1、血吸虫(blood fluke) 裂体吸虫(schistosome),河北北方学院 张进顺,分类,扁形动物门(Phylum Platyhelminthes)吸虫纲 (Class Trematoda)复殖目 (Order Digenea)裂体科 (Family Schistosomatidae) 扁形动物门(Phylum Platyhelminthes)复殖纲(Class Digenea)(吸虫纲Trematoda)鸮形目(Order Strigeida)裂体科(Family Schistosomatidae),主要虫种: 日本血吸虫(Schistosoma japonicum) 曼氏血吸虫(S
2、chistosoma mansoni) 埃及血吸虫(Schistosoma haematobium) 间插血吸虫(Schistosoma intercalatum) 眉公血吸虫(Schistosoma mekongi) 马来血吸虫(Schistosoma malayensis),日本血吸虫 Schistosoma japonicum,据湖南长沙马王堆西汉女尸及湖北江陵西汉男尸体内发现典型日本血吸虫卵的事实,证明2100余年前,我国长江流域已有日本血吸虫病的流行。1905年,Catto在新加坡解剖一例死于霍乱的福建籍华侨尸体时,在肠系膜静脉中检获了日本血吸虫成虫。同年,Logan在湖南常德县的一
3、名18岁男性农民粪便中检出日本血吸虫卵。,Historical and Geographical Notes.,在柬埔寨、老挝和泰国发现的湄公血吸虫,过去认为系日本血吸虫的一株,1978年Voge等根据其虫卵比日本血吸虫的四个地理株的虫卵小,中间宿主为开放拟钉螺(Tricula aperta),开放前期也较其他四个地理株为晚等而定为湄公血吸虫。在马来西亚的类日本血吸虫已确定为马来血吸虫( S. malayensis, Greer et al,1988),其中间宿主为卡波小罗伯特螺 (Robertsiella kaporensis) 及吉士小罗伯特螺(R. gismanni)。,Schistos
4、oma japonicum Katsurada,1904,Synonym. Sinobilharzia japonica Le Roux, 1958.,Schistosomiasis japonica was first mentioned by Fujii, a Japanese physician, in 1847 Baelz (1883) made the first epidemiologic survey in Okayama Prefecture, Japan, but attributed the disease to Clonorchis sinensis Yamagiwa (
5、1890), Kurimoto (1893), and especially Fujinami (1904) found eggs of the parasite in various organs of patients and ascribed the etiologic role in the infection to the eggs. Kasai (1903) first found the eggs in feces.,Fujinami(l904) first found the female worm in the portal vein. Katsurada (1904) fi
6、rst described the adult worms, obtained from infected dogs and cats, and assigned to the parasite a new specific name, i.e. ,japonicum.Logan (1905) diagnosed the first case in China.,The experimental work of Fujinami (1909), Miyagawa (1912-1913), and Miyairi and Suzuki (1913-1914) furnished proof fo
7、r the life cycle of S. japonicum and provided a basis for Leipers work on the blood flukes in Egypt (1915-1918). Details of the biology and pathogenesis of S. japonicum were described by Faust and Meleney in 1924. This infection is confined to areas in the Far East .,In Japan five relatively small f
8、oci are involved. In China practically the whole of the Chang Jiang(Yangtze) Basin is studded with endemic foci from western Sichuan to the sea. In addition, the coastal area from northem Jiangsu Province to Quangdong, including river valleys extending far inland, the large island of Hainan off the
9、coast of southeastern China, and the Mekong Valley in southwestern Yunnan Province are also affected.,However, it remains to be determined whether the schistosome in people of the Mekong Valley in Yunnan Province is S. japonicum or S. mekongi. In Taiwan there is an enzootic region in the midwestem p
10、art of the island but no evidence of locally acquired human infectjon has been reported. In the Philippines infection is endemic on Leyte, Mindanao, Mindoro, Samar, and southwestern Luzon. A focus of infection was found by Brug and Tesch (1937) and confirmed by Faust and Bonne (1948) in the Paloe Di
11、strict of Celebes (Fig. 27-1).,ln 1958 an apparently newly infested area was discovered in Thailand, some distance south of Bangkok; since then infections have been reported from areas to the north and northeast of Bangkok (Lee et al., 1966). In addiuon, Barbier(1966) reported a new endemic focus in
12、 the Mekong Valley in western Laos and human infection has been reported from the Mekong River area in Cambodia (Audebaud et al., 1968). More recentJy the Mekong schistosome was described as a distinct species, Schistosoma mekongi Voge,Bruckner and Bruce, 1978.,虫体外形似线虫; 具有口、腹吸盘; 雌雄异体,生活虫体呈合抱状态。 雄虫长1
13、2cm,雌虫体长22.5cm。,1.成虫(adult ),一、Morphology,日本血吸虫雌雄合抱(染色),日本血吸虫雌雄合抱(电镜),日本血吸虫雄性虫体内部结构,日本血吸虫雄性虫体(染色图),日本血吸虫雄性虫体前端(染色图),日本血吸虫雌性虫体内部结构,日本血吸虫雌性虫体(染色图),2.毛蚴(miracidium),呈梨形,左右对称,平均大小为9935m,周身被有纤毛,是其活动器官。 体内前部中央有一个顶腺,两个侧腺,均开口于顶突,日本血吸虫毛蚴(染色图),3.尾蚴(cercaria),日本血吸虫尾蚴(染色),4.虫卵(egg),平均8967m ; 椭圆形 ; 淡黄色; 卵壳厚薄均匀,无
14、盖;壳一侧有一侧刺,表面常附有宿主组织残留物 ; 含一毛蚴,毛蚴与壳间常有圆形或长圆形油滴状的头腺分泌物。,日本血吸虫卵(高倍镜),卵壳表面呈网状,可见囊样微孔,贯通内外,毛蚴分泌的可溶性虫卵抗原(SEA)可经微孔释出卵外。,日本血吸虫卵(电镜图),成虫,虫卵,毛蚴,母胞蚴子胞蚴尾 蚴,尾蚴,(疫水),水,(水),(门脉肠系膜V系统),(人、牛、马、羊、兔等草食动物),(粪),(钉螺),进入小静脉或淋巴管 右心 肺 肺泡小血管 左心 体循环 肠系膜上、下动脉毛细血管网 肠系膜静脉门静脉 成虫逆行肠系膜下静脉,(钉螺),12d,24天 寿命4.5年,二、Life cycle,童虫,经皮,成虫寄生
15、部位:人及多种哺乳动物的门脉-肠系膜静脉系统; 主要致病阶段:虫卵,沉积于肝脏及结肠壁,部分虫卵可排入肠腔随粪便排出体外,故亦为诊断阶段; 感染阶段:尾蚴; 感染方式:经皮肤钻入; 中间宿主:钉螺(毛蚴-孢蚴-尾蚴); 保虫宿主:(牛、马、羊、兔等动物)。,生活史要点:,(一)致病虫期和致病机制 尾蚴、童虫、成虫、虫卵都有致病作用 主要致病虫期: 虫卵,接触疫水的皮肤可出现米粒样的红色丘疹,发痒。是一种速发型和迟发型变态反应。,1.尾蚴性皮炎,三、 Pathogenesis and symptoms,童虫移行 一过性血管炎、毛细血管栓塞、破裂,局部出血、炎症,患者可出现发热、咳嗽、食欲减退等表
16、现,嗜酸性粒细胞增多。,2.童虫致病,3.成虫致病,可引起静脉内膜炎和静脉周围炎,但大多无明显临床症状; 诱发型变态反应(肾小球肾炎),4.虫卵致病,虫卵主要沉积于肝及结肠肠壁等处,引起的肉芽肿和纤维化是血吸虫病的主要病变。,虫卵肉芽肿形成和纤维化机制,Soluble eggs antigen,综上述: 血吸虫虫卵肉芽肿的形成机制是T细胞介导的型变态反应。血吸虫虫卵引起的肉芽肿和纤维化是血吸虫病的主要病变。,分为急性期、慢性期和晚期三期。 急性期 潜伏期12月,高烧、腹痛、腹泻、肝脾肿大、嗜酸性粒细胞增多,脓血便,粪检查到大量血吸虫卵,持续1-3月。 慢性期 90的血吸虫病人为慢性血吸虫病。多
17、无明显症状,少数可出现慢性腹泻、慢性痢疾、肝脾肿大等。多次粪检可查到虫卵。,(二)临床表现,晚期 指出现肝脏纤维化-门脉高压综合症、严重生长发育障碍或结肠显著肉芽肿性增殖的患者。 巨脾型; 腹水型; 侧支循环形成所致的腹壁、食管下端及胃底静脉曲张。儿童和青少年如感染严重,可致侏儒症。,1.病原学检查,粪检查虫卵: (1)直接涂片法,适于急性期或重度病人。 (2)水洗沉淀法。 (3)毛蚴孵化法。 直肠粘膜活检:晚期病人肠壁增厚、虫卵排出受阻,粪便中不易 查获虫卵。,四、Diagnosis of laboratory,2.免疫学检查,(1).皮内试验(ID):阳性率90%左右,筛选可疑病人。 (2
18、).检测抗体: 环卵沉淀试验(circumoral precipitin test COPT) 酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA) 间接血凝试验(IHA) 快速试纸法(dipstick assay) (3).检测循环抗原: 单克隆抗体斑点ELISA、双抗体夹心ELISA.,1.流行概况 流行于亚洲,主要国家:中国、日本、菲律宾、印度尼西亚。国内流行于长江流域以及以南13个省市。 2.流行环节 (1)传染源:病人、病牛和其它感染血吸虫的动物; (2)传播途径:粪便污染水源;钉螺的存在; (3)与“疫水”接触。,五、Epidemiology,查治病人、病畜,控制传染源:定期对人及家畜进行普查,凡被查出
19、的都要及时治疗,首选药为吡喹酮。 加强粪便管理,保护好水源 控制和消灭钉螺,切断传播途径。 保护好易感人群,避免接触“疫水”。,防治原则,六、Prevention and control,日本血吸虫成虫寄生于肠系膜静脉内,血吸虫卵在人体沉积部位,虫卵去向: 69%沉积在结肠壁 23%回流到肝脏 7.7%随粪便排出 0.7%到其他组织,血吸虫卵在人体沉积部位,血吸虫成虫寄生在肠系膜下静脉,为什么可以从粪便中检查出虫卵,血吸虫中间宿主(钉螺),血吸虫胞蚴,尾蚴性皮炎,肝脏中的虫卵结节,结肠肠壁中的虫卵结节,肝脏中的虫卵肉芽肿,结肠壁中的虫卵肉芽肿,晚期血吸虫病人肝脾肿大,晚期血吸虫病人肝硬化腹水,晚期血吸虫病人腹水,腹壁静脉曲张 脐周静脉曲张,有“海蛇头”现象,腹壁静脉曲张 脐周静脉曲张,有“海蛇头”现象,晚期血吸虫病人侏儒,毛蚴孵化法-瓶口观察活毛蚴,环卵沉淀试验,尾蚴膜试验,防治前血吸虫病流行分布图,96年血吸虫病流行分布图,江南山区血吸虫病流行区,长江流域湖滩、沼泽地,长江流域湖滩、沼泽地,日本血吸虫感染 方式-打水草,预防血吸虫病(防止与疫水接触),