1、汉堡 + 米乳 / HAMBURGER +PEANUT MILK汉堡 /HAMBURGER材料猪肉馅 300 克、洋葱半个、面包粉 1 杯、鲜奶 1 杯、姜末 1 茶匙、胡萝卜末 1 /3 杯、盐 1 茶匙、料酒 1 大匙、淀粉半大匙、汉堡面包 4 个做法1.先将面包粉和鲜奶调匀浸泡,再将肉馅放大碗内,加入泡软的面包粉、切碎的洋葱末和胡萝卜末、姜末等材料伴匀。2.加入所有调味料调好后,分成 4 等份小块,每块按扁后,用平底锅煎黄,再夹入汉堡面包内即可食用。可附加生菜及番茄片。INGREDIENTS2/3 lb. ground pork, 1/2 onion ,chopped, 1c. brea
2、d crumbs, 1c. milk,1t. chopped ginger, 1/3c. diced carrots, 1t. salt, 1T. cooking wine, 1/2T. cornstarch, 4 hamburger breadMETHODS1. Soak the bread crumbs into the milk and mix, then put ground pork into a bowl, then add the bread crumbs mixture, chopped onions and diced carrots and chopped ginger,
3、stir well.2. Add all the seasonings and mix well, then divide pork mixture into 4 portions, press flat each one of them. Fry in a frying pan with a little oil until golden brown on both sides, then stuff in the hamburger bread. Stuff in lettuce and tomato slice if desired.米乳 /PEANUT MILK材料大米半杯、炒花生 1
4、50 克、糖 1 杯做法1.大米洗净,泡 1 小时,然后加入榨汁机内,同时加水 3 杯将大米咖,再倒入锅内。2.再加 3 杯水将花生打碎,一同倒人锅内同煮,并加糖调味,视黏调状况再酌量加水调至适中稠度,即可关火盛出饮用。INGREDIENTS1/2c. rice, 50z. Fried peanuts, 1c. sugarMETHODS1. Wash the rice and soak in water for 1 hour, then pour into the blender, add 3c.water to grind, then pour into a pot.2. Add 3c. water to smash the peanuts, then pour into the method (1) and bring to a boil, add sugar to taste, add water until it gets thickened, then remove from heat and serve.