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2、y VM artensson BEmotional reactions common sequel“ae of strokeJBLakartidningen “ i B a 7lo A p+s 3i +sJB BD “BSamsa GPM atehar DBHow strong is the relationship betw“een functional status and quality of life among persons withstrokeJBJ Rehabil Res Dev A“B j a 7Ap? 3ZJB M 75h “B MBvDBE b kFA f+1 JBD 7
3、 S “BT easel RWKalra LWhatns new in stroke rehabilitationbackto basicsJBstroke “B B b 7A 3i Yy sJB D B “B f . R 7ATJB D0 “BKauhanen M LKorpelainen JTHihunen Pet alDomains anddeterminants of quality of life after stroke caused by brain in“farctionJBArch Phys M ed Rehabil “B +k “5 ?MB S“Bzu0w ?b MBSxD
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