1、英语四级写作课常见问题,及解决方法,在语言教学中 , 写作作为一个重要的输出技能占有举足 轻重的地位。写作教学可以帮助学习者巩固已学过的语言知 识 , 培养语言的运用技能。最重要的一点 , 它是听、说、读 之外的另一个重要的基本语言技能 (Harmer. Jeremy, 2000: 79)。学习者在写作过程中对各种信息进行搜集、加工、整 理 , 最后以书面形式输出新的信息。写作不仅是将信息简单 地呈现给读者 , 更反映了作者的语言表达能力和思想认识的 程度 , 是一个人各方面能力的综合体现。所以写作不仅仅是 简单的学习一些写作方法 , 更重要的是要融会贯通 , 熟练的 掌握和运用这些技巧。,在
2、教写作课的过程中 发现 , 尽管大部分学生能将基本意思表达出来 , 也能套用所 学的写作方法 , 但像格式不正确、单词拼写错误、主谓不一 致、名词单复数不分、动词时态乱用 , 甚至词性不分的问题 也比比皆是。甚至学生的语句或作文经常呈现出汉语的表达 方式 , 或者不能灵活运用一些英语中的习惯用语。在本文中 笔者将着重讨论几种常见问题及其解决方法 , 以求对学习英 语者有所帮助。,语法混乱,尽管已经学习了多年的英语语法 , 很多学生无论在口头 还是书面都会出现词性不分、时态乱用的错误 , 搞不清楚动 词的时态以及什么词才能当作谓语动词 , 不明白情态动词后 面接什么样的词 , 常造成句子不合乎语
3、法规范的用词错误。 例如: 1 1 (1) 我很喜欢你。 Iam very like you. (2) 只要自行车一还回来 , 她就可以借了。 She could borrow the bike as long as the bike returned.,(3) 要是我们原先没警告你 , 你现在都死了。 Ifwe had notwarned you, youwould died now. 在例句 (1) 中 , am、like被当作谓语动词 , 这是一个 语法错误 , 谓语动词应直接由 like来充当 , 另外由于受汉语 干扰 , 学生照汉语思维直译导致了表达错误和不地道、不准 确的英语表达
4、, 此句应改为 I like you verymuch. 在例句 (2) 中 , 自行车是被还回来的 , 所以应用被动语态 , 应写成 She could borrow the bike as long as itwas returned. 例句 (3) 中 , 情态动词后应接动词原形 , 而不是动词的其他时态 , 因此应 改成 Ifwe had notwarned you, you would now. 从以上错误可 以看出 , 由于有些学生基础不牢 , 对某些常用词不认真考 证 , 随手写来 , 又检查不出错 , 导致语法错误却浑然不觉。,选词不当,每个民族都有着自己不同于其他民族的语言和
5、文化。不 同的语言和文化又都具有本民族特有的表现方式 , 具有鲜明 的民族特色。可以说 , 生活在不同文化背景下的人有着不同 的生活环境 , 人们彼此对客观事物的概念就会出现差异。在 学习英语写作的过程中 , 学生由于对汉英语言、文化间的差 异 , 不同文化背景所产生的不同思维方式不甚了解 , 经常用 汉语思维 , 导致用词错误。,例如许多同义词的译法。汉语中我们常说下大雨 大山 , 大人物等 , 而在英语中我们不能简单的用一个 big来 翻译 , 而应根据所修饰的不同对象选用不同词语。如以上词 语应翻译成 heavy rain, hugemountain, greatperson1汉语中的
6、青丝 , 青山绿水 , 青天也应相应的译为 black hair, gree mountain andwater, blue sky.,句型单一,英语里的句型繁多 , 有陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹 句; 有简单句、并列句、复合句; 有长句、短句。用英语表 达一个句子时 , 我们可以套用各种各样的句型来表达同样的 意思。然而笔者在教学过程中发现 , 尽管是英语专业的学 生 , 仍有大部分人常采用同一种句型或是一、两种句型来表 达他们的意思。其中学生最常用的就是简单句和陈述句 , 往 往把一句复合句分为若干个简单句表现出来 , 或者通篇都是 简单句 , 导致句型单一 , 读之无味。以下举例说明:
7、,(1) 那天我在街上碰到了一个穿红裙子的女孩 , 她是我 的好朋友 Mary的同学。 Imet a girl on the street that day. The girl was in a re dress. The girlwas a classmate ofmy friendMary. (2) 他告诉我说他考试不及格的事情使他妈妈很生气。 He toldme something. He did not pass the exam. He mad His Mum angry. 以上两个例句分别用三个简单句表达出来 , 尽管意思正确 , 但表现不出英语专业学生应有的功底 , 如能将三句合
8、一 , 写成一个完整的复合句会更好些。因此可将其改为 (1)That day I met a girl dressed in red who was the classmate ofmy friendMary. (2) He told me that his notpassing the exam mad his mother angry.,习语翻译不当,受汉语文章的影响 , 中国学生在英语表达中大量使用习 语、典故及歇后语、俚语以使其表达生动有趣 , 但很多学生 所忽略的一点是他们在使用这些语句时 , 没有考虑到中西方 文化的差异 , 因此造成不少笑话。以下举例说明: (1) 忠言逆耳 fa
9、ithfulwords 应写成 That is close to the bone. (2) 画蛇添足 Add legs to the snake after you have finished drawing it. 应写成 Paint the lily.,(3) 滴水穿石 A drop ofwater could dig a hole in the stone. 应写成 Constant droppingwears away a stone. (4) 一心不能二用 A heart can not be used twice. 应写成 A man cannotwhistle and drin
10、k at the same time. (5) 骑虎容易下虎难 Once on a tigers back, it is hard to alight. 应写成 It is easier to go up the hill than to run down. (6) 大海捞针 Look for a needle in the sea. 应写成 Look for a needle in a haystack. 从以上例句可以看出 , 由于英汉语言使用的形象不同 ,两个民族的思维习惯不同也造成了许多语言错误。,3. 解决方法 既然存在以上的诸多问题 , 那么我们该如何减少以至解决其问题 , 更得体
11、、更自然、更顺畅的写 出地道、流利的英语 , 更有效的提高其写作能力呢 ? 笔者建 议从以下几点着手:,(1) 夯实基础 俗话说: “千里之行 , 始于足下 ”。任何事情都要从基础做起 , 只有做好了充分的准备 , 才会有完美的结果。英语写作要求写作者有较深的语言功底 , 即词汇基础和语法基础 等。作为一名语言学习者 , 所做的最重要的事情就是打好基 础 , 即掌握大量词汇及其同义词、近义词 , 并能辨析它们在 不同场合的不同用法; 此外还要熟知各种语法并能信手拈 来、随意运用。尽管我们说学英语不是简单的背单词语法 , 但是如果连基本的单词语法都不能掌握 , 又拿什么来体现自 己的知识并写出流
12、利地道的英语呢? 所以提高写作水平必须 从基础抓起 , 必须加强基础语法与句型的训练 , 使学生打好 坚实的语言基础。加强词汇教学 , 注意英语词汇每个意义的 使用条件与用法、它的搭配关系、名词单复数、同义词与近 义词的区别等 , 充分利用好字典。,(2) 改变思维模式,语言是思维的主要工具 , 是思维方式的构成要素。思维 以一定的方式体现出来 , 表现于某种语言形式之中。思维模 式的差异 , 正式造成语言差异的一个重要原因 (连淑能 , 2002)。那么 , 何谓思维模式呢 ? 荣开明等 (1989: 30) 将 其定义为 “主体在反映客体的思维过程中 , 定型化了的思维 形式、思维方法和思
13、维程序的综合和统一 ”。思维模式主要 由知识、观念、方法、智力、情感、意志、语言、习惯等八大要素构成 (陈新夏等 , 1988: 504)。人们由于长期生活在某一特定的区域 , 形成了各自不同的文化特征 , 因而也就形成不同的思维方式。,中国学生因受汉语思维模式的影响 , 常 会写出汉语式的句子或文章。所以作为教师要及时讲评作 业 , 准确预见学生易犯的错误 , 通过对比分析和错误分析把 汉语和英语进行比较 , 找出两种语言的差异。把学生的错误 进行归类、分析、解释 , 反复练习 , 提高学生英语表达的准 确性。从学生的角度来说 , 平时应大量阅读各种英语文章 , 无论是杂志也好 , 报纸也好
14、 , 小说也罢 , 学生可以从不同角 度来汲取知识 , 领略地道英语的魅力 , 进行背诵与模仿 , 培 养其英语语感 , 提高其英语写作的能力。,(3) 加强写作,笔者发现 , 许多学生并不重视写作 , 认 为不过是写句子以及写由句子组成的文章 , 小菜一碟 , 很简 单。可往往交上来的作业问题百出: 语法错误 , 汉语模式 , 甚至有些学生在写文章时不懂得要用什么样的写作方法。所 以要想提高写作水平 , 除了上文提到过的夯实基础 , 改变思 维模式 , 最重要的还是要多写多练。俗语说得好 “只要功夫 深 , 铁杵磨成针 ”, 写作不仅是学习各种写作方法 , 更是将 各种写作方法融入实践 ,
15、这样 , 写作水平才能逐渐提高。,二、常用英语写作方法,1.看图说话式 为了避免写作文语无伦次,可以采用看图说话写作式,即 在动手之前先进行看图说话练习,同时兼练口语,从而为正式 作文打下基础。这样做既可以提高学生的口语水平,又可以让 教师对作文的主体作框架性指导,对一些难以表达的意思作 适当的提示。 2.活用范文式 学生对范文成竹在胸后,可以让其独立对范文进行模仿写作或者进行缩写、扩写、续写等。在这些写作过程中,学生们 驾轻就熟、热情高涨,现学现用性的写作让学生初尝创作成功 的喜悦。,3.关键词(主题句)指引式 就某一题目进行写作时,可以将写作素材中的关键词给 学生,让学生根据关键词将整个故
16、事串述成文,或者先确立每 一段落的大意及主题句,然后围绕该主题句展开每段文章,最 后连段成章。这样,学生在关键词和主题句的指引下,就能够 写出内容丰富、条理清晰、逻辑严密的篇章。 4.问答串联式 对于所要写作的话题先设计一系列问题,引发学生的思 考,在对每一个问题一一作答之后,把这些问题的答案串连起 来就是一篇完整的文章。在每一个问题后可以给学生提示,如 句型、结构、连接词等,这种指导有利于学生对选词造句进行 复习训练,起到熟能生巧的作用。,5.主题讨论式,学生口语句型结构和表达方法往往是他们写作的基础, 因此给出主题让学生先进行谈话,用已学过的语法知识和语 言材料表达思想,是听说读写相结合的
17、活动,为进一步的写作 奠定了基础。由于学生们有话可说,又是他们自己对某一问题 的真实想法,因而写出来的文章语言表达流畅,思路清晰,有 很强的说服力。,如何提高学生的四、六级英语写作水平?,写作中存在的主要问题 ? 1.内容太笼统,概括,不够具体,缺乏细节。 2.缺乏逻辑性,想到哪些到哪儿,容易跑题。 3.缺乏举例。 4.写不出内容,缺乏进一步论述,观点不够全面。 5.句子结构较单一,用词常用一些简单词汇。,1.列简单提纲,每段只需写出几个关键词即可,这样顺着这些词写就就不会想到哪儿写到哪儿,避免跑题,而且写得内容 比较全面。例: Pollution 1.造成污染的原因因:factories g
18、ive off smoke and dust;throw paper, plastic bags carelessly; spit on ground 2.污染的危害: a.air pollution:ozonosphere(臭氧层)being destroyed, breathing disease b.water pollution: rivers, various diseases: low intelligence, health affected c.peoples mood is greatly affected,3.怎样防止污染:shut down some factories;
19、improve peoples consciousness; adopt some measures 列提纲的过程也是一个挖掘思想的过程,根据各段的的主题句,将脑子里出现的想法用最简单的方式写出 来,然后再进行筛选,挑出最主要的,去掉次要的。这样能防止写作文时跑题。另一个好处是写得内容比较全全面。如果边想边写,很容易写了一大段,结果只写了一个方面,将重要内容拉掉或走题。所以平时练习时就 应该养成列提纲的习惯。,2分类法,分类法是写作中常用到的一种方法。与一些过渡词连用可使文章条里清楚,层次分明。例: Why is marking up a book indispensable to readi
20、ng? First, it keeps you awake. In the second place, reading, if It is active, is thinking, and thinking tends to express itself in words, spoken orwritten. The marked book is usually the thought-through book. Finally, writing helps you remember the thoughts you had, or the thoughts the author expres
21、sed. 分类法常用的过渡词有:firstly, secondly, thirdly; furthermore, moreover, besides, in addition; in the first place, in the second place; on one hand; on the other hand; last but not least(最后但并不是最不重要的)等。,3.举例法,举例法是通过提供实例来扩展段落的一种方法。用实例进一步阐述,支持主题句中的观点,从而使其得 到更为充分和完整的表达。在议论文和说明文中如果缺乏必要的例子,就不能使读者信服。学生写作中的通病就是缺少
22、举例。在论述某一问题时,只是泛泛提几点而不给例子,这样内容就显得很空洞。因此,在能举例的地方尽量给出两三个甚至更多个具有代表性的例子。注意举例一定要简短,否则,文章就成了记叙文。举例后要用一句话来概括此段内容。,例 1:The most remarkable thing about daydreaming maybe its usefulness in shaping our future lives as we Want them to be. Industrialist HenryJ.Kaiser believes that much of his success was due to t
23、he positive use of daydreaming. He maintained that“you can imagine your future.” Florence Nightingale dreamed of becoming a nurse. The young Thomas Edison pictured himself as an inventor. For these not able achievers, it appears that their Daydreams came true. 举例使文中论点很有说服力。,例2: The professional ente
24、rtainerswork is not always easy. Every night in the theatre, actors and actresses have to remember thousands of words. Every night in concert hall and night clubs, musicians try hard to make no mistakes when they play their music. Singers worry about singing the right notes. Magicians are nervous ab
25、out mak-ingistakes, worrying that one day a magic trick or a cardtrick will not work. Perhaps circus clowns and night club comedians, however, have the hardest job of all. They have to make people laugh everyday with well-told jokes and funny acts. No, being an entertainer is not such an easy way to
26、 make a living.,4.因果分析法,因果分析通常用以解释与论证某一观点或现象, 用以讨论和分析某事发生的原因和各种原因导致的结 果等。有的作文已给出结果让分析原因。如图表作文多数已给出数据和结果,让分析造成这种现象的原因; 而有的则给出原因让分析结果。 一个结果往往是由不同的原因所造成的,一个原因也会导致不同的结果。许多学生只从一个或两个方面来分析,所以显得内容空洞。 因此,在分析原因或结果时应避免只从一个角度来分析,而应从不同的角度进行分析。,Long-distance running everyday can significantly change a runnerslife
27、-style. Firstly, if one insists on running for sometime, hell find he has more energy and can do more things. The days will grow longer because of less Sleep needed. Secondly, the body will become thinner,smoother,firmer.Thirdly, running also produces a healthful Feeling of pleasant,excitement,which
28、 comes from adherence to a strict routine and the improved physical condition. So, running makes one feelgood, about himself and about the world. 此段从精力、身体和心情三个方面分析了坚持长跑所带来的良好结果。,4.比较与对照 比较和对照也是常见的一种写作方法。比较是对人或事物之间的相同点进行分析;对比是对人或事物之 间的不同点进行比较。不过,这两种方法也不能截然分开。比较和对照有两种写作方法:如果内容较少,可将 比较或对照的事物分开描述,先写一方的全
29、部细节,再写另一方;如果内容多,则可逐点进行。比较与对比常用的过渡词有:similarly, likewise, in the same way, on the contrary, while,whereas,on the one hand;on the other hand,incontrast等。,7.定义法,定义法是对一种事物的含义、本质、特征和范畴做确切而简要说明的方法。它可使读者对事物的特点有 更深的了解。如: As to the definition of “winning”, a lot of things come to mymind:to win the first priz
30、e in a contestis“win-ning”;to successfully defeat enemies is“winning”; to make great achievements after painstaking efforts can also be called“winning”. Generally speaking, “winning”maybe defined as attaining a personal goal or arriving at a prede-termined destination.在展开段落时,人们还常用以上提到的两种和两种以上结合的方式,如
31、分类和举例相结合,分类和因果 分析相结合的方式。,在写作中,另一个很重要的方面是句式的变化。许多学生只会用简单句和从句,而不会用现在分词短语、 过去分词短语、不定式短语、介词短语等。而这些句式会给作文增添光彩。如: (1)As for the Flat Earth theory, I believe I could refute it.(介词短语) (2)Against the Oval Earth man, the first card I can play is the analogy of the sun andmoon.(介词短语) (3)To save his“honor”, he
32、had to do the things that he did not want to.(不定式短语) (4)Bettie held him, tears streaming down her face.(现在分词短语) (5)When cast on the moon during eclipse, it appears to be the shadow of around object.(过去分词短语) (6) She was something more, a person like me, capable of fear and hurt and failure.(形容词短语) (7
33、)It was along, slow journey that almost ended indisaster.(It强调句型),在这两段中,有宾语从句、定语从句、主语从句、介词短语及过去分词短语等结构,各种句型的结合使文 章简洁、生动。英语课本是写作的基础。在大学英语精读和泛读课本中,只要详细阅读就可找到很多好的地道的表达法和结构,如果能将这些句型记住并掌握其用法,并能模仿篇章的组织结构,用词时,尽量用在大学学过的词汇来代替中学时学过的简单词汇,我相信学生的写作就会有较大的长进。,英语章段写作常用词语 1.章段开头常用词语,As far as . . . is concerned As f
34、ar as we know As everybody knows As the proverb says As the saying goes As might have been expected At present At first At the start At this point First of all Frankly speaking I am of the opinion that. . . I want to begin by saying. . . In the beginning In the first place It can be easily proved th
35、at. . .,It can be said with certainty that. . . It cannot be denied that. . . It goes without saying that. . . It has been demonstrated that. . . It has been found that. . . It has been proved that. . . It has been shown that. . . It has to be noticed that. . . It is a common saying that. . . Adjace
36、nt to ,After a while All the same,Another special consideration in this case is that. . . As an illustration,As a matter of fact As has been already discussed As has been exdplained before As has been noted,As has been said before,As has been stated,衔接转折常用词语,A case in point is. . . A more interestin
37、g thing is that. . . A more important fact is that. . . In addition In addition to. . . In analogy with . . In answer to In any case In fact In the latter case In line with . .In much the same way as. . . In other words In spite of the fact that. . . In that case In this case In this connection In v
38、iew of the present situation It certainly would not be right to say that. . .,Owing to Perhaps you will question why. . . Seeing that. . . Similarly, we should pay attention to. . . Secondly, we must note that. . . Thands to the fact that. . . That is to say That is whyt. . . The reason is that. . .
39、 This can be expressed as follows To take. . . for example The problem with regard to. . . is that . . .The question resolves itself into. . . Therefore, we should realize that. . . What is more With a view to . . . With regard to your proposal, I think that. .,It follows from this. . . It is true t
40、hat . . . ,but. . . Just as we have discussed earlier Just as. . ., so. . . Moreover, we should not forget that. . . Next, we should all realize that. . . The next important point is that. . . No sooner. . . than. . . Not because. . . but because. . . Not only . . . but also. . . Not that. . .but th
41、at. . . On account of On that account On the advice of . . . On the assumption that. . . On the contraryOn the left (right) On the other hand On the opposite side of. . . On this point we all agree that. . . On second thoughtsOne thing which is equally important is that. . . Opposite to. . . Others
42、may disagree, but I believe that. . .,章段结尾常用词语,Above all After all All in all All things considered All this means that . . . As a consequence As a result As the matter stands At last At length At all events At all events Consequently, most people believe that. . . Finally, we hope that. . . For sho
43、rt From this point of view Hence, we conclude that. . . I will conclude by saying. . . I want to make one final point. . . In a word In brief In conclusion In general,英语写作常用过渡性词语及其实例,1.表示举例说明 a case in point, as a proof, as an illustration, for example, for instance, namely, such, specifically, that
44、 is ,to illustrate a) that experiment, for example, was a total failure. b) for instance, a telegram often costs more than a telephone call. c) there are three colours in the British flag, namely, red, white and blue. d) such an earthquake happened last year in China. e) an average student can be a
45、top student with hard work. cathy is a case in point.,2.表示增补意义,again, also, and, besides, equally important, furthermore, in addition, in other words, likewise, moreover, to put it another way, to repeat, then, too, whats more you need time, of course. In addition, you need kiligence. Furthermore, t
46、he time for registration has been extended. They expected , moreover, to remove their house. The noise stopped for a moment, and then began again. He is an artist and, whats more, a good sportsman.,3.表示强调 above all, anyway, as a matter of fact, certainly, indeed, in fact, in particular, most importa
47、nt, obviously, surely, to be sure, truly, undoubtedly, without doubt certainly the vacation was fun. Indeed, a dessert is always enjoyable. Above all, do not build an open fire in a forest. Surely you agree that she won the debate. Most important, the form has to be mailed by June 1.,4.表示对比或对照by con
48、trast, but, conversely, in contrast, instead, on the contrary, on the other hand, otherwise, unlike, whereas, while, yet Unlike his brother, he has a sense of humour. In contrast, the red fluid does not lose its colour. The husband wanted a boy, whereas the wife wanted a girl. Some students wanted t
49、o go on an excursion; others ,on the other hand, wanted to go swimming. Instead, the new law caused many problems.,表示比较 by comparison, equally important, in the same way, in the same manner, like, likewise, similarly like the owl, the fox hunts at night. In the same way, we look for a good doctor. S
50、imilarly, the Wilsons enjoy spicy foods. Equally important, the car drives thirty miles on a gallon of gas. 表示让步 after all , although, clearly, it is true(that), in spite of, nevertheless, still, yet although she ran after the train, it left without her. I cant follow your advice. Nevertheless, thank you for giving it. After all, you have learned to cook Chinese food in this job. Still, a winter vacation can be pleasant.,