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1、环球雅思 雅思写作基础段翻译参考答案1雅思写作基础段十大原则翻译1. 经济原则1. 举办奥运会能增加国家收入,创造更多的就业机会。Hosting the Olympic Games can increase the government revenue and create more employment opportunities. 2. 旅游业的发展对当地的经济有积极的影响。The development of tourism exerts positive influence on the local economy. 3. 旅游业的发展刺激经济的增长,通过产生大量的就业机会和增加外汇收

2、入。The development of tourism stimulates economic growth by generating enormous employment opportunities and increasing foreign exchange earnings. 4. 政府的首要职责是帮助人民消除贫困,疾病和文盲。 The primary responsibility of a government is to help its people eliminate poverty, disease, and illiteracy. 5. 改善人民的福利是政府的责任。I

3、mproving peoples welfare is the governments 环球雅思 雅思写作基础段翻译参考答案2obligation. 6. 许多人强烈反对太空探索,因为他们认为对于发展中国家而言,这是个奢侈和浪费的做法。Many people are strongly against space research because they think it is an extravagant and wasteful project for developing countries. 7. 许多人还苦苦挣扎在贫困线上,缺乏食物和栖身之所。为什么不用有限的资金帮助他们脱贫呢? M

4、any people are struggling at the poverty line, lacking food and shelter. Why not use the limited public funds to help them alleviate poverty? 8. 接受正规教育对于贫困地区的小孩而言是一种奢侈的梦想。It is a luxurious dream for children in the poverty-stricken area to receive formal education. 9. 送小孩出国留学对于不少家庭来说是个沉重的经济负担。Sendin

5、g children to study abroad is a heavy financial burden on many families. 10. 艺术资助对于许多发展中国家而言是个奢侈的做法。Art funding is a luxurious practice to many developing 环球雅思 雅思写作基础段翻译参考答案3countries. 11. 廉价航空旅行会耗费更多的燃料并增加污染。Cheap air travel consumes more fuel and causes more pollution. 12. 老龄化人口会给社会和政府带来沉重的负担。An a

6、geing population can put heavy burdens on society and the government. 13. 人口的老龄化也很可能增加年轻一代人当中的失业率。Population ageing is also likely to increase the unemployment rate among the younger generation. 14. 过高的老年人口比例很可能会造成劳动力短缺,阻碍经济的发展。A higher proportion of elderly people in the population is also likely t

7、o cause labour shortages and hinder economic growth. 15. 政府资助艺术家和音乐家的做法其实是滥用纳税人的钱。It is a dissipation of taxpayers money for the government to subsidize artists and musicians, 2. 时间原则环球雅思 雅思写作基础段翻译参考答案4有些电视节目非常吸引人,令人分心,使不少小孩很难专心学习。Some TV programs are so tempting and distracting that many children c

8、an hardly focus on their study. 应该教育学生克制住自己不要沉迷于网上聊天,因为他们的任务是学习。Students should be taught to refrain themselves from chatting online because their main task is study. 兼职占用学生宝贵的时间,影响他们的学习。Taking a part-time job takes up students valuable time and affects their study. 为了兼职赚钱,有些学生甚至逃课,严重影响学业。In order t

9、o earn some money by taking up a part-time job, some students even skip classes and their academic performance is seriously affected. 电视机帮助人们打发时间,驱除孤独。TV helps people to kill time and drive off their loneliness. 比起火车和长途汽车旅行,廉价航空旅行帮游客节省了大量的时间。这意味着游客有更多的时间和精力去享受旅游景点。Compared with a journey by train or

10、 by coach, low-cost 环球雅思 雅思写作基础段翻译参考答案5flights save tourists a great deal of time. This means that they can have more time and energy to enjoy the attractions that they wish to visit. 家长应该限制孩子们每天看电视的时间在 1-2 小时以内并且鼓励他们积极参加体育运动和社会活动。Parents should limit childrens TV viewing to one to two hours a day a

11、nd encourage them to actively participate in sports and social activities. 例如,通过在线会议,商务人士可以省时间并且避免旅行开支。For example, by having online meetings, business people can save time and avoid travel costs. 手机和因特网一方面提高了工作效率,但另一方面他们减少了人们和他们关心的人在一起的时间。Mobile phones and the Internet have increased work efficienc

12、y on one hand, but on the other hand they have reduced the time people spent with those they care about.3. 健康原则1. 应该对私家车进行限制,因为汽车排放许多有毒气体。Private cars should be restricted because cars emit many toxic gases. 环球雅思 雅思写作基础段翻译参考答案62. 吃太多的快餐有害健康,因为快餐含有太多的脂肪、糖分和热量。Eating too much fast food is physically d

13、amaging, because fast food contains too much fat, sugar and calorie. 3. 过分沉迷于电脑游戏会导致近视和肥胖。Overindulgence in computer games contributes to myopia and obesity. 4. 由于环境不断恶化,许多城市居民患有多种呼吸道疾病。Due to the deteriorating environment, many city dwellers suffer from some respiratory diseases. 5. 体育锻炼有利于人们减压。Phy

14、sical exercise helps people to ease their mental strain. 6. 我们应该摈弃一些不良的生活习惯,如烟酒过度、暴饮暴食等。We should do away with bad living habits such as excessive drinking and smoking and overeating. 7. 垃圾问题对人们的健康构成潜在威胁,因为垃圾含有各种各样的细菌、病毒,并且传播多种流行性疾病。The rubbish problem poses potential risks to peoples 环球雅思 雅思写作基础段翻译

15、参考答案7health because trash contains all kinds of germs and transmits a number of epidemic diseases. 4 和 5 情感和心理原则电视和互联网使人们和朋友疏远了,因为现在人们缺乏与朋友面对面的交流。TV and the Internet alienate people from their friends because people nowadays lack adequate face-to-face communication with their friends/peers. 国际旅游业的发展

16、可能导致国与国之间关系紧张的加剧。The development of international tourism may contribute to greater tension between nations. 3体罚伤感情,这样把家长和小孩疏远开了。Corporal punishment is emotionally detrimental, which alienates parents from their children.4. 通过远程教育接受教育的人缺乏许多必要的人际交往能力,容易变得以自我为中心和内向。Those who receive education through

17、tele-education lack many essential interpersonal skills and tend to be self-环球雅思 雅思写作基础段翻译参考答案8centered and introverted. 5. 过早送小孩去托儿所会伤害感情,因为缺乏父母关爱的小孩往往觉得孤独和沮丧。Sending a child to a nursery at an early stage is emotionally harmful ,because children who lack parental care and love tend to feel isolate

18、d and depressed. 6. 在家上班(远程办公)会使人产生疏远的感觉,而且在家上班的人可能变得对人冷漠,缺乏强烈的团队精神。Telecommuting creates a sense of estrangement among individuals and telecommuters may become indifferent to others and lack a strong team spirit. 7. 全职太太经常觉得孤独,情绪低落和受挫。Full-time housewives often feel isolated, depressed and frustrat

19、ed. 8. 如果老人住到敬老院,他们会觉得自己没价值了,被家人遗弃了,同时感到绝望。If old people are sent to live in a nursing house, they tend 环球雅思 雅思写作基础段翻译参考答案9to feel useless, deserted by their family and hopeless. 9. 由于缺乏情感交流,误会产生了,有时甚至导致一个家庭的破裂。For lack of emotional exchanges, misunderstanding arises and sometime leads to the breaku

20、p of a family. 10. 由于缺乏对当地风俗和传统的了解,游客和当地人交流时可能会发生冲突。 For lack of adequate knowledge of the local customs and traditions, some disputes may arise when tourists communicate with the locals. 远程教育导致一系列的心理问题,如自闭、焦虑和抑郁。Tele-education results in a series of psychological problems such as withdrawal, anxiet

21、y and depression.当他们尝试适应一个新的环境的时候, 小孩会感到无助和想家。Children will feel helpless and homesick when they attempt to adjust to a new environment. 6. 智力教育原则(1) 培养小孩独立性和自信心的最佳办法是给他们一份兼职工作。环球雅思 雅思写作基础段翻译参考答案10The best way to foster childrens independence and self-confidence is to give them a part-time job. (2)

22、改进教学质量的非常有效的方法是鼓励学生批评和评价他们的老师。A very effective way to improve teaching quality is to encourage students to criticize and evaluate their teachers. (3) 人们普遍认为教育对个人发展与社会的良好运行都起着至关重要的作用。 (be of vital importance, well-being ) It is generally believed that education is of vital importance to individual de

23、velopment and well-being of society.(4) 看太多电视对智力发展有害,换句话说,它限制了创造力和想象力。Too much TV viewing is intellectually damaging; in other words, it kills creativity and imagination.(5) 很明显的是,父母的行为对孩子的世界观有直接的影响。It is clear/obvious/apparent that parents behavior has a direct impact on children s world view. ( 6)

24、不可否认的是教育在可持续社会发展中起着重环球雅思 雅思写作基础段翻译参考答案11要的作用。There is no denying that education plays an important role in the sustainable social development. (7) 经常沉迷于电视的小孩不懂区分现实和虚幻。(distinguishfrom, reality, fantasy) A child who often revels in TV can not distinguish/tell reality from fantasy. 7. 权利原则1. 我反对死刑的第一个

25、原因是它侵犯了人的生命权。Why I do not support having the death penalty is that it violates the right of subsistence. 2. 动物实验是种野蛮和不文明的做法,它剥夺了动物的生存权。Animal testing is a cruel and uncivilized practice that deprives animals of their right of subsistence.新闻审查制度剥夺了我们的知情权。Censorship deprives us of the right to know th

26、e truth. 鼓励妇女回家做全职太太是很荒唐的想法,它剥夺妇环球雅思 雅思写作基础段翻译参考答案12女工作的权利,是性别歧视。Encouraging females to go back home to be full-time housewives is a very ridiculous idea which deprives women of their basic right to work, and is a sort of sexual discrimination. 5. 体罚侵犯小孩的人权,影响他们的身心健康。Corporal punishment violates chi

27、ldren s human rights and affects their physical and mental health. 公共场合安装摄像机是对个人隐私的公然侵犯。The installation of cameras in public areas is a brazen infringement of ones privacy 8. 环保原则我同意中央政府、地方政府和每个公民都应该对环境保护负责的观点。I agree with the view that the central government, the local government and citizens all

28、have responsibility for environmental protection. 不可否认的是,飞机旅行产生空气污染,在某种程度上对全球气候变化负有责任。There is no denying that air travel generates air pollution, which is to some extent responsible for global climate changes. 当今主要问题之一是,诸如煤炭和石油之类的天然能源显然正在被快速耗尽,并且它们是不可再生的。One of todays major problems is that natural

29、 energy 环球雅思 雅思写作基础段翻译参考答案13resources such as coal and oil are apparently running out quickly and are not renewable. 对资源的需求增加引起大范围的伐木和采矿,这些都是水土流失的主要原因。The stronger demand for resources leads to extensive logging and mining, which are the main causes of soil erosion. 5. 工业废料未经过滤就倾倒到河流里,污染了河流,给附近的居民带来

30、巨大的危害。 The industrial waste is dumped into rivers without being filtered, thus contaminating the rivers and bringing great harm to the residents nearby.政府可以对不环保的产品课以重税然后用税收去资助环境项目。The government can impose high tax penalties on environmentally-damaging products, and then use the tax to fund environm

31、ental pollution. 7. 栖息地的破坏使许多动物无家可归,成为濒危物种。 Habitat destruction makes many species of animals become homeless and become endangered. 9. 文化与传统原则1. 政府努力保护好濒危的语言是至关重要的。It is of great significance for a government to make efforts to conserve endangered culture and language.2. 旅游业有助于保护城市的历史文化遗产。Tourism h

32、elps to preserve the citys historical and cultural heritage. 环球雅思 雅思写作基础段翻译参考答案143. 大量涌入旅游景点的游客对文物的保护构成潜在的威胁。Too many tourists flooding the tourist attractions also pose potential risks to the preservation of cultural relics. 4. 全球一体化对土著文化和语言的保护构成潜在,因为正如我们所知, 跨文化交际越越频繁,文化同化和渗透是不可避免的。Globalization po

33、ses potential risks to the preservation of aboriginal culture and language, because we know crow-cultural communication is becoming increasingly frequent and cultural assimilation and penetration is inevitable.5. 除了文化价值之外,传统艺术还有重要的教育价值。他们帮助年轻人理解自己国家的风俗与历史。Apart from cultural value, traditional arts

34、also have significant educational value. They help young people to understand the customs and history of their country. 6.多元化社会有一系列的经济、文化与社会优势。A multicultural society has a range of economic, cultural 环球雅思 雅思写作基础段翻译参考答案15and social advantages. 多元化社会的另一个经济优势是很多人会双语甚至是多语种。Another economic benefit of a

35、 multicultural society is that many people are bilingual or even multilingual. 政府和学校应采取措施来防止小语种的消失。(extinction ,minority languages) Governments and schools should take some measures to prevent the extinction of minority languages. 10. 道德与犯罪原则我认为政府应该对互联网实施新闻审查,因为网上有不少暴力色情材料,对青少年的身心发展带来负面的影响。I believe

36、 that the government should impose censorship on the Internet, because there is much violence and pornography on the Internet which exerts adverse effects on teenagers physical and mental health. 2. 成迷于暴力游戏和电视节目会导致暴力行为。Indulgence in violent games and TV shows leads to 环球雅思 雅思写作基础段翻译参考答案16violent act

37、s. 3.小孩子有机会通过互联网接触到淫秽物品,甚至在媒体的负面影响下误入歧途。Children have access to obscene material via the Internet and even go astray under the negative influence of the mass media. 4.小孩子缺乏恰当的自控和自律能力,他们很容易沉迷于网上冲浪。Children lack adequate self-control and self-discipline, and they are likely to indulge themselves in ne

38、t surfing. 毒品的诱惑力太大了,不少人抵挡不住它的诱惑而沉迷与其中。Drugs are so alluring that few people can resist the temptation and are obsessed with drugs. 如果政府能都为人们提供更好而且价格更容易承担教育和就业培训,并且通过改善经济来增加就业机会,那么贫困与犯罪也会减少。If the government provides people with better and more affordable education and job training, and creates more employment opportunities by improving the economy, poverty and crime rates will also decline.


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