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1、Funding proposal for WB-Italian TF for Environmental Protection in ChinaCircular Economy Development Strategy & Pilots in China 中国循环经济发展战略及试点研究Department of Environment and ResourcesConservation of NDRC 国家发改委环资司,Background 背景,Resources and environment challenges 面临资源和环境的挑战,China is undergoing the tr

2、ansition of heavy chemical industries fast growth中国正经历着重化工快速增长的转变 Energy and resources consumption has been quickly increasing in recent years 近年来能源和资源消费迅速增加 Huge population and correspondingly indigent resource per capita 人口众多而人均资源贫乏 Relative high of dependence of strategic minerals (oil, iron, cop

3、per) on import对进口资源(石油、钢铁、铜)的依赖度相当高Further deterioration of environmental condition 环境状况的进一步恶化,中国社会经济发展的宏观形势,实现全面建设小康社会目标,重要战略机遇期,消费结构升级 产业结构升级 城市化进程加速,Building new economic growth pattern 探索新的经济增长方式,To achieve Chinas strategic goal of quadrupling its GDP by 2020 with least possible resource consump

4、tion and less environmental and ecological deterioration以最少的资源消费和较小的环境和生态破坏实现2020年GDP翻两番的战略目标 To be realized by transforming the traditional way of resource mass production, mass use, and mass waste to the future intensive and beneficial one 实现资源从大量生产、大量使用、大量废弃的传统方式转变到未来的集约化和有效利用的方式,Circular Economy

5、- New Type of Industrialization Path 循环经济走新型工业化道路,In accordance with principles of “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle” TO achieve least possible resource consumption less environmental deterioration harmonized development among economy, environment and society 按照“减量化、再利用、资源化”原则,以尽可能少的资源消耗和尽可能小的代价环境,取得最大的经济产

6、出和最少的废物排放,实现经济、环境和社会效益的协调发展。,State Councils major works to promote CE 国务院对发展循环经济工作的部署,2004.3, NDRC submitted a report about countermeasures to promote circular economy development国家发改委按照国务院领导批示精神,对循环经济发展问题进行了研究,向国务院提交加快发展循环经济的对策措施建议报告 2004.4, vice premier paid high attentions to the report曾培炎副总理做出重要

7、批示,抓紧起草加快发展循环经济的若干意见。 2005.6, State Council standing meeting国务院温家宝总理主持召开常务会议,专题研究建设节约型社会和发展循环经济两个问题,审议并通过了关于做好建设节约型社会近期重点工作和加快发展循环经济的若干意见两个文件。 2005.7, State council issued a decree 下发了国务院关于加快发展循环经济的若干意见(国发200522号),对循环经济工作进行了全面部署。,CE pilots promotion 循环经济试点工作的推进,2004.9 NDRC held a national working me

8、eting to start the work 国家发展改革委召开全国循环经济工作会议,对循环经济试点工作进行部署 2005.6-7 State council issued decree to require 温家宝总理主持召开国务院常务会议,审议通过了关于做好建设节约型社会近期工作的重点和加快发展循环经济的若干意见的两个文件。7月,国务院下发国务院关于加快发展循环经济的若干意见(国发200522号),明确提出要组织开展循环经济试点示范。发展改革委要会同环保总局等有关部门和省级人民政府,在重点行业、重点领域、园区和城市组织开展循环经济试点工作,探索发展循环经济的有效模式。 2005.10 6

9、 ministries jointly issued notification to formally start the pilots 经国务院同意,国家发改委会同环保总局等有关部门和省级人民政府,在重点行业、重点领域、产业园区和省市组织开展循环经济试点工作。,Proposal 1: Study on Strategy Framework of Circular Economy Development in China 项目建议1: 中国循环经济发展战略框架研究,Main Objectives 主要目标,To formulate the circular economy developmen

10、t strategy framework in China in accordance of the principle of “A guidance view of State Council on promoting the development of circular economy”. 以 “国务院关于加快发展循环经济的若干意见”为指导,确定中国循环经济的发展战略框架,Task Contents 任 务,TASK A: The analyses of the challenges of resource supply and environment impact 任务A:分析资源供给

11、和环境影响的挑战 TASK B: Comparison of economic development patterns in various regions of China 任务B:对中国不同区域的经济发展模式进行比较 TASK C: The development strategy framework 任务C:制定发展战略框架,TASK A: The analyses of the challenges of resource supply and environment impact 任务A:分析资源供给和环境影响的挑战,Objectives(目标): Analyses on the

12、challenges of resource supply and environment impact in order to achieve Chinas goal of quadrupling its GDP by 2020 and sustainable development in long term以实现2020年中国GDP翻两番及长期可持续发展为目标,分析资源供给和环境影响的挑战 Present status and future needs of main resources and the potential environmental impact of huge reso

13、urce consumption will be analyzed and evaluated.分析和评估主要资源的现状和未来需求,以及资源大量消费所带来的对环境的潜在影响,Activities: Main metal mineral (iron and steel, aluminum and cupper), energy and water will be the main concerned resources 金属矿(是铁、钢、铝、铜)、能源和水是重点关注的资源 活动: The analyses of present consumption and supply and the imp

14、orted dependence for the main resources; 分析主要资源的当前消费和供应以及对进口的依赖度; 2. The analyses of the productivities, utilization efficiencies, waste generation and resource recycle, as well as their comparison with other countries for the main resources;分析主要资源的生产、利用效率、废弃物的产生和资源再生的状况,并将之与其它国家进行比较;,TASK A: The an

15、alyses of the challenges of resource supply and environment impact 任务A:分析资源供给和环境影响的挑战,Activities(活动): 3. Estimation of future needs of main resources and the potential environmental impact of huge resource consumption in terms of the Chinas goal of quadrupling its GDP by 2020; 估计未来主要资源的需求及2020年GDP翻两

16、番时大量资源消费对环境的潜在影响; Evaluation of potential domestic supply of main resources and the imported dependence; 评估主要资源的国内潜在供应能力和对进口的依赖度; Analyses of the challenges of resource supply and environment impact in order to achieve Chinas goal of quadrupling its GDP by 2020 and sustainable development in long te

17、rm.分析为实现2020年GDP翻两番和长期可持续发展的目标,资源供给和对环境影响的挑战。,TASK A: The analyses of the challenges of resource supply and environment impact 任务A:分析资源供给和环境影响的挑战,TASK B: Comparison of economic development patterns in various regions of China 任务B:对中国不同区域的经济发展模式进行比较,Objectives(目标): To make a comparison of economic de

18、velopment patterns in various regions of China in respect of least possible resource consumption and alleviating the environment impact towards industrialization and urbanization 对中国不同地区工业化和城市化过程中减少资源的消费和降低对环境影响的经济发展模式进行对比 To identify the main factors influencing the differences in resource utilizat

19、ion productivities and resource use efficiencies确定影响资源利用和利用效率差异的主要因素 To find out the appropriate way transforming the resource-use from the current extensive mode to the future intensive one 寻找合适的途径将目前资源利用的粗放型模式转变到未来的集约型模式,TASK B: Comparison of economic development patterns in various regions of Chi

20、na 任务B:中国不同区域的经济发展模式进行比较,Activities(活动): The indicators for making a comparison of economic development patterns in various regions of China in respect of least possible resource consumption and alleviating the environment impact will be developed研究提出对不同地区经济发展模式中资源消费和环境影响进行比较的指标体系 2. Several regions

21、 of China will be selected for making comparison of resource uses in context of different stages and ways towards industrialization and urbanization 选择一些地区工业化和城市化在其不同发展阶段和方式对资源消费进行比较,Activities(行动): 3. Comparison of index in selected various regions will be made and the main influencing factors will

22、 be identified in respect of resource utilization productivities and resource use efficiencies and waste generation and recycle对所选择的不同地区指标进行比较,确定影响资源利用生产率、利用效率、废弃物产生和再利用的主要因素 4. The appropriate way transforming the resource-use from the current extensive mode to the future intensive one suitable Chi

23、na situation will be enlightened in terms of the comparison根据这些比较,找到合适的途径将当前的粗放型资源利用模式转变到未来的适合中国国情的集约型模式,TASK B: Comparison of economic development patterns in various regions of China 任务B:对中国不同区域的经济发展模式进行比较,TASK C: The development strategy framework 任务C:制定发展战略框架,Objectives(目标): The development stra

24、tegy framework ranging the vision, roadmap, and initiatives, policies and measures will be constituted based on above analyses and further questionnaire and consultation 在分析、调查以及咨询的基础上,制订提出战略发展框架,包涵发展前景、路线图、政策和措施等。,Activities(活动): The questionnaire, consultation and forum on recycle economy developm

25、ent strategies in China will be carried out; 进行循环经济发展战略的调查、咨询和讨论; 2. The proposal of the recycle economy development strategy framework ranging vision, roadmap, and initiatives, policies and measures will be drafted;制定和提出循环经济发展战略框架的建议,包含发展前景、路线图、政策和措施等;,TASK C: The development strategy framework 任务C

26、:发展战略框架,Activities(活动): 3. The drafted proposal of recycle economy development strategy in China will be reviewed and consulted by invited experts;邀请专家对所起草的循环经济发展战略建议进行评估; 4. A workshop on the recycle economy development strategy framework in China will be held; 在中国举办一个循环经济发展战略框架研讨会 5. The proposal

27、of recycle economy development strategy framework in China will be completed and submitted to the National Development and Reform Commission. 循环经济发展战略框架建议完成后提交给国家发改委。,TASK C: The development strategy framework 任务C:发展战略框架,Expected results 预期结果,Analyses of the challenges of resource supply and environ

28、ment impact in order to achieve Chinas goal of quadrupling its GDP by 2020 and sustainable development in long term分析资源供给和环境影响的挑战,实现中国2020年GDP翻两番和长期可持续发展的目标 2. Comparison between various regions of China in respective of least possible resource consumption and alleviating the environment impact towa

29、rd industrialization and urbanization比较中国不同区域迈向工业化和城市化过程中的最低资源消费和减少的环境影响 3. Proposal on circular economy development strategies in China ranging vision, roadmap, and initiatives, policies and measures包含发展前景、路线图、政策和措施等的循环经济发展战略建议,Proposal 2: Pilots for Promoting Circular economy Development in China

30、项目建议 2: 中国发展循环经济试点,Overall targets of CE pilots in China 循环经济试点工作的总体目标,Exploring CE development models in mail industrial sectors 在钢铁、有色、化工、建材等重点行业探索循环经济发展模式,树立一批循环经济的典型企业; Building up major recycling systems 在重点领域完善再生资源回收利用体系,建立资源循环利用机制; Exploring Eco-industrial park patterns 在开发区和产业园区试点,提出按循环经济模式规

31、划、建设、改造产业园区的思路,形成一批循环经济产业示范园区; Exploring CE development patterns for cities/towns 探索城市发展循环经济的思路,形成若干发展循环经济的示范城市。,Main pilot contents-1 试点的重点内容和范围-1,高消耗、重污染重点行业试点 选择确定了钢铁、有色、煤炭、电力、化工、建材、轻工7个重点行业,依托42家企业开展试点 提出重点行业循环经济发展的有效模式、关键技术领域、重点投资领域、评价指标体系; 研究提出资源循环利用产业链发展模式; 研究促进资源循环利用的政策措施; 树立一批典型企业。,Main pil

32、ot contents-2 试点的重点内容和范围-2,资源回收利用重点领域试点 选择确定了再生资源回收利用体系建设、废旧金属再生利用、废旧家电回收利用、再制造等4个重点领域,依托17家单位(企业)开展试点 建立和完善再生资源回收网络,明确回收处理技术路线,提出再生资源循环利用模式; 探索建立生产者责任制,制定法规,完善政策,建立资源循环利用机制和体系。,Main pilot contents-3 试点的重点内容和范围-3,产业园区试点 选择确定了国家和省级开发区、重化工业集中地区和农业示范区等13个产业园区开展试点 提出按循环经济模式规划、建设、改造各类工业园区以及发展循环经济产业链的思路;

33、探索产业园区发挥产业集聚和工业生态效应,围绕核心资源发展相关产业,构建资源循环利用产业链发展模式; 对园区的土地、能源、水资源利用和污染物排放进行综合控制,探索园区集约用地、集中供热、废物集中处理方式。,Main pilot contents-4 试点的重点内容和范围-4,省市试点 选择确定了资源型和资源匮乏型城市及不同类型的10个省市(涉及东、中、西部和东北老工业基地)开展试点; 提出城市发展循环经济的基本模式; 围绕核心资源发展相关产业,构建资源循环利用产业链发展模式; 探索建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的思路和对策措施; 建立循环经济评价指标体系; 完善相关政策法规,建立有效的激励和约束

34、机制。,Main Objectives of the Project 主要目标,To identify the piloting initiatives of circular economy in high intensive resources and energy consumption industries 确定资源和能源消费高度密集的工业循环经济的试点项目 To evaluate the appropriate management models for the ecological industry zone development评估适合于生态工业区发展的管理模式 To cons

35、titute detailed guidelines and system for implementation of waste home electric appliance recovery and recycling为废旧家用电器的回收和再利用制定实施导则和政策 To identify the priorities of general and key technology in respective of resources-saving, reused, recycle as well as waste generation reduction 确定有关资源节约、再利用、资源化和减

36、少废弃物产生的优先通用技术和关键技术,Task Contents 任 务,TASK A: Piloting initiatives of circular economy in the steel and aluminum-making industries 任务A:确定炼钢和制铝工业循环经济的试点项目 TASK B: The guideline and management models for the ecological industry zone 任务B:制定生态工业区的实施导则和管理模式 TASK C: Identification of key resources-saving,

37、resources-reused and resources-recycled technologies 任务C:确定资源节约、再利用和资源化的关键技术,TASK A: Piloting initiatives of circular economy in the steel and aluminum-making industries 任务A:确定炼钢和制铝工业循环经济试点项目,Objectives(目标): Studies on piloting initiatives of circular economy in the key industrial sectors with inten

38、sive resource consumption, such as: iron and steel, aluminum.研究确定高耗资源的重点工业部门(如钢铁、铝)循环经济的试点项目,Activities(活动): Select one or two enterprise in steel and aluminum-making industries to carry out investigations on the resource (raw materials, energy, water) utilization efficiency and the resources reuse

39、and recycle as well as environmental pollutant impact in their main technical processes.选择1-2个炼钢和制铝企业,对其生产过程中资源(原材料、能源、水)利用效率、资源再利用、资源化以及环境污染等问题进行调查研究。2. Establish the circular economy assessment indicator system in steel and aluminum-making industries based on the investigation.在调查研究的基础上,对炼钢和制铝行业建立

40、循环经济评估指标体系。,TASK A: Piloting initiatives of circular economy in the steel and aluminum-making industries 任务A:确定炼钢和制铝工业循环经济试点项目,Activities(活动): 3. Identify the gap and weakness of resources saving, reuse and recycle in Chinese steel and aluminum-making industries through the comparative analyses with

41、 relevant steel and aluminum-making industries abroad.通过和国外相关的炼钢和制铝工业比较,确定中国同类工业在资源节约、再利用和资源化方面的差距和问题。Make the suggestions on piloting initiatives of circular economy in the steel and aluminum-making industries. 提出炼钢和制铝工业循环经济试点的项目建议。,TASK A: Piloting initiatives of circular economy in the steel and

42、aluminum-making industries 任务A:确定炼钢和制铝工业循环经济试点项目,TASK B: The guideline and management models for the ecological industry zone development 任务B:生态工业区发展的实施导则和管理模式,Objectives(目标): To make the suggestions of the guideline and management models for the ecological industry zone development based on the eva

43、luation on existed pilots of ecological industry zone. 对现有的试点工业区评估的基础上,对生态工业区的发展提出实施导则和管理模式方面的建议。,Activities(活动): Select several typical ecological industry zone pilots carrying out previously in China;选择几个中国典型的、先前已实施试点的生态工业区; 2. Investigate and evaluate the management model experience and achieveme

44、nts of typical ecological industry zone pilots; 调查和评估典型的试点生态工业区管理模式的经验和成果; 3. Make the suggestions of the guideline and management models for the ecological industry zone development based on the above evaluation.在上面评估的基础上,对生态工业区的实施导则和管理模式提出建议。,TASK B: The guideline and management models for the eco

45、logical industry zone development 任务B:生态工业区发展的指导方针和管理模式,TASK C: Identification of key resources-saving, resources-reutilized and resources-recycled technologies 任务C:确定资源节约、再利用和资源化 的关键技术,Objectives(目标): Identification of general and key technologies and piloting in clean production, resource saving a

46、nd resources-reutilized and resources recycled, and waste management technologies supporting Circular Economy development. 确定在清洁生产、资源节约、再利用、资源化和废弃物管理方面的有利于循环经济发展的通用和关键技术,TASK C: Identification of key resources-saving, resources-reutilized and resources-recycled technologies 任务C:确定资源节约、再利用和资源化 的关键技术,

47、Activities(活动): Identify the list of general and key technologies for clean production, resource-saving and resources-reutilized, and resource-recycled, as well as waste management, based on the questionnaires to enterprises and experts.通过对企业和专家的调查,确定在清洁生产、资源节约、再利用、资源化以及废弃物管理方面的通用和关键技术清单。 2. Identif

48、y general and key technologies that have better applied perspective from investigating the key technical retrofitting projects related to raw material, energy and water conservation and comprehensive utilization, etc.通过调查与节约和利用原材料、能源和水等有关的重点技术革新项目,确认有较好应用前景的通用和关键技术。,TASK C: Identification of key res

49、ources-saving, resources-reutilized and resources-recycled technologies 任务C:确定资源节约、再利用和资源化 的关键技术,Activities(活动): 3. Carry out the technical economy and environmental impact assessment on the identified resources-saving, resources-reutilized and resources-recycled technologies to screen out the priority field in those technology aspects.对选定的资源节约、再利用和资源化技术进行技术经济和环境影响评估,以筛选出的优先的技术领域 4. Make policy suggestion to promote the wide application of key resources-saving, resources-reutilized and resources-recycled technologies. 提出资源节约、再利用和资源化关键技术推广的政策建议,Expected results 预期结果,


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