1、SSML Extension for Expressive Mandarin TTSShuang LiHongwu YangLianhong CaiTsinghua UniversityOutlineFMotivationFExpression of SpeechFProposed SSML extension FConclusionMotivation(1/3) Sentences with the same text can be expressed with different styles, emotions and moods Current tts system lacks var
2、iabilityMotivation(2/3) Current SSML cannot define speaking style, emotion and mood Good news: 生日快乐 “Happy birthday”expressed in happiness (emotion) Bad news: 张总去世了 “Director Zhang passed away” expressed in sadness (emotion) Information provider: 飞往纽约的飞机将要起飞“Flight for New York is going to take off”
3、:Expressed in a mild mood Dialog: 是 中国队 赢了吗?“Did Chinese team win?”: Emphasize “Chinese”, with interrogative mood Current SSML hard to show the difference between the expressions aboveMotivation(3/3)emotionPositive, neutral, negativestylenewsSports commentdialogInfo providing characteristicExpressiv
4、e speechEmotion, style and characteristic are relatively independent but cannot be separatedCharacteristic and style: relatively stable and global featuresEmotion: short-time, local featureExpressing patternNo tagPhisiological/social characteristicsVoice tagPhisiological reactationsNo tagWith differ
5、ent speaking stylesRepresenting speakers attitude, purpose and emotionMore harmonious with the circumstanceOutlineFMotivationFExpression of SpeechFProposed SSML extension FConclusionExpression of SpeechStyle : speaking style( dialog, news, information providing)Mood : mood( request, acquisition, aff
6、irmation, apology) Emotion : emotional activities( neutral, negative, positive)Hierarchical framework of Prosody Break level B0: no break B1: Syllable B2: Prosodic word B3: Prosodic Phrase B4: Breath Group B5: Prosodic Group Chiu-yu Tseng,et al. Fluent speech prosody: Framework and modeling. Speech Communication, 46(2005) 284-399我永远忘不了 一张对日抗战时的新闻照片, 轰炸后的废墟焦土上,一个衣不蔽体、 满身尘土灰烟的幼儿 坐在地上无助的大哭着。 那是一再令我热泪盈眶的镜头 。 新闻摄影中的战争传真 已不能只称是照片了。 From Chiu-yu Tseng, report in Beijing University, Oct 11, 2005OutlineFIntroductionFExpression of SpeechFProposed SSML extension FConclusion