound of footsteps. Maybe Amy is coming. Judy: lets go back to our seats. We must perform natura
6、lly and pretend we dont know her birthday. Tom, Maria, Jack: no problem. (四人回到座位作认真学习状, Amy 登场) (场景 3,四人坐在座位上)A(自言自语):I must hint(暗示) to my friends and let them know today is my birthday. A(走近四人的座位):Do you know what is the date today? Maria: I know, there are some sales promotions in the supermarket
7、. I want to buy a down jacket in there. A: that is not what I mean. I mean today is a significant date.Jack: Is it Xian Incident anniversary? Tom: you are wrong, Jack. Xian Incident anniversary is December 12th. But today is December 17th. The Pearl Bridge Massacre(珍珠桥惨案)happened in this day. A: tha
8、t is also not what I mean. Judy: do you mean WuZetia death anniversary? WuZetia was the first and also the last female emperor in the Chinese history. She was an extraordinary woman. Maria: I agree with you. I want to be a woman like WuZetia. Amy: stop, dont you remember today is someones birthday?
9、Jack: whose birthday is today? Tome, you are good at history. Do you know? Tom: let me think.Oh, I almost forget. Beethoven bore in December 17th.Beethoven was a famous German musician and composer. Judy: so it is. My favorite music is Heroes Symphony. What about you, Amy? Do you like listeningBeeth
10、ovens music? Amy: Expect Beethoven, today is also other ones birthday. Do you remember? Tom: do you mean Kelvin(开尔文) ? Amy: not. Tom: do you mean WangAnshi(王安石)? Amy: not.Tom: do you mean LeiFeng? Amy :(无语的表情).I remember I have something to do. I have to go. (Amy 走到讲台前)Amy: it is so unbelievable. No
11、body remember my birthday. It seems I have to celebrate my birthday in myself. I am so sad and lonely. (Amy 离开 ) Maria: Amy is gone. Let us continue our discussion. Jack: I think a birthday cake is not enough. We should decorate the classroom and plan activities in the party. Tom: what about prepari
12、ng some balloons and colored ribbon? Judy: it sounds good. Can you take some balloons and colored ribbon, Tom? Tom: no problem. I know which shop sells them. My sister often goes to the shop. Jack: Tom, you takes charge of decorating the classroom. Then what activities are better in the party? Maria
13、: what about karaoke(卡拉 OK)? Most girls like singing the songs. Judy: but we have not essential equipments. What about playing chess or cards? I can take them from my home. Jack: it could not be batter. Playing cards and chess are interesting. Tom: Jack, I remember you have a game machine. Why not t
14、ake it? Maria: it is a good idea. We can play video games together in the party. Jack: ok, I will take it. Judy: it is 3 oclock. Let us hurry to prepare the party. Maria, Tom, Jack: you are right!(四人离开座位,离场) (场景 5,Amy 再次登场) Amy: oh, my mobile phone rings. Who calls me at this time?(拿起手机) Tom(拿起手机):H
15、ello, is Amy there? This is Tom speaking. Amy: this is she. What is the matter, Tom? Tom: you things are left in the classroom. You had better come back to school. Amy: I know, but I am tried. I will take it tomorrow. Tom: I have some words with you. Can you come to school now? Amy: What do you want
16、 to say?Cant you say it in the phone? Tom: I am sorry I cant. It is very important. I must say it to you face to face. Amy: oh I see. I will come to school now.(放下手机)What does Tom want to say? Or is it just a joke? (Amy 离场,四人进场) Jack: Tom, did you call Amy to come to school? Tom: yes, she will come
17、soon. Maria:Oh, she is coming! Let us get ready! (Amy 进场 ,开门状 ) 四人:Happy birthday to you, Amy! Amy: oh my god (吃惊状),what is this? Judy: it is the birthday party for you. Tom:Wishing you everyday in this year filled with happiness! A: I am so moved!(感动状) I just considered you have forgotten my birthd
18、ay and felt very sad. Jack: its impossible! We all remember your birthday. We just want to give you a surprise! Maria: You are our best friend. How can we forget your birthday! You show the warmth of friendship to us on many things. Judy: You are such a good friend to us. We all hope today is the ha
19、ppiest of days in your life. A: Thank you! Its really a surprise! I am very happy! No one celebrated birthday with me in the past. Jack: That wont happen from now on. We will celebrate your birthday every year. And when you need help, we are always here.A: I will never forget this moment, its really
20、 the most precious gift. Tom: Dont just stand there.Look! There is a big birthday cake. Before you blow out the birthday candles, you can make a wish. A(坐到座位上): OK. Let me make a wish.I want to be with my friends for ever(吹蜡烛) Maria:It is a great wish. Judy: Im going to deal out the cake now A: let us start to eat it. Tom: I want a big piece of cake. Judy: no problem. Jack: after eating the cake, we can play chess, cards or video games. Which do you want to play? A: I want to play video games. Maria: Lets enjoy the party together!全员:OK.