1、1艾滋病 ABC教学内容全日制普通高级中学高二英语(上)第七单元 Reading-Born dying 教学目的 1. 通过讨论让学生了解有关艾滋病的基本常识;2通过阅读培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力。教学重点 通过阅读培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力教学方法 小测验、预测、讨论、演讲 教学手段 多媒体 教学步骤Step1: Lead-in by showing pictures on the screen.运用多媒体展示有关艾滋病的图片,使学生看到一幅幅触目惊心的数据和画面,在心灵受到震撼和情感引起共鸣的同时,增强了急于了解有关艾滋病知识的欲望。T: What disease are th
2、e people suffering from in these pictures?Yes, AIDS. How much do you know about AIDS? Lets check your knowledge with an AIDS quiz on Page 49 first.通过有关艾滋病知识的小测验,学生自己检查对艾滋病知识的掌握情况,进一步增强学生的求知欲。Step2: PredictionToday well read a text about a little girl who was born with HIV and living with AIDS. Witho
3、ut reading the text, please raise questions you think will be answered in the text.学生根据本单元的话题和课文的标题预测课文将涉及哪些内容,并纷纷提出自己认为课文将会回答的问题,培养了学生的想象力和对事物的预测能力。(板书学生提出的问题)S1: What is AIDS?S2: What is HIV?S3: How did the girl get AIDS?S4: How do people transmit HIV?S5: When did she get AIDS?S6: How is she livin
4、g with AIDS?S7: Is she dying?2S8: How is she feeling after getting AIDS?S9: Where is AIDS spreading fast in the world and why?S10: Is AIDS the only thing that AIDS patients suffer from? Why (not)?T: Great! All of you did a good job. What a good imagination you have got! Now lets choose 4 from the qu
5、estions you raised just now, and discuss them is groups. Which of the questions you care about most?学生通过举手表决的形式确定以下四个问题作为他们最关心的四个问题。1What is AIDS and HIV?2How do people transmit HIV?3Which part of the world is AIDS spreading fast and why?4Is AIDS the only thing that AIDS patients suffer from?Why (no
6、t)?Step3: Group discussion学生分成四个小组讨论各组选择的话题。各小组根据前面学到的知识浏览中国 HIV 抗体检测中心网页( )和 课文的内容作典型发言。第一组讨论什么是 AIDS 和 HIV。AIDS is the short form for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is a disease that breaks down the human bodys immune system and leaves a person defenseless against infection and illness. I
7、t is caused by HIV. HIV is a kind of virus, which was found by professor Luc Montagnier in France.老师补充:Yes, so AIDS is a deadly and incurable disease and HIV is a terrible virus. Every day, nearly 17,000 people are found infected with AIDS, and there are up to several billion people living with HIV
8、in the world now.第二组讨论 HIV 病毒传播的途径。HIV is transmitted via the following 3 routes: unprotected sex, infected blood transfusions. It cant be transmitted by swimming in a pool, sitting in toilet seats, shaking hands, kissing, talking, or eating with someone with HIV.老师点评:Great! And HIV cant be transmit
9、ted by mosquitoes, other insects or giving blood. So on one hand, we must protect ourselves against HIV, keeping away from unhealthy sex and drugs. On the other hand, it is safe to be friends with people with HIV.第三组讨论滋病传播最快的地区和原因。3AIDS is spreading fast in Africa and Asia, especially in the south o
10、f Africa & Southeast Asia. Take China for example, in 1985, there were only 1,500 cases of AIDS, but now, nearly one million people have been found infected with HIV. The reason is that there is a lack of proper care, prevention and education there.老师补充:Wonderful! And AID is spreading fastest in Afr
11、ica south of Sahara Desert. For example, the population with HIV there in 2004 increased by 50% compared with 2002.第四组讨论病痛是不是艾滋病患者唯一的病苦。The disease is not the only thing that AIDS patients suffer from. They also have to deal with peoples fear of the disease. Many people do not know very much about A
12、IDS and are afraid that any contact with people who have AIDS is dangerous. In fact the most dangerous thing is not knowing about the disease.老师点评:Well done! That is to say, AIDS patients have to struggle against peoples discrimination and prejudice, so their biggest suffering comes from human being
13、s, not from the disease itself.学生们通过收集整合资料和讨论,学到了许多源于课本又高于课本的知识。Step 4: Writing proposals学生以小组活动形式写倡议收,呼吁大家关爱艾滋病患者。活动可以安排在课堂上进行,也可以布置下去在课外进行。具体安排如下:1各组讨论拟定倡议书的计划,人员分工,确定任务(如文字、美工、设计、资料图片收集等);2展评倡议书,师生共同评价,选出最佳倡议书;3把选出的最佳倡议书贴在学校的宣传橱窗栏里。学生通过写倡议书活动,将所学到的知识运用于实践中,既培养了学生读、听、说、写能力,又有助于他们树立正确的人生观和价值观。附板书设计
14、:4Born dyingS1: What is AIDS? S2: What is HIV? S3: How did the girl get AIDS?S4: How do people transmit HIV? S5: When did she get AIDS?S6: How is she living with AIDS?S7: Is she dying?S8: How is she feeling after getting AIDS?S9: Where is AIDS spreading fast in the world and why? S10: Is AIDS the only thing that AIDS patients suffer from? Why (not)?