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1、上海市商品房预售合同Shanghai Commodity Housing Presale Contract上海市房屋土地资源管理局制定 上海市工商行政管理局监制二零零零年印制 Prepared by Shanghai Housing and Land Resources Administration BureauSupervised by Shanghai Industrial and Commercial Administration BureauPrinted in Year 2000特 别 告 知 Special Notice一、本合同文本是根据上海市房地产转让办法制定的示范文本,印制的

2、和同条款为提示性条款,供双方当事人约定采用。This Contract is a model contract stipulated in accordance with Shanghai Method for Real Estate Transfer, terms and conditions printed hereof are suggestive ones for mutual adoption by both parties.二、购房是一种民事法律行为,涉及的标的额较大、专业性较强、法律规范较多,为更好地维护双方当事人的权益,双方签订合同时应当慎重,力求签订得具体、全面、严密。Hou

3、se purchase is a civil legal act involves relatively bigger amount of subject matter, higher expertise and more laws and regulations. To better protect the rights and interests of both parties, a Contract shall be entered into with due discretion and as detailed, comprehensive and precise as possibl

4、e.三、在签订预售合同前,房地产开发企业应向购房人出示商品房预售许可证。预售许可证真实性、合法性及该商品房屋是否存在重复预售和被司法机关查封等权利转移受限制的情况,购房人可向该商品房屋所在地的区县房地产交易中心查阅。Before signing of the presale Contract, the real estate developer shall show the presale license of commodity housing to the purchaser. With regard to the authenticity and validity of the pres

5、ale license and the possibilities of limited transfer of rights caused by the facts that the said commodity house has been presold repeatedly or sealed up by judicial authorities, the purchaser may make an enquiry to the district/county real estate trading center where the said commodity house is lo

6、cated.四、为保护合同双方当事人的合法权益,双方可以将预售广告、售楼书约定为商品房预售合同的附件。To protect their legal rights and interests, both parties herein may make the presale advertisement and brochure the annex of the commodity housing presale Contract upon agreement.五、预售的商品房是房地产开发企业正在建设中的房屋(或已建成但未经初始登记的房屋),该房屋的面积、交房日期质量等方面都存在着不确定因素。房屋

7、买卖双方在签订前,应对下列问题予以充分了解:The commodity house for presale is a house under construction(or a built house without initial land registration) by the real estate developer, there are uncertainties concerning the area, delivery date and quality of the house. Before signing the purchase Contract, both partie

8、s shall be fully acquainted with issues listed below:1、商品房预售时房屋的建筑面积是暂测的,房屋交付时则以上海市房屋土地资源管理局认定的测绘机构实测建筑面积为准。预售合同中须明确载明房屋的建筑面积、套内建筑面积、公用分摊建筑面积。暂测面积与交付时实测面积不一致,按上海市房地产转让办法第四十四条规定处理。【第四十四条(预售商品房交付时建筑面积增减的处理)预售商品房交付时,其建筑面积与预售合同的约定出现增减的,应当按照下列规定处理:When the commodity house is presold, the building area of

9、 the house is a result of temporary measurement. Upon delivery, the actual building area determined by SHLRAB authorized mapping institution shall be final. The presale Contract shall explicitly provide the gross building area, interior building area and public share building area. If the temporaril

10、y measured area is in discrepancy with the actual area, actions shall be taken in line with Article 44 of Shanghai Method for Real Estate Transfer.Article 44 (Treatment of Building Area Disconformity upon Delivery of Presold Commodity House) . Upon the delivery of a presold commodity house, if its b

11、uilding area is different from that as agreed in the presale Contract, such conditions shall be dealt with as per the following provisions: (一)因按照本办法第二十七条第二款规定分摊房屋公用部位的建筑面积或者因具有相应资质的测量机构实际勘测的误差而造成建筑面积增减的,预售合同约定的转让总价格不变。(附第二十七条 第二款:房屋转让时,房屋的公用部位、公用设备与自用部位、自用设备同时转让;公用部位的建筑面积按照国家和本市有关规定由房地产权利人分摊。)(1) I

12、f the disconformity is caused by sharing public building area according to Clause 2 Article 27 of this Method or error of actual measurement by relevantly qualified mapping institution, the total price of transfer as agreed in the presale Contract shall remain unchanged. (Attach here Clause 2 Articl

13、e 27 as stipulates: when a house is transferred, the public area, public facilities and private area, private facilities of the house are simultaneously transferred. The public building area shall be shared by obliges of the real estate as per relevant national and municipal regulations.) (二)因预售商品房的

14、建筑设计变更而造成建筑面积增减的,按照本办法第三十九条的规定处理。(2) If the disconformity is caused by design change of the presold commodity house, actions shall be taken according to Article 39 of this Method. (附第三十九条:已经预售的商品房,房地产开发企业不得擅自变更其建筑设计;确需变更的,应当在征得预购人同意并报规划管理部门审核批准后,与预购人订立预售合同的变更协议。(Attach here Article 39 as stipulates:

15、 the real estate developer cannot change the building design of presold commodity house without permission. If its proved necessary, the developer shall sign a change agreement of the presale Contract with the purchaser after getting the consent of purchaser and submitting for the approval of planni

16、ng administration authorities. 未征得预购人同意,房地产开发企业变更预售商品房的建筑设计的,预购人有权解除预售合同,并由房地产开发企业承担违约责任。)If the real estate developer changes the building design of presold commodity house without the purchasers permission, the purchaser is entitled to rescind the presale Contract and the developer shall bear the

17、liabilities for breach of contract.) (三)除本条第(一)项、第(二)项所列的情形外,建筑面积超过预售合同约定的,受让人可以不承担增加建筑面积部分的价款;建筑面积不足预售合同约定的,房地产开发企业应当将减少建筑面积部分的价款退还受让人。但预售合同另有约定的,从其约定。(3) With regard to conditions not listed in Item (1) and (2) of this Article, if the building area exceeds that as agreed in the presale Contract, t

18、he transferee can avoid the payment for the additional area; if the building area is less than that as agreed, the real estate developer shall reimburse the purchase price in proportion to the reduced area to the transferee. Provided, however, that its otherwise stipulated by the presale Contract. 2

19、、依据上海市房地产登记条例关于“房地产开发企业应当在新建商品房屋竣工验收后交付给买受人之前,持本条例第二十条所列文件和商品房屋建设项目批准文件办理新建商品房屋初始登记“的规定,商品房建成交付前房地产开发企业应取得新建商品房房地产权证(大产证)。2). Subject to the stipulation set forth by Shanghai Regulation for Real Estate Registration that “the real estate developer shall use documents listed by Article 20 of this Regu

20、lation and approval documents of commodity housing construction projects to proceed initial registration for newly-built commodity housing before delivery to the purchaser after its final acceptance”, the real estate developer shall acquire Certificate of Real Estate Title for newly-built commodity

21、housing (the Big Property Certificate) before the building up and delivery of commodity housing.3、国务院发布的建设工程质量管理条例规定,施工单位对商品房屋的质量的保修期限为:“(一)基础设施工程、房屋建筑的地基基础工程和主体结构工程,为设计文件规定的该工程的合理使用年限;(二)屋面防水工程、有防水要求的卫生间、房间和外墙面的防渗漏,为 5年;(三)供热与供冷系统,为 2个采暖期、供冷期;(四)电气管线、给排水管道、设备安装和装修工程,为 2年。”保修期限自竣工合格验收之日起计算。房地产开发企业对购

22、房人购买的商品房屋得保修责任从房屋交付之日起承担,保修期自房地产权利转移之日起,不得少于两年。3). As stipulated in Construction Project Quality Management Regulation promulgated by the State Council, construction unit shall provide a warranty to the quality of commodity housing as: “(1) in case of infrastructure work, groundsill foundation work

23、and main structure work of building construction, the reasonable service life of the work hereinbefore as stated by the design documentation; (2) 5 years of antiseep period for roofing waterproof work and toilets, rooms, external walls require waterproof function; (3) 2 cycles of heating and cold su

24、pply for the heat and cold supply systems; (4) 2 years for installation and decoration of electric pipeline, water supply and drainage pipes and equipments.”The warranty period herein shall be calculated upon and from the date of final acceptance. The real estate developer shall bear the responsibil

25、ity to keep the commodity house bought by the purchaser in good repair from the date of delivery, calculating from the date that the rights of real estate are transferred, this period shall not less than 2 years. 4、房屋交付使用后,房屋的主体结构质量不合格的,按国务院发布的城市房地产开发经营管理条例第三十二条关于“商品房交付使用后,购买人认为主体结构质量不合格的,可以向工程质量监督单

26、位申请重新核验。经核验,确属主体结构质量不合格的,购买人有权退房;给购买人造成损失的,房地产开发企业应当依法承担赔偿责任。”的规定处理。4) After delivery of the house, if its main body structure is found unqualified, actions can be taken according to Article 32 of Regulation for City Real Estate Development and Operation Management issued by the State Council, which

27、 regulates that “after delivery of the house, if the purchaser considers the main structure as unqualified, he/she may apply to project quality supervision units for a second check. If the main structure is really proved disqualified, the purchaser has the right to reject; if it causes any loss and

28、damage to the purchaser, the real estate developer shall assume the legal liability for compensation.”六、双方履行合同发生争议的,可选择向不动产所在地人民法院起诉,也可选择向仲裁委员会申请仲裁。如果选择申请仲裁的,可向本市的仲裁委员会申请,也可向外地的仲裁委员会申请,本市的仲裁委员会全称是上海仲裁委员会。If any dispute arises during the execution of Contract, both parties can choose to file a suit t

29、o the peoples court where the real estate is located or apply to the arbitral commission for arbitration. If arbitration is selected, the application can be made to arbitral commission inside and outside Shanghai, the full name of the incity arbitral commission is Shanghai Arbitral Commission.七、商品房预

30、售合同签订后应及时向房地产登记机构办理商品房预售合同登记备案,以便保护合同双方当事人权益。不登记备案的预售合同,当发生重复预售、抵押等事实时不能对抗第三人。根据规定,办理登记手续,可由合同当事人双方共同办理,也可由购房人一方单独办理。Signed presale Contract of commodity housing shall be timely registered and put on records at relevant real estate registration organ to protect the rights and interests of both parti

31、es. Presale Contract without registration shall not counter against a third party in the occurrence of such facts as repeated presale and mortgage. According to relevant regulations, registration can be done together by both parties hereof or solely by the purchaser.八、本合同文本在市、区、县房地产交易中心对外发售,建议购房人先行购

32、买,仔细阅读。This Contract is for external sale at all the municipal, district and county real estate trading centers. Its suggested that the potential purchaser buy this first for a thorough reading.甲方(卖方):Party A (Seller)住所(址):Domicile:_邮编:Post Code _身份证/护照/营业执照号码: ID Card/Passport/Business License Numb

33、er:联系电话:Contact Number:委托/法定代理人:Authorized/Legal Proxy:住所(址):Domicile:_联系电话:Contact Number:乙方(买方):Party B(the Purchaser): 国籍:Nationality _性别:Gender:_出生年月:Date of Birth:_住所(址):Domicile:_邮编:Post Code _身份证/护照/营业执照号码: ID Card/Passport/Business License Number:联系电话:Contact Number:委托/法定代理人:Authorized/Legal

34、 Proxy:住所(址):Domicile:_联系电话:Contact Number:甲、乙双方在平等、自愿、协商一致的基础上,就乙方购买甲方预售的商品房事宜,订立本合同。This Contract is entered into between Party A and Party B on the basis of equality, free will and friendly consultation for Party B to purchase commodity house presold by Party A.第一条 甲方通过土地使用权出让/转让/划拨方式取得_区/县_地块土地使

35、用权,并依法进行了土地使用权登记取得房地产权证,证书号为:_土地面积为:_,土地用途为:_。甲方经批准,在该地块上投资建造_(暂定名/现定名)商品房,主体建筑物的建筑结构为_结构;建筑物地上层数为_层,地下层数为_层。上述商品房已具备上海市房地产转让办法规定的预售条件,_局已批准上市预售(预售许可证编号:_)。Party A has obtained the exploitation right of land lot located in new area/county through assignment/transfer/allocation of the right to use la

36、nd and acquired Certificate of Real Estate Title through legal registration of the use right. The number of the certificate is Shanghai real estate ,the land area is and purpose of the land is for residential houses. With approval, Party A has invested to build (temporary name/present name) commodit

37、y housing on the said land lot and the main buildings bear a concrete structure. The building consists of an overground part of storeys and an underground storeys. The commodity housing hereinbefore is qualified for presale as stipulated by Shanghai Method for Real Estate Transfer, bureau has approv

38、ed its presale in the market(Presale License Reference:第二条 乙方向甲方购买_路_幢(号)_层_室(以下简称该房屋),政府批准的规划用途为_。据甲方暂测该房屋建筑面积为_平方米,其中套内建筑面积为_平方米、公用分摊建筑面积为_平方米。该房屋建筑层高为_米。该房屋建筑设计及平面图见本合同附件二;该房屋建筑结构、装修及设备标准见本合同附件三;该房屋相关情况说明(抵押关系、资料关系、相邻关系及小区平面布局)见本合同附件四;该房屋前期物业管理服务合同、使用公约或有关承诺书见本合同附件五。Party B purchases from Party A

39、 Room Floor No. Road (hereinafter referred to as “this House”),the purpose of which as approved by the government is for . Subject to the temporary measurement by Party A, the building area of this House is square meters, which include square meters of interior building area and square meters of pub

40、lic share building area. The storey height of this House is meters. References can be made to Annex 2 for building design and ichnography of this House; Annex 3 for construction structure, decoration and equipment of this House; Annex 4 for relevant information about this House(mortgage, materials,

41、neighborhood and layout structure of the community) and Annex 5 for Prophase Realty Management Service Contract, Use Pact or relevant letter of commitment.第三条 乙方购买该房屋,每平方米房屋建筑面积单价(不包含房屋全装修价格)为人民币_元。大写):_。In purchasing this House, Party B shall pay a unit price of RMB for each square meter of the bui

42、lding area(the price for complete decoration is not included). 根据甲方暂测的房屋建筑面积,乙方购买该房屋的总房价款(不包含房屋全装修价格)暂定为人民币_元。 (大写):_。该房屋全装修总价为人民币_元。 (大写):_。According to the building area temporarily measured by Party A, the total price(the price for complete decoration is not included) for Party B to pay for purch

43、asing this House amounts to RMB for the moment. The final price including complete decoration is RMB . 第四条 乙方购买该房屋的总房价款(含附件三中装修、设备价格)是指该房屋和相应比例的土地使用权的总价格。本合同约定的总房价款除该房屋建筑面积的暂测与实测不一致的原因外,不再作变动。The total price(including decoration price and equipment price as stated in Annex 3) for Party B to purchase

44、 this House refers to the total price of this House and proportioned land use right. The total price agreed in this Contract shall not change with exception that the actual building area of this House differs with that of temporary measurement.第五条 在该房屋交付时,房屋建筑面积以上海市房屋土地资源管理局认定的测绘机构实测面积为准,如甲方暂测面积与实测面

45、积不一致时,除法律、法规、规章另有规定外按下列约定处理:Upon the delivery of this House, its building area shall be subject to the actual area measured by SHLRAB authorized mapping institution, if the temporary measurement by Party A is inconsistent with the actual area, actions shall be taken in accordance with the following

46、covenants unless otherwise stipulated by laws, rules or regulations: 1、按该房屋每平方米建筑面积单价计算多退少补;1. To return the overcharge and demand payment of the shortage according to the unit price for each square meter of the building area. 2、甲方同意当暂测面积与实测面积的误差超过_% (包括_%),不向乙方收取超过部分的房价款;甲方同意当暂测面积与实测面积的误差超过_% (包括_%

47、),乙方有权单方面解除本合同。乙方行使单方解除权时,必须在双方签署房屋交接书之时或之前提出,否则视为放弃该项权利。Party A agrees not to charge Party B for the extra part of building area when the difference between the temporary measurement and actual area exceeds + %(including %);Party A agrees that Party B has the right to unilaterally rescind this Cont

48、ract when the difference between the temporary measurement and actual area exceeds - %(including %).Party B shall execute such right of rescindment upon or before the signing of Property Hand Over Paper, otherwise it will be deemed as waiver.第六条 签订本合同时,该房屋建设工程建设到_。乙方应当按本合同约定时间如期足额将房款价解入甲方的预售款监管帐户(预收款监管机构:_、帐户名称_、帐号:_)。预收款按政府规定监管使用。乙方的付款方式和付款期限由甲乙双方在附件一中约定明确。Upon the signing of this


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