1、 35 The 35th Test of Proficiency in KoreanTOPIKB , (Registration No.) (Name) (Korean) (English) Information1.Donotopenthebookletuntilyouareallowedtostart.2.Writeyournameandregistrationnumberontheanswersheet.3.Donotfoldtheanswersheet;keepitclean.4.,.Usethegivenpenonly.5.Markyouransweraccuratelyandcle
2、arlyontheanswersheet.marking example 6.Keepquietwhileansweringthequestions.7.Whenyouhaveanyquestions,pleaseraiseyourhand. 35 I B ( , )1 14.:?:_,.,.,.,1.(4),.,.,.,.2.(4),.,.,.,.3.(3).4.(3).TOPIK(130) 35 I B ( , )2 56.:.:_.5.(4).6.(3),.,.,.,.710?.:?:.7.(3)8.(3) 35 I B ( , )3 9.(3)10.(4)1114?.:?:,.11.(
3、3)12.(3)13.(4)14.(3) 35 I B ( , )4 1516.(4)15.16. 35 I B ( , )5 1721.(3):?:.17.18.19. 35 I B ( , )6 20.21.2224.(3)22.23.24. 35 I B ( , )7 2526.25.(3)26.(4).301.2728.27.(3)28.(4). 35 I B ( , )8 2930.29.(3)30.(4). 35 I B ( , )9 3133?.31.(2).32.(2).33.(2).TOPIK(3170) 35 I B ( , )10 3439().().34.(2)()?3
4、5.(2)().36.(2).().37.(3)(). 35 I B ( , )11 38.(3).().39.(2).().4042.40.(3).1. 35 I B ( , )12 41.(3).42.(3). 35 I B ( , )13 4345.43.(3).44.(2).45.(3). 35 I B ( , )14 4648.46.(3).47.(3).48.(2). 35 I B ( , )15 4950.(2).().49.50. 35 I B ( , )16 5152.().51.(3)52.(2) 35 I B ( , )17 5354.().53.(2)54.(3). 3
5、5 I B ( , )18 5556.().55.(2)56.(3). 35 I B ( , )19 5758.57.(2)().().().().()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()58.(3)().()4.().().()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() 35 I B ( , )20 5960.().().().()59.(2).60.(3). 35 I B ( , )21 6162.(2).().61.62. 35 I B ( , )22 6364.63.?(2)64.(3).10. 35 I B ( , )23 6566.().65.(2)66.(3). 35 I B ( , )24 6768.(3).().().67.68. 35 I B ( , )25 6970.(3)().69.70.?.