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1、成都理工大学工程技术学院毕业论文成都理工大学工程技术学院本 科 毕 业 论 文题 目:论乔伊斯小说死者中女权主义视野中的哥特式女性人物的文体功能作 者: 许 惠学 号: 200320402107指导教师: 关英森 邹斌专 业: 英 语 时 间: 二九年五月成都理工大学工程技术学院毕业论文The Function of Female Gothic in Joyces The Dead(注:TheDead 是书名,请不要斜体)Major: English Name: Xu HuiSupervisors: Guan YingsenZou BinThe Function of Female Gothi

2、c in Joyces The DeadIAbstract(章标题,小二号,Times New Roman,加粗,居中,本页开始以、,形式编页码)This thesis intends to explicate the function of the female gothic in The Dead. It holds the view that if The Dead is stylistically colored by Gothicism, is it also subjected to the feminist Gothic critique: it offers a critiqu

3、e of its gothic subtext through its feminist subtext. Joyces story has in fact been read simultaneously as a feminist text and a gothic text. This essay wants to argue that the Gothic motif actually works to support an affirmative ending to Joyces story, and that it does indeed contribute to a theme

4、 of regeneration and rebirth. But it is generally neglected that the author uses the Gothicism to criticize the male ego of the middleclass protagonist. Thus, the story should be approached from a gothic aesthetic and a feminist aesthetic. This thesis makes an effort to consider if the feminist argu

5、ment of The Dead and the Gothic argument can converge to show that Joyce may well (注:空一行)Key Words: female gothic, Gothicism, feminist approach (三至五个关键词,请用英文逗号)注:1.中英文封面的页眉为“成都理工大学工程技术学院毕业论文” ,宋体,小五,居中。之后每页的页眉为英文的正标题,times new roman,小五,居中。2.用B5的JIS打印,左右页边距为2.6cm,上下为2.5cm。2.目录可以在word里自动生成,即:插入-索引和目录。

6、The Function of Female Gothic in Joyces The DeadII摘要(章标题,小二号,黑体,加粗,居中,页号接上页)本文旨在阐述小说死者中女权主义批评视野中的哥特式女性人物的文体功能。文章认为倘若小说里有哥特式小说的风格,那么也有理由认为这部小说同样可以用女权主义文评方式来分析即可以通过它的女权主义文体来分析它的哥特式次文体。文章指出小说中哥特式的艺术技法的运用意在使小说的结尾具有积极的意义并深化小说的人性再生的主题。有一点往往被批评而所忽略:作者用哥特式技法来批评中产阶级主人公的男性的自私自利的品行。同时,可以用哥特式的美学理论和女权主义美学理论来诠释这部

7、小说。(统一使用小四宋体,行间距统一为 20 磅。此外,文字中的标点符号应规范,尤其是引号。 ) 女权主义视野下的哥特式女性人物是指某些哥特式女性人物,它被用以表达对男性主导的宗法社会的批评,和表明女性的独立意识。这类小说关注的是性别差异和性别压迫。这部小说中经常有一位女主人公,她受到一个代表男性宗法社会的无赖人物的纠缠和凌辱。小说的背景是鲜为人知的令人毛骨悚然的自然环境。(空一行)关键词:女权主义视野下的哥特式女性人物 哥特式风格 女权主义批评方式(关键词之间以一个汉字符隔开)The Function of Female Gothic in Joyces The DeadIIIContent

8、sAbstract .I摘要 IIContentsIIIIntroduction 11. A Summery of The Dead21.1 The Content and Plot 21.2 Theme .31.3 The Image and Symbolism.32. The Function of Female Gothic in Joyces The Dead42.1 The Definition of the Female Gothic42.2 Gothicism in The Dead.42.3 The Function of Female Gothic in Joyces The

9、 Dead42.3.1 Recent Theories of the Relation between Gothicism and Feminism 52.3.2 The Gothic Female Triads in The Dead 52.3.3 The Archetype of the Female Triad in the Grecian Culture and Medieval Literatures 52.3.4 The Presence of the Female Gothic in The Dead Offering a Way out of Infernal World of

10、 the Earlier Dubliners Stories through its Implicit Feminist Critique of Patriarchal Culture.6Conclusion7Works Cited7Acknowledgements 9The Function of Female Gothic in Joyces The Dead1Introduction (章标题,小二号,Times New Roman,加粗,本页开始以阿拉伯数字 1 开始编页号,直到全文结束)(前言及每一章应另起一页)一级标题居中,段前段后 0.5 行The Dead by James J

11、oyce is usually interpreted as a social realism as it reflected the spiritual paralysis that crippled the lives of the Irish people at the turn of the 20th century, morally, mentally, and psychologically. But the congruous combination of Gothicism and feminist aesthetics the author employed has been

12、 generally neglected. The Function of Female Gothic in Joyces The Dead21. A Summery of The Dead(章标题,小二号,Times New Roman)(每章另起一页,段前段后 0.5 行。标题不要每个实词的字母都大写,介词等虚词不需要大写)1.1 The Content and Plot(节标题,小三号,Times New Roman,加粗,靠左顶格段前段后 0.5 行)(正文中的英文,均统一使用小四号的 Times New Roman,行间距为固定值 20 磅。标点符号应规范,尤其是引号)James J

13、oyce wrote The Dead (书名加下划线,文章名加双引号) in 1907, three years after writing the fourteen other stories that were eventually published with it in his collection entitled Dubliners. This, however, is only the books ultimate example of egotistical self-deception. Gabriel transforms (引用,如果前面提到了作者,就直接加页码,没有提

14、到的话,就作者加页码如 s words into a comforting vision of his final end: (三行以内在正文中间直接引用,用双引号,作者,页码;三行以上的引文,上下空一行,并整体向右空四个汉字符,五号字体,行间距为固定值 20 磅)The time had come for him to set out on his journey westward. Yes, the newspapers were right: snow was general all over Ireland It was falling . the spears of the litt

15、le gate, on the barren thorns. His soul swooned slowly as The Function of Female Gothic in Joyces The Dead3he heard the snow falling faintly through the universe and faintly falling, like the descent of their last end, These are perhaps the most famous, and among the most beautiful, words that Joyce

16、 ever penned. 1.2 Theme(节标题,小三号,Times New Roman ,加粗,靠左顶格。段前段后 0.5 行)The story reiterates the great themes of Dubliners. Gabriels marriage is clearly suffering from paralysis, the condition of nearly all the characters in the collection.(Getta, 19 )(引用,如果前面提到了作者,就直接加页码,如 Gabrielupon all the living an

17、d The Dead. (178),没有提到的话,就作者加页码如1.3 The Image and Symbolism (节标题,小三号,Times New Roman ,加粗,靠左顶格。段前段后 0.5 行)From the title, we might expect Joyces story The Dead to take place in a funeral parlor or a graveyard. Thus, we are somewhat surprised to see that it opens as the protagonist, Gabriel Conroy, is

18、 arriving at a Christmas party. The Function of Female Gothic in Joyces The Dead42. The Function of Female Gothic in Joyces The Dead(章标题,小二号,Times New Roman,居中, 段前段后 0.5 行)(每章另起一页)2.1 The Definition of the Female Gothic(节标题,小三号,Times New Roman ,加粗,靠左顶格。段前段后 0.5 行)One of the earliest forms of Gothic

19、literature, the Female Gothic often aims to socialize and educate its female readers and is usually morally conservative. 2.2 Gothicism in The Dead(节标题,小三号,Times New Roman ,加粗,靠左顶格。段前段后 0.5 行)There has been surprisingly little critical attention paid to Gothicism in James Joyces short story The Dead

20、. Although it may not be a 2.3 The Function of Female Gothic in Joyces The Dead(节标题,小三号,Times New Roman ,加粗,靠左顶格。段前段后 0.5 行)To do this adequately, though, I must first consider recent theories of the relation between Gothicism and feminism.The Function of Female Gothic in Joyces The Dead52.3.1 Recen

21、t Theories of the Relation between Gothicism and Feminism(小节,标题,四号,Times New Roman,加粗,靠左顶格。段前段后 0.5 行,行距固定值 20 磅)In the past few years a number of literary theorists have argued that the Gothic tradition is not only female - i.e., consists of novels composed mostly by and for women - but also femini

22、st, or subversive of patriarchal culture. 2.3.2 The Gothic Female Triads in The Dead (小节标题,四号,Times New Roman,加粗,靠左顶格。段前段后 0.5 行)Given that The Dead is stylistically colored by Gothicism, is it also reasonably subjected to the feminist Gothic critique? 2.3.3 The Archetype of the Female Triad in the

23、Grecian Culture and Medieval Literatures (小节标题,四号,Times New Roman,加粗,靠左顶格。段前段后 0.5 行)In considering Gabriels triple humiliation; it is important to recognize that Joyce has symbolically structured his tale upon female triads. He hints at this structure in a number of places, most clearly in the foll

24、owing passage.2.3.4 The Presence of the Female Gothic in The Dead Offering a Way out of Infernal World of the Earlier Dubliners Stories through its Implicit Feminist Critique of Patriarchal CultureThe Function of Female Gothic in Joyces The Dead6Conclusion(章标题,小二号,Times New Roman,居中,段前段后 0.5 行)(每章另起

25、一页)The Function of Female Gothic in Joyces The Dead7Works Cited (章标题,小二号,Times New Roman,居中,段前段后 0.5 行)(文献字体中英文均为小四,行间距统一为 20 磅)英文文献采用 MLA 格式,包括作者信息,书目信息和出版信息三部分。每条文献格式采用悬挂缩进,第 2 行开始比第一行缩进 5 个英文字符。按照作者姓氏的首字母顺序排列,请注意姓在前,名在后:姓氏,名字。Berlage, Gai Ingham. Women in Baseball: The Forgotten History. Westport

26、: Greenwood, 1994.(普通图书类文献用下划线表示,请注意句点在下划线以外。出版信息包括出版地点:出版社名称,年。不需要标注引用页码。 )Craner, Paul M. “New Tool for an Ancient Art: The Computer and Music.” Computers and the Humanities 25 (1991): 303-13.(从期刊中析出的文献,文章名用双引号标出,句点在引号内。期刊名为下划线,并且不标句点,和后面的期卷号 (年):起至页码一起组成出版信息。 )Freedman, Richard R. What Do Unions

27、Do? New York: Basic, 1984.(书名中句尾包含了标点符号的要下划线, 后面不再使用句点)Most, Andrea. “We Know We Belong to the Land: The Theatricality of Assimilation in Rodgers and Hammersteins Oklahoma!” PMLA 113 (1998): 77-89.(期刊中析出的文献,其文章名中又含有书名的,书名用下划线标注)Tatar, Maria. Off with Their Heads! Fairy Tales and the Culture of Child

28、hood. Princeton: UP, 1993.(书名中的标题和副标题都要完整录入)中文文献录入采用 GB/T 7714-2005文后参考文献著录规则 。按照作者姓氏的字母顺序排列,中文参考文献标点一律使用英文标点。每The Function of Female Gothic in Joyces The Dead8条文献格式采用悬挂缩进,第 2 行开始比第一行缩进 5 个英文字符。书名或文章名后注明参考文献类型。曹德和. 内容与形式关系的修辞学思考 M. 上海: 复旦大学出版社, 2001. (参考文献类型与书名之间空一个字符,后面注明英文句点。出版信息包括出版地点:出版社名称,年。不需要

29、表注引用页码。 )陈望道. 修辞学发凡 M. 上海: 上海教育出版社, 1979.苗兴伟. 论衔接与连贯的关系 J. 外国语, 4 (1998): 44-49.(期刊中析出的文献,文章名不使用引号。期刊名后用逗号隔开,后接期卷号 (年):起至页码)孟建刚. 关于会话语篇连贯的关联性诠释 J. 外语与外语教学, 7 (2001):2-5.潘文国. 汉英对比纲要 M. 北京: 北京语言文化大学出版社, 1997.参考文献的类型标识:M(Monograph)表示专著或书, J(Journal)表示期刊杂志,N 表示报纸,C 表示会议论文集,R 表示科学技术报告,D 表示学位论文,P 表示专利文献,S

30、 表示标准,Z 表示其它未说明的类型。另补充两点:1. 论文标题和正文中出现的书名,剧本,影视作品的名称均视为文本,用下划线表示,不用斜体。2. 论文题目,章节标题和文献中出现的英文,第一个单词和所有实词都要大写。The Function of Female Gothic in Joyces The Dead9Acknowledgements(章标题,小二号,Times New Roman,居中,段前段后 0.5 行)(每章另起一页)Here I will lose no time acknowledging my indebtedness to my thesis advisor GuanY

31、ingsen whose valuable suggestions and principled responsibility have been major causes for my thesis to come out in time; who has taken pains to go over my Mss again and again, spotting and correcting many mistakes, thus to help me avoid leading the readers astray. I also attribute it to his assista

32、nce that the readers will be delighted by the lucid elegance of my thesis. My indebtedness is also due to those among my teachers who have given me the admonition that one cannot accomplish his learning without peace of mind; and who have helped me to fortify my confidence to write an excellent thesis of real academic values on my own.


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