1、到超市用这些句式和孩子轻松练口语!现在粑粑麻麻越来越注重孩子的英语能力,也会在生活中有意识地为孩子创造英语学习环境。其实生活中的很多场景,都可以拿来和孩子一起练习英语会话。比如在超市,粑粑麻麻就可以教这些简单又实用的句式,和宝贝一起对话,练习英语!到了超市,首先要拿到装东东的购物车、购物篮Where are the shopping carts?购物车在哪儿?Where can I find a shopping basket?在哪儿拿购物篮?找不到路啦?让你的小帮手来帮忙吧Where is the fruit section?水果区在哪儿?Do you sell seafood here?这
2、里卖海鲜吗?Do you have a bakery section?你们有面包吗?Im looking for pickles. Can you help me find them?我想买泡菜。你能帮我找一下吗?Can you point me to the commodity area?可以告诉我日用品在哪儿吗?We need to buy some soy sauce。 Which aisle is the soy sauce in?我们想买一些酱油,它在哪一个走道?用这些问题,考考小宝贝Can you tell me the difference between A and B?可以告
3、诉我 A 和 B 有什么差别吗?Can you help me reach that?可以帮我拿一下那个吗?Which one do you prefer?你喜欢哪个?教宝贝看懂促销标语,从小学理财15% off with this flyer凭单页 85 折优惠Final clear out清仓大甩卖Buy any two together and save 10% off both products2 件 9 折。Buy one and get anyone free买一赠一要付钱了,优惠券、会员卡什么的赶紧拿出来I have some coupons. Let me get them我有一些优惠券,等我拿出来哦。I have a membership card. Here it is我有会员卡,给你。I brought my own bags to use. Here you go我自己带了袋子,在这儿。I would like plastic bags please.我需要塑料袋。