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1、合同基本条款,基本条款是合同的主体部分,它包括:(一)商品名称条款(二)品质条款(三)数量条款(四)包装及运输标志条款(五)价格条款,(六)装运条款(七)保险条款(八)支付条款(九)装运单据(十)装船通知,(十一)商检条款(十二)索赔条款(十三 )不可抗力条款(十四)仲裁条款上述条款中的部分条款在合同中有时被列在一般条款中。,(一)商品名称条款,规定内容:格式不统一,具体内容取决于成交商品的品种和特点。有时只要列明商品的名称即可,有时要列明品种、等级和型号,有时甚至把商品的品质规格也包括进去了。注意事项:1、明确、具体。2、通用名称。3、选用合适品名。,(一)商品名称条款,订立品名条款时,一般

2、遵循下列原则:1、名称要统一,按照联合国国际贸易标准分类的规定名称,同种商品使用一个名称。2、有特殊品质要求的要注明,如地方特产要注上产地名称。3、品种复杂的,品名栏写总称,具体名称另制附表。,(二)品质条款,规定内容:商品名称和具体品质 注意事项:1、某些商品可以规定一定的品质机动幅度。2、正确运用品质的表示方法。3、品质条件要有科学性和合理性。,(二)品质条款,品质条款直接决定商品价格,常见的品质条款的规定,示例如下:(1) 9371中国绿茶,特珍一级9371 China Green Tea Special Chummy Grade l (2) 张裕干红葡萄酒,糖份12度Chang Yu

3、dry red wine,twelve degree of sugar,(二)品质条款,(3) 芝麻 水份(最高)8% 杂质(最高)2% 含油量(最低)52%(如实际装运货物的油量高或低1%,价格相应增减1%) Sesames Moisture (Max) 8% Admixture (Max) 2% Oil Content (Min) 52%(Should the oil content of the goods actually shipped be 1% higher or lower,the price will be accordingly increased or decreased

4、 by 1%.),(二)品质条款,买卖双方在磋商品质条款时应注意:(1)正确运用各种表示商品品质的方法。(2)品质的确定要切合实际,不可偏高或偏低。凡可用一种方法表示品质的,就不要用两种或两种以上。(3)订立品质条款时,凡用科学指标表示的,必须明确、具体,但同时要有灵活性,不可订得过死,否则会给交货带来困难。,(三)数量条款,规定内容:商品的数量和计量单位。如果按重量成交的商品,须订明计算重量的方法。注意事项:1、正确掌握成交数量。2、明确具体。3、合理规定数量的机动幅度。(,(三)数量条款,数量条款主要由数字和计量单位构成,常见的数量条款示例如下:(1)大米5,000公吨,5%上下由卖方决定

5、 。Rice 5,000 metric tons,5% more or less at sellers option.(2)蚕豆60,000公吨,以毛作净,卖方可溢短装5%,增减部分按合同价格计。Horsebean 60,000M/T,gross for net,5% more or less at sellers option at contract prices.(3)山东花生800,000公吨,1995年大路货,数量和金额均5%增减,由卖方决定。Shandong peanut 800,000M/T,1995 Crop FAQ with 5% more or less both in qu

6、antity and amount to be allowed at sellers option.,(三)数量条款,一条完整的数量条款,应包括(1)商品的数量;(2)计量单位;(3)计重方法;(4)溢短装百分比;(5)溢短装选择者;(6)溢短装部分的计价。其中(4)(5)(6)主要针对大宗商品及初级产品。订立数量条款时要注意: 按重量计算的商品应明确用哪种计重方法,即按毛重、净重还是以毛计净等。溢短装条款在使用时,要注明溢短装百分比大小,由谁选择溢短装,溢短装部分的计价方法等。,(四)包装及运输标志条款,规定内容:包装材料、包装方式、包装规格、包装标志和包装费用的负担问题 。注意事项:1、考

7、虑商品特点和不同运输方式的要求。2、对包装的规定应明确具体。3、明确包装费用负担问题。,(四)包装及运输标志条款,包装条款一般包括包装材料和包装方式,常见的包装条款示例如下:(1)木箱装 每箱50公斤净重In wooden cases of 50 kilos net each.(2) 50公斤涂塑麻袋内衬塑料袋In 50-kg polythene bags,over wrapped with gunny bags,inner coated with polythene.,(五)价格条款,规定内容:包括商品的单价和总值两项基本内容,此外,确定单价的作价办法和与单价有关的佣金和折扣也属价格条款的内

8、容。单价通常由四部分组成,即计量单位、单位价格金额、计价货币和贸易术语。注意事项:1、合理定价防止作价偏高或偏低。2、选用适当的贸易术语。3、争取有利的计价货币。4、会用不同作价办法避免价格风险。5、合理运用佣金和折扣。6、学会运用价格的机动幅度。7、有关包装材料和包装费另行计价时其计价办法也一并规定。8、单价书写正确、清楚。,(五)价格条款,合同中的价格条款有两部分:单价与总值。常见的价格条款示例如下:(1)每套75德国马克CFR净价汉堡DM75 per set CFR net Hamburg.(2)每打125港元CIFC5%香港(或CIF香港含5%佣金)HK $ 125 per doz.

9、CIFC5% Hong Kong (or CIF Hong Kong including 5% commission )(3)每公吨300美元FOBS上海,以毛作净USD300 per metric ton FOBS Shanghai,gross for net.,(五)价格条款,确定该条款时应注意:(1)单价条款的四个组成部分(计价货币、货币金额、计量单位、贸易术语)缺一不可,中、外文书写顺序不能混乱,同时正确使用贸易术语及其变形。(2)如单价是含佣价,在价格条款中要体现佣金率。(3)总值有大、小写两部分,单价、总值数额要吻合,总值货币与单价货币要一致。(4)如果数量允许增减,或用约量,则总

10、金额也允许有增减。,(六)装运条款,规定内容:装运时间、装运地、目的地、分批装运、转运、装运通知、滞期速遣条款等内容。注意事项:1、注意装运时间的规定问题(装运期限本身的规定要明确、具体、适度;注意货源情况、商品特性和交货季节性;注意港口的季节因素;注意与开证日期的关系)。2、注意装运港和目的港的规定问题。3、注意其他装运条款内容的规定。,(六)装运条款,装运条款内容较多,常见装运条款示例如下:(1)收到信用证后45天内装运,买方必须最迟于XX天将L/C开抵卖方。Shipment with in 45 days after in receipt of L/C. The Buyers must

11、open the L/C to reach the Sellers before xx (date).(2)1996年5月前装运,由上海经香港至伦敦,5,000公吨分三批等量装运,每批相隔20天。Shipment before May 1996 from Shanghai Via Hong Kong to London by container vessel. 5000M/T shipment to be effected in three equal consignment at an interval of about 20 days.,(六)装运条款,订立该条款时应注意, 装船时间应规定

12、在某一段时间。装运期规定受信用证限制时,同时要规定信用证的开出、开到时间。 对于等量分批装运的合同,接受时要特别慎重。装运港、目的港一般由一方提出经另一方确认。合同中对港口的确定要明确具体。当买方难以确定目的港时,可采用选择港方法,但选择港不宜太多,而且要在同一航线,核算价格须以运费最高的港口为基础。,(七)保险条款,规定内容:投保人、保险人、保险条款、保险险别、保险金额或保险加成及保险费率和保险单的约定。注意事项:,(七)保险条款,合同中的保险条款应特别注意与合同采用的贸易术语保持一致。1、FOB、CFR合同下,保险条款可规定:保险由买主办理Insurance to be covered b

13、y the buyers.2、CIF合同下,保险条款包括四部分:由何方办理保险、投保金额、险别、以哪一保险条款为准等。常见保险条款示例如下:由卖方按发票金额110%投水渍险、战争险,按1981/1/1中国人民保险公司海洋运输货物保险条款。Insurance is to be covered by the sellers for 110% of the invoice value against W.A. and War Risks as per Ocean Marine Cargo Clause of the Peoples Insurance Company of China dated J

14、an.1,1981.,(八)支付条款,规定内容:支付工具、付款时间、地点及支付方式等问题。注意事项:选择适当的支付方式以及各种支付方式的结合使用。,(八)支付条款,不同支付方式下,支付条款有不同的规定。1、在采用跟单信用证支付时,应在合同中就信用证支付条款的主要内容,包括开证时间、开证银行、信用证种类、金额、装运期、有效期、有效地点等做出明确规定。常见的信用证支付条款示例如下:(1)买方应通过卖方所接受的银行于装船月份前XX天开立并送达卖方不可撤销即期信用证,有效至装运月份后第15天在中国议付。The buyers shall open through a bank acceptable to

15、 the Sellers an irrevocable sight letter of credit,to reach the sellers xx days before the month of shipment,valid for negotiation in China until the 15th day after the month of shipment.,(八)支付条款,(2)以不可撤销信用证,凭卖方开具的见票后XX天的跟单汇票议付,有效期限为装运期后15天,在中国到期,该信用证须于合同规定的装运月份前30天到达卖方。By Irrevocable L/C available

16、by Sellers documentary draft at xx days after sight, to be availed for negotiation in China until 15 days after date of shipment. The L/C must reach the Sellers 30 days before the contracted mouth of shipment.,(八)支付条款,国际贸易中无论使用哪种信用证,都必须是不可撤销的,信用证的金额一般大于或等于合同金额。我国出口贸易使用的信用证,有效期一般订为“装运期后第15天”,有效地点在中国或

17、中国某地(出口或议付地点)。,(八)支付条款,2采用托收,要具体说明使用即期付款交单、远期付款交单还是承兑交单。具体示例如下:(1)买方凭卖方开具的即期跟单汇票,于见票时立即付款,付款后交单。Upon first presentation the buyers shall pay against documentary draft drawn by the sellers at sight. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only.(2)买方凭卖方开具的跟单汇票,于见票日后XX天付款,付款后交单。The b

18、uyers shall pay against documentary draft drawn by the sellers at xx days sight ,the shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only.,(八)支付条款,(3)买方对卖方开具的见票后XX天付款的跟单汇票 ,于提示时承兑,并于汇票到期日即予付款,承兑后交单。The buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the sellers at xx days,sight upon f

19、irst presentation and make payment on its maturity. the shipping documents are to be delivered against acceptance.,(八)支付条款,3采用汇付时,应在合同中明确规定汇付的时间、汇付的方式及金额。如: (1) 买方应不迟于12月15日将100%的货款用票汇预付至卖方。The buyers shall pay 100% of the sales proceeds in advance by demand draft to reach the sellers not later than

20、 Dec.15. (2)买方应将30%货款凭电汇预付,汇款时列明合同号码,其余部分货款以托收方式即期付款,付款后交单。The buyers shall pay 30% of the sales proceeds in advance by telegraphic transfer with indication of s/c no. the remaining lpart on collection basis,documents will be released against payment at sight.,(八)支付条款,有时,国际贸易中货款的支付采用几种支付方式结合使用,例如条款规

21、定:买方应通过为卖方所接受的银行于装船月份前XX天开立并送达卖方不可撤消即期信用证,规定50%发票金额凭即期光票支付,其余50%金额用即期跟单托收方式付款交单。全套货运单据附于托收项下,在买方付清发票的全部金额后交单。如买方不能付清全部发票金额,则货运单据须由开证行掌握,凭卖方指示处理。,(八)支付条款,The buyers shall open through a bank acceptable to the sellers an irrevocable sight letter of credit to reach the sellers xx days before the month

22、of shipment,stipulating that 50% of the invoice value available against clean draft at sight while the remaining 50% on documents against payment at sight on collection basis. The full set of shipping documents shall accompany the collection draft and shall only be released after full payment of the

23、 invoice value. If the buyers fail to pay the full invoice value,the shipping documents shall be held by the issuing bank at the sellers disposal.,(九)装运单据,规定内容:规定装运单据的种类和分数以及对装运单据的基本要求、有时将所须的其他商业单据也一并列出。注意事项:不同种类运输单据的特点和性质。,(九)装运单据,卖方议付货款必须向付款银行提交下列单据:1、全套清洁海运提单,注明运费到付,作成空白抬头、空白背书,通知目的港中国对外贸易运输公司。2、

24、发票5份,注明合同号和装运标志(发票须按装运标志开立)。3、装箱单5份,注明装运重量和有关发票的日期与编号。4、制造商按第16条第一款规定出具的品质证书和数量证书各2份。 5、装船后立即发给买方的装船通知电报一份。,(九)装运单据,The sellers shall present the following documents to the paying bank for negotiation:1One full set of Clean On Board Bill of Loading marked with “FREIGHT TO COLLECT and made out to ord

25、er,blank endorsed,notifying the China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation at the port of destination 2 Five copies of Invoice,indicating contract number and shipping mark(s).3 Five copies of Packing List with indication of shipping weight,number and date of the corresponding invoice.4T

26、wo copies of Certificate of each Quality and Quantity issued by the manufacturer as specified in item (1)of Clause 16. 5 A copy of cable to the Buyers,advising the Buyers of the shipment immediately after it has been made.,(十)装船通知,规定内容:FOB成交时规定买方向卖方发出通知的时间和内容;CFR成交时卖方向买方发出通知的时间和内容。注意事项:根据贸易术语的特点规定相应

27、的装船通知。,(十)装船通知,常见条款示例如下:货物装船后,卖方应立即将合同号码、商品名称、数量、发票金额、目的口岸、船名、开航时间电告买方。若卖方未及时发出装船通知,以致货物延误投保,由此造成的损失由卖方负担。After the goods are completely loaded,the sellers shall notify,by cable,the buyer of the contract number,name of commodity,quantity,gross weight,invoice value,port of destination,name of the car

28、rying vessel and the date of sailing. In case the goods are not insured in time owing to the sellers having failed to give timely advice,any consequent losses shall be borne by the seller.,(十一)商检条款,规定内容:检验的时间和地点、检验机构、检验证书以及检验标准。注意事项:根据商品的特点进行适当的规定。,(十一)商检条款,在国际贸易中,一般检验的做法是以装运港的检验证书作为交付货物的依据,允许目的港买方复

29、验,经复验,如发现品质、重量或数量与合同有误,并证明确属卖主责任,则买方可凭目的港检验、机构出具的检验证书向卖方提出异议。常见检验条款示例:(1) 以装运港中国商品检验局签发的品质、重量/数量检验证书作为有关信用证项下议付所提交单据的一部分,买方对于装运货物的任何索赔,须于货物到达目的港XX天内提出,并须提供经卖方同意的公证机构出具的检验证书。,(十一)商检条款,The certificates of quality and weight (quantity) issued by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau at the port of ship

30、ment shall be part of the documents to be presented for negotiation under the relevant letter of credit. Any claim by the buyers regarding the goods shipped shall be fed within xx days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination,and supported by a survey report issued by a survey or ap

31、proved by the sellers. (2) 中国商品检验局出具的质量/重量/数量证书为最后依据。Certificate of quantity/weight/quality to be issued by china commodity inspection bureau shall be taken as final.,(十二)索赔条款,规定内容:索赔依据、索赔期限和索赔方法。注意事项:,(十二)索赔条款,索赔条款的内容主要是提出索赔期限和依据,该条款有时合并在检验条款中。现举例如下:买方对于装运货物的任何索赔,必须于货到提单所订目的地XX天内提出,并须经卖方同意的公证机构出具检验

32、报告。Any claim by the Buyers regarding the goods shipped shall be filed within xx days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination specified in the relative bill of lading and supported by a survey report issued by a survey or approved by the Sellers.,(十三 )不可抗力条款,规定内容:不可抗力的性质范围、处理以及证明和通知

33、。注意事项:,(十三 )不可抗力条款,常见示例如下: 如因战争、火灾、地震、水灾、暴风雨等其他不可抗力的原因,致使卖方不能部分或全部装运或延迟装运,卖方对此均不负责,但卖方须用电报(电传)通知买方,并以航空信件向后者提出由中国国际贸易促进委员会出具证明该事件的证书。 If the shipment of the contracted goods is prevented or delayed in whole or in part by reason of war,earthquake,flood,fire storm or other cause of Force majeure,the S

34、ellers shall not be liable for the contract. However,the Sellers shall notify the Buyers by cable (or telex) and furnish the latter by registered air-mail with a certificate issued by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade attesting such event or events.,(十四)仲裁条款,规定内容:仲裁地点、仲裁机构、仲

35、裁程序规则、裁决效力以及仲裁费用的负担问题。,(十四)仲裁条款,常见仲裁条款示例:(1)凡有关本合同所发生的一切争议,应通过友好协商解决,若通过协商达不成协议,则提交中国国际贸易促进委员会对外贸易仲裁委员会。仲裁在北京进行。该委员会的裁决为终局的,并对双方均有约束力,仲裁费由败诉方承担。All disputes in connection with this contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation. in case no settlement can be reached through negotiation,the ca

36、se should then be submitted be foreign trade arbitration commission of china council for the promotion of international trade for arbitration with its provisional ruie5 of procedure. The arbitration shall be conducted in Beijing and the decision made by the said commission shall be final and binding

37、 upon both parties. The arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party.,(十四)仲裁条款,(2)有关合同的一切争议,应通过协商友好解决。如协商不能解决,应提交仲裁,仲裁应在被告所在国进行,或者在双方同意的第三国进行,仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。All disputes in connect with this contract shall be settled friendly through negotiation. in case no settlement can be reached through negotiation,the case should then be submitted for arbitration. The arbitration shall take place in the country where the defendant resides or in the third country mutually agreed upon by both parties. The decision of arbitration shall be final and binding upon both parties.,


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