1、峰哥:2014 年 11 月 1 日雅思写作大作文解析Some people say job satisfaction is more important than job security, while others believe that having a permanent job is better than enjoying the job. Discuss both of the views and give your own opinion.本次考察的是社会话题(幸福和工作) 。从工作切入的题目出现的概率较小。难度系数一如前几次,依然较大,对熊孩子们来说有一定的挑战。在审题的时
2、候依然要抓住“一个中心(job) ,两个基本点(satisfaction or survival)” 。但是就话题本身而言,城镇的孩纸并不陌生。就是一个关于“工作幸福感”和“工作稳定性”哪个更重要的问题。写的时候要注意文章结构,我在这里采用经典 4 段式折中方案,采用“情况分析法” ,找到“人”这一个突破口进行切入。 (276 字)Employment has been a big concern among the public since nobody can survive without salary. However, in order to make a living, someo
3、ne prefer to sacrifice their happiness and reluctantly work in an unpleasant environment. Then, the dispute on job security and job satisfaction arose.As we know, having a permanent job would definitely bring people many benefits, especially for the homeless and the migrant workers. In their minds,
4、food is always on the top agenda and followed by satisfaction or happiness or even the basic living condition that they ought to have. So in the lower class point to view, having a permanent job means getting a promise of endless living materials. Thats why so many people prefer to stay in an unsati
5、sfying company rather than leave for a much enjoyable one. However, for the workers who are able to support himself or herself, they usually do not stop at the pursuit for making a living, but continue striving for living in a high-quality life. This is mostly for meeting the spiritual needs of whic
6、h including the job satisfaction. For them, dissatisfaction in one place means a would-be job hopping. In this sense, job satisfaction is much more important than a permanent but not satisfying job.To sum up, the extent of the importance of job security and job satisfaction are various for different groups of people. If I stand with the lower class, I would say that having a permanent job is more practicable and necessary than pursuing the job satisfaction. But if I am with the upper and middle class, I would hold quite an opposite view.