1、1诗词中的地理风光The Natural Scenery in Chinese Poetry中华大地,幅员辽阔,各处地理风光不同、气候不一。中国有一句俗语:一方水土养一方人。意思是说:不 同 地 域 上 的 人 , 由 于 生 存 环 境 不 同 , 思 想 观 念 、 人 文 历 史 、 文 化性 格 特 征 也 不 同 。 北 方 四 季 鲜 明 气 候 干 燥 , 南 方 四 季 如 春 温 暖 湿 润 , 北 方 人 高 大 结 实 性格 豪 爽 , 南 方 人 矮 小 秀 气 性 格 细 腻 在信息和交通技术尚不发达的古代,诗人们用他们最真切的感受表达了对自然界的敬意和赞美。With
2、 a vast territory, China has different styles of scenery and climates. As the saying goes, “Each place has its streams in from all over the country; each place has its own way of supporting its own inhabitants.” It means that the people from different areas have different thoughts and ideas, differe
3、nt cultures and histories, and different characters, which are all because of the different living environment. In the north, we have distinct four seasons and it is always dry in these areas, while in the south, we can enjoy the warm and moist spring in every season. The northerners are tall and st
4、rong with a straightforward character, while the southerners are short and delicate with a tender character. In the ancient time when communication and technology was underdeveloped, poets preferred to express their admiration and praise for nature through their poems.(一)地域风景Part One: Regional Scene
5、ry一、江南风光The scenery of Jiangnan江南地区一般是指长江以南的鱼米之乡,它气候湿润,物产丰富,风景怡人。很多诗人在中国古代诗词中写下了江南美丽宜人的风景。我们打开 P1P4,前两首词写的都是江南风光。Generally, Jiangnan region refers to the area south of the Changjiang River. The climate there is moist and this area is rich in products. The scenery there is quite pleasant. Many poets
6、had ever created poems describing the beautiful scenery there. Lets open the book 唐宋词欣赏. And turn to Page One and Page Four. The first two poems are about the scenery of Jiangnan.西塞山前白鹭飞,桃花流水鳜鱼肥。青箬笠,绿蓑衣,斜风细雨不须归。In front of western hills white egrets fly up and downOver peach-mirrored stream, where p
7、erches are full grown.In a broad-brimmed blue hat and green straw cloak, Id fain go fishing careless of the slanting wind and rain. 【唐】张志和渔歌子(Tang Dynasty) A Fishermans Song Zhang Zhihe译文:白鹭在山前自在飞翔,桃花盛开,鳜鱼正肥。渔父戴着青箬笠,穿着绿蓑衣,雨中垂钓,乐而忘归,多么悠闲自在!Version: white egrets freely over the mountains. The peach bl
8、ossoms are in full bloom. The mandarin fish are very fat. The fisherman, wearing a hat and green straw rain cape, is fishing 2freely. He is so happy that he forgets to go back home.日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝。 The sunrise river Chinese pear-leaf crabapple victory fire, spring comes the river duck like blue. 【唐】
9、白居易忆江南 (Tang Dynasty) Recalled Chiangnan by Bai Juyi江南风景美到什么程度呢?太阳出来映得江边的花比火还要红,春天来了,江水像蓝草一样绿。How beautiful on earth is the scenery in Jiangnan? When the sun rises, the flowers on the bank seem to be redder than fire. When spring comes, the water in the Changjiang River is as green as grass.这种红绿映衬的色
10、彩既形象又生动,展现了江南色彩斑斓的画面!This combination of the color red and green is quite bright and vivid, which shows a colorful picture of Jiangnan scenery.二、北方风光Northern scenes我们这里说的北方,是指中国长城以北的地区。由于气候寒冷,那里的风光呈现出和江南截然相反的景象。辽阔的草原、旷远的大漠、凛冽的寒风、大片的雪花在古代,那里多有征战之事,国家每年征派男丁去戍守边防,很多诗歌反映了戍边将士思念家乡的情绪。The north often ment
11、ioned refers to the area which is to the north of the Great Wall. Because of the cold weather, the scenery there is just opposite to that in Jiangnan. In the north, you can see vast grasslands and deserts, and experience the brisk wind and heavy snow. In the ancient time, quite a lot of wars broke o
12、ut in the north. Every year, the country would send some men to defend the border. So during that period, many poems describing the soldiers homesickness appeared. 1 北方草原The northern grasslands天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊。The sky is so blue and the steppe is so wide,As wind lowers grass livestock cannot hide.北朝民
13、歌敕勒川(Northern Dynasties) Chi Le Song 译文:天空是青苍蔚蓝的颜色,草原无边无际,一片茫茫。清风吹过,草浪动荡起伏,在牧草低伏下去的地方,才有牛羊闪现出来。Version: the sky is blue and the grassland is boundless. With the breeze blowing, the grass is waving. While the wind lowers the grass, all the livestock turn up.诗的题目叫敕勒川 ,敕勒是古代一个游牧民族,活动在今天中国甘肃、内蒙一带。这首古代民歌
14、,歌咏了北国草原壮丽富饶的风光,抒写敕勒人热爱家乡热爱生活的豪情。The name of the poem is Chi Le Song. Chi Le was nomadic people in the ancient time. And the people now mainly live in Gangsu Province and Inner Mongolia of China. This poem praised the scenery of magnificent and fertile grasslands in the north, and expressed Che le p
15、eoples love 3for their hometown and their free life.2. 北方大漠The desert in the north大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。 A smoke hangs straight on the vast desert,A round sun sits on the endless stream.【唐】王维使至塞上(Tang Dynasty) On a Mission Towards the Frontiers by Wang Wei译文:浩瀚沙漠中醒目的烽烟挺拔而起,长长的黄河上西下的太阳圆圆的。Version: a smoke stra
16、ight rises from the vast desert, and the setting sun is so round against the long Yellow River.边 塞 , 边 疆 地 区 的 要 塞 , 泛 指 边 疆 。 这句诗写了进入边塞后所看到的大漠奇特壮丽的风光,画面开阔,意境雄浑。边疆沙漠,浩瀚无边,所以用了“大”漠;边塞荒凉,没有什么奇观异景,烽火台燃起的那一股浓烟就显得格外醒目, “孤” 字写出了景物的单调。 “直”字,却又表现了它的劲拔、坚毅之美。沙漠上没有山峦林木,那横贯其间的黄河,只有用一个“ 长 ”字才能表达诗人的感觉。落日,本来容易给人以感
17、伤的印象,这里用一“圆”字,却给人以亲切温暖而又苍茫的感觉。诗人把自己的孤寂情绪巧妙地溶化在广阔的自然景象的描绘中。被称为写边塞风光“ 千古壮观” 的名句。Frontier fortress refers to the throat of a country. This poet described the peculiar and splendid scenery of the desert in the poem, after entering the frontier fortress. The desert at the frontier seemed endless. So the
18、poet used “big” to modify the desert. And it was quite desert there with nothing exciting to see, so the smoke from the beacon tower seemed especially striking. The poet used “lonely” to show that the scenery there was dull, while he used “straight” to emphasize the beauty of its firmness and tenaci
19、ousness. The setting sun always makes people feel upset. However, the poet used “round” to change the impression, which made the readers feel warm and close, as well as the feeling of being boundless. The poet expressed his loneliness while describing the natural scenery. And these two lines are reg
20、arded as the most famous lines for frontier fortress. 3. 北方雪景The Snow-covered landscape in the north忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开。It is like a spring gale, come up in the night, Blowing open the petals of ten thousand pear trees. 【唐】岑参白雪歌送武判官归京(Tang Dynasty) A song of white snow in farewell to field-clerk Wu goin
21、g home by Cen Can塞外苦寒,北风一吹,大雪纷飞。诗人以“春风”使梨花盛开,比拟“北风”使雪花飞舞,极为新颖贴切。南方人见过梨花盛开的景象,那雪白的花不仅是一朵一朵,而且是一团一团,花团锦簇,压枝欲低,与塞外雪压冬林的景象极为神似。 “千树万树梨花开”的壮美意境,颇富有浪漫色彩。It was very hard to live beyond the Great Wall. When the wind blows from the north, snow will come soon. So the poet described that “a spring gale blows
22、open the petals”, which actually described the wind blow off the snow. People living in the north have seen the scene of pear 4flowers blooming, which are as white as snow and also with the shape of snow. The line “Blowing open the petals of ten thousand pear trees.” is really romantic.观赏了地域风光,让我们走进
23、中国的名山大川。After enjoying the different regional scenery, lets step into the world of the great mountains and rivers in China.(二)名山大川The great mountains and rivers一、名山Great mounatins1. 东岳泰山The southern sacred mountain-Mount Tai会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。 Try to ascend the mountains crest,It dwarfs all peaks under our
24、 feet.【唐】杜甫望岳(Tang Dynasty) Gazing on Mount Tai by Du Fu译文:一定要登上泰山的顶峰,周围的其它山峰便都在脚下了。Version: youd better climb to the top of Mount Tai. When you reach there, you will find all the other mountains are just under you.泰山,有“天下第一山”之美誉。又称东岳,泰山位于山东省中部,自然景观雄伟高大,有数千年精神文化的渗透和渲染,中国古代先后有十二位皇帝来泰山封禅。孔子留下了“登东山而小鲁,
25、登泰山而小天下”的赞叹,意思是:登上东山看鲁国就变小了,登上泰山看天下都变小了。借此来说明泰山之高。Mount Tai enjoys the name of “The first of Chinas Five Sacred Mountains”, which is also called “Dong Yue”. Mount Tai is located in the middle part of Shandong Province, with magnificent natural scenery. It has a culture of thousands of years. In Chin
26、ese history, there were 12 emperors coming to Mount Tai to seal the Chan, which was a kind of rites that the ancient ruler told the world he was in power. Confucius had ever written the lines “登东山而小鲁,登泰山而小天下”which means when Confucious mounted Mount Dong, Country Lu in his bird -view appeared smalle
27、r; when he was on Mount Tai, the world seemed to be in his eye and the world seemed smaller.还有一些俗语谚语,和泰山的文化有关。Besides, there are some idioms which are about the culture of Mount Tai.有 眼 不 识 泰 山 : 形 容 见 识 浅 陋 , 认 不 出 有 身 份 、 有 地 位 和 本 领 大 的 人 。 ”“have eyes but fail to recognize or see Mount Tai”This
28、saying is used to describe some one who has a poor knowledge, or fails to recognize the person with high position or great skills.泰山还有岳父的意思。“aged Mount Tai”refers to the father-in-law.岳,指高峻的山。中国古代,认为高山“峻极于天” ,把位于中原地区的东、南、西、北方和中央的五座高山定为“五岳” 。古代帝王认为五岳为群神居住的地方,经常在那里举5行封禅、祭祀盛典。五岳指Yue refers to a high mo
29、untain. In Chinese history, people think that the top the high mountain should reach the sky. So people consider the five highest mountains in the east, south, west, north and middle of the central plains as The Five Sacred Mountains in China东岳泰山(1532.7 米) ,位于山东省,它山势峻拔高挺,以“雄”著称;The southern one-Moun
30、t Tai, is located in Shandong Province, which is famous for magnificence.西岳华山(2154.9 米) ,位于陕西省,它山势峥嵘,以“险”闻名;The eastern one-Mount Hua , is located in Shaanxi Province, which is famous for steepness.南岳衡山(1300.2 米) ,位于湖南省,秀丽多姿景观丰富,以“秀”为特点;The southern one-Mount Heng , is located in Hunan Province, whi
31、ch is famous for beauty.北岳恒山(2016.1 米) ,位于山西省,庙宇楼阁苍松怪石,以“幽”著称,悬空寺引来中外游客驻足观赏;The northern one-Mount Heng , is located in Shanxi Province, which is famous for peace.中岳嵩山(1491.7 米) ,位于河南省,群峰挺拔,气势磅礴,以“峻”为特点,嵩山少林寺闻名于世。The central one-Mount Song , is located in Henan Province, which is famous for power.2.
32、 奇秀庐山The famous mountain with unique beauty-Mount Lu让我们打开唐诗欣赏的望庐山瀑布P21。Lets open the book Appreciation of Tang Poetry. Turn to Page 21. Lets look at the poem Watching The Lu Mountain Falls. 飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天。 The torrent dropping three thousand feet straight down to the valley floor. I think it must b
33、e the milky way spilling to the earth from the heavens. 【唐】李白望庐山瀑布(Tang Dynasty) Watching The Lu Mountain Falls by Li Bai译文:壮观的瀑布从高处急冲直流而下,真使人怀疑这是从天上倾泻下来的银河。Version: the grand waterfall dropped straight down from a great height, which made people thought that it was the Milky Way from the heaven. 这两
34、句诗写出了庐山瀑布向下倾泻的磅礴气势。现在,人们常常用这两句诗来描写瀑布的壮观景色。These two lines show the majestic momentum of the Lu Mountain Falls. Nowadays, people often use these two lines to describe the great scenery of waterfalls.庐山在中国江西省九江市,是 中 华 文 明 的 发 祥 地 之 一 。 庐山的瀑布很多,此句描写的是“三叠泉”瀑布。庐山具有盛夏如春的凉爽气候,是久负盛名的风景名胜区和避暑游览胜地。青峰、飞瀑、云海、园林
35、让庐山拥有了“奇秀甲天下”的美誉。Situated in the southern part of Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, the Lu Mountain is one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization. There are many waterfalls on it. And this line just describes the Sandie Waterfalls. The mountain is famous for its pleasant climate, which makes it o
36、ne of the famous scenic spots and the summer resorts. And the peaks, waterfalls, sea of clouds and gardens win it the honor of “The first beautiful scenery in the world“ .3. 秀丽黄山The famous mountain with beautiful scenery-Mount Huang6五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳。 You wont want to visit any other mountain after se
37、eingthe Five Sacred Mountains in China, but you wont wish to see even the Five Sacred Mountains in China after returning from Mt. Huang. 【明】徐霞客(Ming Dynasty) Xu Xiake有人说五岳的特点,黄山兼而有之,所以明代著名旅行家、地理学家徐霞客赞叹说:“黄山归来不看岳。 ” 黄 山 以 奇 松 、 怪 石 、 云 海 、 温 泉 、 冬 雪 五 绝 著 称 于 世 。 有“天下第一奇山”之美称。It is said that Mount Hu
38、ang has got the respective characteristics of the five sacred mountains in China. So the famous tourist of Ming Dynasty and the geographer Xu Xiaoke gasped in admiration, “you wont wish to see even the Five Sacred Mountains in China after returning from Mt. Huang.” The Huang Mountain is famous for i
39、ts strangely-shaped pines, fantastic rocks, sea of clouds, hot springs, and winter snows. It has been famed as the most fantastic mountain in the world.也许你会说,中国的山怎么都是奇呀秀呀,不都一样吗?实际上它们的具体风光是不同的,比如衡山的烟云,恒山的云海,庐山的瀑布,嵩山的寺庙怪石只有你亲自游览才会体会其中的妙处。Maybe you would say that the Chinese mountains are all beautiful
40、 and peculiar. Is there any difference between them? Actually, their specific scenery is not the same. Such as the smog over Mount Heng, the sea of clouds above Mount Heng, the waterfalls on the Lu Mountain, the peculiar rocks in the temple on Mount Song and so on. Only when you yourself start the t
41、rip, you can experience the real beauty of it.二、大川The Great River-中国的版图上有两条重要河流,它们都被誉为中国的“母亲河” 。There are two important rivers in Chinese map. And they are called the mother river of China.1 黄河The Yellow River中华民族的摇篮,是中国第二长河,世界上含沙量最多的河流。它流经 9 个省区,在中国北方蜿蜒流动。从高空俯瞰,它恰似一个巨大的“几”字,很像中华民族的图腾龙。让我们打开唐诗欣赏的登鹳雀
42、楼 。The cradle of the Chinese, the Yellow River, is the second longest river in China, with the most sand in the world. It runs through 9 provinces and areas, winding through the north of China. To overlook from a high altitude, it seems to be a huge Chinese character “几”, which is like the Chinese t
43、otemdragon. Lets open the book Appreciation of Tang Poetry and have a look at the poem At Heron Lode.白日依山尽,黄河入海流。欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。The white sun is fading down the mountain, The Yellow River is flowing to the sea.【唐】 王之涣登鹳雀楼(Tang Dynasty) At Heron Lodge by Wang Zhihuan译文:夕阳依傍着西山慢慢地沉没,滔滔黄河朝着东海汹涌奔流。若想把千里的风光
44、景物看够,那就要登上更高的一层城楼。7Version: set against the West Mountain, the sun is setting gradually. The Yellow River is flowing to the East China Sea. If you want to have a full view of the great scenery, youd better step onto a higher floor.这首诗写诗人在登高望远中表现出来的不凡的胸襟抱负,反映了盛唐时期人们昂扬向上的进取精神。 This poem was used to ex
45、press the extraordinary ambition of the poets, which reflects the entrepreneurial spirit of the people in Tang Dynasty.黄河远上白云间,一片孤城万仞山。The Yellow River reaches high beyond the clouds;Amid the massive mountains lies the solitary of a town.【唐】王之涣凉州词(Tang Dynasty) Liangzhou Lines by Wang Zhihuan译文:辽阔的高
46、原上,黄河奔腾而来,远远向西望去,好像是从白云中流出来的一般。在高山大河的环抱下,一座地处边塞的孤城巍然屹立。Version: through the vast grasslands run the great Yellow River. Looking into the distance in the west, you will find that the river seems flow from the white cloud. Surrounded by the great mountains and rivers, at the frontier a lonely town sta
47、nds majestically like a mountain.这两句,描写了祖国山川的雄伟气势,勾勒出这个国防重镇的地理形势,突出了戍边士卒的荒凉境遇。These two lines described the magnificence of the great mountains and rivers of the country, and also drew the outline of such an important town for national defense. Meanwhile, we can deeply experience the hard living env
48、ironment of the frontier guards. 九曲黄河万里沙,浪淘风簸自天涯。 The winding Yellow River came from the end of the world, rolling on in waves;The sediment rolled up by the running river also experienced strong wind and big waves.【唐】刘禹锡浪淘沙(Tang Dynasty) Lang Tao Sha by Liu Yuxi译文:万里黄河弯弯曲曲挟带着泥沙,波涛滚滚如巨风掀簸来自天涯。Version
49、: the winding Yellow River, carrying sediment, came from the end of the world, as rolling on in waves.写出了黄河泥沙多、大浪滚滚的特点。This line described its characteristic of being full of sediment and the state of rolling on in waves.还有一些俗语和黄河有关There are some idioms about the Yellow River.不到黄河心不死:不达目的不罢休,不到实在无路可走的的境地不肯死心。One will never be hopeless until one reaches the Yellow River, which means never to give up until one realizes his dream.跳进黄河也洗不清:无辜受累蒙上恶名而无法表白。One can