1、Speaking,Unit 5,发音方法是舌前部抬起,抵住上齿龈后 部,形成完全阻塞,双唇向前突出,略成喇 叭形,然后气流冲出来,冲破阻碍,破擦成 音。它是清辅音,声带不振动。 常发/t /的字母组合是ch和tch,如teach, catch。发音方法与/ t /相同,但不同的是, 它是浊辅音,声带要振动。常发/ d /的字母 是j和g,如judge,gym。,/t /,/d /,发音方法是舌尖先贴住齿龈,堵住气流, 然后下降,气流冲出来,冲破阻碍,先爆 破,后摩擦成音。它是清辅音,声带不振动。 常发/ts/的字母组合是ts和tes, 如tests, tastes。发音方法与/ts/相同,但不
2、同的是,它是 浊辅音,声带要振动。常发/dz/的字母组合 是ds和des,如cards,rides。,/ts/,/dz/,舌尖向上卷起,贴在上齿龈后部,作好发r音的准备,然后双唇收圆,略向前突出,气流冲破舌尖与齿龈后部的阻碍,发完t后立即发r。它是清辅音,声带不振动。常发/tr/的字母组合是tr,如treat。舌尖向上卷起,贴在上齿龈后部,作好发r音的准备,然后双唇收圆,略向前突出,气流冲破舌尖与齿龈后部的阻碍,发完d后立即发r。它是浊辅音,声带振动。常发/dr/的字母组合是dr,如driver。,/tr/,/dr/,以最快的速度正确朗读以下绕口令。,The teacher asked the
3、 students to sit on chairs and watch some chicks chasing that chicken.老师叫学生们坐在椅子上看一些小鸡追着那只母鸡。 2. He usually tells some jokes in his geography class, so many students join him and enjoy the joy.他经常在他的地理课上讲一些笑话,所以很多学生加入到他的行列中来,享受快乐。,3. Pets, such as cats and rabbits, havedifferent habits.宠物,如猫和兔子,有不同的
4、习惯。 4. He is one of the kids, who hidessome postcards under the beds.他是把名信片藏在床底下的其中一个小孩。 5.Children dragged out the drum, dressed the suits and played the dragon.孩子们拉出鼓,穿上衣服,舞起龙来。,找出划线部分读音与其它三个不同的选项。 A. change B. catch C. machine D. church 2. A. go B. garage C. June D. orange 3. A. sits B. fits C. i
5、ts D. first 4. A. grades B. combs C. rides D. guides 5. A. twice B. trap C. tree D. trip,1. cheap jeep 4. hits hides 7. trip drip 2. chant giant 5. sits sides 8. train drain 3. catch cage 6.waits rides 9. trap drop,A1 Listen to the words . Circle the words you hear.,A2 Listen to the conversation. Ci
6、rcle all the above sounds. Then practice in pairs.,S1 Hello, Jane. How was your trip toAustralia. S2 It was great. Australia is a continentwith many different kinds of animals and plants. S1 Really? Do many strange birds live here. S2 Yes. Some of these, like parrots, make good house pets. They are
7、cheap to take care of because they can live on seeds.,S1 Sounds interesting. How about otherpets. S2 People keep baby dragons as pets too. S1 Dragons? Are you sure? S2 Well, they have green skin and a longtail. S1 They are not dragons, but lizards. S2 Right. S1 Did you join a travel group to go ther
8、e? S2 Yes, but Australians are friendly guidesand they will show you to the most exciting places.,Writing,I never saw my teachers, In a state of such distress. The principal was shouting, That the classroom was a 1 _. (crowd / mess) 我们正在吃午餐 When someone threw a bun, They should join the 2_. (fun / j
9、oke),mess,fun,Soon the foods were everywhere, The ceilings, walls, and doors. As well as _ 一、根据诗歌内容选择空格所缺单词。 二、翻译诗歌中的中文部分。三、补充诗歌的最后一句。,We were having lunch.,The tables and the floors.,Our class,If you want to meet students with good looks and brains. Then come into our class and well tell you some n
10、ames.,Its the cleverest class In all of the schools. The students are the nicest And never break the rules.,A never says a word in a class A and B always leaves his seat. C likes to clean the broard And D is always very neat.,So come to our class And knock at the door. Youll be very welcome But we go home at four.,Homework,Write out the poem and read it to the class. They can try to guess who A, B, C and D are.,