2、oftwareSupport &CommunityTLC5958ZHCSCU5A MAY 2014REVISED SEPTEMBER 2014TLC5958具具有有预预充充电电场场效效应应晶晶体体管管(FET)、LED开开路路检检测测功功能能和和显显示示数数据据存存储储器器且且支支持持32路路多多路路复复用用的的48通通道道16位位ES-PWM LED驱驱动动器器1特特性性工作温度范围:-40C至+85C1 48通道恒流灌电流输出2应应用用范范围围具有最大亮度控制(BC)/最大颜色亮度控制(CC)数采用多路复用系统的LED视频显示屏据的灌电流:采用多路复用系统的LED信号板 5VCC时为25m
3、A高刷新率、高密度的LED面板 3.3VCC时为20mA全局亮度控制(BC):3位(8步长)3说说明明每个颜色组的颜色亮度控制(CC):TLC5958是一款48通道恒流灌电流驱动器,适用于9位(512步长),三组占空比为1至32的多路复用系统。每个通道都具有使用多路复用增强型光谱(ES) PWM进行灰度单独可调的65536步长脉宽调制(PWM)灰度(GS)。(GS)控制:16位支持32路多路复用的48K位灰度数据存储器采用48K位显示存储器以提升视觉刷新率,同时降低 LED电源电压高达10V GS数据写入频率。 Vcc = 3.0V至5.5V输出通道分为三组,每组含16个通道。各组都具有恒流精
4、度512步长颜色亮度控制(CC)功能。全部48通道的最通道之间= 1%(典型值),3%(最大值)大电流值可通过8步长全局亮度控制(BC)功能设置。器件之间= 1%(典型值),2%(最大值)CC和BC可用于调节LED驱动器之间的亮度偏差。数据传输速率:25MHz可通过一个串行接口端口访问GS、CC和BC数据。灰度时钟频率:33MHz LED开路检测(LOD)如需应用手册:使用TLC5958构建高密度、高刷新热关断(TSD)率多路复用LED面板,请通过电子邮件发送请求。 IREF电阻器短路保护(ISP)器器件件信信息息(1)可快速恢复的节能模式(PSM)部部件件号号封封装装封封装装尺尺寸寸(标标称
5、称值值)延迟开关可防止浪涌电流TLC5958 VQFN (56) 8.00mm x 8.00mm预充电FET可避免重影现象(1)如需了解所有可用封装,请见数据表末尾的可订购产品附录。4典典型型应应用用电电路路(多多个个菊菊花花链链TLC5958)1PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date. Products conform to specifications per the terms of the TexasInstruments standard warranty. Production processing
6、 does not necessarily include testing of all parameters. English Data Sheet: SLVSCE7TLC5958ZHCSCU5A MAY 2014REVISED SEPTEMBER 2014 目目录录Diagrams 111特特性性 19.2 Timing Diagrams. 132应应用用范范围围. 110 Detailed Description . 143说说明明 110.1 Overview. 144典典型型应应用用电电路路(多多个个菊菊花花链链TLC5958) 110.2 Functional Block Diag
7、ram. 155修修订订历历史史记记录录. 210.3 Device Functional Modes 166说说明明(继继续续). 311 Application and Implementation 207 Pin Configuration and Functions. 312 Power Supply Recommendations. 208 Specifications. 513 Layout. 208.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings 513.1 Layout Guidelines . 208.2 Handling Ratings 513.2 Layout Ex
8、ample 208.3 Recommended Operating Conditions. 514器器件件和和文文档档支支持持. 218.4 Thermal Information . 614.1商标. 218.5 Electrical Characteristics. 714.2静电放电警告. 218.6 Typical Characteristics 914.3术语表. 219 Parameter Measurement Information 1115机机械械封封装装和和可可订订购购信信息息 219.1 Pin Equivalent Input and Output Schematic5
9、修修订订历历史史记记录录Changes from Original (May 2014) to Revision A Page已删除已删除产品预览条-设置为生产数据;通改 12版权 2014, Texas Instruments IncorporatedRTQ(TOP VIEW)ThermalPAD(Solder side)(GND terminal)15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2252 51 50 4942414039383756 55 54 5312345678SOUTOUTB9OUTG9OUTR9OUTB8OUTG8OUTR8OUTB7OUTG7OUTR7OUTB6OUTG
11、SCU5A MAY 2014REVISED SEPTEMBER 20146说说明明(继继续续)TLC5958有一个错误标志:LED开路检测(LOD),可通过串行接口端口读取。TLC5958还具有节电模式,可在全部输出关闭后将总流耗设为0.8mA(典型值)。7 Pin Configuration and Functions56 PinPin FunctionsPIN I/O DESCRIPTIONNAME NO.Grayscale(GS) pulse width modulation (PWM) reference clock control for OUTXn.GCLK 29 IEach GC
12、LK rising edge increase the GS counter by1 for PWM control.GND ThermalPad Power ground. The thermal pad must be soldered to GND on PCB.Maximum constant-current value setting. The OUTR0 to OUTB15 maximum constant outputcurrent are set to the desired values by connecting an external resistor between I
13、REF andIREF 1 IREFGND. See equation 1 for more detail. The external resistor should be placed close tothe device.Analog ground. Dedicated ground pin for the external IREF resistor. This pin should beIREFGND 56 connected to analog ground trace which is connected to power ground near the commonGND poi
14、nt of board.The LAT falling edge latches the data from the common shift register into the GS dataLAT 27 Imemory or Function control(FC) register FC1 or FC2.8, 11, 14, 17,20, 23, 30, Constant current output for RED LED. Multiple outputs can be tied together to increase theOUTR0-R15 33, 36, 39, O cons
15、tant current capability. Different voltages can be applied to each output. These outputs44, 47, 50, are turned on-off by GCLK signal and the data in GS data memory.53 ,2, 5Copyright 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated 3TLC5958ZHCSCU5A MAY 2014REVISED SEPTEMBER 2014 Pin Functions (continued)PIN I/O
16、DESCRIPTIONNAME NO.9, 12, 15, 18,21, 24, 31, Constant current output for GREEN LED. Multiple outputs can be tied together to increaseOUTG0-G15 34, 37, 40, O the constant current capability. Different voltages can be applied to each output. These45, 48, 51, outputs are turned on-off by GCLK signal an
17、d the data in GS data memory.54, 3, 610, 13, 16,19, 22, 25, Constant current output for BLUE LED. Multiple outputs can be tied together to increase theOUTB0-B15 32, 35, 38, O constant current capability. Different voltages can be applied to each output. These outputs41, 46, 49, are turned on-off by
18、GCLK signal and the data in GS data memory.52, 55, 4, 7Serial data shift clock. Data present on SIN are shifted to the 48-bit common shift registerSCLK 28 I LSB with the SCLK rising edge. Data in the shift register are shifted towards the MSB ateach SCLK rising edge. The common shift register MSB ap
19、pears on SOUT.Serial data input of the 48-bit common shift register. When SIN is high level, the LSB is setto 1 for only one SCLK input rising edge. If two SCLK rising edges are input while SIN isSIN 26 Ihigh, then the 48-bit shift register LSB and LSB+1 are set to 1. When SIN is low, the LSB isset
20、to 0 at the SCLK input rising edge.Serial data output of the 48-bit common shift register. SOUT is connected to the MSB of theSOUT 42 Oregister.VCC 43 Power-supply voltage.4 Copyright 2014, Texas Instruments IncorporatedTLC ZHCSCU5A MAY 2014REVISED SEPTEMBER 20148 Specifications8.1 Absolute Maximum
21、Ratingsover operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) (1)PARAMETER MIN MAX UNITVCC (2) Supply voltage VCC 0.3 6.0 VIOUT Output current (dc) OUTx0 to OUTx15, x=R, G, B 30 mAVIN (2) Input voltage SIN, SCLK, LAT, GCLK, IREF 0.3 VCC+0.3 VSOUT 0.3 VCC+0.3VOUT (2) Output voltage VOUTx0
22、 to OUTx15, x=R, G, B 0.3 11TJ(MAX) Operating junction temperature 150 C(1) Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, which do not imply functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyon
23、d those indicated under RecommendedOperating Conditions. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.(2) All voltage values are with respect to device ground terminal.8.2 Handling RatingsMIN MAX UNITTstg Storage temperature range 55 150 CHuman bod
24、y model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001, all 0 4000pins(2)ElectrostaticV(ESD) (1) Vdischarge Charged device model (CDM), per JEDEC specification 0 1000JESD22-C101, all pins(3)(1) Electrostatic discharge (ESD) measures device sensitivity and immunity to damage caused by assembly line electrostatic
25、dischargesinto the device.(2) Level listed above is the passing level per ANSI, ESDA, and JEDEC JS-001. JEDEC document JEP155 states that 500-V HBM allowssafe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process.(3) Level listed above is the passing level per EIA-JEDEC JESD22-C101. JEDEC document JEP15
26、7 states that 250-V CDM allows safemanufacturing with a standard ESD control process.8.3 Recommended Operating ConditionsAt TA = 40C to +85C, unless otherwise notedMIN NOM MAX UNITDC CHARACTERISTICS, VCC=3V to 5.5VVCC Supply voltage 3 5.5 VVO Voltage applied to output OUTx0 to OUTx15, x=R, G, B 10 V
27、VIH High level input voltage SIN,SCLK,LAT,GCLK 0.7VCC VCC VVIL Low level input voltage SIN,SCLK,LAT,GCLK GND 0.3VCC VIOH High level output current SOUT -2 mAIOL Low level output current SOUT 2 mAOUTx0 to OUTx15, x=R, G, B, 203V VCC 3.6VIOLC Constant output sink current mAOUTx0 to OUTx15, x=R, G, B,2
28、54V Vf + 0.4V (10mA constant current example) (3)Where: Vf = maximum forward voltage of LED13 Layout13.1 Layout Guidelines1. Place the decoupling capacitor near the VCC pin and GND plane.2. Place the current programming resistor Riref close to IREF pin and IREFGND pin.3. Route the GND pattern as wid
29、ely as possible for large GND currents. Maximum GND current isapproximately 1.2A4. Routing between the LED cathode side and the device OUTXn pin should be as short and straight aspossible to reduce wire inductance.5. The PowerPAD must be connected to GND plane because the pad is used as power ground
30、 pin internally,there will be large current flow through this pad when all channels turn on. Furthermore, this pad should beconnected to a heat sink layer by thermal via to reduce device temperature. One suggested thermal viapattern is shown as below. For more information about suggested thermal via
31、 pattern and via size, see “PowerPAD Thermally Enhanced Package“, SLMA002G.13.2 Layout Example20版权 2014, Texas Instruments IncorporatedTLC ZHCSCU5A MAY 2014REVISED SEPTEMBER 201414器器件件和和文文档档支支持持14.1商商标标LGSE, PowerPAD are trademarks of Texas Instruments.All other trademarks are the property of their
32、respective owners.14.2静静电电放放电电警警告告这些装置包含有限的内置ESD保护。存储或装卸时,应将导线一起截短或将装置放置于导电泡棉中,以防止MOS门极遭受静电损伤。14.3术术语语表表SLYZ022 TI术语表。这份术语表列出并解释术语、首字母缩略词和定义。15机机械械封封装装和和可可订订购购信信息息以下页中包括机械封装和可订购信息。这些信息是针对指定器件可提供的最新数据。这些数据会在无通知且不对本文档进行修订的情况下发生改变。欲获得该数据表的浏览器版本,请查阅左侧的导航栏。版权 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated 21重重要要声声
36、客户将全额赔偿因在此类安全关键应用中使用任何TI组件而对TI及其代理造成的任何损失。在某些场合中,为了推进安全相关应用有可能对TI组件进行特别的促销。TI的目标是利用此类组件帮助客户设计和创立其特有的可满足适用的功能安全性标准和要求的终端产品解决方案。尽管如此,此类组件仍然服从这些条款。TI组件未获得用于FDA Class III(或类似的生命攸关医疗设备)的授权许可,除非各方授权官员已经达成了专门管控此类使用的特别协议。只有那些TI特别注明属于军用等级或“增强型塑料”的TI组件才是设计或专门用于军事/航空应用或环境的。购买者认可并同意,对并非指定面向军事或航空航天用途的TI组件进行军事或航空
37、航天方面的应用,其风险由客户单独承担,并且由客户独力负责满足与此类使用相关的所有法律和法规要求。TI已明确指定符合ISO/TS16949要求的产品,这些产品主要用于汽车。在任何情况下,因使用非指定产品而无法达到ISO/TS16949要求,TI不承担任何责任。产品应用数字音频 -数字信号处理器 NOTICE邮寄地址:上海市浦东新区世纪大道1568号,中建大厦32楼邮政编码:200122Copyright 2014,德州仪器半导体技术(上海)有限公司PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM 6-Oct-2014Addendum-Page 1PACKAGING INFORMATIONOrde
38、rable Device Status(1)Package Type PackageDrawingPins PackageQtyEco Plan(2)Lead/Ball Finish(6)MSL Peak Temp(3)Op Temp (C) Device Marking(4/5)SamplesTLC5958RTQR ACTIVE QFN RTQ 56 2000 Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 TLC5958TLC5958RTQT ACTIVE QFN RTQ 56 250 Green (RoHS& n
39、o Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 TLC5958(1) The marketing status values are defined as follows:ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs.LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.NRND: Not recommended for new design
40、s. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design.PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available.OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device.(2) Eco Plan - The planned e
41、co-friendly classification: Pb-Free (RoHS), Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt), or Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) - please check http:/ for the latest availabilityinformation and additional product content details.TBD: The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined.Pb-Free (RoHS): TIs terms “Lead-Free“ or “Pb-F
42、ree“ mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all 6 substances, including the requirement thatlead not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specifi
43、ed lead-free processes.Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt): This component has a RoHS exemption for either 1) lead-based flip-chip solder bumps used between the die and package, or 2) lead-based die adhesive used betweenthe die and leadframe. The component is otherwise considered Pb-Free (RoHS compatible) as defi
44、ned above.Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br): TI defines “Green“ to mean Pb-Free (RoHS compatible), and free of Bromine (Br) and Antimony (Sb) based flame retardants (Br or Sb do not exceed 0.1% by weightin homogeneous material)(3) MSL, Peak Temp. - The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC
45、industry standard classifications, and peak solder temperature.(4) There may be additional marking, which relates to the logo, the lot trace code information, or the environmental category on the device.(5) Multiple Device Markings will be inside parentheses. Only one Device Marking contained in par
46、entheses and separated by a “ will appear on a device. If a line is indented then it is a continuationof the previous line and the two combined represent the entire Device Marking for that device.(6) Lead/Ball Finish - Orderable Devices may have multiple material finish options. Finish options are s
47、eparated by a vertical ruled line. Lead/Ball Finish values may wrap to two lines if the finishvalue exceeds the maximum column width.Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TIs knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided. TI bases its knowledge and belief on informationprovided by third parties, and m