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少年时代 中英文台词对照.doc

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1、214301:43:46,440 01:43:48,880你在这里待多久了 梅森How long you been in here, Mason?214401:43:48,960 01:43:50,040我不确定Im not sure.214501:43:50,160 01:43:51,920我能确定Im sure.214601:43:52,000 01:43:53,520整节课All class.214701:43:54,160 01:43:55,680你做完你的影像日记了吗Did you complete your image diary?214801:43:55,920 01:43:57

2、,000还没Not yet.214901:43:57,640 01:44:00,080做好你的 呃 数字联系表格了吗Completed your, uh, digital contact sheet?215001:44:00,160 01:44:03,080尚未 但不会花很多时间的Not quite, but its not gonna take me long.215101:44:03,560 01:44:05,840还没 尚未Not yet. Not quite.215201:44:07,080 01:44:09,440暗室是课外活动Dark room time is extra-curr

3、icular.215301:44:10,080 01:44:11,000我是说 严格来讲I mean, technically,215401:44:11,000 01:44:13,080这些天你根本不用来这里you dont ever have to be in here these days,215501:44:13,160 01:44:15,680并且在未完成作业之前是坚决不能来的and certainly not until youve completed your assignments.215601:44:15,760 01:44:16,800这是规定Thats the deal.2

4、15701:44:17,120 01:44:18,320对不起Sorry.215801:44:18,840 01:44:20,440我很担心你 梅森Im worried about you, Mason.215901:44:20,920 01:44:22,080为什么Why is that?216001:44:22,160 01:44:23,280我告诉你为什么Ill tell you why.216101:44:23,440 01:44:26,840你交上来的照片 很棒The images youre turning in, theyre cool.216201:44:27,480 01:4

5、4:30,400你看待事物的方式很独特Youre looking at things in a really unique way.216301:44:30,480 01:44:32,200天赋异禀Got a lot of natural talent.216401:44:32,960 01:44:34,080谢谢Thanks.216501:44:34,160 01:44:36,120对 但只有天赋Yeah, but that and 50 cents216601:44:36,200 01:44:39,040也只能让你在这世间喝杯咖啡而已will just get you a cup of c

6、offee in this old world.216701:44:39,520 01:44:42,880这些年 我见过很多有天赋的人Ive met a lot of talented people over the years.216801:44:44,440 01:44:47,880他们之中有多少人能够How many of them made it professionally216901:44:47,960 01:44:50,200在不自律 没有决心 没有职业道德的情况下without discipline, commitment217001:44:50,280 01:44:52,52

7、0成为专业人士and a really good work ethic?217101:44:53,480 01:44:56,680我可以告诉你 我两个手指头就能数完了I can tell you. I can count it on two fingers.217201:44:57,600 01:44:58,640零Zero.217301:44:59,160 01:45:00,880你也不能 梅森Its not gonna happen for you, Mason.217401:45:00,960 01:45:02,680这个世界竞争太激烈了The world is too competit

8、ive.217501:45:02,760 01:45:06,120有太多有天赋的人愿意努力There are too many talented people who are willing to work hard,217601:45:06,200 01:45:09,120还有一大堆的没有天赋的蠢蛋and a butt load of morons who are untalented217701:45:09,240 01:45:11,080但是却急着超过你who are more than willing to surpass you.217801:45:11,200 01:45:13,2

9、00事实上 他们中的大多人正坐在As a matter of fact, a lot of them are sitting in that classroom217901:45:13,280 01:45:14,640外面的教室里out there right now, hmm?218001:45:14,720 01:45:15,760你知道他们在做什么吗You know what theyre doing?218101:45:15,840 01:45:17,440他们在做作业Theyre doing their assignments.218201:45:17,520 01:45:19,52

10、0做着你该做 但没有做的事Which is what youre supposed to be doing, but youre not.218301:45:19,560 01:45:20,680你在这儿Youre in here.218401:45:20,760 01:45:22,090为什么Now why is that?218501:45:22,440 01:45:24,240因为你特别吗 梅森You special, Mason?218601:45:24,320 01:45:26,360不是 但你所说的那些No, but the things youre talking about,2

11、18701:45:26,440 01:45:28,200像是职业道德什么的like work ethic or whatever,218801:45:28,280 01:45:29,930我觉得我创作的时候很努力的I feel like I do work pretty hard.218901:45:31,760 01:45:34,960很多时候 我一整个周末都在拍照I spend the whole weekend taking pictures a lot of times.219001:45:36,800 01:45:38,960你喜欢橄榄球吗 梅森You like football,

12、Mason?219101:45:39,680 01:45:41,360不喜欢Not really.219201:45:41,480 01:45:42,520是 我知道你不喜欢Yeah, I know you dont.219301:45:42,600 01:45:44,600也因此我指定你Thats why Ive just assigned you219401:45:44,680 01:45:47,680去拍今晚的橄榄球赛 可以吗to shoot the football game tonight. Okay?219501:45:47,760 01:45:49,920球赛在 7 点 30 分

13、开始 我要你早点到It starts at 7:30, I want you to get there early,219601:45:50,000 01:45:51,430我要你拍满整张记忆卡I want you to shoot a full card,219701:45:51,430 01:45:53,000300 张照片 全部下载下来300 images, I want them downloaded,219801:45:53,080 01:45:54,090分好类I want them sorted,219901:45:54,090 01:45:56,600星期一早上我第一件事就是要

14、看到他们and I want to see them very first thing Monday.220001:45:58,000 01:45:59,520你想知道我为什么要这么做吗You want to know why Im doing this?220101:46:00,640 01:46:01,800大概知道吧I guess.220201:46:01,880 01:46:03,600你想要成为什么的人 梅森Who do you want to be, Mason?220301:46:03,880 01:46:05,530你想要做什么What do you want to do?22

15、0401:46:05,600 01:46:08,520我想要拍照 做艺术I want to take pictures. Make art.220501:46:09,320 01:46:11,440任何笨蛋都能拍照 梅森Any dipshit can take pictures, Mason.220601:46:12,160 01:46:14,760艺术 那就特别了Art, thats special.220701:46:15,120 01:46:17,320什么是只有你有 别人都拿不出的What can you bring to it that nobody else can?220801:

16、46:19,800 01:46:21,400这也是我在努力寻找的Thats what Im trying to find out.220901:46:21,800 01:46:23,600加倍努力吧Try harder.221001:46:23,680 01:46:25,950也许 20 年内你能打个电话给Maybe in 20 years you can call old Mr.221101:46:25,950 01:46:27,570老特林顿 说上一句Turlington and you can say,221201:46:27,640 01:46:29,400谢谢您 老师“Thank y

17、ou, sir,221301:46:29,480 01:46:32,290谢谢您那天在暗室说的那番精彩的话“For that terrific darkroom chat we had that day.“221401:46:34,800 01:46:37,280回教室做作业去Get back to class and do your work.258102:06:28,440 02:06:32,040在胡佛大坝建筑工地累死的最后一个人The last death at the Hoover Dam construction site258202:06:32,120 02:06:35,400是

18、他的儿子帕特里克蒂尔尼was his son, Patrick Tierney,258302:06:35,480 02:06:40,040他是在一九三五年十二月二十号死去的who died on December 20th, 1935,258402:06:40,520 02:06:42,520和那一天刚好相差十三年exactly 13 years to the day.258502:06:43,760 02:06:46,160看到那边的姐妹会了吗See those sorority girls over there?258602:06:48,400 02:06:50,000我刚刚决定了Ive

19、just decided,258702:06:50,120 02:06:52,520如果你要注销脸谱账号的话 我就加入她们if you delete your Facebook page, Im pledging.258802:06:53,960 02:06:56,560几年以后 你就会变成她们那样Yeah, in just a few years thats you,258902:06:57,080 02:06:58,570而我就会像他一样and thats gonna be me.259002:06:58,640 02:07:02,400嵌入水磨石地板里的是一份天体图.Inlaid int

20、o the terrazzo floors was a star map,259102:07:02,520 02:07:07,240上面的人物形象刻画得非常精确a celestial map of heavenly bodies so accurately displayed259202:07:07,320 02:07:10,440人们都可以绘制出未来一万四千年内that one could chart the procession of the pole star259302:07:10,560 02:07:12,140北极星移动的位置14,000 years into the future

21、,259402:07:12,140 02:07:14,120未来的人类such that future generations upon.259502:07:14,200 02:07:15,610我想知道他是干嘛的I wonder what his deal is.259602:07:15,680 02:07:17,960他看起来经常来这吃饭I mean, he obviously has money to eat here.259702:07:18,320 02:07:22,450他刚说了 他是托莱多大学的教授 还是终身教授He just said. Hes a UT professor,

22、tenure and everything.259802:07:24,400 02:07:26,520看看这里的人Look at all these people.259902:07:26,680 02:07:29,000都凌晨三点了 他们为什么还在这里Whatre they even doing here at 3:00 in the morning?260002:07:29,240 02:07:31,810那我们为什么还在这里What are we even doing here at 3:00 in the morning?260102:07:32,080 02:07:33,570很明显

23、啊We know what were doing here.260202:07:33,680 02:07:35,840吃奶酪喽Queso. We have a purpose.260302:07:36,360 02:07:39,800没错Hell, yeah.260402:07:39,920 02:07:43,280下个暑假一过 这就会成为我们生活的一部分You know, by next summer, thisll just be our lives.260502:07:43,560 02:07:44,840嗯Mmm.260602:07:45,600 02:07:50,810每晚熬夜 看各

24、种表演 想干嘛干嘛Staying out all night, going to shows, whatever we want.260702:07:51,600 02:07:53,170我们还会去上课吗We ever gonna go to class?260802:07:54,640 02:07:55,680偶尔吧Sometimes.260902:07:55,960 02:07:58,960除非是突然很想发奋学习的时候When it feels right. When the inspiration hits.261002:07:59,320 02:08:00,680不然就不上课Only

25、then.261102:08:02,320 02:08:03,400要来点别的吗Anything else?261202:08:03,480 02:08:05,800再来一盘奶酪吧Uh, more queso? Yeah.261302:08:12,960 02:08:14,450天呐Jesus.261402:08:15,040 02:08:16,450咋了What?261502:08:16,600 02:08:19,120不知道 就是觉得这一切来得太突然 让人不知所措I dont know, doesnt it all seem a little overwhelming?261602:08:

26、19,200 02:08:21,120我指上大学I mean, college?261702:08:22,280 02:08:25,520我是很想走出家门I mean, I like the idea of being away from home261802:08:25,600 02:08:27,960学习一些技能 提高自己的摄影技巧and gaining skills and getting better at photography.261902:08:28,040 02:08:29,320只是I just.262002:08:29,400 02:08:30,730我也不太清楚 我还不太

27、适应I dont know, Im not counting on it262102:08:30,800 02:08:33,880这种巨大的转变being some big, transformative experience.262202:08:33,960 02:08:35,960我觉得这不算转变I dont think its that transformative.262302:08:36,040 02:08:38,000只是人生的下一步I just see it as the next step.262402:08:38,080 02:08:39,730但这就像已经提前安排好的阶段一

28、样But its like a preordained slot262502:08:39,800 02:08:42,960你的名字和序号都已经写好了thats already got your name and number on it.262602:08:43,600 02:08:45,600可我不觉得这对我的未来有多大影响I dont think its the key to my future.262702:08:46,120 02:08:47,530不然你看我妈Cause, I mean, look at my mom.262802:08:47,600 02:08:50,800她拿了学

29、位 找了份很好的工作She got her degree and got a pretty good job.262902:08:51,200 02:08:52,400可以靠自己生活She can pay her bills.263002:08:52,480 02:08:54,240我很喜欢你妈I like your mom.263102:08:54,560 02:08:57,080我也喜欢我妈 只是I like my mom, too. I just mean.263202:08:57,560 02:09:00,480其实她和我一样感到茫然Basically shes still just

30、as fuckin confused as I am.263302:09:01,840 02:09:04,280谢谢Thank you. Thanks.263402:10:15,080 02:10:17,040-嗨 -嗨- Hello? - Hey.263502:10:17,400 02:10:18,440额Um.290302:23:10,840 02:23:13,600好吧确实很糟 我是说 那家伙可是大学的长曲棍球运动员So it sucks. I mean, the guys a college lacrosse player.290402:23:13,680 02:23:15,090那还

31、能怎么样What are you gonna do?290502:23:15,160 02:23:17,440她甚至连运动都不喜欢She didnt even like sports.290602:23:17,520 02:23:18,850要来一瓶吗You want a beer?290702:23:18,920 02:23:20,120不用了No, thats all right.290802:23:20,200 02:23:21,720你可以喝一瓶 没关系的You can have one. Its okay.290902:23:22,200 02:23:24,280好吧 无论如何Yea

32、h, well, for what its worth,291002:23:24,360 02:23:25,970我们在某种程度上weve all been through the291102:23:25,970 02:23:28,520都经历过过一模一样的遭遇exact same thing at one point or another.291202:23:29,160 02:23:31,810也不是一模一样 我是说 其实你对她 也并不了解Its not the same, though. I mean, you never got to know her.291302:23:31,880

33、 02:23:34,560我知道我知道 肯定有所不同No, I know, I know. Its not the same.291402:23:35,240 02:23:37,280我只是不知道我哪里错的不对I just dont know what I did wrong.291502:23:37,360 02:23:39,640嘿 杰米 伙计Hey, Jimmy. Hey, man.291602:23:40,840 02:23:42,720-嗨 -嗨 梅森- Hey. - Hey, Mason.291702:23:42,840 02:23:45,650我们擅闯了你们的休息室 希望你们别介

34、意Were up here raiding the green room. Hope thats okay.291802:23:45,760 02:23:46,840完全没问题Thats totally cool.291902:23:46,920 02:23:47,920好吧All right.292002:23:51,200 02:23:53,320哇哦 那是小梅森吗Wow! Is that MJ?292102:23:53,400 02:23:55,000嗯哼 你说呢Uh-huh, right?292202:23:55,280 02:23:56,880难以置信Unbelievable.292

35、302:23:57,680 02:24:00,040好吧 我们提前过来了 想先看你一眼Well, we just decided to come a little early, check you out.292402:24:00,120 02:24:02,520没关系 等我排练结束 很快就上来找你们Thats cool man, let me finish up. Ill be up in a minute.292502:24:02,600 02:24:05,440好的 我向你保证 你什么都没做错All right. I guarantee you, you didnt do anythin

36、g wrong.292602:24:06,000 02:24:08,080这种高中时期的恋情 都没什么好结果These high school love things, they never work out.292702:24:08,200 02:24:09,360过来这里Here, come here.292802:24:09,440 02:24:12,720我是说 每个人都在不停改变 你知道吗I mean, everybodys just changing so much, you know?292902:24:12,800 02:24:13,930你要让两个年轻人The odds of

37、 two young293002:24:13,940 02:24:16,320一直处在同一个频道 这种概率真的是people staying on the same wavelength are.293102:24:16,440 02:24:19,040-是的 可总有 -听着 我还能向你保证- Yeah, but still. - Look, and I also guarantee you293202:24:19,120 02:24:20,450你未来的生命里that every day of your life293302:24:20,520 02:24:22,560如果为了某个笨女人伤心

38、流泪that you spend crying over some silly girl293402:24:22,640 02:24:25,480那都是彻底的浪费时间is a complete waste of time.293502:24:25,560 02:24:27,130可她并不是什么笨女人She wasnt a silly girl, though.293602:24:27,200 02:24:29,240我是说 她是一个很认真的人I mean, shes a serious person.293702:24:29,320 02:24:31,160我真的以为我们能And I real

39、ly thought we were.293802:24:31,240 02:24:32,360什么What?293902:24:32,440 02:24:34,400我不知道I dont know.294002:24:34,800 02:24:38,600告诉你一个事实 女人从来不会觉得满足 好吗Heres the truth. Women are never satisfied, okay?294102:24:38,720 02:24:40,520她们总是在找更好的男人Theyre always looking to potentially trade up,294202:24:40,60

40、0 02:24:42,010这种事儿 很遗憾告诉你and thats, Im sorry to say,294302:24:42,080 02:24:44,440不幸发生在了你身上 我毛还没长齐的小朋友what I think has happened to you, my fine-feathered friend.294402:24:44,520 02:24:46,010你到底什么意思嘛What does that even mean?294502:24:46,080 02:24:47,310我的意思是 别向你的自尊低头It means dont hand over294602:24:47

41、,310 02:24:49,520别在希拉这棵树上吊死the controls to your self-esteem to Sheila.294702:24:49,600 02:24:50,880-希娜 -好吧- Sheena. - All right.294802:24:50,960 02:24:52,840我的意思是 你要对自己负责It means you are responsible for you,294902:24:52,920 02:24:55,840而不是对你的女友 不是对你妈 不是对我 而是对你自己not your girlfriend, not your mom, not

42、 me, you.295002:24:55,920 02:24:58,360如果你真的照顾好自己的心And if you truly take care of you,295102:24:58,440 02:25:01,250你会惊讶地发现 不知多少希娜那样的姑娘you will be amazed at how much girls like Sheena295202:25:01,320 02:25:03,640在你门前排长队start lining up at your front door.295302:25:04,280 02:25:05,320说得好Great.295402:25:0

43、5,880 02:25:08,530你必须把自己的注意力移开You just gotta separate yourself from the pack in some way.295502:25:08,600 02:25:10,220专注让自己越来越优秀 你懂的Excel at something, you know,295602:25:10,220 02:25:12,520然后当欲女们开始蠢蠢欲动时and then you have your pick of the litter295702:25:12,640 02:25:15,000就能任你挑任你选了when the front-run

44、ner hussies start sniffing around.295802:25:15,080 02:25:17,650所以你是说我应该去练练长曲棍球So what youre saying is I should take up lacrosse.295902:25:18,120 02:25:19,560没错Exactly.296002:25:19,640 02:25:21,480或者你可以 玩玩乐队什么的Or you could, you know, start a band.296102:25:21,680 02:25:23,380我年轻时 这招屡试不爽Worked for me

45、a long time ago.296202:25:23,380 02:25:25,480我想杰米现在 仍然屡试不爽I think its still working for Jimmy.296302:25:25,600 02:25:28,170或者你可以继续玩儿摄影Or you just keep taking pictures.296402:25:28,640 02:25:31,000她不喜欢我给她拍的相片She hated the pictures I took of her.296502:25:31,200 02:25:32,880我对她厌恶至极了 好吗Im sick to death

46、 of her, okay?296602:25:32,960 02:25:36,280我只见过她几次 好吧她很可爱 没错I only met her a few times, and yes, she was cute, all right,296702:25:36,360 02:25:39,040但说实话 我总觉得她有一点but truth be told, I always thought she was a little bit.296802:25:39,120 02:25:41,200怎么说呢 跟你还是有点不搭调You know, a little bit too square for

47、 you.296902:25:41,280 02:25:43,720你懂的 和你不在同一个维度里You know, not quite the same vibe.297002:25:43,800 02:25:44,880你真这么想吗You really thought that?297102:25:44,960 02:25:46,680从某个微妙的角度来说On some subtle, lower level.297202:25:47,200 02:25:50,520听到说她对头脑简单的I mean, I wasnt surprised297302:25:50,600 02:25:51,99

48、0长曲棍球运动员感兴趣when it turned out she was297402:25:51,990 02:25:54,840其实我并不怎么惊讶interested in some Knucklehead lacrosse player, okay?297502:25:54,920 02:25:56,580归根结底I mean, bottom line is,297602:25:56,580 02:25:59,760感情的事儿 都是时机问题its all timing with these things, you know.297702:26:00,240 02:26:02,480想想你

49、妈和我I mean, take your mom and me.297802:26:02,560 02:26:05,530我觉得十五或二十年前I think I probably turned into the boring,297902:26:05,600 02:26:07,320我还真有可能变成她希望的castrated guy she wanted me to be298002:26:07,440 02:26:09,600无聊又无趣的那种人 你知道么15, 20 years ago, you know?298102:26:09,680 02:26:11,920我不是说她生气一定就错 不是这样Im not saying she was wrong to be pissed, Im not.298202:26:12,000 02:26:13,600我是说 她其实可以更耐心一些Im just saying that she couldve been298302:26:13,680 02:26:15,560更宽容一些a little more patient, little more forgiving.298402:26:


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