1、一. 欢迎词: Good morning (Afternoon,Evening)Ladies and gentlemen : The crew member of XX Airlines has the pleasure of welcoming you aborad. Would you please put your seat in the upright position, fasten your seat belts and lock your table in place. We will be taking off in a few mimutes.You are reminded
2、 that smoking and telephone-operation are not permitted at any time during flight. Please use your “call button“ if you require assistance-our crew will attend to your needs. We hope you enjoy a pleasant flight and thank you for choosing XX Airlines. Ladies and gentlemen: Welcome aboard_Airlines FLT
3、_to_. (With an intermediate stop in_). Your flight is under the command of Captain_. I am the chief purser_,in addition, we have_cabin attendants,_from Thailand, who will be available through the flight to serve you. Please let us know if you need assistance. Thank you. 各位贵宾: 欢迎您搭乘_航空,第_号班机( 经过_)前往_
4、。 今天的飞行是由本机机长_、事务长/座舱长_、_位空服员、 _位_籍空服员为大家服务,如果您需要任何协助,请通知空服人员。 二.安全示范 DOMO 1 Ladies and gentlemen : Your cabin attendants have just demonstrated the proper method of using the life jacket(and oxygen mask.) Please refer to the emergency instruction card in the seat pocket for more information.Thank y
5、ou. DOMO 2 Ladies and gentlemen : For your safety,this aircraft is fully equipped with emergency equipments. We will explain the location and method of use.There are eight emergency exits located on the left and right sides respectively. They are identified by the exit signs. Life jackets are under
6、your seats.In case of emergency, put the jacket over your head,then bring the straps from behind you to the front as the attendant is demonstrating. Fasten the straps and pull tight. The jacket will be automatically inflated by pulling the two red tabs at the bottom. There are two mouth pieces insid
7、e the life jacket which can be used to inflate the vest by blowing air into them.The oxygen masks are in panel over your head. If there is any change in the pressure, the masks will fall automatically.The masks are as shown. When the masks fall,pull one of them to your face. Cover your nose and mout
8、h then breath normally. Place the strap over your head to keep the mask in place. If you have an infant,put your mask on first,then put the infants mask on. Each seat is provided wiht seat belts. Please keep them fasted whenever seated. Just pull the buckle to unfasten them. Please refer to the emer
9、gency instruction card in seat pocket for more imformation. Thank you. 三.飞机即将起飞前 Ladies and gentlemen : We will be taking off shortly.Please make sure that your seat belts are fastened. Thank you. 四.预期通过乱流区 Ladies and gentlemen : We will be passing through turbulent air.For your safety, please remai
10、n seated and fasten your seat belts. Thank you. 遇乱流时: We will be passing through turbulence.For your own safety, please remain seated and fasten your seat belt. Thank you. 我们即将经过一段不稳定的气流,为了各位的安全,请留在座位上, 将安全带系好。谢谢。 五.降落前 Ladies and gentlemen : We will soon be landing at the_ (Interational) Airport, w
11、ould you please put you seat in the upright position , fasten your seat belts and lock yourtable in place. Thank you. 六.降落后 Ladies and gentlemen : We have landed at _(Interational) Airport. The present outside temperature is _degrees Centigrade,and the local time is_. Please remain seated until the
12、airplane has come to a complete stop and dont forget your personal belongings. All crew members thank you for choosing XX Airlines. We hope to see youin the near future. Thank you and good-bye. 各位贵宾午安: 我们即将开始下降,预计下午_:_降落在 XX 机场,请系好您的安全带, 本人谨代表 XX 航空公司及全体组员谢谢您的搭乘并祝您旅途愉快! Good afternoon, Ladies and Ge
13、ntleme: We expect to land at _:_ PM. Please fasten your seat belt. I would like to thank you for flying with XX airlines, I do hope you have enjoyed your flight. 各位贵宾: 我们现在已经降落在 XX 国际机场了,在安全带的指示灯没有熄灭、 班机没有停妥前,请您不要离开座位。下机时请不要忘了随身携带的行李, 打开座位上方的行李柜时请您特别留意以免行李滑落下来。 非常感谢您搭乘 XX 航空公司的班机,并希望很快能再次为您服务。 Ladie
14、s and Gentleme: We have landed at XX Airport, please remain seated until the “FASTEN SEAT BELT“ sign is turned off and the aircraft has come to a complete stop. Please dont forget to take along your personal belongings. When opening the overhead bins; please take care to ensure the contents do not f
15、all out. Once again, we would like to thank you for flying with XX Airlines and hope to serving you again soon. 航空用单字“ (1)aircraft (2) belly 机腹 (3)nose gear 鼻轮 (4) retractable landing gear 伸缩起落架 (5)rudder 尾舵 (6)propeller 推进器 (7)wing 机翼 (8)fuel 油料 (9)tank 油箱 (10)radome 雷达 (11) fuselage 机身 (12)break-i
16、n area 逃生窗 (13)undercarrage bay 货舱 (14)air brake 煞车 (15)panel 仪表板 (16)flight deck(cockpit) 前舱 (17)galley 厨房 (18)seat belt 安全带 (19)slide 充气滑梯(逃生用) (20)survival kit(first aid kit) 救生品 (21)water extinguisher 灭火器 (22)dry chemical extinguisher 乾粉灭火器 (23)latch 栓子 (24)tray table 餐桌 (25)smoke hood 防烟面罩 (26)
17、waste bin 垃圾桶 (27)grab handle 扶手 (28) sink 水槽 (29)observers seat 观察位( 前舱) (30)telescopic viewer 门孔 (31)soap dispenser 给皂器(32)bassinet 婴幼儿睡床 (33)ditching 水上迫降 (34)water evacuation 水上逃生 (35)land evacuation 陆上逃生 (36)axe 斧头(在驾驶舱) (37)trolly 餐车 (38)torch 手电筒 (39)armrest 扶手 (40)reading light 阅读灯 (41)call
18、button 呼叫钮 (42)air traffic control 航路管制 (43)control tower 塔台 (44)operation & dispatcher 签派员 (45)cruize 平航 (46) runway 跑道 (47)taxiway 滑行道 (48)I.D.L 国际日线 (49)time zone 时区 (50)estimated time of arrival (ETA)预计到达时间 (51) estimated time of departure (ETD)预计起飞时间 (52)apron 围裙 (53)jet lag 飞机时差症 (54)tail wind
19、 顺风 (55)head wind 逆风 (56)jetway(passenger bridge) 空桥 (57)crew 机组员 (58)infant 婴儿 (59)unaccompanied minor(UM)没有家长同行小孩 (60)briefing 任务提示 (61)home base 基地 (62)pilot(captain) 机长 (63)co-pilot(first officer)副机长 (64)clear air turbulence 晴空乱流 (65)air current 气流 (66)non-endorsable 禁止转让(票) (67)stand-by 地面待命 (6
20、8)stop-over 中站停留 (69)layover 外站过夜 (70)refueling stop 加油停留 (71)transit passenger 转机旅客 (72)waiting lounge 候机室 (73)baggage inspection 行李检验 (74)hand baggage 手提行李 (75)umaccompanied baggage 托运行李 (76)custom 海关 (77)quarantine 检疫 (78)immigeration 移民局 (79)baggage tag 行李签 (80)connection 班机接驳 (81)destination 目的
21、地 (82)free baggage allowance 行李重量限制 (83)general declaration 舱单 (84)load factor 载客率 (85)on time performance 准点率 (86)LOST-N-FOUND 失物招领 (87)confirmation 确定 (88)reissued ticket 重开的票 (89)passenger manifst 旅客名单 (90)wheelchair 轮椅 (91)ground staff 地勤 (92)take off 起飞 (93)live vest 救生衣 (94)non-stop flight 直飞班
22、机 (95)immigeration card 入境表格 (96)terminal 航空站 (97)hijack 劫机 (98)demonstration 示范 (99)evacuate 疏散 (100)traffic congestion 航路拥挤 二. 夜间飞行 女士们 先生们 为了您在旅途中得到良好的休息,我们将调暗客舱灯光. 请保持客舱安静 .如果您需要阅读,请将打开阅读灯. 我们再次提醒您,在睡觉期间请系好安全带 .如果需要我们的帮助 ,我们很乐意随时为您服务.谢谢! Ladies and Gentlemen: TO ensure a good rest for you,we wil
23、l be dimming the cabin lights. If you wish to read, please turn on the reading light. Because your safety is our primary concern,we strongly recommend you to keep your seat belt fastened throughout the flight. Your cooperation in keeping the cabin quiet is appreciated Should you need any assistance,
24、please contact us! Thank you!飞行过程欢迎词 欢迎词 女士们,先生们: 欢迎你乘坐中国 XX 航空公司航班 XX_前往_ (中途降落 _) 。有_至_的飞行距离是_,预计空中飞行时间是_小时_ 分。飞行高度 _米,飞行速度平均每小时_公里。 为了保障飞机导航几通讯系统的正常工作,在飞机起飞和下降过程中请不要使用手提式电脑,在整个航程中请不要使用手提电话,遥控玩具,电子游戏机,激光唱机和电音频接收机等电子设备。 飞机很快就要起飞了,现在有客舱乘务员进行安全检查。请您坐好,系好安全带,收起座椅靠悲和小桌板。请您确认您的手提物品是否妥善安放在头顶上方的行李价内或座椅下发。
25、 (本次航班全程禁烟,在飞行途中请不要吸烟。 ) 本次航班的乘务长讲协同机上_名乘务员竭诚为为您提供及时周到的服务。 谢谢! Welcome Good morning (afternon, evening), Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome aboard XX Airlines flight XX_to_(via_) The distance between_and_is_kilometers. Our flight will take _ hours and_minutes. We will be flying at an altitude of_meters a
26、nd the average speed is_ kilometers per hour. In order to ensure the normal operation of aircraft navigation and communication systems, passengers are toys, and other electronic devices throughout the flight and the laptio computers are not allowed to use during take-off and landing. We will take of
27、f immediately, Please be seated, fasten your seat belt, and make sure your seat back is straight up, your tray table is closed and your carry-on items are securely stowed in the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you. (This is a non-smoking flight, please do not smoke on board.) The (chief)
28、purser _with all your crewmembers will be sincerely at your service. We hope you enjoy the flight! Thank you! 起飞后广播 女士们,先生们: 我们的飞机已经离开_前往_,沿这条航线,我们飞经的省份有 _,经过的主要城市有_,我们还将飞越 _。 在这段旅途中,我们为你准备了 XX 餐。供餐时我们将广播通知您。 下面将向你介绍客舱设备的使用方法: 今天您乘坐的是 XX 型飞机。 您的座椅靠背可以调节,调节时请按座椅扶手上的按钮.在您前方座椅靠背的口袋里有清洁袋,功您扔置杂物时使用。在您座椅的
29、上方备有阅读灯开关和呼叫按钮。如果你有需要乘务员的帮助,请按呼唤铃.在您座位上方还有空气调节设备,你如果需要新鲜空气,请转动通风口。洗手间在飞机的前部和后部.在洗手间内请不要吸烟。 Ladies and Gentlemen: We have left_for_. Along this route,we will be flying over the provinces of _, passing the cities of _, and crossing over the _ Breakfast(lunch,supper) has been prepared for you. We will
30、inform you before we serve it. Now we are going to introduce you the use of the cabin installations. This is a XX aircraft. The back of your seat can be adjusted bu pressomg the button on the arm of your chair. The call button and reading light are above your head.Press the call button to summon a f
31、light attendant. The ventilator is also above your head.By adjusting the airflow knob,fresh air will flow in or be cut off. Lavatiories are located in the front of the cabin and in the rear.Please do not smoke in the lavatories. 餐前广播 女士们,先生们: 我们将为您提供餐食(点心餐) ,茶水,咖啡和饮料。欢迎您选用。需要用餐的旅客,请您将小桌板放下。为了方便其他旅客,
32、在供餐期间,请您讲座椅靠背调整到正常位置。谢谢! Ladies and Gentlemen: We will be serving you meal with tea, coffee and other soft drinks. Welcome to make your choice. Please put down the table in front of you.For the convenience of the passenger behind you, please return your seat back to the upright position during the m
33、eal service. Thank you! 意见卡 女士们,先生们: 欢迎你乘坐中国 XX 航空公司航班,为了帮助我们不断提高服务质量,敬请留下宝贵意见,谢谢你的关心和支持! Good morning (afternon,evening), Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome aboard XX Airlines, comments form you will be highly valued in order to improve our service, thanks for your concern and support 预定到达时间广播: 女士们,先生们:
34、 本架飞机预定在_分钟后到达 _.地面温度是_,谢谢! Ladies and Gentlemen: We will be landing at _airport in about _minutes.The ground temperature is _degrees celsius. Thank you! 下降时安全检查广播 女士们,先生们: 飞机正在下降。请您回原位坐好,系好安全带, 收起小着板,将座椅靠背调整到正常位置。所有个人电脑及电子设备必须处于关闭状态。请你确认您的手提物品是否已妥善安放。稍后,我们将调暗客舱灯光。 谢谢! Good morning (afternon,evening
35、),Ladies and Gentlemen: Our plane is descending now.Please be seated and fasten your seat belt. Seat backs and tables should be returned to the upright position. All personal computers and electronic devices should be turned off. And please make sure that your carry-on items are securely stowed. We
36、will be dimming the cabin lights for landing. Thank you! 达到终点站 女士们,先生们: 飞机已经降落在_机场,外面温度_摄氏度,飞机正在滑行,为了您和他人的安全,请先不要站起或打开行李架。等飞机完全停稳后,请你再解开安全,,整理好手提物品准备下飞机。从行李架里取物品时,请注意安全。您交运的行李请到行李提取处领取。需要在本站转乘飞机到其他地方的旅客请到候机室中转柜办理. 感谢您选择 XX 航空公司班机!下次路途再会! Ladies and Gentlemen: Our plane has landed at_airport. The loc
37、al time is_. The temperature outside is _degrees Celsius, (_degress Fahrenheit.) The plane is taxiing. For your safety, please stay in your seat for the time being. When the aircraft stops completely and the Fasten Seat Belt sign is turned off, Please detach the seat belt, take all your carry-on ite
38、ms and disembark(please detach the seat belt and take all your carry-on items and passport to complete the entry formalities in the termainal). Please use caution when retrieving items from the overhead compartment. Your checked baggage may be claimed in the baggage claim area. The transit passenger
39、s please go to the connection flight counter in the waiting hall to complete the procedures. Welcome to _(city), Thank you for selecting XX airline for your travel today and we look forward to serving you again. Wish you a pleasant day. Thank you! 旅客下飞机广播 女士们,先生们: 本架飞机已经完全停稳(由于停靠廊桥) ,请您从前(中,后)登机门下飞机。谢谢! Ladies and Gentlemen: The plane has stopped completely, please disembark from the front (middle,rear) entry door. Thank you!