1、Technology 标定;出行分布ms |: U 491. 112 DS M : A cI|: 1008- 5696( 2009) 01- 0106- 03Simple Method and Aplication on Calibration of the Gravity ModelZH ANG Lan, PENG Guo-x io ng( T o ng ji U niver sity, Schoo l o f T r ansport ation Eng ineering , Shanghai 201804, China)Abstract: This peper elaborates the
2、 principle, forms and impedance function of gravity m odel. And it intro-duces a m ethod to calibrat the parameter of the double-restriction gravity mo del, then illustrate w ith an ex-am ple as residents tr ip distribution of a west Metro. The m ethod is simple and it has some actual v alue inthe s
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