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1、第十一章 大学英语六级考试作文写作 11.1大学英语六级考试写作的大纲解读 11.1.1写作的内容与要求 1. 写作的内容 写作(Writing)部分考查考生用英语进行书面表达的能力,所占分值比例为15%。写作部分根据考生所熟悉的题材出题。考生根据规定的题目和所提供的提纲、情景、图片或图表等,写出一篇不少于150词的短文。考试时间为30分钟。 2. 写作的要求 写作部分要求考生用英语进行短文写作,思想表达准确,意义连贯,无重大语法错误。写作部分考查的技能包括:,1) 思想表达 表达中心思想 表达重要或特定信息 表达观点、态度等 2) 篇章组织 围绕所给的题目叙述、议论或描述,突出重点 连贯地组

2、句成段,组段成篇 3) 语言运用 运用恰当的词汇 运用正确的语法 运用合适的句子结构 使用正确的标点符号 运用衔接手段表达句间关系(如对比、原因、结果、程度、目的等),4) 写作格式运用正确的符合英语表达习惯的写作格式大学英语六级考试写作部分要求考生达到大学英语课程教学要求(试行)(以下简称教学要求)中的较高要求,即“能就一般性的主题基本表达个人观点,能写所学专业论文的英文摘要,能撰写所学专业的英语小论文。能描述各种图表,能在半小时内写出150180词的短文,内容完整,条例清楚,文理通顺。”,11.1.2六级考试写作部分评分原则六级写作采用总体评分(Global Scoring)的方法,即阅卷

3、老师就总的印象给分,而不是按语言点的错误数量扣分。阅卷老师主要从内容和语言两个方面对考生作文进行综合评判,考虑作文是否切题,是否充分表达思想,语言上的错误是否造成理解上的障碍等。一般而言,阅卷老师在看到作文10秒钟之内就会根据第一印象得出打分档次,然后在余下的时间里确定 整篇作文的分数,该分数通常会在印象分基础上上下浮动10%左右。为了给阅卷老师留下良好的第一印象,写好第一段是关键。此外还有注意各段落的衔接和结构安排的合理性 下面以满分为15分的作文为例,具体分析一下写作部分的评分标准。15分作文的阅卷标准共分五档,即:2分、5分、8分、11分和14分。另外,作文字数没有达到题目要求的将酌情扣

4、分。六级要求至少要写150词,词数不足时的扣分,11.1.3 高分作文守则1. 好的开始是成功的一半 2. 清晰整洁至关重要 3. 词数限制心中有数 4. 奖励分“分分必争” 5. 小细节不放过,11.2 历年真题分析 11.2.1 命题范围通过对1999年6月至2009年12月这11年的22套六级写作真题题材的分析、归类和研究,我们可以看出:六级写作的题材具有很明显的现实意义,大多与广大考生的学习、就业和课余生活有关,或者涉及当前社会的变化、发展及进步。基本上都是广大考生所熟悉的题材,没有出现偏题、怪题的情况。以下列出了近11年的六级考试作文题目:,近11年的六级考试作文题目: 2009.1

5、2 Should parents send their kids to art classes? 2009.6 On the Importance of a Name 2008.12 How to Improve Students Mental Health? 2008.6 Will E-books Replace Traditional Books? 2007.6 Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed? 2007.12 Digital Age 2006.12 The Importance of Reading Classics 2

6、006.6 Traveling Abroad 2005.12 A Letter Declining a Job Offer 2005.6 Say No to Pirated Products 2004.12 Your Help Needed 2004.6 A Letter to the Editor of a Newspaper 2003.12 Reduce Waste on Campus 2003.6 Changes in the Ownership of Houses,2002.12 It Pays to Be Honest 2002.6 Student Use of Computers

7、2002.1 A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus 2001.6 A Letter to a Schoolmate 2001.1 How to Succeed in a Job Interview? 2000.6 Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary? 2000.1 How I Finance My College Education? 1999.6 Reading Selectively or Extensively?,根据上表我们把这些作文题目分

8、为几类: 1. 校园生活类 2. 课余生活类 3. 热点话题类 4. 工作求职类 可以看出,校园生活类的题材占总数的50%。这些题材贴近考生的日常校园生活,是考生最为熟悉和了解、也最容易有感而发的话题。,11.2.2 常考文体通过对最近11年的六级作文真题的归纳分析,我们可以看出:六级作文的体裁主要有议论文、应用文和说明文三类。其中,议论文出现的次数较多(尤其是在最近几年);应用文出现的次数次之;说明文出现的次数最少。 1. 议论文在过去11年考试中有12次考到了议论文,占总数的55%,所占比重较大。议论文主要用于陈述各种理由,发表作者的看法、观点,因此往往观点鲜明,预期倾向明显。议论文写作要

9、求考生不仅能够清楚、准确地表达出自己的观点,还要进行论证,做到有理有据。 2. 应用文教学要求明确提到考生应该能够进行日常应用文的写作,包括信函、简历等。应用文在近11年的考试中出现过5次,占总数的23%。,这5次考查的都是书信,题材都与学生的生活息息相关,而且都非常实用。其中有2次是写给同学或朋友的私人书信,另外3次分别是写给大学校长、报社编辑和某公司(谢绝工作邀请)的信,涉及的具体事宜各有不同。今后也可能会考查便条、简历、备忘录等其他形式的应用文。 3. 说明文 说明文在这22套六级考试真题中出现过4次,占总数的18% 。说明文是阐述事物本质、特征、性能、结构用途或科学原理的一种文体。其说

10、明对象可以是具体的,如自然环境、仪表设备等;也可以是抽象的,如概念、定律等。考生在说明文写作的过程中要注意把握一个中心主题,而且要有合理的次序,脉络清晰。,11.2.3 命题形式六级作文虽然每次考题不尽相同,内容、体裁不断变化,但命题形式却相对固定。通过对近11年的六级考试作文真题的归纳与分析,我们可以看出其命题形式主要有以下三类:提纲式、图表式和情景式三类。其中提纲式占绝对主流位置;图表式出现过3次,即2006年6月的Traveling Abroad、2003年6月的Changes in the Ownership of Houses和2002年6月的Student Use of Compu

11、ters;情景式只出现过一次,即2002年1月的A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus。,11.3 六级写作技巧训练 1)议论文写作训练议论文是四六级作文的重点命题类型。它是指解释、议论、说理的文章,通过运用概念、判断、推理等抽象的逻辑形式来论证和阐明事物的道理。本章节中的论说文是指传统的议论文和说明文的结合体。议论文和说明文的相似之处在于两者都是用来解释某个事实或某种思想,可以考查考生的思想内涵和思考能力。它们要求考生以理服人,用确凿的论据、合理的论证和说明来表达个人立场和观点。一般来说

12、,说明文中并不总有议论,但是议论文中一定有说明。四、六级考试的作文往往不是单纯的议论文或说明文,而是两者的混合体,所以本章节将议论文和说明文合二为一,称为“论说文”。,1. 写作要领 近年来,六级作文的命题注重考查考生的思辨能力,既要求考生推理论证,还要表达个人观点。比如Say No to Pirated Products, Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed?等等,这些命题要求考生针对所提出问题进行论述。文章只有观点鲜明、论证充分、文理通顺,才能获得高分。可以说,六级的论说文,考查的不仅是考生的语言功底,更是考生的思想内涵及思考

13、能力。因此,应试时,构思谋篇之后再提笔行文,议之头头有道,论之语出惊人,再加上顺畅、流利的语言表达,这才是六级作文高分突破的关键所在。 简单说来,论说文的结构基本可以这样安排: 第一段:说明现状; 第二段:列举原因; 第三段:归纳结论,提出建议,即“提出问题分析问题解决问题”的模式。, 模板与解说 为了让考生能更好地掌握论说文的写作方法,本章节将论说文分为四个类型,即对立观点型、道理论证型、问题解决型和解释说明型。以下对各个类型的解析中,本章节针对部分历年真题制作了套用模板和范文,供考生学习和借鉴。 a. 对立观点型 对立观点型论说文,顾名思义是就某一事物或现象给出两种对立的观点,将两种观点进

14、行比较,然后表明自己的立场和看法。 这类作文的主线是:某一事物或现象其优缺点或有关的正反面观点“我”的态度或看法。其框架也相对固定,三段分别可以这样展开: 第一段:引出有争议的两个观点; 第二段:对两个观点分别进行详细的论述,可以分为两小段进行; 第三段:总结、陈述自己的观点。 结合四六级考试的特点,本章节对部分历年真题制作了套用模板,以供参考。,例:Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed? (2007年6月六级考试作文真题) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes

15、to write a short essay entitled Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given in Chinese below: 1. 有人做好事期望得到回报; 2. 有人认为应该像雷锋那样做好事不图回报; 3. 你的观点。,模板 第一段: Nowadays, there is an increasing interest in _. (点明新热点)Therefore, there is a ho

16、t debate over _. (切入话题) 第二段: Some people are in favor of the idea of _. (概述一方观点)They believe that _. (详述理由一)They also argue that _. (详述理由二) 第三段: However, other people stand on a different ground. (概述另一方观点)They consider _. (详述理由一)Whats more, they firmly point out that _. (详述理由二) 第四段: There is some tr

17、uth in both arguments. (双方各有道理)But I think the advantages of _ overweigh the disadvantages. (但是利大于弊) In my opinion, _. (总结自己的观点),【思路点拨】 这篇作文要求学生对做好事是否应该期望得到回报进行评论。 文章首先开门见山地提出引起争议的两种观点。 然后从现代社会的要求以及奖励好人好事对于提高整体社会风尚的作用方面进行阐述,如:great deeds deserve recognition and should win public acclaim. 第三段则应从反方立场进

18、行陈述,即要具体论述“应该像雷锋那样做好事不图回报”的观点。考试可以从有些人以做好事为幌子来达到利己目的这个角度出发,通过举例来使观点更具说服力,如:For example, a few entrepreneurs donate to a charity with an aim to getting tax reduction instead of helping others from the bottom of heart. 第四段可结合自己的理解来讨论这个问题,表明自己的观点,如:In my opinion, although good deeds are supposed to com

19、e from spontaneous reaction in face of certain circumstances, doing something good in exchange for rewards is not an offense.,【范文】 Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed?Nowadays, there is an increasing interest in expecting a reward when doing a good deed. Therefore, a hot debate arises

20、over whether one should perform good deeds for a reward.Some people are in favor of the idea that great deeds deserve recognition and should win public acclaim. They believe that it is extremely important to recognize and promote all kinds of noble deeds. They also argue that rewarding good deeds is

21、 an effective way to set inspiring examples to the public and to encourage more good deeds.,However, other people hold an opposite viewpoint. They consider that people who perform a real good deed shouldnt expect reward. Respect and acclaim shouldnt be given to people who do good deeds with potentia

22、l motives. For example, a few entrepreneurs donate to a charity with an aim to getting tax reduction instead of helping others from the bottom of heart. Whats more, they firmly point out that people should perform good deeds like Lei Feng without hoping for any economic or material reward.There is s

23、ome truth in both arguments. But I think the advantages of expecting a reward when doing a good deed outweigh the disadvantages. In my opinion, although good deeds are supposed to come from spontaneous reaction in face of certain circumstances, doing something good in exchange for rewards is not an

24、offense. It merits respect. I believe that a role model sometimes outweighs a sole good deed.,【闪光词汇】 deserve 应得 in my opinion 依我之见 acclaim 喝彩,称赞 spontaneous 自发的 extremely 极端地 merit 值得,应得 set examples to 为树立榜样 outweigh 超过,胜过 material 实质性的;物质的,b. 道理论证型道理论证型论说文是对某一事物或现象进行分析和论证。它与对立观点型论说文的最大区别在于前者通常是就某一

25、个明确的观点进行分析和论证,而后者针对两个对立的观点进行对比论证,由作者在最后表明自己的立场。道理论证型论说文一般按下列框架展开:第一段:开篇引出题目要求评论的观点,并给出不同看法;第二段:详细阐述这些看法的立足理由及其优劣之处;第三段:总结并给出自己的见解。例:It Pays to Be Honest(2005年12月六级作文真题) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled It Pays to Be Honest. You should write at lea

26、st 120 words following the outline given in Chinese below:1)当前社会上存在许多不诚实的现象;2)诚实利人利己,做人应该诚实。,模板 第一段: It is true that _.(指出普遍的观点) However, _.(叙述不同的观点) 第二段: I think _.(提出自己的观点,即文章的论点) The reasons can be listed as follows.(开始论证)Firstly, _.(论证理由一)Secondly, _. (论证理由二)For example, _.(举例)Thirdly, _.(论证理由三)

27、A case in point is that _.(举例) 第三段: It goes without saying that(不用说)_.(指出执行该观点时的注意事项) In conclusion, _(总结全文) 范文点评:,It Pays to Be Honest It is true most of us value honesty highly. However, nowadays we often confront confidence crisis such as cheating, overcharging, fake commodities and so on I think

28、 that we should be honest. The reason can be listed as follows. firstly, only honest people can be truly respected by others over a long period of time. Secondly, honesty, as a traditional virtue of Chinese people, can make our life easier and more harmonious. For example, if fewer students cheated

29、in exams, exams would be made much simpler. Thirdly, honesty can make our society more stable. A case in point is that Singapore, a society featuring trust and integrity, has a comparatively low crime rate.It goes without saying that being honest is of great benefit to both the community and individ

30、uals. In conclusion, honesty should be encouraged in our society.,语言亮点点评 a)句中,value honesty highly: 非常重视诚实这一品质,value为亮点词。 b)句中,confront confidence crisis such as cheating, overcharging, fake commodities and so on.:遭遇信任危机,例如作弊、宰客、假冒伪劣等不良现象。 c)句中,harmonious:adj. 和谐的。和谐社会是harmonious society。 d)句中,featu

31、ring trust and integrity: 以信任和诚实正直为特色的。 e)句中,is of great benefit to both the community and individuals: 对社会和个人都大有益处。be of benefit 相当于be beneficial,类似的词组还有:be of great importance,相当于be very important。,c. 问题解决型问题解决型论说文立意在 “How”,以“方法”、“途径”、“怎么办”为文章的核心,主要遵循“提出问题分析原因提出解决办法”的模式。最典型的问题解决型命题通常以 “How”开头,如:Ho

32、w to Succeed in a Job Interview?(2001年1月),How I Finance My College Education(2000年1月)。此外,考生从给出提纲中出现的词“该怎么办”也可以推断其属于问题解决型。问题解决型作文的一般框架是: 第一段:引言,对现状、形势或困难进行描述,提出问题; 第二段:途径与方法,列举做某事的途径或解决问题的各种方法; 第三段:评价或选择,对第二段中提及的途径和方法进行简要评价,或选取其中一、两种自己认为合适的,阐述其依据。,例:How to Succeed in a Job Interview? (2001年1月四级作文真题)

33、Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How to Succeed in a Job Interview? You should write at least 120 words following the outline given in Chinese below: 1) 面试在求职过程中的作用; 2)取得面试成功的因素:仪表、举止谈吐、能力、专业知识、自信、实事求是,模板 第一段: _.(铺垫,提出问题)On the one hand, _.(理由一)On

34、 the other hand, _.(理由二) 第二段: Therefore, how to _ is worth paying attention to.(承上启下,提出要解决的问题)Firstly, _.(办法一)Secondly, _.(办法二)For example, _(举例说明办法二)Thirdly, _.(办法三) In this way, _.(预期结果) 第三段: In brief, _.(总结全文) 范文点评:,How to Succeed in a Job Interview?With the development of the job market, intervi

35、ews play an important role in job-hunting. On the one hand, a job interview offers both interviewees and interviewers a chance to know each other within quite a short time. On the other hand, excellent performance in an interview will enable the interviewees to make a good impression upon the interv

36、iewer and finally get the job.Therefore, how to succeed in job interview is worth paying attention to. firstly, interviewees should have some knowledge about the company and the position they apply for. Secondly, interviewees should have self-confidence. For example, being too modest is not welcome

37、to most human resources professionals. Thirdly, interviewees should dress neatly and properly. In this way, interviewees could show that they attach vital importance to the job. In brief, if the interviewee takes the advice and makes better preparations, he is more likely to be employed.(148 words),

38、语言亮点点评 a)句中,make a good impression upon the interviewer: 给面试官留下良好的印象。 b)句中,being too modest is not welcome to most human resources professionals: 如果过度谦虚就得不到人力资源人士的青睐。 c)句中,dress neatly and properly: 穿着整洁、得体。 d)句中,attach vital importance to the job: 非常重视这份工作。与pay attention to,think much of相比,这种说法更吸引人

39、。 e)句中,takes the advice: 听从这些建议。,例2: How to Improve Students Mental Health? (2008年12月六级考试作文真题) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How to Improve Students Mental Health? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given in Chinese below

40、: 1大学生心理健康很重要; 2为此,学校可以 3我们自己应该,【思路点拨】 这篇作文要求学生对“如何提高学生的心理健康”这一大学校园话题进行阐述和分析,在体裁上属于议论文。从提纲可以看出,文章在结构上按照总述分述总述的步骤展开。 第一段首先应提出问题,指出随着教育水平的不断提高,大学生心理健康问题越来越严重。如:With the improvement of educational standard, mental health plays as an obstacle in college life. 第二段则要阐述学校应采取的措施,如提供关于心理健康的课程、建立心理咨询中心等。如:Who

41、 is responsible for keeping the students mentally healthy? Many would say its the duty of universities undoubtedly. In the first instance,In the second instance, 第三段则要说明学生自己应该如何做,并总结全文。如:However, theres an old sayingwho started the trouble should end it. No one else can solve our own problem better

42、than ourselves. We should,【范文】With the rapid improvement of our living condition, mental health plays as an obstacle in our life. On the one hand, mental health was such a rare expression that few of us would even know about it. On the other hand, in recent years, more and more people are becoming i

43、ncreasingly aware of the importance of mental health, especially of college students.Therefore, how to improve students mental health is worth paying attention to. Who is responsible for keeping the students mentally healthy? Many would say its the duty of universities undoubtedly. In the first inst

44、ance, universities should offer psychological courses,and activities to enhance students awareness of mental health. In the second instance, psychological consultation centers should be established so that students with any psychological problems can get professional guidance easily and timely Howev

45、er, theres an old sayingwho started the trouble should end it. No one else can solve our own problem better than ourselves. We should always take a positive attitude toward life and learn from our idols and good books. In brief, when encountering problems that cant be solved alone, talk with friends

46、 or turn to professional help.,【闪光词汇】 more and more 越来越 in the second instance 第二 be aware of 意识到 get professional guidance 得到专业指导 in the first instance 假冒伪劣商品 turn to 求助于 enhance 提高,d. 解释说明型解释说明型论说文是对事物的发生、发展、结果、特征、状态、功能等进行介绍、阐述、解释的一种论说文类型。它的适用范围很广,无论是日常生活、工作学习或学术研究,人们都不可避免地要以各种方式来解释、说明、分析事物。在学校里,学

47、生需用这类文章来回答问题,写报告、写作文,甚至写工作申请等;在工作中,人们需要用它来写企业介绍、产品说明。促销广告。市场分析等;在学生研究中,它可以用来解释理论基础,阐述研究过程,分析研究结果,提出实践意义等,所以写好解释说明型论说文是英语写作的一大要求。这类文章的写作重点是:表达必须清楚,内容易理解、易记忆,条理清晰、层次清楚、逻辑关系明确。,模板 第一段: Nowadays, there is a hot debate about _.(提出问题) 第二段: A number of factors contribute to _.(概述,引出对问题的分析)On the one hand,

48、_.(一方面)On the other hand, _.(另一方面) 第三段: Clearly, there are both advantages and disadvantages as to the view of this matter.(概述不同观点)For one thing, _.(一方面)For another, _.(另一方面) In general, _.(得出结论),例:Digital Age(2007年12月六级考试作文真题) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composi

49、tion on the topic Digital Age. You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 如今数字化产品得到越来越广泛的使用,例如 2. 数字化产品的使用对工作、学习、生活产生的影响。,【思路点拨】 这篇作文要求考生对数字化时代进行评论。 第一段开篇可以对现代社会中数字化产品广泛使用的现象进行评论,同时简单描述这一现象带来的变化,从而引出下文内容。如:These products are used in every corner of the wo

50、rld. Owing to these stuffs, great changes have taken place in our daily life. 第二段则要具体阐述使用数字化产品所产生的积极影响,考生可以从工作、学习、生活三个方面进行具体阐述,比如可以从数字化产品能给人们的生活带来便利、提高人们的工作效率以及数字化产品给学生的学习带来的便利性。 第三段则要概述不同观点,指出学生可能对数字化产品产生依赖性而影响学习成绩。然后阐述自己的观点,表达对数字化时代的展望,说明顺应时代发展才能取得成功。如:In general, our future is digital. Its true to some extent that to achieve success in the 21st century, digital products are indispensable tools.,


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