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5、0). Others hold the opposite point of view (Jakobson, 1997;Waugh, 1985).Graff defines his recent book, Professing Literature, as “a history of academic literary studies in the United States” (1999: 10).七、参考文献 参考文献部分以 Times New Roman 四号加粗左顶格标明“References”列在正文后(或尾注后) ,另页书写。不得罗列同正文没有直接关系的文献。外文文献排列在前,以姓
6、氏的首字母为序排列,中文文献排列在后,以姓氏的拼音为序排列。每条文献顶格写,用1、2 、3 排序。参考文献必须包括作者的姓、名;出版年;篇名、刊号、刊物的卷号和期号、文章的起止页码;书名;出版地和出版者。如,1专著 1 Bloomfield, L. LanguageM. New York: Holt. 1933. 2 National Research Council. China and Global Change: Opportunities for CollaborationM. Washington: Washington Aad. 19923毛蕴诗. 跨国公司战略竞争与国际直接投资M
7、.广州: 中山大学出版社, 2001.2期刊 1 Bolinger, D. The atomization of meaning J. Language. 1965(41): 555-573.2何莲珍.自主学习及其能力的培养J.外语教学与研究, 2002(4):35-38.3论文集1 Peters, A. M. linguistic memes; idioms; advertisements广告中的熟语模因探析摘要:模因论是解释文化进化的新理论,其核心是模因。模因论在国外发展迅速,而在中国还是一个崭新的学科。本文首先介绍了模因论的发展,语言模因的传播机制以及强势语言模因的选择标准,根据这些标准
8、,熟语是一种强势语言模因。然后本文分析了熟语模因嵌入广告语的途径,以期为广告文案工作者打造强势广告模因提供一点启示。关键词:模因论;语言模因;熟语;广告(中英文摘要单独一页)5(正文重起一页)A Study of Idioms in Advertisements from a Memetic Perspective1. Introduction1.1 Theoretical backgroundBased on Darwins evolution theory, memetics is a new theory interpreting cultural evolution. The esse
9、ntial of memetics is meme. Relevant research and debates are carried out heatedly since Richard Dawkins proposed the idea of meme in his The Selfish Gene in 1976. Up to now, several websites have been set up, serving for the discussions and debates on memetics abroad, for instance, Meme Central (htt
10、p:/). Whats more, there is a journal about memetics named Journal of Memetics-Evolutionary Models of Cultural Transmission. Since the birth of the term “meme”, memetics has developed rapidly and widely, including such extensive fields as biology, psychology, sociology, culturology, philosophy and li
11、nguistic science, etc. As a newly emerging science, memetics is still a brand-new theory in Chinese academic field and possesses tremendous research potentiality.1.2 Research significanceAdvertisements play an important role in the modern world. It is one of the efficient means to promote goods and
12、services. Scholars have been interested in the study of advertisements. They mainly focus on the functions of advertising language as well as the rhetorical devices used in advertisements such as simile, metaphor, pun, personification, etc. For example, Chen Zhihong analyzed the frequently used figu
13、res of speech in advertisements (2004).The present thesis studies idioms in advertisements with memetics as its theoretical foundation. Idioms are the frequent choices of advertisement designers as they are concise in form and profound in meaning. The appropriate use of idioms in advertisements can
14、considerably save space without putting the effects of advertisements at risk. Instead, they will more often than not help to expand the 6effects. As memetic research in China is still in its infancy, studies of advertisements based on memetics are rare so far. From a memetic perspective, idiom is a
15、 type of successful linguistic meme. The present thesis introduces the relevant information of memes and memetics so as to make them informed by more people. In addition, the thesis analyses ways of making use of idioms in advertisements so as to provide ad designers with some enlightenment.1.3 Rese
16、arch frameworkThe present thesis can be divided into the following five parts. Chapter one introduces the theoretical background of the thesis, the significance of the study and the organization of the thesis. Chapter two consists of the genesis and definition of memes as well as a review of memetic
17、 research at home and abroad. Chapter three mainly probes into linguistic memes, including their transmission mechanisms and the criteria of selecting successful linguistic memes. Chapter four illustrates two ways of embedding idioms in advertisements from a memetic perspective, namely, genotype and
18、 phenotype embedment. Chapter five provides a natural conclusion for the thesis. 2. Literature review2.1 Genesis and definition of memesThe first time the term “meme” came into being was in 1976 in a book written by an English biologist Richard Dawkins. The term meme (IPA: /mi:m/) originates from a
19、Greek word “mimeme”, which means memory. Dawkins abbreviated it into a monosyllabic word meme.Mimeme comes from a suitable Greek root, but I want a monosyllable that sounds a bit like gene. I hope my classicist friends will forgive me if I abbreviate mimeme to meme. If it is any consolation, it coul
20、d alternatively be thought of as being related to memory, or to the French word mme. It should be pronounced to rhyme with cream. (Dawkins, 1976)Richard Dawkins idea on memes changed from stage to stage. Dawkins initially used the term to apply to the behavior, the physical structure in the brain, a
21、nd memetic information stored in other ways (1976). Then Dawkins thought that a meme should 7be considered as a unit of information residing in the brain (1976). Later Dawkins3. Linguistic memesa theoretical overview3.1 The transmission mechanisms of linguistic memesHe Ziran and Xie Chaoqun pointed
22、out that repetition and analogy are the major means to replicate and transmit linguistic memes (何自然 and 谢超群, 2007).3.1.1 RepetitionFrom a memetic perspective, repetition means that the same linguistic form is used in several situations to express similar meaning. He Ziran and Xie Chaoqun used Deng X
23、iaopings famous statement “发展才是硬道理”as an example, which makes top priority to development, especially economic development. The statement was adopted many times to express the significance of development. For instance, (1) 深圳速度彰显 “发展才是硬道理”(新华网 2004 年 8 月 18 日).3.1.2 Analogy5. ConclusionThe present t
24、hesis analyzes idioms in advertisements from a memetic perspective. The thesis first introduces memetics on the whole and then specifies memetic research both at home and abroad. From a memetic perspective, language is regarded as a kind of meme. So the thesis illustrates linguistic memes in details
25、, including the transmission mechanisms of linguistic memes and criteria to select successful linguistic memes. According to these criteria, idiom belongs to successful linguistic memes, so they are strong in replicating and transmitting themselves. In addition, idioms are concise in form and profou
26、nd in meaning and they are more often than not familiar to the public. So they are frequently chosen by advertisement designers to create novel advertisements. In the main body of thesis, ways idiom memes are embedded in advertisements are introduced with authentic advertisement examples.8(参考书目重起一页)
27、References1 Blackmore, S. The Meme MachineM. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1999.2 Dawkins, R. The Selfish GeneM. New York: OUP. 1976. 3 Dennett, D. Consciousness Explained M. Boston: Little Brown. 1991. 4 Dennett, D. Darwins Dangerous Ideas M. New York: Simon&Schuster. 1995.5 Gabora, L. Cultural
28、EvolutionM/OL. 6 Lynch, A. Units, Events and Dynamics in Memetic EvolutionJ. Journal of memetics.1997(4): 27-30.7 Paul, M. Forefathers of Memetics: Gabrid Tarde and the Laws of Imitation J. 8 陈林霞. 广告语言中的模因J. 外语教学, 2006(4):43-46.9 陈琳霞. 模因论与大学英语写作教学J. 外语学刊, 2008(1).10 陈志红. 论英语广告标题的修辞特点J. 中国科技翻译, 2004(3):34-37.