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    北师大版(三年级起点)六年级下册unit 8 music lesson 2 教案.doc

    1、Unit 8 Music Lesson 2教案一、教学目标Learn to identity the topic words when listeningLearn the words which are used to describe music二、教学工具CAI, word cards, tape recorder.三、教学重难点Review the words and the sentence structures.Students should master well the knowledge they have learned by review and dare speak E

    2、nglish.21 世纪教育网版权所有四、教学过程Step 1:Warm-upDifferent kinds of music1、呈现第一课学习过的乐器的卡片,让学生说出相应的乐器名 称。2、教师呈现乐器图片,让学生选择相应的教学卡片并回答教师 提出的问题。 T: Flute. Who can play the flute? 3、让个别学生在全班面前做演奏各种乐器的动作,全班猜是什么乐器。 T: What can he playStep 2: free talkStudents have a free talk about the happenings recently connected w

    3、ith them.【来源:21世纪教育网】Step 3:New class presentation1、呈现情景 (1)告诉学生接下来他们要扮演乐队中的成员。让学生看这一板块的图。 (2)结合插图告诉学生明天将有一场音乐会,让学生猜一猜男孩将演奏什么乐器。 2、学习词汇 (1)采用问答方式引导学生猜测。 T: Will he play the violin? (2)结合猜测,呈现短语play the flute/play the violin/play the guitar/play the piano/play the drum. (3)播放对话录音,提示答案。让学生指读,跟读。 3、练习运

    4、用 (1)播放录音,让学生听,指插图、模仿。(2)教师在黑板上呈现对话中的What will you play at the concert? Will you play the ?的句式,学生两人一组练习对话,一人询问,另一人扮演大图中的一个乐器演奏者做出肯定或否定的回答。 (3)学生两人一组,拿出本单元的单词卡片。其中一名学生抽一张卡片,另外一名学生猜。S1: What will you play? Will you play the piano? S2: No, I wont.Step 4: While-listeninga. listen the dialogueb. to class

    5、ify the expression :to introduce an opinion, to ask for agreement, to show disagreement, to ask another persons opinion, and to show agreementc. listen and check your answerd. listen to the tape about pronunciationStep 5:Post listening1. Listen to some music extracts and use the words to describe th

    6、e music extracts.21 教育网2. finish practiceReview the pronunciation of the combination “ed”Played, watched, painted, closed, arrived, danced, kissed, visited, neededStep 6:巩固学习语篇: 第一段: 1. T: On Childrens Day, all the children are very happy. They are preparing for the concert. 生阅读第一段,并做一做: 21cn jycomC

    7、ircle: Who will play in the concert? Cross: Who will not play in the concert? www.21-cn-2. 指名订正3. 一起读一读 第二段: 师提问:1. Why are Ann and Ken worried?2. Why is Mocky very happy? 生默读第二段,然后指名答 3.一起随录音读一读。Step 7. Match and say 1、复习故事。教师提问,引导学生回忆故事主要内容。T:Where/When will the concert be held? 21cnjyT: What will

    8、 the children play at the concert? 2、学生打开书默读故事,回顾故事主要内容。 3、分别呈现故事主要情节的图片,采用教师提问,引导学生补全故事人物对话的方法回顾故事。 4、让学生分别朗读本模块的叙述文本。 5、教师呈现图 1,让学生看图找到相应的叙述文本内容。 6、用以上方式复习图 2、3、6、8 的内容并找出相应的叙述文本。7、学生看书认读 Match and say 中给出的句子,然后将句子与对应的文本连线。五、课后作业1.熟记本单元的单词和句子。2.与父母对话本单元的对话。Unit 5 Our school教学目标:1、技能目标:(1)能够向别人介绍自己

    9、的学校和老师。(2)能够讲述本单元的故事。(3)通过本课故事的学习,培养在日常生活中用英语的交际能力。(4)能够说唱本单元的歌曲童谣。2、知识目标:(1)语音:能够准确朗读字母 u 在不同单词中的发音。(2)词汇:学习学校教室和教师的相关单词。(3)句型:学习 Are these our books?及答语等(4)语法:区别 our,your,their 及相关知识。3、情感态度、学习策略、文化意识目标:(1)通过故事学习,培养学生要热爱学校,热爱老师。(2)通过故事学习,要学生注意运动时的安全意识。(3)培养学生的爱护及建设学校的意识。(4)教育学生要关爱老师。Lesson1教学目标1 能听

    10、懂会说会认单词:math/English/their/our/teacher/ playgroud/office/school.2 能跟录音说故事.3 爱学校,爱老师。重点: 理解故事难点: classroom, playground 认读教具: 计算机,单词卡片学具: 单词卡片教学过程:Step1 Revision1 Ss say a chant2 T holds up any students book, Ask, “Whose math book is this?” “Whose English book is this?”Ss: Its (WangMings math/English

    11、book).T holds up some pictures. “Which room is this?”Ss: Its the living room/bedroom/kitchen/bathroom.Step2 Presentation1 classroom, office, schoolT shows the pictures, “Whats this?” Ss try to say. (Its a classroom/ office.) T: This is our school. Ss read the words one by one.Step3 Talk about the st

    12、ory1 T: Today, were going to visit Anns school.T asks these questions about the pictures:Picture 1:Where are Ann ,Ken and Mocky?Picture 2:Where are they now?Picture 3:What do you think Mocky and Wang Ling are saying? Picture 4:What is Mocky looking at?What do you think WangLing is saying?Picture 5:W

    13、here are they? Whos that woman?Picture 6: What does WangLing say to the English teacher?Picture 7: What is Mocky doing? What are Ann and Ken saying to him?Picture 8/9: Where are they now? Whose ball is this?Picture 10:What is Mocky doing? Picture11: Whose window is broken? How does Mocky feel?Ss ans

    14、wer the questions individually.2 T plays the tape. Ss listen to the tape and point to the picture.3 T plays the tape again. Ss listen and repeat.4 Ss read the story in groups. (P1-P6, P7-P11)Ss perform.板书设计Unit 5 Our School!This is our school. This is our math teacher.This is our English teacher.The

    15、se are our teachers.Thats their ballLesson2教学目标1 能听说认读单词:Chinese /math /music /art /P.E. / playground /office /classroom /their /our.2 能介绍自己的老师和学校。3 能唱歌曲,爱老师,爱学校。重点: 新单词的认读难点: 正确运用 their, our, your。教具: 计算机,单词卡片学具: 单词卡片教学过程:Step1 Revision1 Ask the Ss to read the story.2 Ss look at the screen and answ

    16、er Qs:P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P8, P9, P11.Step2Words to learn1 PresentationT show some Ts photos one by one, “ Whos this?” (Covered parts)Ss try to guess: She/ He is our Chinese / math/ music/ art/ P.E. teacher.T say the words, Ss repeat.2 Listen and repeatSs look at the books, T plays the tape, Ss repe

    17、at. (3 times)3 Ss read the words in groups.4 Ss perform.5 Practise1)T show some pictures of their Ts and our school.“Who wants to be a guaid to introduce our school and the Ts?Ss introduce one by one.2) Ss do a group work. 3) Ss perform.Step3 Listen to this1 Have the Ss open their books at pages52 .

    18、T explain to the Ss that the pictures are some teachers in WangLings school. Give them 15 to think who are they.2 T plays the tape.Ss listen to the tape and point to the picture.T plays the tape again.Ss listen and write the number.3 T have the Ss read out the sentences in a class drill.Ss read the

    19、sentences.Step4 Lets sing!Have the Ss open their books.T: What can you see?Ss: I can see some toys.T: Whose toys are they? Are they your toys?Ss: They are Boobbys and LuLus.2 T plays the tape.Ss listen to the tape and point to the words.T plays the tape again.Ss sing the song and clap in time.Ss sin

    20、g together.Step5 SummaryT: What have you learned? Ss answer.板书设计Unit 5Our School!Chinese,math,music,art,P.E.,playground,office, classroom,their,ourIs this our Chinese teacher?Yes,it is.(No,it isnt.)Lesson3教学目标1 巩固单词:Chinese/math/music/art/P.E./playground /office/classroom/their/our.2 能认读单词并能用句子进行问答。

    21、3 教学生学会倾听。重点: 单词和句子的认读.难点: 听音标号教具: 计算机,单词卡片学具: 单词卡片教学过程:1RevisionSs:Sing the song.T:Hold up studentss pencils.Ask,Whose pencils are they?Ss:Answer,They are our pencils.Repeat the procedure with other pairs of children.Substitute pens,erasers, and rulers for books.2PresentationT:Have the Ss open thei

    22、r books at page54.Say,Now well read what we said.Read sentences in the speech bubbles as you piont to each word.Ss:Repeat the words.T:Put the Ss in groups of three.Explain that one Ss should pretend to be Sue and the other two Ss should pretend to be Ann and Ken.The Ss who is Sue should point to eac

    23、h object in turn and ask the question,Whose(balls) are these?The other two Ss should answer,They are our (balls).Ss:Practice in pairs.3Listen and numberHave the Ss open their books at pages54 .T:Point to each picture and ask the Ss to describe what they can see.Ss:Say the sentences.This is a classro

    24、om.T:Play the tape.Ss:Listen to the tape and point to the picture.T: Play the tape again.Ss:Listen and write the number.T:Have the Ss read out the sentences in a class drill.Ss:Read the sentences.4Trace, Match,and CopyHave the Ss open their books.T:Ponit to the first picture,Ask,What is this?Ss:Answ

    25、er,Its a study.T:Read the words in the speech bubble to the class.Ss:Repeat the sentences and find missing of word.Then trace the word and copy it to complete the sentence in the speech bubble.Repeat the procedure for the other pictures and words.板书设计Unit 5Our School!Whose books are they?They are our books.Lesson4教学目标1 能辨别字母 u 在不同单词中的读音。2 能用句子进行问答。3 教学生学会观察。重点: 单词和句子的认读.难点: 能辨别字母 u 在不同单词中的读音。教具: 计算机,单词卡片,录音机学具: 单词卡片教学过程:1RevisionSs:Sing the song.T:Hold up flashcards of “umbrella and blue”,Ask,Whats this?Ss:Answer,Its an/a umbrella and blue.

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