1、Free Powerpoint Templates,New Venture &,Knowledge Intensive Business Service (KIBS),“Characteristics of an ENTREPRENEUR”,# seek to identify new opportunities# pursue opportunities# focus on action & execution# strength networks of relationships, exploiting & resource of others, helping others,“Conte
2、xt for Entrepreneur”,# new ventures is based on the experience of start-up firm# originated from a parent or incubator organization,“New Venture”,: aim to offer new products/ services/processes/ways of creating value: create a new business in order to exploit the innovation.,“Factors influencing the
3、 creation of new ventures”,HOME CONTEXT,TECHNOLOGY & MARKET,INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT,WORK ENVIRONMENT,BACKGROUND,PERSONALITY,NewVentureStart-up,“Process”,Accessing the Opportunity,Developing the Business Plan,Acquiring the Resource and Funding,Harvesting the Venture,“Accessing the Opportunity”,“Develop
4、ing the Business Plan”,Details of the product/service,Assessment of the market opportunity,Identification the target customer,Strategy for pricing, distribution & sales,Experience, expertise & commitment of mgmt team,Cash-flow calculation,Identification & planning for key risks,Barriers to entry & c
5、ompetitor analysis,Financial & other resource requirement,1,2,8,7,6,5,4,3,9,“Acquiring the Resource and Funding”,“Harvesting the Venture: Growth & Exit Strategies”,“Whats Knowledge Intensive Business Service?”,Knowledge Intensive,Business/Organization/Clients,KIBS,T-KIBS,P-KIBS,“KIBS sector and sub-
6、sectors”,Source : What we should know about knowledge-intensive business servicesEmmanuel Muller a, David Doloreux ,2009,“3 Characteristic of KIBS”,1. Rely Heavily on profession knowledge,2. Source of Knowledge OR use knowledge to produce service,3. They are of competitive importance and supplied pr
7、imarily to business,“Relationships between knowledge and KIBS”,“Driver of development in KIBS”,“Entrepreneurship Process: A Case Study on IDEO”,# It start with an Eye# Hot brainstorming with cool people# Institutionalized Innovation# Prototype IT# Bug List,“IT Begins with an EYE”,Expert “Innovation
8、begins with an eye”# Close to real life and customer experienceGo out and watch people.Pay attention to thing that customer in a situation3. No dumb or naive questions4. Thinks “left-handed” consumer5. Embrace the crazy user6. Cross-pollinate,“HOT Brainstorming with cool PEOPLE”,Follow your passion,
9、Hire great people,Focus on process,“Institutionalized INNOVATION”,Key Success Factor : Innovation Process,Deep Dive,“Prototype It”,If a picture is worth a thousand words,a prototype is worth a million wordsDavid Kelly,“Bug List”,In the IDEO every failure is the position way.,Thank you Ka ,pOXLp7v0dj